"Let me ask you, do you have a conscience?" Hu Xing's phone is hands-free. Everyone knows that there is nothing wrong with the girl who will come tomorrow, but who it is, I don't know yet.

"Why do you ask that?!" The girl didn't understand, why did she suddenly ask?

"That's right, if you have a conscience, order some simpler dishes."

"If you don't have a conscience, just work harder. You can do things like Buddha jumping over the wall, sheep and scorpions, and the banquet of Man and Han; but if this is the case, we can think of many jobs for you to do tomorrow." Hu Xing's naked threat, Let the other side of the phone quickly say: "Then I'll order a vegetarian stir-fried vegetable and a vegetable soup."

"Haha~" The guests were scared and just ordered these two dishes, and He Jiong and the others laughed.

"Okay, I know you are a good person as soon as you hear it." That's easy, isn't it?

"No, why did you Mushroom House threaten me when it was time for me?!"

"When Liu Shishi, Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, and Reba went there, didn't they all cook a lot and eat? Why did you threaten me like this when it came to me? What did I do wrong?!" Guest I really don't understand, why is it different when it comes to her?

"Then let me ask you, do you have Master Liu's temperament?" Hu Xing was also guessing.

"It's hard to say whether it's good or not, but I still have a temperament." Girls are very confident, especially female stars, they don't want to admit that they are inferior to other stars.

"Then let me ask you, do you have the good looks of Concubine Liu Yi?!" Hu Xing couldn't guess who the other party was for the time being.

"In my family, I am the most beautiful." The other party didn't say that he was more beautiful than Concubine Liu Yi, but he also didn't say that he was inferior to Concubine Liu Yi.

"Then are you as old as Yang Mi?!" Hu Xing's question made the other party very depressed.

"Not big or small, confident enough." The other party always avoided such sensitive answers, which made Hu Xing even more surprised. This guest's EQ is not bad?

"Then do you have Song Jia's long legs?!" Hu Xing asked again.

"In the hearts of fans, I also have long legs." The female guest was so confident, which made Hu Xing even more curious, who is it?Long legs?

"Is Su Yan as beautiful as Di Lieba?!" Hu Xing asked this question, and the other party immediately replied: "I am much prettier than her, just a little girl."

Now Hu Xing is sure who this person is.

"Asshole, can't you hear my voice?!" The other party was a little annoyed.

"Maybe it's a problem with this phone. I turned on the speakerphone. The speaker of this phone is a bit hoarse. I couldn't hear it right away. Gu Gu, will you come alone tomorrow?!" Hu Xing said with a smile who this person is.

"No, Xiaodi will go with me too." Nazha looked at his good sister beside him and said.

"Ah? Xiao Di is coming again?" Hearing this, Hu Xing was even more surprised: "If Xiao Di comes again, she is the only star who can come to the life we ​​yearn for twice."

"There is no way, Xiao Di said, her husband is the person she yearns for, and she can go there as many times as she wants." Nazha couldn't help laughing as she spoke.

"Wow, then tomorrow will be great, Xinjiang Shuangmei come together." Knowing this, He Jiong also came over in surprise.

"Xinjiang Shuangmei in the Mainland in 92, wow, male viewers in front of the TV, you have benefits." He Jiong's fuss made Hu Xing very unconvinced and said: "What benefits are not benefits? They are all My daughter-in-law, am I proud?!"

"Hahaha~" On the other end of the phone, Nazha was naturally very happy to hear what Hu Xing said.

"Stop talking nonsense, I want to order food, and I want to have a big meal." Nazha didn't say much, just said that he wanted to order food.

"Okay, if it's the two of you, don't worry, I know what I'm going to do for you tomorrow." In fact, Hu Xing has already thought about what to do tomorrow.

"Well, that's good. I'll just order. You can figure it out tomorrow. I know you won't let me down." Nazha smiled and looked at Reba who was holding her.

"That's fine, I know." Hu Xing said that he knew.

"Honey, I'll go over tomorrow without breakfast, and you prepare breakfast for me." Reba was beside Nazha, reminding Hu Xing.

"What time do you guys come over, don't you have breakfast?!" Reba said, and of course Hu Xing also wanted to do it.

"Now we have arrived at the hotel in Hangzhou, and we will arrive around 9 o'clock tomorrow."

"Based on what I know about you, you must get up early tomorrow to make breakfast for Sister Liying."

"Nine times out of ten, it is definitely necessary to make a breakfast for Sister Liying that can raise a baby. Hehe~ Make more, maybe I will be pregnant after eating it." Zhao Liying, who came out of the shower, heard it.

"Reba is coming again?" Zhao Liying asked Hu Xing, wiping her hair with a towel.

"That's right, the goblin Reba is here, and when we're together with Yun'er, our mushroom house will probably be demolished by these two Geminis." Hu Xing said helplessly.

"Ah? Yoon'er is here too?!" Reba didn't know it before, but only now.

"Yes, she is a guest today."

"Okay, we'll talk when we get there tomorrow. Remember, make breakfast for us. If we don't have breakfast, don't feel bad if we starve." Nazha and Reba left these words and gave the phone to Bye.

"..." Hu Xing looked up at Zhao Liying beside him.

"Hehe~" I understood Zhao Liying's current mood, but it was actually done for this shot.

"Yun'er, your choreographer is coming tomorrow." Hu Xing walked back and said to Yun'er who was playing the game.

"Choreographer? Which one? Reba?" Yun'er quickly realized.

"Well, I'm coming over tomorrow, so, tonight, you should practice this dance first."

"I guess she will check your dance tomorrow." Hu Xing suggested to let Yun'er do a part of this dance here.

