"Did you all see the giant cake behind?" The director pointed to the cake next to the running man and asked them.

"Of course I saw it. Last time when our running man appeared and held a cake, a goddess like Gao Yuanyuan jumped out of the cake." Hu Xing's description made Deng Chao and the others look at him.

"Bounce? Is the goddess described by Bungee? It's monkeys who use Bungee." Reba couldn't help it, and said something to Hu Xing.

"As long as it's not my daughter-in-law, it doesn't matter how you describe it. Anyway, you don't need to kneel on the washboard."

"Haha~" Well, Hu Xing won this reason, and no one can say anything about him.

"Now, the guests are ready at the cake." The director signaled that guests could be invited to appear.

"Come on, beauties of Harbin, come out!" Deng Chao couldn't wait.

The director also cooperated very well and played a piece of nice music.

Hearing this music, everyone looked at the cake expectantly, wondering which female star it will be this time?

"Boom!" A large amount of dry ice was sprayed next to the cake, which reminded them that a guest was about to appear.

Soon, the guests were lifted from the inside of the cake they were holding.

Appeared, the first thing I saw was the head, I was sure it was not just one guest, but several.

But when all the guests were lifted up, all the running men who were looking forward to, happy, excited and excited, saw the real faces of the guests, and the smiles on their faces froze instantly.

"..." Li Chen, Deng Chao, Wang Zulan, Chen He, Zheng Kai, and Hu Xing were all disappointed.

"Hehe~" Only Reba looked at these guests with a smile.

"Happy New Year's Day!" The five guests who appeared all started to wave to them.

"..." Now the running men are all in a daze, what is this about?

Sun Honglei, Yue Yunpeng, Xu Zheng, Bao Baier, Du Haitao.

When seeing these four people, Hu Xing and the others were all lost.

Oh no, it's not just disappointment, it should be complete dislike, complete dislike of these five that appeared.

"What are you doing? Applause!" Sun Honglei stood on top of the held cake, pointing at all the running men who were indifferent and disgusted.

"……"applaud?It's impossible to applaud, and it's not bad if I don't lose my appetite now.

Hu Xing was even more annoyed, pointing at the director and questioning: "For the New Year's Eve, what kind of things did you invite over?!"

"Hahaha~" Seeing the guest's first words, Hu Xing complained in the most powerful way, and the entire director team laughed and looked at Hu Xing.

"What do you mean?!" Xu Zheng was upset, what Hu Xing said just now.

"What the hell is this? It's Chinese New Year, and the new year is a new atmosphere. You should invite female celebrities over instead of inviting a bunch of fat people over."

"It's a shame that Zhejiang Satellite TV's variety show ratings can't be number one in the country." Hu Xing was upset, and even complained about his own unit, don't care about you.

"Ahaha~" Hu Xing's complaint was so powerful that everyone in the scene clapped and laughed.

"Is this how you welcome us?" Sun Honglei was not convinced, this was not the result he wanted.

"Ugh~" Hu Xing cheered perfunctorily, and then there was nothing else.

"My God, how did the running man welcome the guests?!" Yue Yunpeng used his cross talk to complain about the running man.

"Come down." Li Chen and the others smiled and told the five guests standing above to come down quickly.

"I won't get off, I won't get off without cheers." Sun Honglei was awkward.

Sun Sansui, do you think it was a joke?If there is no awkwardness, is it still Sun Sansui?

"Yes, without cheers, we won't go down." Du Heitao also followed suit, and wanted a warm welcome anyway.

"Can you get down?" Hu Xing pointed to the five people above, and asked them if they could get down or not?

"I won't let go!" Bao Bei'er was also very willful, but he just wouldn't let go.

"No more, right? Well, then don't regret it." Hu Xing pointed at them and smiled badly: "If you follow Sun Honglei and argue with me, you won't get any good results."

"Sun Honglei hasn't recorded another show with me for too long. He hasn't been tricked by me for a while. He's feeling very uncomfortable now. He's only happy if I clean him up. Are you sure you want to do the same?" Not a threat, but a reminder.

"No, is it possible that he can do something to us?"

"We are guests, if we don't go down, the show won't be recorded, and we have to beg us to go down in the end, don't worry." Sun Honglei said confidently.

"Hehe~ Brother Hong Lei is going to be in trouble." Reba covered her mouth and smiled.

Hu Xing walked over to the director's team, took something and came over.

"Can't make it down? This is the last reminder I'll give you, otherwise you won't regret it later." Hu Xing's smirk made Xu Zheng feel very uneasy.

"No!" Yue Yunpeng also lost his temper, just so willful...

"We won't leave without a warm welcome." Yue Yunpeng narrowed his little eyes as he said.

"Welcome to love, do you want to find a cheerleader for you?" Chen He and Yue Yunpeng exchanged words, but the latter said, "That's great, I have to give me the whole cheerleader, otherwise I will No more."

"Yes, why, when the female stars come, you all scream and cheer."

"How come we are so perfunctory when we come?!" Bao Baier also shared the same hatred with Sun Honglei and the others.

Chapter 0735 is not allowed to talk about primary school education

"Not down, right?" Hu Xing said and took out a remote control.

