"It's okay, hurry up, come over to have breakfast after washing up." Hu Xing said to Master Song, telling her not to care about whether he slept well or not.

Anyway, after sending her to school, Hu Xing can continue to sleep back in the cage when he comes back.

When the two of them came out, Hu Xing finally chose to drive Song Zhuer off.

Because it is winter, if you ride a motorcycle, it will be too cold.

Song Zhuer is wearing a school uniform, which is a short skirt, so she will be very cold.

Simply choose the car, slow down, it's better than chilling her.

After sending Song Zhuer to school, Hu Xing drove home, and continued to get into the bed to sleep back to the cage.

Anyway, I don't have work today, I don't sleep, and I don't know what to do when the weather is cold.

Hu Xing put his arms around Reba's delicate body, thinking, should he do something to this young lady?

It seems that this young lady has been raised by him for more than ten years, and now she is an adult, and she has developed perfectly in all aspects, and she can pick it if she wants to.

But looking at Reba now, Hu Xing bit her earlobe lightly.

Let's save the good things for later, don't worry.

In fact, Hu Xing understands very well that he wants Reba to give birth to him more, especially his first child. Hu Xing wants Reba to give birth to him even more.

Whether it's a boy or a girl, he wants Reba to give birth to him.

But now there is helplessness.

It's just that the development of Running Man is so good now. It was originally a quarterly record, but because of the high ratings and popularity, the original quarterly record has become the current weekly record.

It has to be recorded every week and broadcast every week. Even if Hu Xing wants Reba to get pregnant now, Reba also wants to give Hu Xing a child, but there is really no way.

If Reba is really pregnant, it is impossible for Hu Xing to give her back to participate in such fiercely confrontational programs as Running Man

If Reba can't participate, there will only be two results for Running Boys at that time, stop the broadcast for a year or find a female member to replace Reba.

If you find someone to replace Reba, it will be the same as in the previous life when Reba replaced baby.

If this is the case, if the performance of the replacement female guest surpasses Reba in Running Man, then when Reba returns, there may be a lot of public opinion to spread.

Now the show Running Man is a favorite in the eyes of many female stars.

Anyone who has the opportunity to obtain this resource and position would want it.

Hu Xing knew this, that's why he never dared to tell Reba to let her be the first to give birth to him.

If I really want to say it, Reba will definitely not refuse, she will definitely agree.

But not now, the Running Man program has restricted Reba from giving birth to him in recent years.

Unless the running man is changed to a season record and season broadcast, in that case, it is still possible.

As long as the program team is willing to give up for a year, then Reba can work hard to record an extra season of the program two months after pregnancy. In this way, after Reba has given birth and confinement, she can return to run immediately male.

This is the only feasible way, but I just don't know whether the column team agrees or not.

If you disagree, if you want to find a guest to replace Reba for a year, then no matter how perfect Reba returns, there will be contrasts, and there will be a certain comparison and harm between Reba and the female star she replaced.

Chapter 0751 Reba wants to be a mother

"How about discussing something with you?!" Waking up in the morning, Reba was still nestled in Hu Xing's arms.

"What?!" Hu Xing didn't know what Reba was going to say for the time being.

"Do you think I want to temporarily quit Running Man for a while?" Suddenly saying this made Hu Xing, who wanted to hug her lazy for a while, even more energetic.

"Why did you suddenly think of this before?" In the early morning, Reba didn't know what she was thinking.

"That's right, I want to give birth to a baby for you." I don't know if it's a true connection of hearts or a tacit understanding.

Hu Xing thought of this question just after sending Song Zhuer to school today.

He didn't even say it, but Reba took the initiative to talk about it, which surprised Hu Xing.

"Hehe~ How did you think of this?!" Hu Xing was indeed not sure, why did Reba think of this all of a sudden?

"It's nothing, it just feels like the time is up."

"The end of January next year, isn't Gaozu's 1th birthday?"

"I just wondered if I wanted to announce a good news to our family on the great day of Gaozu's [-]th birthday, that is, the good news that our Hu family is preparing to have a sixth generation."

"Originally Gaozu's 360th birthday, this is a good thing for our [-] Hu family."

"If at this time, we can still announce that there will be news of the sixth generation, wouldn't this be a double happiness?!" As a granddaughter-in-law, Reba is also very caring.

"That's a good idea. Li Ying also had this plan before."

"She used the pregnancy test stick to find out that she was pregnant, but after going to the hospital for an examination, she found out that she was just happy for nothing. It was because she used the pregnancy test stick in the wrong way." Hu Xing also learned about it from Zhao Liying before.

