"You can go to lunch, right?!" Song Qian and her tablemate have successfully gotten to know each other.

"That's right, we can go to lunch now." Song Qian's deskmate was packing up and going to have lunch.

"For lunch, do you pay in cash, or what?!" Liu Yan didn't know what the school's lunch rules were.

"Swipe the card, just use the meal card to swipe, recharge the meal card, and then go to the canteen to buy whatever you want to eat. If you don't accept cash, you can't swipe the bank card." Liu Yan's deskmate told me kindly. she.

"Is this the one?" Among the school supplies that Liu Yan got, there was a meal card.

"Yes, it's just to charge money into this card and swipe it." Everyone went to the cafeteria one after another.

Hu Xing, Xue Zhiqian, and Jiang Jinfu also walked shoulder to shoulder to the cafeteria.

"Do you have money on your meal card?!" Hu Xing knew that in this school, he had to swipe his meal card for meals.

But his meal card had no money, so he asked Xue Zhiqian.

"No, when we went to the convenience store just now, we used cash." Jiang Jinfu said that his meal card has no money, so now he can only recharge it.

"The master's meal card should be rich, right? Why don't you ask the master for it?!" Xue Zhiqian thought of this, and asked Master Song to help him temporarily for this meal.

"I don't know." Hu Xing didn't see Zhu'er either, and he disappeared just after class.

Hu Xing called Zhu'er on his mobile phone and asked her where she was.

"I'm at my mother's place." Song Zhuer told Hu Xing after the phone was connected.

"What are you doing with mom? Aren't you going to have lunch?!" Hu Xing felt strange when he heard that his girlfriend was in his mother's office.

"I'll bring the English test papers for our mother to correct, and I'll go to the cafeteria later." Song Zhuer answered the phone call, and Jiang Fang also heard it, knowing that it was her son.

"Hehe~ I guess there is no money in the meal card." Jiang Fang guessed it all, the son's meal card probably has no money.

"Then you go there first, let's eat with Hu Xing first." Jiang Fang is a teacher, and she also wants to eat in the cafeteria.

If you don't eat in the cafeteria, you can order takeaway.

Only teachers can order takeaway at school, students are not allowed to order takeaway

Because at the school gate, the guards do not come out to pick up meals for the students, only the teachers can pick up the meals.

"Mom, why don't you come over to eat?!" Song Zhuer handed over the test paper to Jiang Fang, and asked her.

"It's over soon, you go eat first." Jiang Fang still has some things to do, so she is not in a hurry.

"Then I'll go eat first. Do you want me to bring one for mom?!" Master Song is still a very sensible daughter-in-law. She usually has lunch in class, and Jiang Fang will help pack it if she doesn't have time. Give it to Jiang Fang in the office, or eat it together.

"No need, you can eat with Hu Xing first." Jiang Fang said that there is no need, so Master Song left first.

When I came to the cafeteria, it was already full of people, and many students were queuing up to eat

However, many people also looked at stars like Hu Xing.

Song Qian and Liu Yan's popularity is not low, and many male students look at them.

Song Qian, as the first person to debut in a Korean idol group in mainland China, is naturally very popular in the mainland, needless to say, is also very high.

Liu Yan, her figure has earned her enough popularity.

Xue Zhiqian and Jiang Jinfu have already asked their classmates to recharge their meal cards, and now they are also queuing up for dinner.

When Hu Xing saw Master Song coming, the little girl trotted onto his back.

"Where's mom?" Seeing his girlfriend coming, Hu Xing asked Master Song.

"In the office, I guess she came to eat after correcting the test papers. Her old problem has recurred." Song Zhuer lay on Hu Xing's body, even if there was a camera nearby to record, she also took everyone's concerns into consideration. vision.

"Then let's go, let's eat first." Hu Xing went to line up with the master on his back.

Zhu'er got off Hu Xing's back and stood in front of Hu Xing.

Hu Xing put his arms around Zhu'er's neck, and the two moved forward slowly without jumping in line.

Looking at the meal card Song Zhuer took out, Hu Xing smiled: "My card still works?!"

"Yes, this version of the card, you are the only one left in the school." Song Zhuer's card is different from other students' cards.

"This meal card seems to be different?" The writers of the director team also noticed...

"This is the meal card Hu Xing used when he was studying in the Second High School Attached to China Normal University. This meal card is also the meal card he used when he was in high school; but now it is used by me, so it is different from other people's." Song Zhuer Pick up the meal card and let the camera accurately capture the appearance of the meal card.

"At that time, Hu Xing seemed to have graduated in June 2010, right?"

"It's been more than three years now, can his meal card at that time still be used in school now?!" The director was also a little surprised.

"Okay, it's just that the picture on the meal card has been changed."

"In the past, Hu Xing's meal card had the school's school badge on it; now our meal card has a picture of the school's school gate on the face. It's just that the pattern on the card is different, but the disks are all the same." Mr. Song said Said, let the audience feel even more lucky.

They were originally a couple, and Hu Xing still kept the meal card that Hu Xing used back then. Now that his girlfriend has gone to his old high school, he can still give the meal card to his girlfriend.

Such a good thing is probably very rare in China.

