"Since this is the case, shouldn't it be more appropriate for us to make you lazy to get the third place in a row? In this way, your blue team has no snowballs, so there is nothing you can do about the last link?" Sun Honglei said after finishing speaking: "Finish!"

"..." Now the blue team panicked, and Hu Xing also covered his face.

"Haha~" Team Huang was all excited now, and it was clear what would happen in the end.

There are 7 left, Hu Xing will definitely be out

"Then how much I eat now, it seems that the problem is not with me." Xu Zheng smiled and looked at the small row in front of him, and then looked at Hu Xing and the others with a smirk.

"It's over!" Xu Zheng ate one and said it was over.

"Wow, this is really fun. Li Chen, you eat 4, and you have 2 left. Let Hu Xing decide whether he is out or Reba is out!" Chen He really has a lot of bad ideas.

"It's over!" Li Chen ate 4 and left 2 for Hu Xing.

Hu Xing looked at the two small rows in front of him, he could survive if he ate one, but Reba would definitely be out, but if he ate two, he would be out.

"Go ahead and play." Hu Xing gave Reba the chance without hesitation.

"Many enough." Everyone gave Hu Xing a thumbs up.

We all know that Hu Xing eats less and Reba eats more.

Hu Xing can eat two small steaks, but Reba thinks it's too little to eat five.

Give him the next game to continue playing, just to let Reba eat more, so that he is full.

"Next, Hu Xing, you will be the host." Since Hu Xing was out in the first round, the director asked him to host the next game.

"Which one do you want to choose?" Hu Xing was also happy, since he was asked to host, then let's host it...

"Choose No. 9." Sun Honglei thought about it, and said to choose No. 9 food.

Hu Xing walked over and opened the lid. Inside was not the food everyone thought, but a task card.

"What does this mean?" Hu Xing picked up the task card and asked the director what it meant.

"This time it's not eating, but playing a small game."

"It means whoever's name is clicked, whoever stands up and says 'coming'."

"Or, if you call a number, for example, if you call 2, two people must stand up and respond to 'coming', and squat down immediately after the response. If you call a number, you have to stand up in order to see everyone's reaction Ability." The director explained the rules of the game, and everyone understood.

Stand up from the position, just squat down in front.

"Haha~~~" Hu Xing put his hands behind his back and looked at Sun Honglei with a smile.

"Ahaha~" With Hu Xing's laughter and the way he looked at Sun Honglei, everyone laughed along inexplicably.

Don't think about it, Sun Honglei is self-inflicted.

He was the one who let Hu Xing out, and now he is the one who chose this game.

Doesn't this make it clear that he wants to avenge Hu Xing?

"Sun Honglei!" Hu Xing called out Sun Honglei's name comfortably.

"Here we come!" Sun Honglei stood up quickly, and immediately squatted down again after responding 'coming'.


"Sun Honglei!" Hu Xing leisurely stood in front of them and yelled "Sun Honglei" again and again.

Sun Honglei could only stand up to respond, and then squat down again.

"Sun Honglei!" Hu Xing shouted three times in a row, which made Sun Honglei squat three times in a row.

Hu Xing did it on purpose. Anyway, he is the host now, and he kept calling Sun Honglei alone.

I yelled many times in a row, and Sun Honglei also did it many times. Why does it feel like I am doing squats?

"Come on!" Sun Honglei is also stubborn enough, just don't take the initiative to admit defeat, come if you have the ability.

"It can't be like this. Why are they all calling Sun Honglei? This is too much." Sun Honglei is not convinced now, why can she only call him?

"Hu Xing can't do this." The director felt that it was almost done, so he let Hu Xing do it.

Chapter 0744 Am I proud of being out?

"Okay, all of them!" Hu Xing didn't just call Sun Honglei this time, but all of them.

"Everyone is here!" Everyone stood up, then squatted down, and Sun Honglei did the same.

"Sun Honglei!" Hu Xing called everyone once, and then called Sun Honglei again.

"Sun Honglei is here!" After Sun Honglei stood up, she immediately squatted down again, and Hu Xing said again: "All!"

"..." When Sun Honglei stood up, she was still looking at Hu Xing. Are you playing with me?

"Sun Honglei!" Leaning against the wall, Hu Xing called out Sun Honglei's name boredly, then fiddled with his nails. After hearing Sun Honglei's response, he continued: "All!"

"Haha~" Hu Xing just yelled repeatedly, anyway, Sun Honglei had to stand up and respond every time.

"I don't want to play anymore!" Sun Honglei squatted more than 20 times, but she really couldn't do it anymore, so she got angry and said that she didn't want to accompany her.

"Haha~" Seeing that Sun Honglei was finally eliminated, while the others were laughing, Hu Xing also said, "Okay, Sun Honglei is out this round, what is the food number?"

Sun Honglei was eliminated, and Hu Xing felt comfortable now, and asked them what number they wanted.

"No. 7." Reba thought for a while and chose No. 7.

