"..." Reba looked at Hu Xing who suddenly appeared here in astonishment.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that you're going to receive the chairman today?" Indeed, when Reba came here by herself, she had already given up that Hu Xing would accompany her to watch her game.

Unexpectedly, before the start of the game, Hu Xing actually appeared?

"After the reception is over, I came here immediately." Hu Xing sat down beside Reba and looked at the camera in the waiting room.

"Hello everyone at Mango Channel, I'm Hu Xing. Of course, I can also be considered as an employee of Mango Channel." Hu Xing said that he was an employee of Mango Channel, which is also theoretically considered.

"This is my daughter-in-law, Di Lieba, look, isn't she pretty? Beautiful, I know you are envious, you can use envy, she is my daughter-in-law, don't even think about it, don't be envious." Hu Xing said and hugged With Reba.

"You are really enough, don't bring hatred to me, do you know how many fans you have now?"

"Do you know how many suitors you have now?!" Reba looks very elegant, but because of the constant eating, she is now like an elegant foodie

"Of course I know, there are millions if not tens of millions." As for his suitors, Hu Xing still has a little understanding. With so many fans, how could there be no suitors of millions.

"Just know, let go, don't hinder me from eating." Reba asked Hu Xing to let go, but she didn't dislike it or struggle at all.

"By the way, are you ready to start?!" Seeing how happy his girlfriend was eating, Hu Xing took an apple and ate it himself, which was not polite at all.

"It's almost there, how about it, do you want to meet other seniors?!" Reba wanted to take Hu Xing to see other senior singers.

"It doesn't matter if you go or not." He came here for Reba.

While they were chatting, tonight's qualifying match officially started.

In order, Zhang Yu was the first to appear.

Zhang Yu is a big senior among singers, and he sang "Stand by and Watch" not bad.

When Hu Xing and Reba were on standby, they watched Zhang Yu's performance on TV.

"The foundation is very good, and the breath is very stable." After listening to this song, Hu Xing gave an evaluation.

"Singing skills are good, but it may be that the selection of songs is not very good." After listening, Hu Xing immediately gave his own evaluation

"You really dare to comment?" Reba felt amused, even though she wasn't even a singer, she had the nerve to comment?

"Hehe~ It's just my personal opinion." Hu Xing didn't explain much...

If even he is not qualified to evaluate, then there are really few who dare to evaluate.

Although Hu Xing does not have any musical works of his own, he is a man who controls half of the Hallyu.

Just relying on this alone, being able to control half of Korea's Hallyu shows Hu Xing's status in the field of music.

Maybe Hallyu is nothing in the music scene in China, even though Korea is just a small country.

But Hallyu can be popular in Asia, which shows that there is a market for Hallyu.

Hu Xing's status in China's music scene may not be very high.

But in Asia, that's different. After all, Asia still pays attention to pop songs.

As the behind-the-scenes producer of the popular group, Hu Xing's status is unshakable in Asia.

After Zhang Yu, it was Luo Qi who played, the first time Hu Xing heard about getting a singer.

Although it was the first time I heard of this singer, I had to admit that this teacher's singing skills were so good that even Hu Xing couldn't help but nod his head.

"The strength is very strong. Fortunately, I didn't come to participate, otherwise I would be tortured to pieces."

Hu Xing's luck, in exchange for Reba's eyes

"It's your turn?!" Luo Qi's performance ended, and Reba stood up.

"That's right, I'm third." In fact, Reba didn't want to, but this was the lottery.

Reba went out to get ready, and Hu Xing followed, standing beside the stage, ready to appreciate the auditory enjoyment that his girlfriend brought to the audience.

Standing next to the stage, in fact, the director of the concert also noticed...

Not only the director of the concert, but also the audience at the scene noticed Hu Xing's appearance.

Reba, who was ready, stepped onto the stage, and the band on the stage was ready.

Standing on the stage, Reba's aura burst out instantly.

Chapter 0767 Stunning the audience

At this time, Reba gave the male audience the feeling that fairies are nothing more than that, right?

Reba's appearance, impeccable figure, and sky-defying long legs are all standard equipment for a goddess.

Not only is he beautiful, charming, and temperamental, such a person who can obviously rely on his appearance for a living, but also has a good all-round ability, singing, dancing, and musical instruments can be said to be proficient in everything.

"Aurora", this song can be said to be one of Zhang Shaohan's five most classic songs, and it is also the top three.

This song was released in 2004. In 2005, it won the Top Ten Golden Melody Award in the 2006th Best Music Billboard, and it also won the Golden Melody of the Year Award in the [-] China Top Chart.

Speaking of Zhang Shaohan's song, I believe many people have heard this song.

Ten years later, Zhang Shaohan's career was ruined because of her mother.

So many years have passed, five years later, Zhang Shaohan, who was in full bloom at the time and could compete with Wang Xinling and Cai Yilin for the first lady in the music scene, just retired in the entertainment circle.

Now, Hu Xing helps Reba to choose this song. On the one hand, it is because of feelings. On the other hand, this song is indeed very classic, which is very suitable for Reba to shine.

