Chapter 0808 Be nice to me, or abuse your little lover

In the afternoon, Nazha and Reba went home with New Year's goods.

"Why did you bring so much back? My family bought a lot and you sent them here." After seeing it, Reba's mother said to her daughter, "Just stay with you and eat."

"No, we still have a lot there, enough to eat."

"Besides, this is your son-in-law's wish." Reba put down her things as she spoke, then hugged her mother, and the mother and daughter chatted like this

"Where's Dad?" Reba didn't know where her father had gone, so she asked her mother.

"Your father has gone out to buy goods, and we will continue to open the stall tonight." Reba's mother told her.

"Huh? I'm going to open a stall tonight. It's already New Year's Eve."

"Besides, there are many fewer people in Shanghai today, and they all went back to their hometown for the New Year. Will there be a barbecue stall this year?!" When Reba went out to buy new year's goods just now, she found that Shanghai, which is usually crowded with people, has become deserted Rarely, this is because many out-of-towners have returned to their hometowns for the New Year.

"That's right, there will be a stall tonight. Although it is said that there will be a lot less people, if we don't, we don't know what to do at night."

"Not only will we have a stall tonight, but we will also continue to do so after the reunion dinner tomorrow night." They are not used to being busy and suddenly relaxed.

"Well then, we don't have anything to do at night, so let's go over and help." Reba said that she would help, but her mother dismissed it and said, "If you want to eat kebabs, just say so."

Reba chatted with her mother, and Nazha also chatted with her parents when she got home.

When having dinner in the afternoon, Hu Xing ate at home instead of going to his parents' place.

Zhao Liying was pregnant, so she was rarely at home, so Hu Xing made some soup for Zhao Liying to drink.

And during this period, Zhao Liying also had too many reasons for Hu Xing to take care of her and cook good food for her.

Hu Xing is not stingy either, it can be said that he spoils Zhao Liying too much, cooking all kinds of palace dishes for Zhao Liying

For example, for health care, health care, health care, and good for the fetus, as long as Hu Xing knows how to do it, he will definitely do it for Zhao Liying, and he will do it for her in different ways.

Zhao Liying also felt comfortable eating.

"Now I know why, I am anxious to get pregnant, hehe~" Zhao Liying winked at Na Zhareba and told them that she wanted to get pregnant right here.

As long as she is pregnant, Hu Xing will definitely take good care of her.

Most importantly, Hu Xing will cook a lot of delicacies that she has never eaten before.

There is no need for her to say this, Hu Xing will take the initiative to do it.

Who let her have a little ancestor or a little lover in her stomach?

No matter what, Hu Xing will not ignore it, and will care more about it, and will only pamper her better.

"If I get pregnant too, haha~ that would be fun." Speaking of this, Reba was also ready.

If it is really bad, then she will leave this child without hesitation.

"Then wait until you're pregnant." Zhao Liying is enjoying herself now.

"Don't be too complacent, if it's really a little lover, after the child is born, see if I still want you?!" Hu Xing said angry words, but Zhao Liying was not afraid.

"Then I'll abuse your little lover and see what you can do with me, la la la." Zhao Liying was so proud that Hu Xing really had nothing to do with her.

"Shall we go to my parents' barbecue stall tonight?!" Reba still said this while having dinner.

"Wow, wow, it was good to eat barbecue in the past." Zhao Liying is really a pregnant mother who has no taboos.

"Haha~" After noticing Hu Xing's eyes, Zhao Liying covered her mouth and snickered.

"Eat everything, I really..." Hu Xing really convinced this woman.

"It's okay, with you here, nothing will happen." This is excessive trust, Hu Xing is not as strong as she thought.

After dinner in the evening, Zhao Liying had nothing to do so she followed the drama.

Hu Xing, Reba, and Nazha each use a computer, log in to eat chicken, and plan to eat two handfuls of chicken.

"Brother, aren't you going out to play today? Are you still playing games with Reba?" As soon as Hu Xing got on the account, he pulled Er Ke in, and the four of them lined up in four rows.

"Go out later, have you returned to Guangdong?!" Hu Xing knew that Er Ke was from Guangdong, and he was just studying in Beijing before...

"I've come back a long time ago. If I don't come back, it will be troublesome for the Spring Festival travel these few days."

"I can't even get an air ticket." Er Ke talked about this, and it must be a special product before the Chinese New Year.

"Every Chinese New Year, there will be an epic disaster movie, Spring Festival Transport." When Hu Xing played the game, he still did not forget to be humorous...  

"Hehe~" Hearing Hu Xing making fun of the Spring Festival travel, the three girls also thought it was very funny.

"After the summer vacation every year, when September comes, China will release an epic campus disaster movie, and the school starts."

"Haha~" Hu Xing is really symmetrical, and both of them are complained about.

Fans in Erke's live broadcast room heard Hu Xing teasing about the Spring Festival travel and the start of school, and many viewers also followed suit.

In fact, fans who watched the live broadcast know it.

Now there are many famous female anchors in the Mainland, but Hu Xing only has a good relationship with Er Ke.

As a female anchor, she is the first one who can affectionately call Hu Xing "brother".

