"..." Zhang Xiying pouted and looked at his unscrupulous sister-in-law.

"Haha~" Zhang Xiying's reaction was so cute that Liang Tong couldn't hold it back.

"Really, what are you afraid of? Anyway, it is him now, is it possible that you are still afraid of being harmed again?"

"It's been so thoroughly ruined by him, okay? There's a big meal to eat, why don't you go?"

"Maybe, you may still have a lover and get married." Liang Tong's bewitchment made Zhang Xiying roll her eyes: "You must be my fake sister-in-law, actually pushing my sister-in-law into the fire pit."

"What pushed you into the fire pit? Isn't Hu Xing a fire pit? It's definitely a hot spring."

"Hot spring? Yes, it's the hot spring. No wonder so many women like to soak in his hot spring and don't want to come out." Zhang Xiying thinks this is too true.

"Sister-in-law also hopes that you will be one of the ones enjoying this hot spring."

"Look, you are as beautiful as a flower, as beautiful as a flower, with the face of first love."

"Hu Xing's hot spring is also famous. As long as women who go in for a bath, their appearance and body will upgrade. If you go in and soak in it, you must be a super goddess again."

"And with a boyfriend like 073, what else do you dislike?"

"With such a boyfriend who is so powerful, why do you have any hesitation? Go ahead and pursue your happiness. Then you will be a little princess in our family, and a young mistress like a little princess in Yilong." Liang Tong is so cute, There is really no way to let Zhang Weiying.

Zhang Yuying stopped talking. After finishing her work in the afternoon, she was debating whether to go or not.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiying had already arrived at the door of the hotel room that Hu Xing said.

"Do you want to go in?!" Zhang Xiying was very tangled, should she go in?

Her sister-in-law didn't follow her either. The reason was that she didn't want to be a light bulb for her, so she just went by herself. Anyway, Hu Xing took her body, and now she went alone, and nothing worse happened. , there will only be better.

"If you die, die. Anyway, he is my demon. This time, I will deal with this guy." Zhang Xiying's heart swayed, his eyes rolled, and he fought hard.

"Ding dong!" Zhang Xiying waited anxiously after pressing the doorbell.

Hu Xing, who was in the room, went to open the door after hearing the doorbell.

"Crack!" The door opened, and it was Hu Xing who caught Zhang Xiying's eyes first.

However, looking down, there is no shirt on, revealing a strong upper body.

Well-developed pectoral muscles and perfect eight-piece chocolate abs.

Further down, oh, with a bath towel around it.

Hu Xing's head was also covered with a towel, and there were still drops of water on his body.

Looking at Hu Xing like this, Zhang Yuying was in a daze.

This was the first time she had seen a man's good figure so closely.

No, with such a hot figure, it's no wonder that my little cutie has such serious sequelae after the first time.

"Come in." Hu Xing said very flatly, and then said to Zhang Xiying.

"Ah, no, no, isn't it?!" Zhang Yuying trembled a little as she spoke, Hu Xing has already taken a shower, shouldn't she just wait for her to go in, and then start doing something later?

"If you don't come in, then you can leave." After Hu Xing said this, Zhang Yuying really turned around and wanted to leave.

"Huh?!" As soon as he turned around, Zhang Xiying smelled a very fragrant smell.

"Before you leave, please close the door for me, thank you." Hu Xing's voice came from inside.

"..." Now Zhang Yuying closed his eyes even more, and waved his hands secretly: "Damn it, Zhang Yuying, Zhang Yuying, can you be more confident, are you defeated by this delicious food?!"

"I'll just die, I've died once anyway." Zhang Xiying muttered, then went into the room bravely, and closed the door.

Hu Xing turned around, looked at the short girl in front of him, and smiled slightly.

"Eat, it's been a long time, and this is the first time I've cooked you a meal." Hu Xing didn't approach Zhang Yuying either, but sat down on the sofa.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Zhang Xiying looked over, and the table was indeed filled with a lot of delicious food.

From the looks of it, it was obvious that Hu Xing had done nothing wrong.

"You eat, or I will sit over and you will be too nervous to eat." Hu Xing doesn't care, just let Zhang Xiaoying eat by himself, he doesn't care if he eats or not.

It's good if Zhang Yuying can come in, at least it's an improvement, isn't it?

"Oh." Zhang Xiying went into the bathroom to wash his hands, then sat down in front of the dining table, looked at the food in front of him, and suddenly had a great appetite. He didn't stop at all, just picked up the chopsticks and ate.

"Hmm!!!!" As soon as he entered the mouth, Zhang Yuying was overwhelmed by the taste.

"God, forgive me for being a little sister who can't help but be tempted, this is really delicious." Zhang Xiying said silently in her heart, this is the first time she really tasted it.

"How long have you been on this crew?!" Hu Xing even put on his clothes while Zhang Yuying was eating.

"Huh? This one, it will take a month or two."

"Don't you want to go to school?!" Hu Xing continued to ask Zhang Yuying, and now he came over.

"Come on, I'll go back to Beijing to go to school when I don't have any acting roles." Zhang Yuying ate quickly, and Hu Xing said to her: "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you, chew slowly, it is good for your health."

