"The final victory will be in the final snowball fight. The winning team will receive a New Year's gift; similarly, the first eliminated team will receive the ultimate punishment arranged by our program team." Rewards and punishments are clearly stated.

"Is there a punishment?!" Hearing this, Bao Bai'er was a little scared.

"What punishment is it? Can you tell us in advance?" Yue Yunpeng wanted to know what the final punishment would be, would it be an exaggeration?

"I can't say this for now, but it will definitely make you unforgettable." The evil column team will definitely not arrange any good punishment.

"Now, we are going to divide into groups." The director said that we want to divide into groups, and everyone is listening. How will the final groups be divided?

"First of all, Sun Honglei, Xu Zheng, Deng Chao, and Wang formed the red team."

"Next, Li Chen, Chen He, Du Haitao, and Bao Baier will be the yellow team."

"Zheng Kai, Yue Yunpeng, Hu Xing, and Reba are the blue team." The director arranged the members of the three teams.

"Every team has a fat guy." Looking at the grouping situation, Reba sighed with emotion.

"Why do we have two fat guys in the yellow team?" Li Chen was of course dissatisfied now.

"What, obviously it's just Hey Amoy, I'm not." Chen He was very self-aware, afraid that everyone would not know that he was the other fat man Li Chen was talking about.

"Hehe~" After the teams were divided, everyone started to go in and come to this ski resort to change clothes. This is the team's clothes that need to be changed.

Come in, everyone goes in and changes clothes.

The weather is really cold, icy and snowy, and the temperature is below minus ten degrees.

"Oh, it's really too cold." After Hu Xing took off his clothes, he really felt too cold.

And in order to play the game, they all had to put on long clothes and long johns.

If you don't put it on, you may be frozen unconscious later.

After coming out, the director team also arranged a car for them to go to the Harbin Yabuli Ski Resort together.

Only after going up to the top, can the first game of today be played.

"It's so crowded." After getting in the car, Hu Xing said that this place is really too crowded.

"What do you mean, are you blaming me?" Yue Yunpeng immediately launched an attack. Isn't Hu Xing saying that he is fat?

"Oh, it seems that I have blamed you again?" Hu Xing retorted Yue Yunpeng teasingly.

"Hu Xing, let me tell you, you can't do this, this is my first time running men, you have to take good care of me."

"Love me as much as you love Reba."

"Haha~" Yue Yunpeng's resentful little eyes made Reba feel embarrassed.

"Don't always be nice to Reba, and don't always know that you love Reba, at least you also love me."

"Many of my fans will leave messages under your Weibo, asking you to take good care of me." Hu Xing was speechless when Yue Yunpeng was such a spoiled child.

"Okay, I love you so much, it's okay." Hu Xing couldn't take it anymore, this buddy really can do variety shows.

After all, I am a cross talk actor. If I am not skinny enough and poor enough, then how can I do cross talk.

"Speaking of Guo Degang, in fact, I still have to complain."

"Tell me, isn't there a navigation map now that uses Guo Degang's voice?" When Hu Xing mentioned this, Yue Yunpeng and Zheng Kai listened carefully.

"I heard that all the navigation in your Yilong car uses Reba's voice, right?" Yue Yunpeng quickly remembered.

"That's right, Reba's voice is used, but it's not her recorded voice. After all, a navigation has tens of thousands of voices. If she is asked to record it, I don't know when it will be recorded. It's all using technology. Synthetic." Hu Xing was not afraid that everyone would know, so he told everyone this.

"Speaking of the star voice of this navigation, you say, it's very good if it's like Lin Zhiling."

"She said, go two hundred meters and turn left."

"The sound is so nice, even if you know it can't be turned, but when you hear such a nice sound, you will feel numb after hearing it. Even if you can't turn it, then you have to turn it."

"After turning around, she tells you that you are going wrong and you have to turn around. At this time, you will say silently: Sure enough, women are all liars." Hu Xing complained about Lin Zhiling, and of course it was not the first time that up.

"Hehe~" In fact, this is just a joke, so it can't be true.

Chapter 0738 master was bullied

"Lin Zhiling is understandable, she is a beauty after all."

"But if it's Guo Degang, it's too much, isn't it?"

"He still talks about cross talk, who knows which of his lines is true and which is false."

"His voice came from the navigation: Go 100 meters and turn right, but after you finish turning, he said: Hey, are you really turning?!"

"Hahaha~" Even Yue Yunpeng had already imagined that scene.

"Isn't it that Guo Degang's voice is used as the voice of the navigation, it's just funny." Hu Xing asked Yue Yunpeng, and deliberately said: "Are you the first brother Deyun now?!"

"No!" Yue Yunpeng quickly waved his hands, saying that this is not

"Well, since you are not, it seems that Guo Degang is planning to give the position of the first brother to Guo Qilin." Hu Xing definitely wanted to tease Yue Yunpeng like this.

"..." Yue Yunpeng looked at Hu Xing with a classic expression.

"It's so slow? Master, drive faster!" Yue Yunpeng said that he couldn't beat Hu Xing, so he lost his temper at the driver

"Haha~" Yue Yunpeng's reaction made the audience couldn't help laughing for him again.

