"The goal is enough, let's talk about the candidate." Hu Xing helped Cai Kuanyong correct it.

"Yang Mi, it's impossible." Hu Xing immediately denied it, saying it was impossible.

"Why?!" There must be a reason for this.

"She is very beautiful and has a good figure, but it still depends on her personality."

"It's not that she has a bad personality, but that her personality doesn't match mine."

"So, if I want to take the initiative to pursue her, it will be impossible in my life, unless she chases me back, then maybe this will happen." Hu Xing also left a suspense.

"Chasing back? Why is Yang Mi chasing you back, and you might become it?"

"Because I'm the kind of animal that thinks about the lower body, if Yang Mi really wants to chase me and attack me with this point, even a saint will not be able to control it."

"That's why I said just now that the possibility of me actively chasing Yang Mi is zero, it's just that my personality is inconsistent; but if he chases me instead, it's over, this woman really has a way." Hu Xing said.

"If that's the case, what about baby Yang Ying who is also a small female role?!" Xu Xidi proposed another small female role.

"Impossible!" Hu Xing refused decisively.

"Even if she chases after her, I will stay away." Hu Xing's answer was different from the one just now.

"Why? Didn't you just say that Yang Mi has a chance to chase after her?"

"Why didn't baby Yang Ying have such a chance?!" Xu Xidi was very surprised by Hu Xing's answer.

"He has a boyfriend, no matter how shameless I am, no matter how scumbag I am, I know not to poach people's corners." With Hu Xing's explanation, the audience completely understood.

It's not that baby is inferior to Yang Mi, but that she has a boyfriend.

"Hu Xing, tell me about a female star in our Baodao, and name a female star who you are interested in and who is also your criteria for choosing a mate. Then today's call with you is over."

"If you can't say it, then we can only continue talking."

"Okay?" Xu Xidi made a request and chatted with Hu Xing.

"If you really want to choose one?!" Hu Xing scratched his head. There seems to be no female stars in Baodao who really meet his standards, right?

"No? Lin Zhiling can't do it?!" Luo Zhixiang was very surprised, Lin Zhiling is the most beautiful woman in Baodao.

"Lin Zhiling is very good, talented, capable, good-looking, figure and temperament, but a bit too sweet."

"It's okay to get along with each other for a short time, but if you think about getting married far away, it's not okay."

"If I really have to say one thing, it's Tian Fuzhen." Hu Xing thought for a long time before choosing such a female celebrity.

"Hebe?" When Xu Xi saw that it was Hebe, they were all startled, never expecting it to be her.

"That's right, this is what I can think of at the moment, and it is also the female star of Baodao that meets my criteria for choosing a spouse." Hu Xing thinks that this is the only female star in Baodao that is suitable for him

Besides her, there will be others, but he just can't think of them for the time being.

Chapter 0722 Nazha calls for help

After Hu Xing hung up the phone, Liu Shishi had already come out of the bathroom.

Throwing the phone aside, Hu Xing just remembered that the call came again.

"What's wrong? Why does my phone keep ringing?" Hu Xing really didn't understand why his phone was so popular?

"Nazha's phone number." Liu Shishi came over and told Hu Xing when he saw it.

"Go ahead and ask her what's the matter." Hu Xing was also about to go to the bathroom.

When Liu Shishi answered the phone, Gu Li Nazha said anxiously, "Hu Xing-, my father is in the hospital."

"What's the matter? Speak slowly." It was not Hu Xing who answered Nazha, but Liu Shishi's gentle voice.

"Senior sister, where is Hu Xing? Ask him to answer the phone. My father is in the hospital." Gu Li Nazha's tone was extremely anxious, and Liu Shishi said, "He just happened to go to the bathroom."

"If you have anything you want me to tell, I'll tell you." Liu Shishi looked at the bathroom with the door closed, and calmed Nazha down.

"My father suffered a heart attack and is now hospitalized."

"The doctor said that an operation is needed to replace the heart. What should I do? Tell Hu Xing quickly, what should I do?" Gu Li Nazha said in such an anxious tone, Liu Shishi could hear the seriousness of the situation.

"Hu Xing, Nazha's father was hospitalized, he had a heart attack and said he needed a heart transplant." Hu Xing who was in Liu Shishi's bathroom shouted and told Hu Xing about it.

"Yo, it's really time to come." Hu Xing was very calm, without the slightest nervousness.

"You asked if he was in the previous hospital?" Hu Xing asked Liu Shishi to ask Nazha.

After hearing this, Nazha told Liu Shishi, "It's in the hospital where I lived before."

"Let Nazha tell the doctor to stabilize his condition first, and then he can perform a heart transplant tomorrow." Hu Xing shouted from outside, and Liu Shishi followed suit and told Nazha.

"But, I have no money." Nazha told Liu Shishi helplessly that she has no money now.

