Xue Zhiqian is a frequent visitor to TV dramas and variety shows and is very popular.

"That's great, it's fine if it's you, let's go in together." Xue Zhiqian walked over and told Hu Xing that they wanted to go in together.

"What's wrong? You all stand here and don't go in?" Hu Xing didn't understand, what happened.

"You can't go in. Just now, it looks like the dean is catching students who are late."

"We don't know if we will be arrested, so we are waiting outside now, trying to find a way to get in." Besides Xue Zhiqian, there is also an old acquaintance of Hu Xing, Song Qian.

"Am I calling you Teacher, or you, Lao Hu?!" Song Qian's recent development center has also moved back to China.

"We're all students today, let's go." Hu Xing felt that there was no need for so many polite words.

They have four fixed members, Hu Xing, Xue Zhiqian, Song Qian, and Jiang Jinfu.

Jiang Jinfu hasn't arrived yet, or in other words, hasn't seen anyone yet, and I don't know whether he went first or hasn't come to the school yet.

"Hey, how many of you, who are you?!" The dean pointed to the four people led by Hu Xing and asked him who they were.

"Students." Hu Xing said and showed the dean the school badge on the school uniform, and there was even a name on it. There was no way to fake it.

Every student must wear the school uniform of the Second High School Affiliated to China Normal University, and at the same time, a label with their own name should be pinned on the chest

"This classmate, is this the way you talk to the dean of students?" The dean of students recognized him a long time ago. This is Hu Xing, a big star who came out of their school.

"Hey~ Dean of students? I remember I was also the dean of students when I graduated, why is it still the dean of students now?"

"No, this is too bad. I have graduated for almost four years. Why am I still the dean of students?" Hu Xing's jokes and teasing almost choked the dean of students and passed out. .

"Puchi!" Song Zhuer stood beside her and covered her mouth with a snigger.

"You don't care about me, I'm late, right?" The dean of students managed to catch one who was late, especially Hu Xing, who was his deadly enemy back then, so he couldn't let him go this time.

"Yes, I'm late." Hu Xing replied very openly, that is, he was late.

"No, what, teacher, we are here for the first time to report today, so we don't know the way to come, and because of the traffic jam, we are late." Song Qian, as a female classmate, should let the dean let go of her words .

"Well, it's not impossible. If Hu Xing said this, I wouldn't believe it, but if Song Qian said it, I would believe it."

"Okay, Song Qian, go and report first." The dean of students said, and Song Qian left with a smile. There was nothing she could do to help Hu Xing and the others.

"Director, what about me?!" Xue Zhiqian asked the dean if he could leave too.

"You stand here, as a Shanghai native, what's the matter, you still don't know how the Second Affiliated High School of China Normal University left?"

"As a Shanghainese, I don't know that traffic jams in the morning rush hour in Shanghai make me go out early?"

"Just stand here with Hu Xing and accept the punishment for being late." The dean of students looked serious.

"..." Hu Xing and Xue Zhiqian, two brothers and sisters, were caught in such a tragic way.

"Director, I..." Song Zhuer called out in a low voice, and the dean of students said, "You also have to stand here as a punishment. You are not a freshman, and you are late today."

"Puff puff puff!" Hu Xing couldn't help laughing out loud after learning that Master Song was also going to be punished at 703.

"..." Song Zhuer clenched her fist and said in ventriloquism, "It's not you, I didn't have to be late."

"Hehe~" Hu Xing smiled and said nothing.

At this time, beside them, a red iron horse drove past.

After the car drove over, it stopped beside it, and the driver's window was lowered.

Hu Xing's mother's appearance was revealed, she looked at Song Zhu'er with a smile, and even winked at her.

When Hu Xing saw his mother, he said, "Mom, hurry up and say something for me, the director won't let me in."

"Mom, what mother, this is a school, called a teacher." Jiang Fang already knew that her son would come back to school for a program this week.

No, there is a camera recording it next to my son.

"..." Hu Xing's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that the one in front of him was his mother.

"Mom, I'm late. It's because of Hu Xing. He didn't want to let him go out early. It caused me to be late together, and the director wants to punish me." Master Song puffed up her face and acted like a baby to Jiang Fang, the future mother-in-law. .

"Director, I have something to explain to the master." Jiang Fang still dotes on her daughter-in-law very much, so she immediately helped to speak and asked the dean to release her.

"Okay, master, let's go." The director also knew that Hu Xing's mother was also very naughty.

Chapter 0775

"What about me?!" Hu Xing pointed to his nose and asked his mother, how does this count.

"What does it have to do with you, you are not my student." Jiang Fang said to her son with a look of disgust.

"I'm not your student, so it's because you screwed up?" Hu Xing said, looking away sullenly.

"There are no mothers and children at school, only teachers and students." Jiang Fang drove away after finishing speaking.

"Hey, I said this old lady..." Seeing that the car really drove away, Hu Xing was so angry that he couldn't even speak neatly.

