"Let's go." Hu Xing saw that it was almost done, so he said he wanted to go.

"Hey, there are 98K here, who wants it?!" Er Ke was in a room and saw a 98K

"Hu Xing, I don't know how to use a sniper." Jiang Jinfu immediately refused, he still doesn't know how to use a sniper.

"I have M24." Xue Zhiqian has found M24, so naturally there is no need for 98K

"I don't need it." Hu Xing now has two guns, one M416 and one AKM.

"I've seen a video of you playing this game. You seem to know how to use a sniper." You can still find some videos of Hu Xing playing this game at night.

Hu Xing is not very good at using sniper, but he also knows that he can use it.

"I'm not very good at it. I still like close-range shooting and mid-range shooting." Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses in this game.

Some people are good at sniping, and some are good at shooting, it depends on the individual.

"Let's go, let's go, we're going to run away."

The second wave of safety zones has been drawn out, right next to the air-raid shelters and large factories.

Hu Xing and the others are all in P city, and now they are going to go there, but it is a bit far away.

Looking for a car is definitely looking for it, but I just don't know if I can find it.

"I'll go, Er Ke, you are poisonous, why every time we form a team with you, we can't find the car?!"

"It's up to me?! Er Ke ran after Hu Xing, and was suddenly complained about, and felt very helpless.

"That's not bad for you, but for me?"

"Okay, you are handsome and you are right." I couldn't say it, and I didn't dare to say more, so as not to be complained later

After running, Hu Xing lay down.

"Whoa! Crack!" As soon as Hu Xing got down on the ground, a bullet passed over him.

"Aha~" Er Ke, who was running behind Hu Xing, didn't know what happened, and groaned subconsciously after seeing himself being shot to the ground.

"What's going on? Why did I fall down?" Er Ke didn't understand at all, how did he fall down.

"There is someone in front." Hu Xing had seen it just now, so he reacted very quickly, and immediately got down on the ground, and only then did he escape the bullet fired from a distance.

"I see." Xue Zhiqian, who was more than 100 meters away, also saw the other party with a magnifying glass.

Hu Xing also immediately switched to M416. After finding the person, he fired the red dot gun continuously.

"You knocked out '416dada' with the M646."

"Wow, this 6 is so stable at such a long distance?!" Er Ke, who was lying next to him, was even more surprised when he saw it.

"Routine operation." After Hu Xing knocked down one, he was so proud of being praised by Er Ke, and then he kept turning left and right beside Er Ke, dancing a funny honeydance dance in this way.

"Crack!" Just as Hu Xing was dancing the honey dance proudly, a 98K bullet hit him in the head.

"Ah!" Before Hu Xing understood what happened, he was beaten to the ground.

"Hahaha~" Seeing that Hu Xing was knocked down, Er Ke, who was lying on his stomach, burst into laughter immediately.

Just now he was doing a funny honeydew dance, he was so handsome and fell down in just three seconds, this kind of contrast made Er Kelei's unlady laugh out loud.

Even the audience in her live broadcast room were also very upset by Hu Xing's encounter with Lei.

"Smoke bomb, smoke bomb, help me quickly." Hu Xing said in embarrassment after being beaten to the ground.

"No smoke bombs." Xue Zhiqian next to him said he didn't have any.

"I have!" Jiang Jinfu said and threw a 'smoke bomb' out.

"Bang!" However, this smoke bomb made Hu Xing and Er Ke stunned.

"You were accidentally injured by a teammate and killed by a grenade." Seeing the prompt and his own computer screen turning black and white, Hu Xing said, "Will your smoke bomb explode?!"

"Hahaha~" Er Ke was also in a dazed state at first, but Hu Xing's ridicule made her laugh out of character.

On the one hand, he was killed by his teammates with a grenade as a smoke bomb and was laughed at by Lei;

Chapter 0787 Mother and son make another move!

"I'm sorry, I threw it wrong." Seeing that he had killed two teammates, Jiang Jinfu was also very speechless.

"Useless things, I'm perfect, it's rare to be so fat." Hu Xing also complained angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'm not there anymore... Okay, let's go next." Xue Zhiqian originally wanted to say that he was there, but she fell silent before finishing her sentence.

This game was played, it made Hu Xing's heart full.

This round is just entering the top 15.

Another round was played, the time passed quickly, and it was already 6:50 in a blink of an eye.

"Hu Xing should go, he's going to be late." The director team saw that it was almost done, so they told them that it was almost done.

"I'll go, walk around, and get off the plane." Knowing that it was already 6:50, Hu Xing and the others hurried off the plane and went back to school.