Although it is said that she has been filming recently, but for her as a newcomer.

The salary is not as lucky and sky-high as Reba.

Reba Running Boys can get 125 million in one episode, excluding the share with Yang Mi and paying taxes, Reba can get [-] to [-] in one episode at least.

But Nazha doesn't have such good luck. She is going to school now, and the salary for filming is also the salary of a newcomer, which is not high, and she has to give the company a share.

There are only a few hundred thousand in hand, but her father has a heart disease, taking medicine, seeing a doctor, hospitalization expenses, and the living expenses of the whole family are all on her body. Now Nazha has no money to pay for medical expenses and heart transplant expenses. up.

It was precisely because of this that she was so anxious to find Hu Xing.

"It's okay, calm down first, I'll transfer 100 million to you right now, first pay the fee this time, and when Hu Xing comes out, I'll ask her to call you." Liu Shishi discussed with Nazha.

"Hmm~" Nazha is also very desperate in the hospital now, looking at her mother and sister beside her, she looks very helpless for a while.

"What to do, the doctor said, if father can't find a suitable heart for transplantation in the next month, even if he finds it later, it won't take too long." Nazha's sister was also very anxious.

"Trust him, he can solve it for me." Nazha squatted against the wall, firmly believing that Hu Xing could help her solve this matter.

From Hu Xing's calm tone just now, Naza could actually hear it.

Hu Xing should be ready, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm.

Nazha looked at the SMS notification on the phone, Liu Shishi had already transferred 100 million to her.

This is the maximum amount Liu Shishi can transfer at present, after all, he has already transferred 5000 million to Xie Nan just now.

There are only so many that can be transferred now, and 100 million is enough to pay the medical expenses this time.

Nazha got up and went to pay the fee.

After waiting for a few minutes, Hu Xing's call came.

"How is the situation now?" Hu Xing called Nazha and asked her current situation.

"The fee has been paid, and the doctor has already checked and treated my father in the emergency room."

"What should I do?" Nazha's father had a heart attack, and Hu Xing knew about it a long time ago.

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements." Hu Xing's words surprised Nazha: "Have you made all the arrangements?"

"Well, a suitable heart has been found."

"I found it before, but I didn't tell you. That's because there is a risk of heart disease in transplantation."

"Heart transplantation may prolong the lives of patients with heart disease."

"About 80% of patients can survive for two years after surgery, but like other organ transplants, the biggest problem is rejection. If transplant rejection is controlled, the patient's survival rate can reach more than 10 years .”

"So this is risky. There is nothing wrong with extending life, but there are good and bad situations." Hu Xing told Nazha about this and asked her to think about it.

"You can do it?!" Nazha was very worried, and said, "Ten years is better than two years, isn't it?!"

So far, 10 years is the best ending.

If he didn't have a heart transplant, I'm afraid his father would live less than a year, and this year would be even more uncomfortable, tormented by the disease, as a daughter, how could she have the heart to see her father like this?

If a heart transplant is done, the worst plan is that there will be rejection, and in the end it will only survive for two years.

But two years is better than no transplant now.

Even Nazha trusts Hu Xing immensely, he must have a way to keep her father alive for at least another 10 years, yes, she has [-]% trust in Hu Xing.

"That's why I let you take it easy."

"The success rate of heart transplantation can be said to be [-]%."

"However, how many years the survival rate depends on whether the patient takes medicine on time and pays attention to hygiene."

"You tell me now, the doctor said, whether this attack can stabilize the condition.":

"After the condition is stabilized, a heart transplant must be done within a certain period." Hu Xing needs to understand this.

"This time the condition can be stabilized, but a heart transplant must be performed within a month."

"That's all right, don't worry, wait for my father-in-law to stabilize this time, and come to Shanghai right away."

"I have already been matched with a suitable heart, and it is enough to do a heart transplant in Shanghai." Hu Xing's words completely let go of the heart that had been hanging in the air.

"Huh~" Nazha leaned against the wall and squatted down weakly.

When her older sister saw it, she hurried over and helped her up.

Nazha looked at her mother and sister and told them what Hu Xing had arranged.

Chapter 0723

"You're going to the crew now, didn't you arrange for Nazha's father to come to Shanghai for treatment?!"

"It's okay. I've already made arrangements. Let Nazha go directly to the hospital. Anyway, there won't be any accidents." Hu Xing felt that there was no need to worry about such a thing.

Because it was [-]% successful, and he happened to have a role to film, so he just went to work.

As for meeting Nazha's parents, we have to wait for Nazha's father to get better.

Otherwise, if they went to meet now, they would not be in the mood.

After all, the things they were worried about hadn't been dealt with, and they didn't have much time to talk about family affairs.

After Hu Xing went to Hengdian, he went to the production team of Shooting Condors.

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