"Haha~" Xue Zhiqian couldn't help laughing like crazy after hearing it from the side.

The directors of the column group who were recording the program were also amused by Hu Xing's words about his mother.

Actually called his mother old lady?How did Hu Xing and his mother get along with each other?

Besides, Hu Xing's mother looks very beautiful.

Hu Xing's mother is not yet 49 years old. The family conditions are good, and she usually does not do little maintenance and beauty. She looks really young, just like women around 40 years old.

But such a young and beautiful mother is an old lady in Hu Xing's eyes.

Song Zhuer happily skipped over to the teaching building and ignored Hu Xing.

"..." Hu Xing and Xue Zhiqian looked at each other, wondering what to do now.

Can't develop here?The weather is so cold, there is no way to go on like this.

There is always a way to get through it by muddling through.

Hu Xing and Xue Zhiqian stood together, and they communicated in ventriloquism: "What's the matter, can't this go on?"

"It's so cold and I don't wear so much, it's uncomfortable."

"You have to find a way to pass the director's level."

"Isn't this your old school? You must have fought against the director, how are you going to fool it?!" Xue Zhiqian asked Hu Xing, what should I do about this.

Hu Xing looked at the camera and said, "Director, how about we play a game?!"

"Don't play." The director waved his hand, so as not to be fooled, he will punish you before finally catching you.

"Really don't want to play? That's good, I'll just freeze here." Hu Xing slammed into a broken can.

"The temperature in Shanghai today is 2 degrees. We wear school uniforms, but we don't keep warm."

"Director, if you let us develop here now, it's corporal punishment for us."

"As far as I know, the Shanghai Education Bureau has a zero-tolerance attitude towards teachers who physically punish students in schools."

"Now there is another camera around me recording it, good guy, after this episode airs, Director, you just wait for your punishment from the Education Bureau, maybe you have to pack up and leave." Hu Xing told the instructor with a smile director.

"Hey." Originally, the dean of training wanted to punish Hu Xing for a while, but now he was dumbfounded.

This kid is still the same eloquent, the master who will not suffer no matter what.

No, as long as Hu Xing talked about corporal punishment, he, the dean of students, really had nothing to do.

After hearing this, Xue Zhiqian gave Hu Xing a thumbs up, which is amazing.

"Director, do you still punish me physically? Anyway, I am being physically punished by you now. I will go to the Education Bureau and I will tell you everything." Hu Xing continued to put pressure on the director.

"Let's go, hurry up and report to class." The director had no choice but to let Hu Xing in quickly.

"Hey~ It's okay to be like this early, and I have to embarrass you."

"Director, you just healed your scars and forgot about the pain. Think about that year, when you played against me, was there any time you could win?"

"It's been a few years, and I don't have a long memory. I can blame you for being only the dean of students." Before leaving, Hu Xing still didn't forget to ask the dean of students with a sharp tongue.

"If you talk nonsense, then you will continue to punish me." The dean of training said with a smile.

Hu Xing and Xue Zhiqian smiled and left, and went to find the teacher to report.

But when they came to the teacher's office, Hu Xing and Xue Zhiqian went straight in.

But before going in, Xue Zhiqian knocked on the door.

"Come in." Jiang Fang was in the office, and when she heard someone knocking on the door, she naturally asked someone to come in.

Song Qian was already waiting here, besides Song Qian, there was Jiang Jinfu.

Besides the two of them, Liu Yan was also there, which surprised Hu Xing.

In this episode, there is only one guest, and that is to leave a message.

"Whoa, teacher, we are newcomers, here to report." Xue Zhiqian walked in, saw several teachers here, and didn't know which teacher to report to.

"Oh, all the freshmen sit over there and wait." Jiang Fang sat at her desk and responded to Xue Zhiqian.

Hu Xing found a seat beside him and sat down, then lay down on the table bored.

Jiang Fang prepared everything she had on hand and walked over.

"Crack!" Seeing her son lying on the stomach in such a disfigured manner, Jiang Fang hit his son on the head with the folder in his hand: "I was late when I first came to report, and now I am signing up and sleeping in front of the teacher, this classmate, you are very courageous." Are you fat?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Teacher, bite me if you have the ability." Hu Xing just argued with his mother on the show to see what you can do.

"Tired of biting." Jiang Fang put down the folder in her hand.

"Freshmen report, you are all placed in Class 1314 of the first year of high school."

"Wow, so lucky, class 1314?" Xue Zhiqian couldn't help being surprised when he heard about this class...

"Forever." Liu Yan also realized that this class is simply too happy.

"13 is the grade of the freshman who just entered high school last year, and 14 is the 14th class of the whole grade"

"So it just so happens that there is a class 1314 this year." Jiang Fang is actually quite satisfied with this class.

"Then, what do we need to do now?" Song Qian was very nervous, was she about to meet her classmates?Going back to school after high school can be stressful for everyone.

"Well, then I will take you to the classroom. Remember, I am your class teacher, surnamed Jiang, named Fang, Jiang Fang; I am also your English teacher."

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