Chapter 0712 Does the delivery boy deliver food?

"Rogue!" Master Song muttered, but Di Lieba smiled and winked at her

"Although abalone is very nourishing, it won't last long, right?" Di Lieba raised her eyebrows.

"Then eat another one." Since one is not enough, then two, so you should be full, right?

After saying that, Di Lieba walked over, Song Zhuer blushed even more and looked at this sister.

"Don't! Go away, don't eat in front of me." Song Zhuer hurriedly told Di Li~Reba not to come over.

"Haha~" It's enough to make fun of this little girl, and Hu Xing is even more reluctant to let go

Holding Song Zhuer's petite body, raised her jade arm, and lightly bit her creaking nest.

"Get up, I'm really hungry." Di Lieba really felt a little hungry...

"We'll have dinner at Mom's place in the evening, or should we make it ourselves?" Reba threw the clothes to Master Song and asked her to get dressed.

"No, my mother said to let her wait for a few days, so I won't bother her." Before the movie was released, Jiang Fang, as a mother, of course went to see the movie. After watching it, she was shocked by her son's acting skills.

Because of this, she also told Hu Xing not to see her for a few days.

After she recovers, consider whether to see him or not.

"Heh~" Speaking of this matter, Master Song also found it interesting.

"Besides, I'm going to send my little fairy to study tonight, so I won't go to our mother's place and let them act as light bulbs for us. Today, we have to spend some time with the little fairy."

"It's best to be able to lie down like this all day long, hugging the little fairy, and eating some tofu from time to time, and I will have a sweet day." Hu Xing didn't have many requests, so he wanted to hug Master Song and not let go.

"Is it better to hug me, or hug the master?" Reba did it on purpose, which made Master Song look at Di Lieba with a puffy face: "Can't you give it to me today? They haven't seen each other for a long time. Hu Xing is tired of crooked like this."

"I think you want to eat abalone for her." Reba didn't know what she was thinking.

"It's not what you think, I'm a very serious girl." Song Zhu'er seriously defended.

"Okay, decent little girl, it's really serious to ask her boyfriend to make it rain for you at the age of 15."

"That is, this shows that this fairy is unrivaled in beauty, haha~ I am so distressed, she is so beautiful." Hu Xing just watched the two women's beauty comparison silently, and did not intend to intervene.

"Believe it or not, me and you, he will choose me in the end?"

"My food is definitely better than yours, and the drink is also more delicious than yours, believe it?" Reba was so confident that Master Song looked at Hu Xing helplessly.

Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to choose between two delicate bodies in front of Hu Xing.

Hu Xing would definitely choose Reba's first instead of hers.

Song Zhu'er really didn't have the confidence, he had no chance of being able to compare with Hu Xing.

"What do I need to do to be comparable to Sister Reba?" Master Song wanted to know.

"No!" Hu Xing shook his head, no one could compare to Reba in his heart.

In fact, even if a daughter is good, she may not be inferior to Reba's status in his heart.

"Okay, I've accepted my fate." Master Song felt that he had accepted his fate, and it was useless to say more.

The two stayed together for a while before getting up, Hu Xing brushed his teeth and washed his face, while Song Zhuer went to the kitchen to help Di Lieba cook lunch for the three of them.

After Hu Xing brushed his teeth and washed his face, he put on his clothes and walked over to have a look...

"What do you eat?!" Hu Xing took a mobile phone, and when he asked them what to eat, he even took a picture of them cooking.

Di Lieba was in charge, and Song Zhuer was in charge.

Two beauties, big and small, just cook lunch together.

As for Hu Xing, today he doesn't need to do it himself, he just took photos and posted on Weibo to show his affection and spread dog food.

"Well, when I got home after taking a break from filming, my daughter-in-law and my little girlfriend made me lunch, so I asked, who else in this world can compare to me, Hu Xing? I have a good figure, good looks, and great length. Legs, you are so virtuous to cook me lunch, what more can a husband ask for if you have a wife like this." Hu Xing posted a picture of Reba cooking for him on Weibo, and of course Master Song's.

In fact, many fans say that Di Lieba is the male version of Hu Xing.

Can sing, dance, write songs, have good looks, good figure, good temperament, and can be excellent in all aspects.

Hu Xing is a little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, a well-deserved good man, but also a bad man.

Hu Xing will, Reba will also have many, so she is called, she is Hu Xing among girls.

"Brother takeaway, send a takeaway here." Liu Shishi replied to Hu Xing's Weibo and told him.

After Hu Xing saw Weibo, he sent her a WeChat message.

"You haven't eaten lunch yet?!" Hu Xing didn't know if Liu Shishi really didn't eat.

"Not yet, it's only past 10 o'clock, and there is still a while before the crew starts dinner." Liu Shishi sent Hu Xing an aggrieved expression while speaking

"Okay, what do you want to eat?!" Since the daughter-in-law wanted to eat, Hu Xing, who is the boyfriend, naturally agreed, and it was fine to prepare it for Master Liu and send it over.

