These two are so cute, they met in the finals, it was a family sitcom, of course, now there is a good drama of domestic violence.

"There's no more bullets." Hu Xing and Reba said at the same time that there were no more bullets, so they could only use their fists.

"Come out, use your fists seriously this time." Reba stood up after saying that, and Hu Xing did the same.

Chapter 0833 can play a game on the hot search

At this moment, they had nothing on them, so they really stood up and fought each other with their fists.

"Let you hit me, knock me down once with a gun, and run over me with a car." Reba controlled her character, punching Hu Xing's character with her fists.

"Didn't you shoot me with a sniper rifle and rob me too?" Hu Xing refused to admit defeat, the two just swung their fists like this, one punch after another, and in the end, Hu Xing let go on purpose , less than two mouse clicks.

Hu Xing stopped clicking the mouse, and Reba saw it and stopped clicking.

"Why don't you fight anymore?" Reba stopped and asked Hu Xing.

"Isn't this for you to win?!" Feeling that the trouble was enough, Hu Xing said to let Reba win.

"Don't! Why do you ask me every time, don't." Reba knew that Hu Xing would let her. The quarrels, shootings, and intrigues just now were actually just a farce staged by their understanding of each other.

When it was time to decide the outcome, Hu Xing would always let her.

There is no way, Hu Xing loves her too much, as long as she can be happy, he will do anything.

"Otherwise, let's kill them all with a grenade, and we'll be killed in the end. It depends on the system's decision on who eats the chicken at the end, depending on our luck?" Hu Xing said, and went to where he had just thrown, and picked up a grenade.

"Okay!" Reba didn't move, Hu Xing went to pick up the grenade, then pulled the safety off and held it in his hand.

The two stood very close, and the grenade exploded, which would definitely kill them both.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded, and Hu Xing's computer screen immediately went black and white.

In the end, he finished second.

Reba looked at her computer screen, and the display read 'Good luck, chicken dinner tonight'.

In the final outcome, Hu Fu and the others had no complaints.

"You know, using a grenade to die together depends on who dies first and who can eat the chicken. It depends on who the grenade is closer to." The question Hu Fu asked, of course Hu Xing knew...

The grenade was in Hu Xing's hands, so of course he was the closest to the grenade.

Even if they all died together, it would be fine, but in the end he was the first to be killed, and Reba was the one who ate the chicken.

"Hehe~~" Hu Xing smiled without saying a word, obviously acquiescing.

"Let's play, it's a good chicken eating game, how did it become a dog food on the battlefield?"

"It's too much, playing and eating chicken can let you complete the visual sense of the film's bitter drama."

Erke's live broadcast room was boiling, and many fans were talking about Hu Xing.

But this game made Hu Xing think of something good.

Through this game, he thought of some movie script plots and some lines.

He has memorized all these, and he has to write them down, and he will use them when he writes the script.

After finishing a game, Hu Xing sent a private message to Reba, asking if she would like to come together.

Reba said that she stopped playing and wanted to take a bath.

That was just right, Wu Lei also came out of the shower, and the three of them plus Er Ke were just enough.

The game continued, but Hu Xing was thinking about the script while playing.

Hu Xing and the others didn't finish the fight until 2 o'clock in the morning.

Take a bath and sleep.

After taking a shower, Hu Xing and Hu Fu lay on the same bed, and the two gay friends started arguing.

Arguing and arguing, we discussed the issue of the script together.

Chatting and chatting, they were so tired that the two of them fell asleep without knowing why.

It was past 8 o'clock the next morning before they were woken up by the alarm clock.

Hu Xing went back to his room to wash, changed his clothes and went to the set

"You guys are amazing." Seeing these two people coming, he gave them a thumbs up.

"What's the matter?!" Just arrived here, Hu Fu still didn't understand what happened...

"The video of you playing games last night is now popular on Weibo, don't you know?!" Liu Tao reminded, which made Hu Xing and the others shake their heads, saying that they didn't know about it at all.

It is indeed popular, this video is the complete video of the whole game recorded by Erke.

After recording it, she posted it on Weibo and shared it with more people

No, after watching the video of the entire game, the luggage couple Hu Xing and Reba made many people laugh, because watching them hurt each other was like watching a romantic comedy.

The final ending was actually a little bit touching.

But these are topics that everyone didn't talk about beforehand, and Hu Xing didn't have the time to talk here first.

