After the prelude was done, Zhao Liying practiced her voice in the morning.

Zhao Liying practiced her voice, Hu Xing accompanied her, and the young men and women composed a beautiful little song in the morning.

I originally planned to go out at 7:[-], but now it seems that it will not work at all.

After 20 minutes, Zhao Liying felt that she was not enjoying herself.

After 40 minutes, Zhao Liying had already started to beg for mercy, but Hu Xing told her that if he persisted for a while, he would explode immediately.

After 50 minutes, Hu Xing grudgingly growled and gave Zhao Liying everything.

"Hey~" After receiving the morning fitness instruction, Zhao Liying was limp at this moment and didn't want to get up.


Fortunately, Hu Xing loved her enough, and after covering her with a quilt, he continued to be tender for a long time.

Hengdian in November is actually quite cold.

If she is not covered with a quilt, Zhao Liying may catch a cold after a while, which is not good.

After Zhao Liying recovered, she went in to take a bath.

Of course not taking a bath is out of the question, after all Hu Xing is inside, of course she has to take a bath.

She feels weird and uncomfortable walking without a bath.

Hu Xing didn't go to bed until after 4 o'clock, and was woken up by Zhao Liying's mobile phone alarm clock at 7:10 in the morning.

It's already 8:[-], but he doesn't feel sleepy anymore.

In the past, the crew was still early, because director Jiang Jiajun didn't finish work until after 3 o'clock last night.

Work will not start until 10 o'clock today, Hu Xing sees this time, and simply continues.

"Aren't you getting up yet? Don't you have any roles today?" Zhao Liying had already changed her clothes. Seeing that Hu Xing didn't intend to get up, she asked him if he had any roles today.

"Work won't start until 10 o'clock. Director Jiang left at the same time as me last night." Hu Xing was lying on the bed, and Zhao Liying climbed up and lay down beside Hu Xing.

"Then you can rest for a while, I'm going to work to earn money for milk powder." Before leaving, Zhao Liying did not forget to say what Hu Xing liked to hear.

Chapter 0725 birthday gift for Song Jia

"How dare you talk about earning money from milk powder and not being able to conceive a woman?" Hu Xing muttered to Zhao Liying who was about to leave the house.

"It's my fault? Why don't you say it's your problem?!" Just now they are quarreling after being in love

"My problem? Didn't you feel it just now? Does it look like my problem?"

"That aspect is good, but it doesn't mean that you will be able to conceive well."

"What if yours is not active?!" It seems that Zhao Liying has already understood a lot of things.

"Active or not, you don't know?" Hu Xing didn't explain too much. Only they really know this kind of thing.

"Okay, I know." Zhao Liying stopped talking now, and if she continued like this, she might be reported by him to continue.

In order not to do this, Zhao Liying left first and closed the door behind her.

Hu Xing was lying down until 10 o'clock, and he just went to the crew.

When I came to the crew, Director Jiang Jiajun had only arrived not long ago.

When Hu Xing arrived, he started his own work, reading the script and reciting lines.

What follows is his dialogue with Zhao Lixin's lines, and they also need to match their lines at this time.

Hu Xing is still practicing his movements here, which is the movement of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

"Oh, by the way, Director Jiang." Hu Xing punched, and suddenly thought of something.

"What's wrong?" Director Jiang Jiajun didn't understand what Hu Xing was going to do again.

"That's right, isn't Guo Jing leading troops to fight in the back of the TV series?" Hu Xing remembered this incident.

"Yes, are you planning?" Jiang Jiajun knew that Hu Xing seemed to have a new idea.

"Since there is a war, there must be weapons, cold weapons such as knives, swords or arrows."

"Then during the war, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms can also add metallic elements."

"The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is to set off the ability to use local materials."

"Any elements around that can be borrowed by the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon will be guided by the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon to form a dragon-shaped move."

"Since it is a war, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are used during the battle, then we need to borrow a sword and make the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms form a dragon shape, and attack the local soldiers."

"Only in this way can we bring out the usefulness of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in war." Hu Xing mentioned this, and Jiang Jiajun was also conceiving the picture in his mind.

Hearing what Hu Xing said, Jiang Jiajun also felt that he could give it a try.

"Okay, let's follow what you, the producer, are investing anyway. The investment cost of 3 million should be enough for us to play more." Jiang Jiajun thinks this is very good.

"That's right, that's the only way to be interesting." Hu Xing was thinking about it all.

It was only when he had an idea on the spur of the moment that he proposed it.

Anyway, in the later stage, you can make a rough look.

"The most important thing is the sound effect of the dragon. Without the sound effect of the dragon, the momentum will not be enough, and it will not look enjoyable. It is far from the eighteen palms of the dragon that the audience thinks." Hu Xing is also dedicated I tried my best and gave a lot of ideas to the TV series.