Of course, since the game Chicken Eater was released in China, many anchors have played this game live, and there are also female anchors with good skills, but apart from Erke, there is no second female anchor who can rank with Hu Xing up.

How Hu Xing and Er Ke met, anyone who has watched her live broadcast will know.

It was an accidental match, Er Ke was matched as Hu Xing's teammate, and after they ate a handful of chickens, they became friends, as long as both were online at the same time, they would definitely play ranked.

Sometimes, Hu Xing would bring some celebrity friends over to play.

There have even been many times, in the fourth row, after Hu Xing pulled Er Ke in, he brought in Chen He and Zheng Kai, and Zheng Kai and the others would say that the star was also online and play together.

But Hu 2.3 Xing refused, and would take Er Ke with him no matter what.

Even Hu Fu is fine, once Hu Fu went online and wanted to play with Hu Xing, Lin Gengxin and the others just let Hu Xing kick Erke off and let Hu Fu come in; but Hu Xing said, no, just play like this up.

This is not to say that Hu Fu's technique is not as good as Erke's.

But Hu Xing felt that since Erke came in first, it didn't make sense, because it was another friend who wanted to come in, so he kicked her out, right?

This is a matter of attitude, Hu Xing will not do this.

But just like that, the fans of Ke's live broadcast room on Tuesday deeply understood the relationship between Hu Xing and Er Ke, they are really very good friends.

How good is it?Although they haven't met in real sense, they can be regarded as good friends made through the Internet.

Chapter 0809 The Smiths of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

"I said, Er Ke, how much money did you make with my songs?" When playing the game, Hu Xing still did not forget to tease Er Ke.

"Ha ha ~ no." Er Ke was a little embarrassed, this is a sensitive topic

"What? Brother's songs, when you were broadcasting live, you sang them to your fans in the live broadcast room, right? They gave you so many gifts and didn't even say thank you. Isn't it too chilling for me? ?” When Hu Xing said this, it was just a joke.

In fact, when the anchors sing during the live broadcast, it is not an infringement of the copyright of the original author of the song.

Because live singing is her personal behavior, and there is no regulation requiring fans who watch live singing to give money, and tipping is just a personal behavior.

It's just singing during the live broadcast, instead of posting the cover and posting it on QQ Music and Kugou Music for paid downloads, so there is no infringement.

If the songs of certain singers are not popular in themselves, but they are eventually covered by the host during the live broadcast, causing fans to reward them and making the host earn a lot of money. If some singers appeal for copyright fees, they will be called stingy , I lost my temper.

If your songs are not popular, but the anchor sings popular, but you have to charge money, it shows that you are jealous that the anchor sings 15 times well, and you are jealous that they can make so much money by singing live.

In fact, this is also an inaccurate question.

For programs like "I'm a Singer", all the songs covered are copyright fees paid by the column group, and singers do not need to pay.

Or it is like KTV, the copyright fee is paid by the operator, and the consumer audience does not need to pay.

Like Erke, who sings in the live broadcast room and wins the favor of fans who watch the live broadcast by singing other people's songs, so that fans can make money by tipping them, theoretically, it does not infringe the copyright fee of the song.

When Hu Xing said it, it was actually a joke, just a joke between good friends.

Hu Xing released a lot of good songs last year, but most of them were sung for Reba, and he didn't release them himself.

Even if it is released, there is no charge for his songs. Those who like his songs can download and listen to them for free.

When Er Ke was broadcasting live, there were many songs written by Hu Xing, and he sang them well.

"I still want to say thank you to you? If I really said thank you, I will definitely be poisoned by you."

"I don't want it." Er Ke is so self-willed.

"Hehe~" Reba laughed when she heard it: "My sister is participating in that show recently, have you watched it too?!"

"Look, goddess, my goddess, she is so beautiful."

"The most important thing is that I have long legs that I can never envy in my life." Er Ke's relationship with Reba is not as good as that with Hu Xing.

"The show I participated in had a singing session during the final." By saying this, Reba was telling Er Ke that in this session, she could be invited to sing together?

"Wow! Erke is well-developed now, will you be on "I Am a Singer" with Reba?"

"666, this time Erke has come out on top."

The audience has been standing around reading comments, but Er Ke said: "That's better, you don't want it, sister Reba, your grades are so good now, if it's because of me, I will drag you down then it won't be good."

"Besides, I don't believe it even if I'm beaten to death. If you help sing this part, will you invite brother to help?"

"It seems that you also understand my personality. You know that in this session, you will definitely find Hu Xing to cooperate with." In fact, Reba was joking just now, and of course it is impossible to really find Er Ke.

How to put it, she is not strong enough to be on the stage yet, she still needs some time to hone her singing skills.

When participating in this show, Reba was basically determined to help sing this part, and then she would definitely invite Hu Xing to help.

Everyone knows that Li and his wife are inseparable.

When they were chatting, Nazha asked: "I said, have you noticed that as your teammate, I have been beaten up now?!"

"Oh, my wife was beaten up?" Hu Xing only found out at this time.

"Hurry up and save me, there are three people on the opposite side." Nazha slapped Hu Xing angrily, telling him to come over quickly.

"Here we come." Hu Xing hurried over to save Na Zha.

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