"In Shanghai, no matter how cold it is, he always only wears three pieces of clothes." Reba and Hu Xing have known each other for so many years, how can they not know this about him.

"Unless it's snowing, he'll wear a warm T-shirt underneath, a light knit, and a mid-length coat."

"If it is not snowing and the temperature is not very low, if the temperature is above 0 degrees, then he will only wear a warm T-shirt and a small suit jacket."

"With this kind of dress, no matter how you look at it, you are very handsome. Wherever you go, you are always the focus of girls' eyes." When Reba mentioned this, Hu Xing also smiled slightly.

Of course Hu Xing understood why.

It's mainly the habit of the previous life, after all, he was from Guangxi in the previous life.

Guangxi is one of the three provinces with the warmest winters in China.

These three provinces are Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi.

No kidding, Guangxi in winter, or sometimes on New Year's Eve, it feels just right to wear a vest and shorts.

Guangxi is also one of the healthiest places, that is, it is often possible to live through the four seasons in one day.

It is precisely because of this that Hu Xing is used to not wearing too many clothes in winter, no matter how many, he will not wear more than three clothes.

Another thing is that he is in good health. Because of his regular fitness and winter swimming, Hu Xing's cold resistance is much better than ordinary people, so he won't feel too cold if he wears less clothes.

If it was really cold, he would choose to add more clothes, but no matter how he added them, he would not exceed three.

If he went to a place like Harbin, then Hu Xing would change his coat into a down jacket. There is no way, it’s not cold there, it’s freezing. You can’t do without a down jacket.

"Wow!!!" When Hu Xing and his three beautiful girlfriends came to Shanghai Barbecue Street, they naturally attracted the attention of the citizens here.

It's been a long time since Hu Xing didn't come to Reba's parents' barbecue stand.

Today's New Year's Eve, he and his girlfriend came over and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Hu Xing is handsome, individual, fashionable and trendy, a typical trendy man.

Zhao Liying, Guli Nazha, and Di Lieba are typical fashion beauties who are fashionable, sexy, good-looking and charming.

Four people just appear here without any disguise, can it not be attractive?

Except that Na Zha is not a big star, Zhao Liying, Hu Xing, and Reba are all considered to be first-line stars in the mainland entertainment circle.

Chapter 0813 forget the most important

"Hey, handsome guy, where's the catwalk?!" As soon as Hu Xing and the others arrived, Zheng Kai waved.

"Why, you're back in Shanghai too?!" Seeing his good friend here, Hu Xing was also quite surprised.

"Isn't that right? We're all young today, and I came to Reba's house for dinner just after I came back." Zheng Kai said jokingly, and Reba laughed: "Okay, what do you want to eat, I'll bake it for you."

"Hey no no no, just your clothes, don't make your whole body smell of oily smoke, it's not worth it." Hearing that Reba was going to cook skewers for them, Zheng Kai immediately stopped her.

"I'm not so hypocritical yet." Reba shook her head, not caring about it at all.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm here too." Nazha also came over to help make the skewers.

"Oh, you two, you are so beautifully dressed, just go on a date with Hu Xing, why don't you come here to bake some skewers." Reba's mother said about these two children.

"It's okay. I haven't grilled skewers for a long time. I don't know if my level has dropped." As a native of Xinjiang, it's a bit ridiculous to say that I don't rely on lamb skewers.

Two beauties grilled skewers, but many customers joked: "The proprietress, Reba, Nazha kebabs, how much is a skewer? Can we afford it?!"

Because the Chinese New Year is approaching, the business is of course not as good as before.

Now the people who come here to eat barbecue are basically Shanghai locals, or some people who transferred their household registration to Shanghai and took root in Shanghai.

Unlike before, when many foreigners came to Shanghai to study and work, the barbecue stalls were naturally overcrowded.

Moreover, many barbecue stalls and snack bars in this barbecue street are opened by foreigners, not all of them are locals.

Even Reba's parents are outsiders, not locals.

Now they are still running a stall, mainly because they have a family in Shanghai, and they don’t have to go back to Xinjiang for the Spring Festival, so they will continue to open a stall.

"It's all the same price, hehe~" Reba's mother told them with a smile, just eat with confidence.

I won't deliberately raise the price just because I'm grabbing the skewers that my daughter baked.

"I want three hands of grilled skewers by Reba." Some customers deliberately asked to eat those grilled by Reba himself.

"It takes 5 hands to bake that bar."

"You are almost done, and you are not afraid that what they bake is poisonous." Hu Xing said to these customers.

"Then I'm happy too." Someone deliberately rancorred against Hu Xing.

Hu Xing smiled, did not speak, and took out the drink.

"Why don't you drink?" Zheng Kai saw that Zhao Liying didn't drink, so she just had a drink, and asked her.

"You can't drink." The news of Zhao Liying's pregnancy has not been made public yet.

After Hu Xing sat down, he said to Zheng Kai: "Brother, I'm getting married."

"Ah? Are you getting married?!" Zheng Kai stopped eating the skewers, obviously asking Hu Xing, is this serious?

Zheng Kai's surprise caused the people at the next tables to look over.

"Well, May Day." Anyway, he planned to make it public, and there are still more than two months until May Day.

