If he wants to take the initiative to appear on the show, he must arrange it quickly.

"Recently, it's okay. We don't have to worry about our roles in this drama for the time being, and we have arranged enough time." Hu Fu has been in this crew for several days.

"Hey, Brother Sanshi is here too?!" Hu Xing looked around, and when he saw Wu Lei was here, he deliberately teased the young boy.

"Brother, how indifferent are you to me?" Wu Lei was very helpless.

"It's just molesting you, a young man." Hu Xing also has a good relationship with Wu Lei. He is a very good boy with full potential.

"You are still joking with others. In terms of speaking, Xiao Lei is still your senior." Wang Ou was beside him, and reminded Hu Xing, don't forget this.

"Do you dare? Do you dare to call yourself a senior in front of me?!" It is a senior, but does Wu Lei dare?

"Don't dare." Wu Lei shook his head quickly, saying that he didn't dare, and he really didn't dare.

"Look." Hu Xing said and winked at Wang Ou.

Wang Ou rolled his eyes, this guy is still like this, really good.

Since the last time they met, Hu Xing and Wang Ou had used their fists to guess the number, and their relationship had heated up rapidly.

In places like Guangxi, going out for supper and making friends is really fast.

Between men, as long as a cigarette and a glass of wine are enough.

If it doesn't work, guess the code and you will definitely become friends.

Hu Xing and Wang Ou have a common topic, and it is very easy to be friends.

"I said, aren't girls in Guangxi generally not very tall?"

"Why are you so tall?!" Hu Xing chatted with Wang Ou.

"Why? Want to covet my long legs again?!" Wang Ou looked at Hu Xing warily.

Hu Xing rolled his eyes and said, "Are your long legs as good-looking as my wife's?"

"Not as tall as Song Jia, not as straight as Reba, and not as white as that prickly." When Hu Xing said these three points, Wang Ou rolled his eyes again.

"You talk to girls like that, you won't make friends?!"

"Hey, hey, with my good looks, I don't need to take the initiative to make friends. Girls will jump up when they see me."

"It's not me bragging, believe it or not that I can catch up with you in a day?" Hu Xing's words made Wang Ou vigilant, and said, "I don't believe it!"

"Do you want to try it?!" Hu Xing actually had a good impression of Wang Ou.

In his previous life, he was from Guangxi. In his previous life, when Hu Xing knew that there was a second-tier actress in Guangxi, he actually liked her better.

Even though I am a native of Shanghai now, the memories of my previous life and some habits of Guangxi are still there.

Hu Xing has a good impression of girls in Guangxi.

Naturally, he is different from his previous life now, and his affection for Wang Ou is of course also different.

"How do you want to try?!" Wang Ou was really not sure, would he really be taken down by Hu Xing in one day?probably not?Or should it?

Hu Xing is famous for his methods of chasing girls.

Even Song Jia, who dares to love and hate, and a straightforward girl like Yu; Liu Shishi, who is low-key and gentle, can win. One can imagine Hu Xing's methods in chasing children.

Chapter 0826 Teach bad children

"Then you can say whether you dare or not, but I also have requirements, that is, the girl I actively pursue must be chaste. If not, then I will not pursue." This is not to explain , Hu Xing is wondering if Wang Ou is no longer the eldest daughter of Huang Hua?

"Haha~ What kind of EQ are you?!" Even Chen Long couldn't help it now, Hu Xing asked this question, so he showed his EQ too much, right?Have you ever chatted with girls like this?

"Haha~" Hu Xing himself laughed

"Get out!" This guy is really annoying, and he doubted her.

"In your eyes, there are no female stars in the entertainment circle who don't have big girls, right?!"

"I didn't say that, don't bring hatred to me." Hu Xing quickly denied it.

"Then that's not what you meant?!" Wang Ou said that Hu Xing meant exactly that.

"Stop talking." Hu Xing waved his hand, saying that he didn't chat for a while, and he was about to change clothes.

Hu Xing plays the male number two, and the role played by Hu Fu is a brotherly existence.

When Hu Xing changed into his clothes, his tall and straight figure really looked like a general.

After Hu Xing sat down at 170, the stylist brought him a headgear for Hu Xing to wear.

After putting on the hood, Hu Xing kept replying to WeChat on his mobile phone.

"No, it seems that some domestic game studios have to quickly produce a mobile version of the chicken, and there is also the glory of the king."

"Otherwise, the current mobile phones are useless."

"It's only 2014. There are too few mobile games that can be played. We must propose to those studios to make more interesting mobile games."

"Although the current mobile phone configuration is not good enough, but in fact, it is still good for playing."

Speaking of this, Hu Xing found the studios of these two games and tried to come up with an idea for them to develop a mobile version of LOL and a mobile version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds...

"Hu Xing, eat chicken tonight." When Hu Xing was chatting with someone nearby, Hu Fu also said to Hu Xing.