Hu Xing picked up the chopsticks and started eating dinner.

"How about discussing something?!" Seeing that she had almost eaten, Hu Xing started his own plan.

"What's the matter? Let me tell you, if it's that matter, don't even think about it, it's impossible." Zhang Xiying said to Hu Xing very vigilantly.

"You want to go there, am I that kind of person?!" Hu Xing shook his head, saying that he didn't think about that.

"Yes." Zhang Xiying didn't show any face, and said that you, handsome Hu Xing, are indeed such a person.

"Hey." Hu Xing put down his chopsticks, obviously annoyed.

"Hehe~" This kind of reaction made Zhang Yuying feel normal, but he also asked him, "What's the matter?"

"Come here to accompany me tonight." Incarnated as a puppy for a second, Hu Xing closed his left eye pitifully, and only looked at Zhang Yuying expectantly with his right eye.

"Still saying no?" Zhang Xiying squinted her eyes, despising Hu Xing.

"My sleeping habit, you know it after watching my show?"

"During this time, none of my other girlfriends worked in Hengdian, and no one shared a room with me. I couldn't sleep well, and I had to go to Hu Fu and Wu Lei every day to feel safe."

"I'm panicking like this, right?" Hu Xing wasn't bragging, and Zhang Xiying knew it too.

Chapter 0867 How old is it?Still childish?

"Don't worry, you just need to be in the room and share the bed with me, and you will never do anything you don't like or don't want to do to you." Zhang Xiying still wouldn't believe the promise.

"I still know my charm very well. I don't think that a man who sleeps next to me will be indifferent to me." She is very shrewd, and she will be seduced by Hu Xing so easily.

"Uh." Now Hu Xing was really choked, this little girl is quite confident~.

"Then what do you have to do to agree?" Hu Xing really had to win this, or he wouldn't be able to sleep well tonight.

Hehe, if she agrees, he can come tonight too, right?

He really hasn't been out for a while, and if he doesn't come again, he will really explode and die.

"I will never agree." Zhang Xiying raised her legs, shook her head leisurely and proudly, and refused.

"Then let's not talk." If we couldn't reach an agreement, Hu Xing simply let it go and didn't want to talk more.

In the end, Hu Xing was still like a child, shamelessly throwing himself on the bed, looking weak.

"Puchi!" Hu Xing's reaction made Zhang Xiying cover her mouth and laugh.

"Tonight, I'm asking a long-legged sister from our crew to come and accompany me."

"Anyway, I haven't slept well for several days. In order to sleep well, I can do anything."

"You can do whatever you want, after eating, wash the dishes and put away and then you can go." Hu Xing lied on the bed weakly and said to Zhang Yuying.

"Hehe~" Only in this way did Zhang Xiying feel that Hu Xing was a normal man.

Otherwise, he usually always looks like his boyfriend Limax in clothes, and he doesn't look like a normal man at all.

Only when she couldn't reach an agreement like this and was powerless, did she feel that Hu Xing was helpless like a normal person.

"Are you sure you won't do anything to me?" Zhang Xiying let go, looking at Hu Xing's attitude.

"Not sure!!" Hu Xing sat up angrily, childishly angry with Zhang Xiying.

"Look, you even said you weren't sure, so how do you want me to believe you?"

"So, why don't I ask our actress to accompany me tonight?"

"Wang Ou is very good. He has a good figure and long legs. I can play all night tonight without getting tired of it." You could tell that Hu Xing was angry.

"Puchi!" Zhang Xiying couldn't help it, Hu Xing was simply too cute at this time.

You still look like a domineering boyfriend today, how about now?It is a naive and angry little milk dog.

As Song Jia said, Hu Xing is the benchmark of a domineering boyfriend no matter where he is or what occasion he is in.

But once it's time to go to bed at night, in order to sleep well, he can ignore everything, he can be shameless and shameless, and turn into an aggrieved little milk dog who only acts like a baby and begs for his love.

In this way, you will feel that this is a normal person, otherwise such a domineering, perfect, and omnipotent man will give you an unreal feeling.

Only the way he has to compromise in order to sleep well is the most down-to-earth.

Zhang Weiying didn't believe it before, but today he finally saw it.

Hu Xing is really such a person.

In order to sleep well, he really can do nothing wrong, as long as there is a girl he likes sleeping next to him, then he can ignore everything.

Hu Xing's internal vision system, Zhang Weiying's love for him.

It has reached the point where the heart secretly promises, level three.

There was already a relationship, and Zhang Yuying's heart would definitely not be able to erase Hu Xing's figure.

Now Hu Xing made another delicious meal for her, and even acted coquettishly to her for comfort, which made Zhang Xiying's heart more certain, as if he really fell in love with the man who took her body away.

Zhang Weiying thought that she acted very well, but in fact, Hu Xing has a system to test her love, which is more beneficial.

That's why Hu Xing knew this, that's why he resorted to tricks on Zhang Xiying.

"Then you go to Wang Oubai, what else do you want to say to me?!" Zhang Xiying continued to sweep the things on the table slowly, and said to Hu Xing.

"..." Hu Xing looked at the little girl and said, "Oh, I really am. A little fairy in 98 is enough for me to coax, and now I have a little witch in 97."

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