"Bang~~~" After Hu Xing pressed a button, a large amount of dry ice mist sprayed out from both sides of the cake stage next to him.

"Ah! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The five people standing on the cake stage all screamed because it was too cold.

It's winter, and it's still in Harbin.

It was already cold enough here, but Hu Xing also remotely sprayed a large amount of dry ice mist to blow them. Could it not be cold?

"Haha~" Now everyone understands why Hu Xing is so confident.

"Are you happy? The weather in Harbin, I think it's still very comfortable, right?!"

"Stop! Hu Xing stop quickly." Yue Yunpeng, who were still tough just now, hurriedly begged for mercy, telling Hu Xing to stop quickly.

After Hu Xing pressed the stop button and the dry ice fog dissipated, Xu Zheng, Bao Baier, and Yue Yunpeng, who were still wearing hats, had their hats blown off, revealing a bald head.

"Wow? This dry ice is so powerful that the bald head is blown out?" Hu Xing couldn't help being surprised when he saw this.

"Boom!" Hu Xing said and pressed the button again, and sprayed at the five people above.

"Hu Xing!!!!" Sun Honglei squatted down while roaring.

"Haha~" Seeing the guests being treated like this, the running man felt so happy.

"Just said, don't believe Brother Hong Lei's words, it's fine now." Reba was still booing beside her.

There was no other way, and the five guests hurried down from above.

As soon as he got down, Sun Honglei was about to start beating, kicking Hu Xing's ass.

"Come on, the extreme challengers have come to provoke you and still don't fight back?!" Hu Xing shouted, and Li Chen rushed over and got into a fight with Sun Honglei.

"Haha~" Seeing them fighting together, the others were amused.

"What are you pretending to be? Isn't it just a running man? Can you pretend to be a man? If you have the ability, come to Harbin and see what I can do to you." After being subdued by Li Chen, Sun Honglei felt ashamed, so she said some nonsense.

"What's so great, you can just run men's clothing for a while." Sun Honglei looked very angry at me.

"Nonsense, isn't this our running man?!" Hu Xing said with a smile.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's retort made Sun Honglei unable to continue acting, and immediately laughed.

"Okay, we welcome Big Brother Sun Honglei, Master Xu Zheng, Xiao Yueyue, Du Haitao, and Bao Baier." After making noise for a while, after clearing up, Hu Xing took the lead in applauding to welcome the guests.

Applause is applause, but there is no sound.

"What kind of applause is this? There is no sound." The applause was applause, but Sun Honglei was picky.

"Then we want to have a sound, isn't this wearing gloves?" Deng Chao also showed them that they were wearing cotton gloves, how could there be a sound in the applause, even if there was, it was not that big of a deal.

"When I came to Harbin, I doubt that I'm a man anymore. The little guy even bows his head and dislikes me." It's okay not to mention it, but when it comes to this, Hu Xing gets angry.

When Hu Xing said that, Bao Baier and the others understood it in seconds.

"I went back to my mother's house with Song Jia, and I didn't dare to touch her. I was afraid that if she saw her, she would find that she was so different from before, and wanted to break up with me."

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's words were too connotative, the old driver was like nobody when he started driving.

Sun Honglei, Xu Zheng and the others had already bowed down laughing, apparently being stunned by Hu Xing.

"Be serious, don't be an old driver Lich King all day long, okay?" Reba couldn't listen anymore.

"How serious do you want me to be? What kind of woolen New Year's Day special is this? It's all about fat." Hu Xing was now full of anger, and complained about the guests again.

"What's wrong with Fatty? Did Fatty provoke you?" Speaking of Fatty, Master Xu Zheng had something to say.

"I'm sorry!" Hu Xing immediately bowed his head and apologized when he accidentally complained about his master.

"That's right, what's wrong with Fatty? Did you eat your rice or your salt?"

"What's wrong with us being fat? Are we proud? Are we proud?" Yue Yunpeng narrowed his eyes and questioned Hu Xing with his signature expression.

"No, no!" Hu Xing knew he had made a mistake, so he quickly apologized.

"If it weren't for your daughter-in-law's pretty face, would you think I would cut you and call me fat?!" Yue Yunpeng said to Hu Xing with a grumpy face.

"Hehe~" Reba could only laugh, what else could she do if she couldn't.

"Master Uncle." Both Chen He and Zheng Kai stepped forward to greet Xu Zheng.

"Senior brother!" Deng Chao had to call out senior brother kindly when he saw Sun Honglei.

"Deng Chao is also in the play, right?!" Of course Sun Honglei knew it, but she just needed to confirm it.

"That's a must." Deng Chao and Sun Honglei embraced.

"Zhongxi is really good." At this time, Hu Xing, who was standing next to him, praised Zhongxi.

"Deng Chao is the only actor who plays Zhang Wuji and can act like Bao Qingtian."

"Hahaha~" At first I thought that Hu Xing was going to praise Zhongxi, but when he learned that Hu Xing was complaining about Deng Chao, no matter who it was, they all laughed heartily.

"Also, Sun Bin played by Sun Honglei is the only actor in China who acts like a traitor in a costume drama." It doesn't count if he complains about Deng Chao, Hu Xing even Sun Honglei will not let it go.

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