"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's complaints to the public made the audience who knew cars in front of the TV all laugh out loud and gave him a thumbs up. This joke is powerful.

"The appearance of Volkswagen is to change the soup without changing the medicine; the fashion point is that it is an expert in plastic surgery in the automotive field, and it is also an expert in the failure of plastic surgery."

"However, it's still the same car, and no matter how it turns into a car."

"Although there is nothing to say about the configuration and performance, but for appearance control, Volkswagen is a fool's plaything. It is a car that changes from time to time, and it has nothing new." Hu Xing is right, He Jiong and the others laughed so hard.

"I think Yilong cars are very good." Yun'er quickly expressed his opinion, saying that he likes Yilong cars.

"Heh, the one who said Yilong was good, ended up driving Hyundai." Hu Xing made no secret of his dislike and poisonous tongue towards Yun'er.

"Really, I also want to change to the Yilong car, okay?" Yun'er said that she also wanted to change.

"Do you believe what you say? Listen to your own tone. The tone of your speech is weaker than your kidneys."

"Haha~" Hu Xing's poisonous tongue has never disappointed people, and this time is no exception.

"Ah!" Yun'er was a little fluffed up by the poisonous tongue.

"Then I also want to buy Yilong cars, but Yilong cars are so expensive, I can't afford them."

"There is no Yilong 4S shop in South Korea. If you want to buy a car, you have to buy it in China. Imported cars also have to pay customs duties."

"I really want to buy Yilong Krystal, but it's too expensive. What can I do? I'm also desperate, okay?" Yun'er angrily taught Hu Xing a lesson.

"Well, what you said is reasonable, then I will make arrangements quickly so that the Yilong brand will also enter the Korean market." What Hu Xing said was actually what Yilong Group wanted to do.

Because Yilong Motors has really begun to internationalize, not only has a good reputation and sales in China.

Even many countries in the world have noticed the Yilong automobile made in China.

At present, the development of Yilong is getting better and better, and other countries are also going to set up auto 4S stores.

"Brother, that's right, the Yilong Krystal car is all about its advantages on the Internet, so there are no disadvantages?!" Zhang Yixing was curious, so he asked Hu Xing, the designer.

"Yes, whether it is Yilong Krystal, Yilong Zhao Liying, Yilong DLRB, Yilong FF, Yilong RM, these cars actually have a common problem, and one is that I have not been able to solve the shortcoming so far. , this shortcoming may cause Yilong's signboard to be smashed." Speaking of this, Hu Xing also looked melancholy.

"What's the shortcoming?" Zhao Liying, as Mrs. Yilong, was naturally concerned.

"That's right, all the sports cars of Yilong, as long as girls sit on them, they will feel very hot."

"Hot? Do girls feel hot? Why?" Yoon'er is a girl, so she doesn't understand what it means.

"I don't know why. Anyway, Yilong's sports car is like driving out. When girls see it, they will feel very hot when they get in the car, and they always want to take off their clothes." Hu Xing's face was full of embarrassment.

"..." Huang Lei, He Jiong and the others looked at Hu Xing, speechless.

"???" Zhang Yixing, Lin Yuner, and Zhao Liying didn't understand, what do you mean?

"Hahaha~" The audience in front of the TV, as long as they are old drivers, they will all understand what Hu Xing means in seconds.

"Haha~" Even at the recording site, some members of the director team couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?!" Yun'er didn't understand, what's so funny about this.

"Haha~ Hu Xing is boasting that Yilong's sports car is only for picking up girls." He Jiong laughed angrily, and explained to Yun'er and the others: "It is said that girls will feel hot when they get in the car and take off their clothes, that is to say, take off their clothes These girls are all rich second-generation or rich people who can afford Yilong sports cars."

"In a disguised form, it is also saying that people who can drive an Yilong sports car don't have to worry about not being able to find a girlfriend or find a girl." He Jiong didn't even want to explain, but who made him understand.

"Haha~" After hearing He Jiong's explanation, Zhao Liying also understood.

"Papapa!" Yun'er slapped Hu Xing even more after realizing that she had been shaken.

"Every male audience in front of the TV, it's not me who blows."

"For Yilong's sports car, if you drive 300 meters, if no girls jump off, then you have to consider your appearance." Hu Xing said to the audience solemnly.

The audience in front of the TV at this moment understood Hu Xing's meaning in seconds.

It is precisely because of this that many viewers watching the show are using barrage.

"When it comes to propaganda, I only obey Hu Xing."

"I am convinced by this wave of propaganda."

It is true that Hu Xing's promotion for his 330 car is really a peak.

"I remember, Brother Hu Xing, your car seems to be just an iron cavalry, right?!" Zhang Yixing asked

"That's right, isn't it just one iron cavalry?" Hu Xing admitted that he only had one iron cavalry.

"How come? You have so many luxury cars in your design, why don't you drive a better one?!" Huang Lei felt that young people like luxury cars, right?

"It's not necessary, driving a luxury car is because of picking up girls."

"I'm not single, and I don't flirt with girls. Even if I want to flirt with girls, I don't need a luxury car. My looks are enough." As soon as Hu Xing finished speaking, Zhao Liying twisted his ears.

"In my opinion, a car is just a scooter, and there is no need to drive such a good car."

"The other one is that a luxury car is nice, but it's not very convenient for people like me to drive."

"The main thing is that I have to consider the problem of picking up and dropping off the children in the future, so I have to choose a nanny car with a lot of space and good comfort." In fact, he is already bearish, and he no longer needs to drive a good car to prove it. How rich I am: "In this way, when Li Ying has a big belly, she won't be uncomfortable because of the small space in the car."