"Okay, No. 7." Hu Xing walked over to see what it was.

"Dumplings!" After learning that they were dumplings, the chef quickly prepared 31 dumplings.

"Wow, that's really great." After seeing that it was dumplings, those who could still play now felt refreshed.

"Haha~ It's good to be a running man, and the food is so good." Xiao Yueyue screamed excitedly, and his devilish laughter made everyone laugh along with him unconsciously.

"Where to start, I have the final say on this, right?!" Hu Xing happily brought the dumplings to the last side, that is, starting from the Wang group basket.

"Hey~ how can there be such a thing." Seeing that Hu Xing took care of Reba so much, Deng Chao in front was not satisfied.

"What's the matter? In the first round just now, didn't the front ones eat first? Now you have to give some to the back ones too? Do you want to move the whole restaurant back to your home?!" Hu Xing was right, the boss We can't just start from the front this time, so the people behind don't have to eat.

"I started here, so let's eat freely." Wang Zulan didn't care about so much, he ate four dumplings at once, not many.

"Only four? Don't worry, I'll eat five." Reba was so happy that she ate five in one go.

"Reba, take it easy, or I will be out this time." Yue Yunpeng was very anxious, otherwise he would have nothing to eat.

"This is none of my business." After Reba finished eating 5 dumplings, it was Li Chen's next turn.

"Li Chen! Don't eat so much, just eat one." Chen He asked Li Chen to take it easy.

"Isn't this still there?" Li Chen ate 5 of them with confidence.

14 were removed, and 17 remained.

"I don't have many, three, and you can figure out the rest." Xu Zheng ate three in an instant.

"14." Zheng Kai looked at the 14 in front of him, wondering what to eat now.

He eats 5 and has 9 left.

But the next ones are Chen He, Du Haitao, and Deng Chao.

Chen He and Du Haitao are in the same team, and they will definitely lose the third Deng Chao by then.

If Zheng Kai only ate one and there were 14 left, the second Xiao Yueyue would definitely be in danger.

"Kao, don't do this, just eat one. I promise, Xiao Yueyue will not be let out in the end." Deng Chao knew that he was in danger, so he asked Zheng Kai to think about it calmly.

"Do you think I'm a pig? Believe you?" Zheng Kai felt that this was impossible.

"..." Deng Chao watched helplessly as Zheng Kai ate 5 dumplings, leaving 9 left.

"Haha~ Deng Chao is out!" It was Chen He's turn, and he even told Deng Chao that you are hopeless, and you must be out this round.

"Oh, haha~ It's so cool, this kind of game is exciting." Seeing that he didn't need to be out, Xiao Yueyue was very excited and screamed, booing and laughing at Deng Chao.

Chen He destroyed 5 dumplings in an instant, and there were 4 left.

"Hey Tao, it's your first time here, show me some face." Deng Chao felt that he still had one more chance, so he asked Du Haotao not to do this, and it would be fine if he gave it again.

"Are you begging me?!" Du Hei got angry, and Deng Chao was also very angry.

"Old Dengtou, haha~" Seeing Lao Dengtou like this, the others felt refreshed.

"Eat, eat him!" Deng Chao got angry, so let's be eliminated if he is eliminated.

"It's over!" Du Haotao ate three, and there was one left. Deng Chao had to eat it if he didn't eat it, and he would be out if he ate it.

"I'm really, these are all targeted." Deng Chao felt very upset. He couldn't continue after eating small ribs and dumplings. He was really upset.

"You quarrel, you quarrel, I just ate two small ribs, am I proud?!" Hu Xing said angrily: "At any rate, you still ate 3 small ribs and 1 dumpling just now. And me?!"

"You're so noisy, didn't I just eat two small ribs?"

"Eat two small rows, and you made more than 20 squats, I'm the worst one." Sun Honglei said and pushed Hu Xing.

"Blame me? You can eat more, who told you not to eat more."

"Eating two small platoons replaced me, and then I squatted more than 20 times. You did it yourself. Can you blame me?!" Sun Honglei, who was stunned by Hu Xing, was speechless.

"..." Sun Honglei didn't think it was fun, so he should play two more rounds.

"Okay, in the third round, Deng Chao is out. The current situation is that all four of the yellow team are here, three of the blue team, and only two of the red team are left." Hu Xing090 also told them, which team is better now? There are advantages.

"Get the yellow team out first, they already got four snowballs in the game just now." Only then did Xu Zheng remember that the yellow team was the one who needed to be targeted the most.

"I only know now, why did I go so long ago?" Reba yelled at Xu Zheng, is it still useful to say so much now.

"Come on, choose a number." Hu Xing asked them, what number to choose.

"No. 5." Zheng Kai looked at it and chose No. 5.

What kind of food is No. 5?As Hu Xing spoke, he opened it and took a look.

"Haha~ This is amazing." After seeing the food inside, Hu Xing laughed and said it was awesome.

"Zhang Fei Grilled Meat!" Hu Xing knew this, one of Harbin's signature dishes.

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