The entire crew found that Hu Xing really put a lot of energy into this TV series.

Time passed day by day like this, and 10 days passed in a blink of an eye.

Hu Xing left the crew during this period, recorded an episode of Running Man, and also recorded an episode of Please Take Care of the Refrigerator.

In the past 10 days, the progress of the crew is very impressive, and all the actors have a tacit understanding.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Zhao Liying also came to Shooting Condor's crew now to film her part, that is, she asked Hu Xing during the break.

"Sister Jia's birthday." It's impossible for Hu Xing not to know.

"You just know, this is her 33rd birthday, why don't you go back to celebrate Sister Jia's birthday?" Zhao Liying asked nonsense.

"I would like to, but she is in Nanjing, didn't I ask her last night?"

"She said she didn't have time to celebrate her birthday, she was busy filming in Nanjing." Hu Xing called Song Jia last night, she was very busy.

Mainly because of her role, her emotions and mentality were a little bit broken, which made her very anxious.

"Then you have to send a gift there?!" Zhao Liying said the gift, Hu Xing nodded: "This, I guess it is already on the way to send it there?!"

"Ah? You've already prepared a gift, what kind of gift is it?!" Zhao Liying was very gossip, and said, "Isn't it like I did last time, fold some underwear into the shape of a rose as a gift?!"

"Haha~" Speaking of this, Hu Xing couldn't help laughing.

Recently, Zhao Liying changed one pair every day, which made Hu Xing very enjoyable.

Said it was a gift for Zhao Liying, but he was the one who enjoyed it in the end.

That's why, when it comes to this gift, Hu Xing is always very proud and happy.

Because after Zhao Liying put it on, Hu Xingna really liked it.

"No, it depends on what kind of person you think of me." How could Hu Xing send repeated gifts.

"The gift this time is also very creative. Look at Weibo. Sister Jia will post on Weibo after receiving the gift." Hu Xing guessed that there must be a gift.

"What the hell is it? It's so mysterious?" Zhao Liying really became more and more curious. What kind of birthday gift did Hu Xing give Song Jia?

But in Nanjing, Song Jia, who was in the crew, was looking at the script with moist eyes.

Because this scene really broke her down, it wasn't because the director was too demanding, but because the script was too sensational, so that she, who plays this role, must feel vulnerable every time she sees this.

Just when she was feeling down, someone walked in with a gift box.

"Excuse me, who is Ms. Song Jia, there is your courier." At this time, a courier boy came to the set with a gift to find Song Jia.

"Song Jia's express delivery?!" Now Zhang Jiayi, Hu Fu and the others were very curious, what exactly was it?

"Song Jia, there is your courier." Hu Fu reminded Song Jia at this time and asked her to receive the courier.

"Ah? My courier?" Song Jia, who was reading the script, hadn't recovered yet, when she heard that she had to hurry up, which made her very puzzled.

"What's the situation? Why did someone send a courier to our crew?!" Hu Fu also felt strange.

Generally speaking, the address is not fixed when filming on the set, so why is there still a courier to deliver it to the set?

I really couldn't figure it out, so Hu Fu and the others came to Song Jia's side very curiously.

Look at the courier she received, what exactly is it?Wouldn't it be some scaring thing sent by some black fans?

If this is really the case, then it's too bad, now that Song Jia's mentality is about to explode, how can he stand this kind of intimidation, so as a partner, he still has to help pay attention.

Chapter 0726 Strange birthday gift

PS: The book has been unable to open, and it always fails to load. Yuzu is also looking for the editor to understand the situation. Please wait patiently. The editor can't give a good explanation now, and Yuzu is also in a hurry.

"Hiss!" Song Jia looked at the courier and took apart the transparent glue.

After unpacking, open this carton, and there is a beautiful gift box inside.

"What?!" Song Jia didn't understand what it was when she saw the gift box.

Picking up the gift box, Song Jia opened it again, and saw a rolled red cloth inside.

With curiosity, Song Jia picked up the cloth and opened it.

It's a pennant, yes, it's really a pennant.

On the front of the pennant is written: "I wish: Song Jia who is tall, long-legged, sexy and charming Yujie Fan, who is 33 years old and does not want to have children as a mother, 'Happy Birthday'; Hu Dashao, the little milk dog who loves you, in 2013 November 11."

"Pfft!" Song Jia couldn't hold back after seeing the content on the pennant.

"..." Hu Fu, Zhang Jiayi and the others were all dumbfounded, what the hell is this?birthday present?

No, no, this is a birthday present from a boyfriend to a girlfriend?

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