"I learned that after senior high school graduates, meal cards can be refunded, right?!" The director also knew about it before coming here.

"Yes, but I didn't retire at that time, so it's a souvenir of my high school."

"The cost of the meal card is only 10 yuan. There is no need to return such a meaningful thing."

"It's good to keep it." Hu Xing said so, and many audiences imitated him.

As he said, there are always many good memories in high school. Some things will not fade away, but it will be more meaningful to keep them.

When they reached them in line, Hu Xing ordered a meal, and Song Zhuer also ordered a meal. They ordered different ones, and when Hu Xing saw that there was something his mother liked, he also ordered.

When he was in high school, he often brought lunch for his mother to the office.

After the meal was ready, Hu Xing packed it up and took it away instead of eating in the cafeteria.

Master Song had a tacit understanding, knowing that Hu Xing's order must be given to his mother.

The VJs of the column group didn't speak, just followed them to shoot and record.

Coming to the English department, Song Zhuer knocked on the door, and then came in with Hu Xing.

"Ouch." Jiang Fang, who was grading the test paper, saw her son coming with two lunches, and happily put down the test paper in her hand. Hu Xing said to her mother: "No matter how old I am, I have a husband." If you are dead, let someone else's husband take care of you."

"Fortunately, you are still a teacher, and you are still the class teacher." Hu Xing came in with the meal and said his mother.

"Hehe~ Thank you, my good son." Jiang Fang didn't expect that her son would deliver the meal in person.

Chapter 0783 sibling love is hereditary

"How does it feel to come back to school again?!" Jiang Fang asked her son while eating.

"Well, how should I put it, let's not talk about abandoning all the memories and feelings of the campus."

"Just talking about class, I think it's still too boring."

"How should I put it? After all, I understand everything I have learned. When I listen to it again, I feel a little strange and boring." Hu Xing was talking about his feelings in class.

"Then besides these?!" Jiang Fang said and picked up her son's food.

"In addition to these, the learning atmosphere is very good; presumably many people who go out to work in the society miss the carefree days when they were in school. They don't need to think about the future, the family, or the money."

"Just concentrate on studying with one heart and one mind. This kind of atmosphere is very good. Everyone is very pure, without too many complicated thoughts and worries."

"Although, as a student, I am really tired when I go to school. I go to class every day and do my homework every day."

"But when you come out of the society, you will understand that compared with work, customers make things difficult for you, your boss makes things difficult for you, and you have to work hard for your salary. Only then will you realize that work is actually too tiring compared to doing homework at school. gone."

"Of course, I personally think it's too much to do homework while studying. I still think it's better to spend the time doing homework on developing my hobbies." Hu Xing didn't have a camera, he That's why I said that.

It's from the heart, not a show.

"Okay, there is a football game in the afternoon, do you want to participate?!" Jiang Fang stopped talking about this and asked Hu Xing.

"Football match, who will you play against?" It is not new for schools to have football matches.

"The teacher and the school team." Jiang Fang also likes sports.

After school is over in the afternoon, she will play badminton and volleyball with other teachers when she has the opportunity. These are the after-school activities of female teachers.

"It depends on the situation, it doesn't matter what happens."

"However, don't you need to go back to make dinner for the old man tonight?!" Speaking of this, Jiang Fang laughed and said, "No, let the old man figure it out."

"Then what about your two daughters?" Hu Xing also mentioned his elder sister and younger sister.

"Your sister doesn't have time right now. It's not because you arranged for her to be the CEO of a subsidiary company, so she is running around and working overtime every day for the new company."

"On the contrary, your sister is happy and happy every day. Every day after get off work, she either goes shopping with her girlfriends or looks for her sister-in-law." Jiang Fang has nothing to do with her two daughters.

She doesn't have any requirements for her daughter, and her daughter is still young.

There is no rush to urge them to get married, if you want to get married, if you really don't want to, if you want to stay single like this, it's fine for parents to let their children go on like this.

The conditions of their family are good, there is no need to urge their daughter to get married.

If you can't find the right one, don't settle for it.

Anyway, the son is capable and rich. Isn't it easy to support his elder sister and younger sister?

"I can't finish it." I had almost eaten, and found that I couldn't finish it.

"You can't finish eating and you still order so much." Song Zhuer glared at Hu Xing.

"Eat, you'll grow taller." Hu Xing told Master Song to eat more.

"No, all of you let me eat more to grow my body."

"But once I really grow in shape, one will dislike me more than the other." Master Song stopped eating after eating his own, resolutely not to eat more, restraint, and keeping in shape is the right way.

"I eat so much at home, but I eat so little at school." Even Jiang Fang, who is a mother-in-law, bit her lip and stared at Master Song.

"The food at school is not as good as the food at home."

"It's good to eat until seventy percent full at school, but it's too little to eat enough at home." Master Song looked at Hu Xing pitifully while talking, even Jiang Fang couldn't stand this cute young daughter-in-law.

"You don't have a chance tonight. You have to study at night. Hu Xing has no time to go back and cook for you."

"Besides, tonight is still my evening self-study. None of you are allowed to be absent or ask for leave." Jiang Fang said with a smile.

"Reba is at home, I'll go back and make a villain with her to make you a grandma."

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