Especially in summer, when a girlfriend wears her boyfriend's clothes, it shouldn't be too provocative.

Because in summer, wearing a boyfriend's T-shirt with a pair of shorts can be very sultry.

According to statistics this summer, more and more people follow the example of Di Lieba and wear their boyfriend's clothes.

There are also many boys complaining that the clothes they can wear have inexplicably increased.

Originally thought that his girlfriend bought it for him, but unexpectedly, it was bought for him in theory, but the person who wore it was not him, but his girlfriend.

I have to say that this summer's hot storm of Reba is indeed very popular.

It's just that many people learn from Reba, and they must have a good figure in order to hodl.

Otherwise, like those short and fat girls, if you learn it, you will not be able to learn it.

Only those slender and tall girls who wear their boyfriend's clothes can wear Di Lieba's effect.

"Where do we sleep tonight?!" Chen He asked the crucial point.

"Wait a minute, Zheng Kai and I will sleep in the room above the attic. Chen He, you, Mr. He, Mr. Huang and Sun Honglei will sleep here." Hu Xing stopped quickly.

"I don't snore when I sleep." Sun Honglei said seriously, but Hu Xing said, "It's as if I haven't slept with you before."

"Please explain to me clearly, what do you mean you slept with me?!" Sun Honglei asked Hu Xing with a flustered smile, quickly explaining this clearly, his wife will also watch the show.

"I have not only slept with you, I have slept with Zheng Kai and Chen He."

"I know better than anyone who snores and who doesn't." Hu Xing was not joking.

"Among the running men, only Zheng Kai doesn't snore, otherwise Da Hei Niu, Chao Ge, Team Basket and Genius all sleep and snore; in the extreme challenge, only Yi Xing doesn't snore." Hu Xing said with certainty.

"Also, Teacher He snores too; so tonight, Zheng Kai and I will go to the upper room." Hu Xing had already made up his mind, and Sun Honglei and the others had no choice.

"Why, you're not going into Zhao Liying's room?" Sun Honglei asked.

"Don't go in, Song Jia will definitely sleep with Li Ying tonight, if I go in again, they will have no place to sleep."

"I'll let Zheng Kai serve me tonight, just make do with it."

"Hey, no, tell me clearly, what does it mean that I serve you?" Zheng Kai felt that this should not be said nonsense.

"Then you sleep here?" Hu Xing is not in a hurry, he can sleep on it by himself, but is Zheng Kai sure he wants to sleep next to these four people who can snore...

"Forget it, I have been in the same dormitory with Chen He for more than three years, and the shadow left on me has not completely dissipated." Zheng Kai trembled as he spoke.

Hu Xing, who came up, shared a bed with Zheng Kai, which was just right.

If one bed was squeezed, Hu Xing would definitely not be able to sleep again, it was still so comfortable, one bed for each person.

Hu Xing, who lay down, quickly fell asleep, because he seldom sleeps these days.

Only today can he get a good night's sleep, but even so, he can sleep well tonight, of course he still has to go to bed early.

Chapter 0706 think of a way!

"My husband didn't exercise with you last night?!" In the room below, Song Jia and Zhao Liying slept together.

"How dare you do it, but there are Teacher Huang and Teacher He outside."

"It's not like you don't know how much fun I enjoy singing when I do sports."

"How could you dare to do it with her?" Zhao Liying didn't want to, but didn't dare.

"That's right, don't say it's you, even I, to be honest, can sing very happily."

"This kind of thing, we can't say for sure." Song Jia came down, and when she hugged Zhao Liying, the latter said with a smile: "I feel it, you hug me, compare with my husband hugging me." , you have no sense of security at all."

"Nonsense." Of course Song Jia knew that she couldn't give her a sense of security, after all, she was a woman.

"Hehe~" The two girls were chatting here, but Song Jia thought of a very crazy idea.

"Should we have a thrill with my husband?" Song Jia was itching in her heart.

"What are you going to do? Hu Meizi's strength has exploded?" Zhao Liying felt it, and she was not even polite, and probed Song Jia's cute little girl.

"You are really a crazy woman, and you are as old as a wolf at 30."

"It's just a chat with you, you're already drooling, why don't you be ashamed?" Zhao Liying was indeed frightened by this sister 117.

"Do you dare to say that there is no drooling?" Song Jia couldn't believe it. After she checked it herself, she looked at Zhao Liying with contempt, as if to say, are you going to lie to me now?

"I..." Zhao Liying knew that what she said now was useless.

"Dare you??" Song Jia wanted to have some excitement.

"Are you crazy? There are four men outside. Even if they are all asleep, there are still cameras; in such a quiet night, if there is any movement from us, the camera can record the whole process." Zhao Liying felt that she still didn't want it.

"It's not that you don't know our husband's personality. If we reveal any part of the scene because of a whim, he can be very angry."