"Our album is about to be released, how can it be possible that you can't even know this dance?" Yoon Er is very confident, she has practiced this dance for countless times, how can she still not know how?

Chapter 0848 Tribute in the Qing Dynasty

"Heh~" After Hu Xing read the WeChat, he was amused by the content.

"What are you laughing at?" Hu Xing's devilish laughter was suddenly heard

"Reba sent me a WeChat message saying: Tomorrow she will come to the show of "Longing for Life." Hu Xing really likes this lovely woman.

"Hehe~ Whoever comes to our place doesn't come in casual clothes, or in casual clothes."

"She is fine, but she still wants to come to our catwalk?" Zhao Liying also felt amused when she found out.

"I don't know about her, but this young lady must be having a blast again, and I don't know how she's going to show tomorrow." Hu Xing really didn't know, and sometimes Reba didn't play cards according to common sense.

"Hu Xing, are you sleeping with Yi Xing tonight?!" Huang Lei had already finished his shower and was about to go to bed.

"Okay, I'll sleep with Yi Xing tonight, you two go to sleep on the second floor, and Yi Xing and I will be the head of the department tonight." Hu Xing didn't say anything, after all, with Yoon'er around, she must be with her tonight Zhao Liying is in the same room.

"Lin Yuner, let me warn you, sleep well tonight, don't kick the quilt, don't hang on my wife with your long legs."

"Kicking the quilt, Li Ying caught a cold, let me ask you; if you put your legs on Li Ying, you will press my daughter-in-law and my daughter, and see how I will settle accounts with you tomorrow." Hu Xing did not forget to remind Yuner.

Hu Xing, who knew that Yun'er was dishonest in sleeping, warned Yun'er in advance.

"Isn't it okay? It's not like before." Yun'er blushed as she spoke.

"Look, look, she's blushing, she must be lying." Hu Xing pointed at Yun'er's face, saying that she would blush when she lied.

"Really, I'll tie you up tonight, so I can rest assured?" Do you want to do it?

"Of course not." Yun'er assures Hu Xing shyly, saying that she will definitely sleep well.

"Trust me just once." It was late at night and everyone was going to sleep.

Hu Xing and Zhang Yixing slept below, but these two young people were full of passion.

Under so many cameras, Hu Xing just hugged Zhang Yixing.

The viewers watching the show were taken aback by this pair of star CPs.

Of course, many people say that Xingxing CP is too loving.

The two quarreled in the early morning, and then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Hu Xing heard movement outside the yard.

His sleeping nerves are very sensitive, and he woke up when he heard movement outside.

After waking up, I touched my phone to check the time. It was past 7 o'clock. It is estimated that the directors of the column group got up and got ready for today's shooting equipment.

Just in time, he got up and made breakfast for his confidante.

When Hu Xing came to the town yesterday, he happened to buy some things to make a very good breakfast. This breakfast was also specially made for Zhao Liying.

"Heh~ Hu Xing is really a good man, and he got up at 7 o'clock." The audience watching the show really envied Zhao Liying for meeting such a good husband.

Since she was pregnant, as long as Hu Xing was by her side, he would take good care of her.

Hu Xing has been busy since 7 o'clock. This breakfast is quite special and takes a lot of time to prepare.

"Hu Xing, what kind of rice is this? It looks different?!" Seeing this, the photographers looked at the camera and asked Hu Xing.

"This is green japonica rice, which is only grown and produced in a county in Hebei, but it is very rare."

"And green rice was also a tribute in the Qing Dynasty." Hu Xing told the audience this.

"I'll go, Hu Xing can even get the tributes from the Qing Dynasty now?" The audience was even more surprised when they learned about it.

However, many people know about green rice, but they have never eaten it.

After all, this is really rare, but it has not absolutely disappeared, it is just planted and protected in some places, not to say it disappeared.

"What are you going to do with this green rice?!" the photographer continued to ask Hu Xing.

"Use green japonica rice to make a kind of porridge that concubines used to eat when they were pregnant in the Qing Dynasty. It's called Crispy Honey Porridge."

When Hu Xing said this, the audience gasped again.

Did Zhao Liying save the Earth or the Milky Way in her previous life? How could she marry such a good man?

The concubines of the Qing Dynasty were pregnant, and Hu Xing made her the crispy honey porridge that she often drank?

"The crisp of crisp honey porridge corresponds to ghee; honey is honey."

"Ghee is the essence of Tibetan food. It is fat extracted from cow and goat milk. It tastes sweet and contains multiple vitamins, which can nourish the stomach and quickly replenish physical strength."

"Honey is sweet in taste and flat in nature, and has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, tonifying deficiency and moistening lung, detoxifying, and harmonizing various medicines."

"The most critical porridge is the use of green japonica rice, which is hardly seen in the market now."

"The porridge and rice, which is famous for using green rice, is fragrant." Hu Xing explained the message of this porridge.

"Of course, the audience should not be obsessed with using green rice. It is also possible to use high-quality rice; this depends on the economic conditions of the family to choose."

"And a lot of rice in the market that claims to be green rice is actually not authentic."

"Even for me, in order to find this Japonica rice, I have spent several years investing in it and getting people to plant this Japonica rice. Only then can there be authentic Japonica rice."

"Everyone knows that I can cook palace cuisine, so I will dig and cultivate the ingredients needed for palace cuisine as much as possible, otherwise I won't be able to make real palace cuisine." When Hu Xing was cooking, And explain it to the audience.

During the time of explanation, the time passed very quickly, and it was past 8 o'clock in a blink of an eye. The crispy honey porridge had been boiled for more than an hour, and the aroma had already begun to waft out of the mushroom house.

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