"Anyway, I don't believe it." Jiang Shuying shook her head, saying that she didn't believe that Hu Xing was getting married.

"Yes, I didn't get the invitation. I don't believe you're really going to get married." Having known Hu Xing for so long, Zheng Kai wondered if this guy was lying.

"Really, I didn't lie to you, the date is really set on May [-]st." Hu Xing was not joking this time.

"That's fine. You said you were going to get married, with whom?" Jiang Shuying was on point when she asked this question.

Hu Xing didn't speak, but put his hand on Zhao Liying's stomach, and stroked it lightly.

"!!!!" Zheng Kai and Jiang Shuying were not fools, and Hu Xing's behavior was already telling them the answer.

"Really?!" Jiang Shuying quickly put down the skewers in her hand, and asked Zhao Liying if it was real.

Zhao Liying nodded sweetly, admitting that it was true.

"Wow, brother, can you? Get married in your natal year? Be a father?" Zheng Kai exclaimed, but woke Hu Xing up.

"!!!" At this time, Di Lieba seemed to realize something.

"What's wrong?!" Zhao Liying noticed Hu Xing's strangeness.

"Damn!" Hu Xing covered his face now, how could he forget about it.

"This year is my natal year. The natal year is considered an unlucky year. The natal year violates the Tai Sui, and the Tai Sui sits on the head. It is either a blessing or a curse."

"Besides, the twelve zodiac signs are fairly neutral. Dragon, horse, rooster, and pig are not suitable for marriage in the year of birth." Hu Xing only remembered it at this time.

I didn't think of this before, mainly because Zhao Liying was pregnant. This happy event made Hu Xing forget that this year is the year of his birth... …

If Zheng Kai hadn't been surprised and said that Hu Xing was in his birth year, Hu Xing would have almost forgotten that he is 24 years old this year, which happens to be his birth year, and he is also in the year of the horse, so it is indeed not suitable for him to get married in his birth year.

"That's right, Hu Xing's mother said a long time ago that it is not suitable for him to get married in the year of the horse, because it is the year of the horse." Reba no longer grilled skewers, she sat down and said to Zhao Liying.

"..." Zhao Liying was also helpless.

In fact, if this is another couple, if the man said this to the woman, Zhao Liying might despise the man, because this may be a reason for the man to get rid of the woman.

But as a person at the time, Zhao Liying knew that Hu Xing and his mother knew a little about fortune-telling and marriage, so she believed that Hu Xing was not lying.

And Hu Xing is not such a person.

Since he said it was inappropriate, there must be nothing wrong with it.

"It's either a blessing or a curse. That is to say, if I get married in the year of my birth, it may be a blessing or a curse. It's hard to say." Hu Xing actually didn't want to believe it.

But because he is a reborn person, it is impossible if he does not believe in such illusory things, right?

"It's okay, it hasn't been made public anyway, it's just that our two families have temporarily discussed that we can get married, and we haven't finalized 4.0 yet."

"I can discuss it with my parents tomorrow. If it really doesn't work, then we can get married next year. Don't worry about it." Zhao Liying didn't have too many demands.

"In that case, is it our graduation wedding?!" Reba was also worried about this.

"That's not considered a marriage. It's a graduation wedding. That's right. In fact, it's just a formality. It's not a banquet, nor is it going to get a certificate. Of course it's okay." What Reba was worried about, Hu Xing said Reassure her.

"The wedding can't be held, but the wedding photos can still be taken." Because of the omission of this, Hu Xing promised Zhao Liying that she could take the wedding photos in order to make Zhao Liying not think too much.

"No, wait a minute, did I say something wrong, which made my brother's wedding impossible?!" Zheng Kai was even wondering if he had said something wrong?

Chapter 0814 public day

On New Year's Eve, Hu Xing went to find his mother to discuss this matter.

"Hey, why did you hit your birth year?!" Jiang Fang also patted her forehead, this matter is really too helpless

"It doesn't matter to us young people. Both Li Ying and I don't have so many concepts about getting married in our birth year. If we want to get married, we can get married too."

"But when children get married, the parents have to agree."

"So I'm here today to discuss with you and see if you agree with us getting married this year." In fact, it's not just Hu Xing who wants to ask his parents' opinions, Zhao Liying also needs to ask for their parents' opinions.

In the end, I called and asked Zhao Liying's parents, and it was also a suggestion that it is best not to get married in the year of birth.

The thinking of the older generation is actually like this.

The thinking of young people is not so traditional and stubborn, but the older generation does not think so.

"Then let's get married next year." Zhao Liying said to Hu Xing after discussing with her parents.

"18 Hmm~ Since this is the case, let's find time and take the wedding photos first."

"Anyway, the news that you are pregnant must be made public in the near future, and my wife must not be wronged." Hu Xing was very responsible.

"Hehe~ I've already thought about the day when I'm going to announce my pregnancy. Tell me, do you have a heart with me?" Zhao Liying wanted to show off her mystery.

"Yuanxiao!" Hu Xing and Zhao Liying said the date in unison.

When she said it, Zhao Liying was so sweet that her big eyes turned into crescent moons.

It's just that this day makes other people very puzzled.

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