"It goes without saying that when we do this kind of thing here, the singing will be recorded by the camera." Zhao Liying actually worried a lot, and she also remained rational.

"Even though it was recorded, it's fine if there is no picture, but if the sound is recorded by the camera, the editor will hear it when the column team edits later. How embarrassing is that?!" Zhao Liying thought it was impossible no matter what .

"Now we say it's useless, just tell me, do you want to try something new?"

"My husband and I have tried it at home... swimming pools, cars, and airplanes, and we have often experienced it in hotel rooms."

"Just tell me if you want to try it in the spare time of recording the show, without the camera and others noticing it?!" Song Jia was bold, and Zhao Liying was persuaded by her again.

How could you not want to?If she didn't want to, she wouldn't drool.

Now she is drooling, which completely shows that she really has an impulse in her heart to try

"Anyway, the audience knows that you are already Hu Xing's woman, and you must have done that kind of thing."

"In the life you yearn for, he often enters your room again. The audience will definitely guess about this."

"Since you have been wronged by conjecture, why not try to challenge it?" Song Jia was persuading Zhao Liying to speak, and she made Zhao Liying continue to drool.

"Hmm!" Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, Song Jia smirked, obviously she had already been here once.

"I don't think it's useless to tell me now, let's ask my husband." Zhao Liying was a little moved, and asked Hu Xing to see what she thinks.

Saying that, Song Jia stretched out her jade hand, kissed her fingers with delicate lips, and then picked up the phone.

Zhao Liying blushed and glared at the woman.

"Puchi!" Zhao Liying's cute reaction made Song Jia laugh coquettishly.

Zhao Liying hugged Song Jia, wanting to fight an eye for an eye.

Song Jia also cooperated with Zhao Liying very much, but at the same time, she did not forget to send Hu Xing a WeChat message.

"Husband, are you asleep yet?!" Song Jia typed and sent, after all, Hu Xing and Zheng Kai shared the same room.

"No, I'm going to sleep, what's the matter?" Hu Xing had closed his eyes and was going to sleep.

But when a wechat message came, he subconsciously looked at it.

Finding out that it was a WeChat message from Song Jia, he picked up his phone, clicked to open it and read it.

"That's right, I want to exercise." Song Jia was straightforward, explaining her thoughts to Hu Xing.

Seeing this, Hu Xing lost all sleepiness.

"Fairy, are you going to die?!" Hu Xing knew this sister, so he must have thought about it.

"It's not just me, Liying also wants to exercise." Song Jia also pulled Zhao Liying into it with a smile.

Hu Xing thought about it, Song Jia probably planned to have something exciting...

To be honest, he wanted to try too.

But there are too many cameras installed in this house, and it will be photographed if you are not careful.

Zheng Kai doesn't need to worry, he is already asleep, and Hu Xing is not worried about being discovered by him.

For the four people downstairs, Hu Xing just didn't know if they were all asleep?

Also, if you really want to exercise, how do you stop their voices?

The sound insulation here is not good. If it is heard, it will be really embarrassing.

After thinking about many questions, Hu Xing finally said: "Fairy, wait, I will go down at 2 o'clock in the morning."

"Ah? You have a solution?" Song Jia didn't expect Hu Xing to agree so quickly.

"I have a way to prevent the camera from capturing me entering your room, and even if the camera can record your cries, it is impossible to hear them clearly."

"If it can be recorded clearly, we don't need to wear a headset when we record the program."

"The problem now is how to prevent the four people outside your room from hearing your voice." Hu Xing also thought of a way.

"We try our best to control it." Song Jia said that he tried his best, which means that it is impossible.

"That's still not safe enough." Hu Xing thought of his own anti-noise earplugs.

Thinking of this, Hu Xing came down with a few pairs of anti-noise earplugs.

After taking it down, Hu Xing asked Chen He and Sun Honglei if they were asleep?

As a result, only Huang Lei fell asleep first, and He Jiong, Sun Honglei, and Chen He were all so disturbed by Huang Lei's snoring that they couldn't fall asleep. At this time, Hu Xing took off the noise-proof earplugs, which just helped them.

As long as they use anti-noise earplugs, Song Jia and Zhao Liying can control it as much as possible.

Then they would not be able to hear.

As for Huang Lei, he was the one who slept the most. Hu Xing thought it was impossible for him to hear.

For the stimulation this time, Hu Xing thought about breaking his head, and he finally dealt with it

Even for this, Hu Xing used this excuse to turn off several cameras.

Chapter 0707 movie released, rave reviews

After a night of wind and rain, when the storm calmed down, everyone fell into their dreams.

It was 9 o'clock in the morning, Hu Xing had already woken up, but Song Jia and Zhao Liying were not there yet.

The madness of last night caused them to enjoy too much, and they haven't recovered their physical strength to the point where they can get up.

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