"You just do what you see, don't pick." It's good to be able to eat Hu Xing's cooking, so there's no way to pick.

Hu Xing knows what she likes to eat, what she doesn't like to eat, and what she can't eat.

On this point, Liu Shishi was very relieved, so he let Hu Xing figure it out.

"I didn't do it today, it's Reba who cooks."

"Let me tell you, it's more difficult to eat what Reba cooks than cooking for me." Hu Xing reminded Liu Shishi, don't you really need to think about it.

"Hehe~ Then you don't have to choose, everything that Reba cooks is delicious." Hu Xing showed Reba the WeChat message sent by Liu Shishi.

After reading it, Reba used Hu Xing's WeChat to reply Liu Shishi: "It's so nice to say, don't be disgusted later."

"No, let's do it, order more food and less rice." Liu Shishi had just such a request.

But it will take a while to deliver lunch.

Hu Xing and the others finished eating first, and they can send it over later, otherwise they don't need to eat it when they come back after sending it over.

"It's Sunday, shouldn't there be a lot of traffic jams?!" While eating, Hu Xing looked outside.

"Not necessarily, I think you should go by motorcycle, otherwise you will be stuck in traffic, and you don't know how long it will be." During dinner, Reba suggested that Hu Xing go by motorcycle.

"That's true." Hu Xing scratched his head and said, "Do you think I want to design a motorcycle?!"

"You see that BMW has designed motorcycles, should we, Yilong, also design a concept motorcycle?!" This idea is not a passing interest, but a real thought.

Chapter 0713 Do you do this teacher?

"I have classes in the afternoon." After eating, Reba told Hu Xing that she had classes in the afternoon.

"If you have classes, it means I also have classes?!" Hu Xing thought so.

"But it doesn't matter whether you go or not. We are now in the internship period. The classes I take are some small courses for the postgraduate entrance examination. Whether you go or not, you can make up for it with your own IQ."

"Besides, aren't you going to deliver lunch to the senior and senior sister later?" Di Lieba also reminded this.

"Yes, you can still go there after you deliver it." Hu Xing will arrange his own time.

"How is it? Do you have anything to do in the afternoon?" Seeing that Master Song was eating so happily and didn't speak, Hu Xing asked her what plans she had for the afternoon.

"I have homework to write." Thinking of this, Master Song felt bad.

"I wanted to take you there to see the show, but I didn't expect you to do homework, so there's nothing I can do." Since there is homework to be done, Hu Xing can't bother this girl.

"Hmm!" Master Song was unhappy, she thought that Hu Xing would be at home with her today.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to the senior sister's crew to visit later, and then we'll go to the show." Song Zhuer is acting coquettish, so what else can Hu Xing say.

"But what about homework?" Master Song still cared about this

"Don't worry about homework, it's okay to do less, just go to school and write."

"I didn't copy my classmates back then, it was the same even if I didn't hand in my homework."

"It doesn't matter if your academic performance is not good, as long as you are responsible for being beautiful and cute." Hu Xing is not so demanding, just let Master Song be a vase.

"I like to hear that; I'll go with you later." Master Song decided.

"You are really easy to be brainwashed." Di Lieba looked at this porcelain doll-like girl.

"Then I'll go directly to the school later? I'll take a taxi, or we'll have to drive separately when we come back." Di Lieba said.

"Okay." It's all said and done, then let's go over later.

Hu Xing put the packed lunch and changed into the clothes to go out, and went out with Master Song

Reba didn't plan to go out yet, she had to calculate the class time, it was too early now.

Originally, he planned to ride a motorcycle, but Reba said that he was going to class, so Hu Xing could only drive.

"No, where is my car?!" Hu Xing came down from the garage and found that the car was not there.

"I don't know." Master Song didn't know either, so he went down to look around and found that the car was indeed missing.

"What's the situation?" Hu Xing looked around and found that there was indeed no car.

With no other choice, Hu Xing called Reba and asked her if she knew.

"Where's my car?" Hu Xing didn't know where his car had gone, and the car keys were still in his hand.

"The car is not in the parking lot?!" Di Lieba was even more surprised now.

"It's not in our parking space, who drove it away? It's right that the key is mine, and I didn't take it by mistake." Hu Xing really didn't know how it was calculated.

"I don't know either." Di Lieba herself didn't know that it was Hu Xing's car.

"Did Shishi drive my car out?" Hu Xing wondered if Liu Shishi drove it.

"You can ask." Di Lieba didn't know either, because Liu Shishi didn't come back last night.

"Ask in our WeChat group, who drove my car?" Hu Xing reminded Reba, and hung up the phone first.

Hu Xing called Liu Shishi and asked her if she was driving...

"I didn't either. My cousin picked me up when I got to the set." Liu Shishi said he didn't drive, so who drove his car away?

Before Hu Xing hung up the phone, Master Song beside him said, "Sister-in-law drove away."

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