"At the same time, we must also consider that in the future, children's seats will be placed in the car. The space is small and the baby will be uncomfortable."

Chapter 0840 disregards the feeling of the audience

"Considering the long-term problem, I use a car for my family, not a car for personal use alone, so I don't drive a sports car, but choose a car with large space and comfort." Hu Xing explained why he only Just drive an Yilong cavalry.

"There should be applause at this time, right?!" Hu Xing said and applauded himself.

"Hehe~" With such a cheeky face, Zhao Liying gave him applause very cooperatively.

"Yun'er and Yixing, is this the first time they are on a show together?!" The topic just now was skipped, and Teacher He asked something else, about the guests.

"Isn't it? It seems like it's the first time for Lay to be on a show with me." Yun'er thought about it, and found that this was really the first time.

"That's because you are busy, sister." Zhang Yixing said that Yoon'er was busy.

"Really, you guys are busier than me right now, right? You guys are totally in the limelight now." Yun'er's envy got Hu Xing's eyes rolling.

"Are you proud?!" Hu Xing asked Yun'er if she was proud.

"I found out that after watching a lot of Girls' Generation's dances and MVs, Yooner is the absolute C position, right?!" He Jiong understands these things better, but Huang Lei doesn't.

"Hee hee~ Oppa helped me fight for this." Yoon Er told everyone with a smile.

"Hu Xing helped you fight for it?!" Even Zhao Liying didn't know this.

"Well, at that time, Hu Xing was actually a teacher in our company, and he was the only dance teacher in our company who was under 20 years old at that time."

"At the time when our Girls' Generation was preparing to make their debut song, Hu Xing told the company's consul and producer that I should be the C position; in fact, at that time, some of the sisters in the group were not convinced."

"But after giving various reasons, the consuls and directors of the whole company agreed."

"It's just that, everyone, don't think that everything is good because I am a C position."

"In the whole group, I'm definitely one of the three with the least amount of individual lyrics for each song."

"It's even more exaggerated, there is a song, my personal lyrics are only five words." Yun'er pouted and looked at Hu Xing.

"Hehe~" Everyone knows that Hu Xing is the behind-the-scenes producer of Girls' Generation.

Of course, Hu Xing was responsible for the arrangement of the song lyrics for Girls' Generation.

Yoon'er is the C position of Girls' Generation, but there are very few lyrics in each song.

"Which song is it? The personal lyrics of Yun'er's song are only five words?" Even Huang Lei couldn't help being curious.

""oh", except for all the choruses of our Girls' Generation, I personally only have five words in the lyrics of this song, and if these five words are translated into Chinese, there are only four words."

"Translate Chinese, what is it?" Ha Kyung asked Yoon'er.

"I want to say it." Yun'er still counted with her fingers, and indeed there were only four words.

"Haha~" After Hu Xing finished listening, he couldn't hold back himself.

"Ah! Why do Xu Xian have so many lyrics, but I have so few?!"

"Isn't Xu Xian the lead singer? She is the lead singer and lead dancer among the nine of you. She is the middle of the nine in terms of singing and dancing, and she is also better than you in singing." Hu Xing explained.

"Hmph, it's impossible to be so small. It's only five words. Don't you think it's too much?"

"In our group, the three who have the most lyrics in each song will always be Sister Zhu Yan, Sister Xika and Sister Pani, followed by Xu Xian."

"Then you are the C position in the dance. Standing in the middle, you are the most eye-catching, okay?!" Hu Xing just said one thing to make Yun'er feel better.

"How about this, Yoon, come and sing the individual part of the lyrics of each of your title songs in Girls' Generation, let's count, how many seconds do you have?!" This is also a small game, right?

When Yun'er sang all the lyrics one by one, the audience realized that it was really pitifully rare.

I didn't realize it before, but when Yuner sang all the title songs and got her own part of the lyrics, I realized that there are really very few.

"Is this still good?!" Zhang Yixing thought it was very good.

"We have more people in the group, so the distribution of lyrics is better. All of them add up to about 30 seconds. Sister, you still have 2 minutes anyway."

"Haha~ That's because my sister debuted five years earlier than you, and she released more songs than you." Yun'er was satisfied now, but she was lying on Hu Xing's body.

The two are so tired and crooked, but in the eyes of the audience, there is no sense of disobedience

The relationship between Hu Xing and Yun'er doesn't need to be said much.

Even if it's good for both of them to kiss, the audience will scream and won't be too surprised.

"By the way, Yoon'er, Girls' Generation, what date of the month are you coming back to?!" Now that we've reached the point of talking about Girls' Generation, it's good to continue the chat.

"The 24th of this month." Yoon'er didn't hide anything, and returned on the 24th.

"What's the name of the title song for Girls' Generation comeback this time?"

"mr.mr..." Yoon'er didn't hide anything, and said the name of the title song this time on the show.

Anyway, there are still a few days left before the comeback, and the lyrics will be released at that time.

It will take at least half a month before the program airs, and it is not considered that the name of the song has been revealed in advance.

"Can you perform this dance on the show?!" He Jiong did this for the highlight of the show, and of course he wanted to help Girls' Generation promote this comeback.

"Hee hee~" Yun'er lay on Hu Xing's back and looked at Hu Xing with a smile: "Why don't you dance with me?"

"Are you crazy? When will I dance your dance this time?" Of course Hu Xing refused.

"Do you dare to say that you can't? Reba helped us choreograph this dance."

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