"That's it, that's why I want to ask you if I'm going to quit Running Man for a while."

"It will take at least a year. In this case, you can rest assured that I am pregnant."

"Filming is okay, the main thing is running men, there are too many running, and tearing off the name tag is also very intense."

"You can't play this game. If you have a miscarriage, it will be a bigger matter." Reba thought the same as Hu Xing thought.

"Well~ I have also considered this issue. If you are really pregnant, you must have to quit."

"Temporary withdrawal is okay, for a year, it's definitely okay."

"But the problem is, the column team may find someone to replace you." Hu Xing was also very helpless about this, because he didn't know who the column team would eventually find.

"Isn't this simple? I think I'm temporarily withdrawing and I want to find someone to replace me. If I find a regular guest, then my position will probably be replaced."

"If I am replaced, no matter how good I am when I return, there will be comparisons."

"This is not good for me, nor for the one who replaces me." Hu Xing had thought of the question that Reba was thinking about before, and it was also a question that he was not sure about.

"Then what do you want to do?!" Hu Xing asked Reba what she wanted to do.

"It's impossible to find a female star to replace me for a year, and you won't agree."

"So, you can find a few irregular people to replace me, for example, a female celebrity to replace me for a month." Reba's proposal made Hu Xing's eyes shine.

If you find a female star to replace Reba for a year, after a long time, this female star will definitely become popular.

Once it becomes popular, it will definitely be compared with Reba at that time.

Presumably there will be no second female celebrity who is more suitable for running men than Reba.

Just because she and Hu Xing are together, the performance on the show is what the audience likes to see the most.

At this time, the female star who replaced Reba would definitely be questioned.

But if it's just a female star replacing one month, that is, the fourth period, it can be considered as a replacement, and it can also be regarded as a female guest, so there won't be so many comparisons

In one year, at least 12 female stars must be found to replace them.

Thinking of this, Hu Xing's first thought was that Zhao Liying, Song Jia, and Gu Li Nazha could all be three. If they were to replace Reba for three months, it seemed possible.

The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and Hu Xing did not consider this issue before.

"Well, it depends on the situation. We will not consider this issue for the time being. I already have an idea."

"The question now is, do you want to give birth to me?" Hu Xing smiled and looked at the beauty in his arms.

"Then I won't give birth?!" The question Hu Xing asked made Reba couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Hey~Of course it won't work." This is already a clarion call to attack, how could Hu Xing let it go?

"En!" When Hu Xing kissed her, Reba was ready.

The time had come, and Reba didn't want to struggle, she just cooperated with Hu Xing's actions like a concubine who had been waiting for the king's fortune.

When they went to bed last night, they didn't have any clothes on them.

Now it just happens to be convenient for them to do things, and it also saves a lot of trouble.

Preparations for 2013 are coming to an end. In this year, many things have happened and they have changed a lot.

Now that their relationship has stabilized to this level in the coming 2013, the last step has not been broken for so many years. This is also the best opportunity. Both Hu Xing and Reba will go with the flow. This step was successfully pierced.

"Ah! Scoundrel!" With Reba's scream, Hu Xing stopped.

"Slow down, let me get used to it." Reba grabbed Hu Xing's shoulder, her nails sank in

Hu Xing could still bear this pain.

Compared to her own pain, what Reba is enduring now is much, much more painful than him.

After a while, Reba gradually got used to Hu Xing's various transfer targets.

After getting used to it, Hu Xing started his output work.

Reba endured Hu Xing's output, and slowly, she began to forget herself.

This kind of thing is still too crazy for Reba who experienced it for the first time.

It was as if this feeling could make her lose herself and swallow her true nature, thus turning her into another person, another Di Lieba.

That's right, Reba felt this way at this time.

In broad daylight, the activities of Hu Xing and Reba lasted for a long time.

What surprised Hu Xing was that Song Jia, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi begged for mercy in less than [-] minutes the first time.

But Reba was in a daze for more than an hour and still didn't beg for mercy, and even threw herself into it very fiercely.

It seemed as if he was enjoying it wholeheartedly, without any resistance or begging for mercy.

Crazy, the madness of the two of them made the sky of Shanghai outside seem to be moved.

Moved by Shanghai, it began to snow slowly.

Chapter 0752 The Perfect Woman

Because Reba was too comfortable and lost too much water, she was tired and fell asleep again, and Hu Xing hugged the most important woman in his life again

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