In the other carriage, Deng Chao and the others were also with Xu Zheng and the others.

"Oh, it's too crowded, Xu Zheng, you are too fat." Sun Honglei complained about Xu Zheng's figure.

"Why am I getting fat? Compared with Du Haotao, I'm slim." Xu Zheng disagreed, he was in good shape and was very satisfied

"You are really too fat. Let me tell you that when you first debuted, you were in good shape and in good shape. But after your debut, when you became popular, your figure changed a lot?"

"Look at you, and then look at Chen He. Chen He was also very thin when he was running a man, but now he's so fat." Deng Chao then complained about Xu Zheng.

"..." Xu Zheng was being bullied, why did he talk about him being on stage again.

"There's also Qian Feng from Brother Tian Tian, ​​wasn't he a handsome man back then, and now, he still doubts if it's him." Deng Chao complained one by one.

Xu Zheng found out that he had said it, so he opened his voice and shouted: "Hu Xing! Where is Hu Xing? Master has been bullied, hurry up and help."

"Hahaha~" Xu Zheng couldn't help it, now he had to find Hu Xing.

The three teams came to the starting point of the mission noisily.

After coming here, everyone didn't know what to do, so it was up to the director to make arrangements.

Up to the destination, 12 people stood together, Hu Xing said: "Really, they are all the same clothes, the difference in size is really different."

Hu Xinggang's first sentence was to complain about today's fat guests.

"Hu Xing, I don't care. When we came up just now, we were complained about by the actors and actresses."

"They said that the stars of our show were very thin and handsome at the beginning, but they became fat after their debut. What do you think about this?!" Xu Zheng told Hu Xing about this and asked him to come and find out place.

"That's what I said, you come out of the show, why are you easy to gain weight?!" Deng Chao stunned, and Zheng Kai and Chen He couldn't stand it anymore.

"Because all of you are movie kings." Hu Xing smiled back at Sun Honglei and Deng Chao.

"No, all of you who acted have gained weight, what does it have to do with us acting as actor kings?" Sun Honglei didn't understand, does it have anything to do with it?

"That's right, does it have anything to do with your actors whether we gain weight in the drama?"

"..." Hu Xing's resentment left Sun Honglei and Deng Chao speechless.

"Hahaha~" The others watching the show clapped their hands and laughed, Sun Honglei and Deng Chao couldn't beat Hu Xing, this scene was really funny.

"What, did you guys drift off in the drama?" Reba was also in the drama, so of course she wanted to come back.

"What's the matter? Little girl, you're still talking loudly?" Sun Honglei was about to come over and threaten Reba as she spoke.

Hu Xing couldn't stand it anymore, so he raised his foot and kicked Sun Honglei's ass.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with my wife? My wife is more beautiful than yours."

"Are you convinced?" Hu Xing said, and kicked Sun Honglei.

"Submit." Sun Honglei had no choice but to be convinced.

After making a noise for a while, everyone stopped making noise and watched the director arrange today's mission game.

"Today's snowball fight, the first game is from Santa Claus and Rudolph." The director said this, and everyone understood what it meant.

"On the mountainside of the snow track, each team sends two members, and after the start, dig out the two connected swimming rings buried in the snow, and then sit on the swimming rings and slide down..."

"After sliding down, there are Santa's socks here. Those who play Santa can wear Christmas socks." The director said the rules this time.

"Change into socks?!" Chen He and the others were very surprised when they heard that they were going to change into socks.

"My God, isn't that very cold? We have to take off our shoes and socks and put them on again." Bao Baier is not stupid, and knows that this is uncomfortable.

"That's right, it needs to be replaced; after the replacement, pull out the flag, and the game is over." The director explained the rules clearly.

"But the point is, there are three teams now, if there is a two-two match, then there is one team that has no opponents?!" Li Chen also noticed this

"This needs to be decided by finger-guessing. The winning team can directly enter the finals." The director said a simple game and let them decide by themselves.

"Okay, come on." Yue Yunpeng walked out very proactively, leaving things like boxing guessing to him.

"Hey Amoy." The blue team has already sent fat Yue Yunpeng, so of course the yellow team is also looking for Du Haitao.

"Xu Zheng." Sun Honglei also called Xu Zheng out.

"Rock, paper, scissors." Yue Yunpeng said with a fist, and then silently walked back to his team.

"..." Hu Xing, Zheng Kai, and Reba all looked at Yue Yunpeng.

"Haha~" When Yue Yunpeng came out at 2.9 just now, he looked very confident, but after the second loss, everyone immediately burst into laughter.

After Yue Yunpeng walked back, he didn't speak, just lowered his head, not even looking at Hu Xing's eyes.

It was Du Haitao who won in the end.

"Tell me, what's the use of you?!" Hu Xing couldn't help but complain about Yue Yunpeng.

"It can't be blamed on me, it's because they are too thieves." Yue Yunpeng also felt aggrieved.

"Oh, you are a chicken thief, so you can't be a chicken thief?" Zheng Kai had to say a few words about Yue Yunpeng.

"Do you have a share in talking? I am older than you; do you talk to brother like this?" Yue Yunpeng kicked Zheng Kai while speaking.

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