Because of the previous first round of qualifying and knockout rounds, although Reba performed quite well.

But if there is no amazing song, there is no way for the audience to recognize her.

"Aurora" is very suitable for Reba, mainly because Reba's voice and voice are not restricted.

She can adapt to many styles of song styles, and her vocal range is also very good.

Reba on the stage, listening to the live music, brewed her emotions, held the microphone, opened her eyes and looked ahead, preparing for her performance.

"Mysterious Arctic Circle, Alaska's mountain top, whose face appears on the horizon of the cape..." Reba has already amazed the audience with the first sentence.

There are a few amazing things: the first is that the rhythm of stepping is very accurate, neither fast nor slow, just right.

Second: When Reba gets the first word in the lyrics, she has already grasped the soul of the song.

Third: The melody of the song, paired with her voice comparable to the original, made many audiences wonder whether the original singer of this song came to the scene?

Fourth: Although the voice gives people the feeling that Zhang Shaohan himself sang in the original, but it is easy to distinguish, this singing has the characteristics of Reba.

The song itself is the penetrating power of Zhang Shaohan's direct voice, which makes the listener seem to feel the light of the voice;

As for Reba, when she sang, she not only showed the penetrating power of her voice, but also included a little bit of her ethereal voice in her singing.

The penetrating power of the sound makes the listener feel the light of the sound; the ethereal sound gives the listener a kind of ethereal and mysterious hope.

That is, when Reba first sang this song, she immediately amazed everyone.

"Wow! This is amazing." Deng Ziqi was in the waiting room, and after hearing the first sentence, she was very surprised.

"This song is so good." It can be said that everyone shook their heads and sighed. Di Lieba's singing of this song is really perfect and impeccable.

"Love is a light, so beautiful, it guides us, the future we want, the magic northern lights, the fantasy prophecy, hurry up and find incredible love..."

"Love is a ray of light, so beautiful, it illuminates us, the future of courage, the magical Northern Lights, the prophecy of legends, it turns out that it is the eyes of lovers..." A short climax, the audience was immersed in it.

Hu Xing took the time to look at the expressions and eyes of the audience, and knew that the song was not wrong.

He believed in his own vision, and also believed in Reba's hard work and her singing skills.

"Stable." Looking at Reba who continued to perform to her heart's content on the stage, Hu Xing secretly thought.

Unless the subsequent performances are even more amazing, it shouldn't be difficult for Reba to get the first place in this qualifying competition. As long as there is no shady scene, it will definitely be possible.

At the end of the song, the enthusiasm of the audience has not even completely dissipated.

After singing, Reba bowed to everyone, and then walked off the stage slowly.

As soon as he got off the stage, Hu Xing opened his arms, and Reba trotted into Hu Xing's arms.

"Great, worthy of being the lord of my harem." Hu Xing put his arms around Reba's desire, ignored the cameras around him, and lowered his head to kiss Reba's cherry lips

"Let's go, let's watch the next performance." Reba is actually very happy, because she also likes this song very much. Seeing herself singing this song, the audience likes it so much, can she not be happy?

After Hu Xing and Reba returned to the waiting room, they continued to watch the next performance.

When Deng Ziqi, who was in fifth place, came up, Hu Xing also listened carefully.

Deng Ziqi's strength, in fact, Hu Xing also knows, really has.

Deng Ziqi sings well and has musical talent.

This round, she chose "You Get Me Drunk". It can be said that this song was known to so many people, and it was only after Deng Ziqi sang it that it became popular.

It may also be stimulated by Reba just now. As a peer, as a female singer born in the 90s, Deng Ziqi's performance this time can also be said to be brought to the extreme.

Even Reba unconsciously applauded.

Can make Hu Xing applaud, which shows that Hu Xing recognizes the singer's strength.

Hu Xing has seen too many singers sing, and has seen too many powerful singers sing.

Just like the surprise that Reba brought to the audience just now, the audience at the scene enjoyed listening very much.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing turned around and looked at Reba beside him with a smile.

This round, Deng Ziqi also showed off a high note, which is why Hu Xing turned around to see Reba laughing.

"Tao Yin, I can do it too." Reba is also a very competitive girl, she thinks she can do what her peers can do.

Unless it's really not what she's good at, she won't say that.

It was also because of her high pitch that Reba felt that she could do what Deng Ziqi did just now.

"It's time for me to go over there. After the performance, all the singers need to gather in a waiting room." After watching Deng Ziqi's performance, Reba also left the waiting room temporarily.

Next, to Hu Xing's surprise, Zhang Jie was actually this round's supplementary singer?

"Haha~ This guy is actually a supplementary singer? It's too shameless." When Hu Xing saw that it was Zhang Jie, he was also very surprised.

Hu Xing had seen Zhang Jiedi's performance too many times, and he already knew his strength.

Today's game, after all the games are over, it's time to announce tonight's ranking.

When Hu Xing was not disappointed in the end, with Reba's outstanding performance, "Aurora" successfully won the first place in the second round of qualifying.

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