He still has to continue filming.

This day, the scenes gradually increased.

When Hu Xing was acting, Hu Fu really saw the acting skills of this junior...

However, after a few days in the crew, Hu Xing also went to Hangzhou and continued to record "Longing for Life".

"Hu Xing, we should go." In the afternoon, manager Li Hui came over and called Hu Xing away.

"You guys are busy first, I will go to do other work." Hu Xing said to the director's crew.

Knowing that Hu Xing has a lot of variety shows, everyone in the crew understands.

What's more, Hu Xing also worked very hard in the crew, and he was very serious about performing his role well.

After getting in the car, Hu Xing still took the script to study, marking all the lines in the script in a mess.

He has marked out every line, what kind of tone, eyes, and expressions need to be used.

Even walking is fine, Hu Xing has to study hard.

Now, I can see that Hu Xing's scripts are always densely packed.

The agent standing next to him, after seeing this, took a picture of the contents of Hu Xing's script with his mobile phone.

After taking pictures, I also helped Hu Xing update Weibo.

Let fans see what Hu Xing's script is like.

Compared with the clean scripts of some celebrities, Hu Xing's scripts are so chaotic that only he can understand them.

In the crew of "Langya Bang", the scripts of many actors are not clean, and there are many things that the actors have annotated on it.

Hu Xing is just one of them, and Hu Fu's own script is also the same.

This is to make myself more aware of my role, so I made this comment.

This approach can be said to be very good, and it is also the attitude and awareness that an actor should have.

Why Hu Xing can interpret his role so well is of course his study of the role.

"Oh hello, what's the matter?" Hu Xing answered the phone, it was Zhao Liying's call.

"Where have you been?!" Zhao Liying called Hu Xing and asked him.

"Just arrived in Hangzhou, have you arrived in Hangzhou yet?!" Hu Xing temporarily put down the script and asked Zhao Liying.

"The plane just landed, do you want to come and pick me up, let's go there together?!" Hu Xing called to let him come over and go to the mushroom house together.

"Well, yes, you can wait at the airport, I will ask the driver to change lanes to pick you up."

Chapter 0834 Let's eat and live?

After receiving Zhao Liying, they went to the mushroom house together.

But today, they were the first ones to come. Huang Lei and He Jiong hadn't arrived yet.

"Father, I'm hungry." As soon as she arrived and put her luggage away, Zhao Liying changed her name to Hu Xing, not Hu Xing or husband, but Dad.

This is the first time Zhao Liying has appeared on the show since she publicly became pregnant.

Many viewers in front of the TV are looking forward to her appearance.

When Hu Xing heard Zhao Liying's call, he couldn't help but feel the joy in his heart, so he put on the sweetest and happiest smile on his face.

"Let me see if there is anything to cook and eat." Hu Xing didn't know, there was something to eat here, so let's go in and look for it.

The weather was cold, so Zhao Liying held a hot water bottle.

"Honey, here we come." He Jiong dragged his suitcase over.

"It can be counted." Seeing Teacher He and Teacher Huang coming, Zhao Liying stepped forward, ready to help with luggage and so on.

"Oh, no, no, it's inconvenient for you now." He Jiong quickly declined Zhao Liying's help.

"That's right, you should be careful when you're pregnant, and wear more clothes when it's cold." Huang Lei also took care of pregnant women, and was amazed by this, so he asked Zhao Liying to take it easy.

"This is the third generation of our Mushroom House, so we need to take good care of it." While He Jiong was talking, he reached out and touched Zhao Liying's stomach.

Of course, it was through the clothes, otherwise, Hu Xing would have gone berserk.

Hu Xing took some flour out of it, and asked, "Mr. Huang, are we eating noodles or eating?!"

"Let's eat, don't eat noodles."

"Only when the guests come and there is no money to cook, will we cook noodles." Huang Lei said that he wanted to eat.

"That's good, you are in charge of the kitchen, so I'll let you cook." Just in time, when Huang Lei came, Hu Xing could take the opportunity to be lazy.

"Are you so relieved of my cooking? Isn't Li Ying pregnant? You don't want to make something for her to eat, it's really good, you, this boyfriend made it for you." Huang Lei taught such a lesson, let Hu Xing, who originally wanted to be lazy, could only stand up silently and go to make something for his wife.

"Hehe~ Only in this way can Hu Xing cook without any complaints." He Jiong felt very comfortable in this way.

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