Hu Xing didn't even have dinner. When they came back to school and came to the classroom door of the class, Jiang Fang, the head teacher, was already sitting on the podium, silently reading her own book.

"Report!" If you are late, you have to call the report.

The three of them came back at this time, and the evening self-study had already been going on for more than 10 minutes.

All the students in the class looked at the three who were late.

Song Zhuer, Song Qian, Liu Yan and the others are looking forward to what will happen next?

Jiang Fang continued to read, as if she didn't hear the three people at the door calling for a report.

Xue Zhiqian reached out and tugged at Hu Xing's clothes, and asked in a low voice, "What should I do?!"

Jiang Jinfu didn't know what to do, he just stood at the door, the atmosphere was awkward.

"Where did you go?!" Jiang Fang didn't look at the three people, but asked where they were going.

"I went to the Internet cafe to eat chicken." There was no other way, Hu Xing could only tell the truth.

Just kidding, this is a recording program, so many viewers are watching.

Hu Xing didn't dare to lie to his mother in front of so many audiences.

"Don't eat dinner, just go to the Internet cafe to play games?!" Jiang Fang turned her head and looked at the three people standing at the door.

"Not hungry." Xue Zhi said weakly, saying that she was not hungry.

"Well, you're not hungry, are you?!" Jiang Fang, as a teacher, let Hu Xing know with a sweet smile that this is a big trouble, and this old lady is going to be a demon.

"The weather is also quite cold. I just came back from outside, isn't it cold?!"

"Then let's go to the playground and run two laps first." Jiang Fang is not wrong to punish the students physically.

"Teacher, you are physically punishing the students. I have the right to sue you at the Education Bureau." Hu Xing didn't want to just surrender, and was still struggling.

"That's right, go to the Education Bureau and sue me, Er Niang just has a reason to retire early."

"Puff puff!" The students below all covered their mouths and held back their laughter.

Mother?Class teacher, you are so cute, you actually call yourself like that.

At this time, the audience watching the show also gave a thumbs up, admiring Hu Xing's mother.

It turns out that Hu Xing is so skinny and active on the show, it seems that he has inherited his mother's good genes.

Look, Jiang Fang's self-proclaimed 'Er Niang' is only a title used by empresses in ancient costume palace fighting dramas to call themselves to their children.

Now it is used by her, a modern person.

"Is it too tender to fight Wei Niang?!" Seeing her son so depressed, Jiang Fang asked Hu Xing with a smile.

Hu Xing made no effort to hide his dislike. He rolled his eyes and took off his coat at the same time, asking, "How many laps?"

"Now it's 7:15, run to 8 o'clock."

"Ah?!" Hearing this, Xue Zhiqian was even more stunned. It took 45 minutes to run.

"Don't be lazy, the window of our classroom can just see the panoramic view of the playground. If I find out that you are lazy, the homework assigned tonight will definitely make you stay all night." Jiang Fang has never seen what kind of student.

Which student is difficult to deal with with her son?

"Okay, teacher, you are ruthless, I will run." Hu Xing couldn't say anything, so he could only run.

"Hey, no, it's really running, 45 minutes." Seeing that Hu Xing really turned around and went out for a run, Xue Zhiqian followed, but he still asked if he really wanted to run.

"Then why not, this is my mother, who knows her character better than me?!"

"The first recording of this reality show came to my alma mater. We still told my mother, so don't expect it to be better." He could only run away, but Jiang Fang didn't say how many laps he would run.

Just said to run until 8 o'clock.

Since you just need to run, it doesn't matter how many laps you run, this is easy to understand.

In the playground, Hu Xing and the others jogged, not too fast.

Jiang Fang also went to the window and looked at the three people who were punished under the playground.

Still holding his chin elegantly and intellectually, he looked at his son with a smile.

But what Jiang Fang didn't know was that because of her like this, it was aired on the show, and she had countless fans.

They are already close to 50 years old, and their temperament is still so good, much better than many female stars in the current circle.

The evening self-study lasted for an hour. When the first session of evening self-study was over, the bell rang, and Hu Xing, Xue Zhiqian, and Jiang Jinfu also came up from below.

"Report!" After the three came up, Xue Zhiqian was the most wheezing, Jiang Jinfu was a little better, but also wheezing hard, only Hu Xing was the calmest

"Come in." Jiang Fang let them in.

Finally, I was able to return to my seat and sit down.

"We'll have class later, everyone, let's preview in advance."

"Because of the English class this morning, a transfer student came, so the English class was not held for a few minutes."

"Just use the evening self-study of the second quarter to make up for it." Jiang Fang stood up and reminded the students.

"Aha~" Very few students were very discouraged when they heard that they would have class later.

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