"Is there no night scene tonight?!" Hu Xing is fine, but the point is, don't you need to shoot a night scene tonight?

"No, where is the night show now?"

"That's right, I'll go to sleep in your room tonight, and we'll have chicken together."

"My daughter-in-law is not in Hengdian, filming, sleeping at night with no one around, I can't sleep, I can just go to your room for a few months." Hu Xing's shameless reason made Hu Fu's eyes widen.

"Go away, I'm a straight man, I can't sleep in the same bed as a man." Hu Fu also has sleeping habits.

"It's okay, I'll just make the floor." Hu Xing said casually, he didn't care about it anyway.

"You really...hehe~" Wang Ou and the others all looked at Hu Xing with a smile.

"Tell me about you, a handsome guy, why do you feel so insecure when you sleep at night?" Wang Ou was too embarrassed to talk about him, but Hu Xing gave people too many opportunities to complain.

"You don't care about me, why don't you accompany me tonight?"

"As long as you let me into your room, will our night light be good for the script?!" Hu Xing accidentally used a meme from his previous life to tease the original owner.

"What nightlight script, really." Wang Ou blushed, and stopped talking now.

"Xiao Lei, come over to Boss Hu's room tonight, and we will eat chicken in three rows." Hu Xing wanted to pull Wu Lei in and let him eat together.

"Brother, I still have to do my homework tonight." Wu Lei actually refused in his heart.

"What to do, can homework be as important as eating chicken?"

"You know how to do your homework every day, don't make yourself a nerd."

"Ask your Boss Hu, when he was in junior high school and high school, was he so obedient and read every day?!" Isn't Hu Xing teaching bad children...

"No, at that time I was playing every day, even if my mother was a teacher, she could just let me study more every day, but I also changed my way and found various excuses to play." Hu Fu smiled darkly.

"Crack!" Hu Xing stretched out his hand, and Hu Fu gave him a tacit high-five.

"Okay, come tonight and eat chicken." Wu Lei was successfully brainwashed.

"That's right, look, brother, I also went to school to sleep every day."

"Now, it's not my brother, I'm playing. Now my brother has 520 bars and writes countless songs."

"This man must have an understanding of all walks of life, and he can't just know how to read."

"The quality of your grades determines whether you can go to a good school."

"You're going to be an actor in the future, why are your grades so good? Wouldn't it be great if you could get on the show?!" Hu Xing continued to brainwash Wu Lei.

"That's right, look, now your second brother Hu has a successful career and several girlfriends."

"It has been explained in all aspects. Studying and getting good grades. What's the use of becoming a top student? Acting is the most important thing, and making money is the most important. Come on, let's eat chicken tonight." Hu Fu also lost his own image for this game. .

"It's too bad, these two people." Liu Tao couldn't help saying that they were teaching bad children.

"Hu Xing, you look like you are going to be a father, how can you teach bad children like this?!"

"If your son also plays online games every day in the future, what will you do?" Hu Xing didn't think for a second about the question Liu Tao asked, so he said, "Beat, beat to death."

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing answered this, and Hu Fu gave it full marks.

"Look at you, if your son plays online games, you beat him up; now you are still teaching Wu Lei to play the game badly."

"What else? Playing games all day long? Can playing games harm girls? Can playing games find a girlfriend? Can playing games every day make me hold a grandson?"

"If you can, you play every day, and I won't quarrel with you."

"If you can't, then get out and pick up girls, and give me a little mustache as soon as possible. After that, you can do whatever you want. If you can make money, you will have food. If you can't make money, then you will be Get out." Hu Xing was absolutely sincere, but Liu Tao found himself speechless.

"With a father like you, I think your son will be unlucky in eight lifetimes." Hu Fu said with a smile.

"Having such a father, it is really his blessing, let me tell you." Hu Xing is so thick-skinned, no one refute, let him continue bragging, this guy will die if he doesn't brag.

"Come on, Wang Ou, I'll put on makeup for you. Your makeup will take a lot of time, more than two hours." The makeup artist came over and said to Wang Ou.

"No, no, is this makeup? It will take two hours? Is this makeup? This is decoration?!" Hu Xing, who was next to him, asked the makeup artist very surprised.

"..." Wang Ou turned his head just like that, and looked at Hu Xing speechlessly and with tightness in his chest.

"Hahaha~" The rest of the irrelevant people laughed heartily.

"It hurts my heart." Wu Lei was still at the side telling Wang Ou what was in his heart.

Chapter 0827 Is this coming to life?

"Hu Xing, that's right. I want to find a woman with temperament. From what aspect do you think I can see that she has temperament?!" Hu Fu asked Hu Xing beside him when he was accepting makeup for styling.

"Looking for a woman with temperament?" Why did you ask this suddenly.

"That's right, from what aspect can we see that a person is sexy, temperamental, or romantic and sexy?!" Hu Fu wanted to know these~.

"Rich women look at their shoes."

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