This Weibo is Hu Xing using Hu Fu's photo: "Remember this scumbag, married Linger, took Linger's first night, and immediately pretended to have amnesia to find mistress, scumbag!"

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing is really skinny today.

"What the hell." Hu Fu never expected that he would also be molested by Hu Xing.

"Okay, my skin is comfortable now." Seeing that it was almost the same, Hu Xing said that his skin was comfortable.

"Hehe~" With Hu Xing on the set, it was really different.

However, on Weibo at this time, because of Hu Xing, it aroused many people's feelings and memories.

Some people even went back and looked at these two classics.

Hu Xing continued filming in the crew, and he was no longer serious while filming, he always wanted to make something happen.

If you don't do something, you always feel that something is wrong.

"Hu Xing, what are you doing?!" Director Kong asked what Hu Xing was doing after seeing this.

"I was thinking, I need to do something to make me feel at ease." Facing the director's question, Hu Xing answered confidently.

"What are you doing, really." Director Kong felt helpless with him, so couldn't he be more serious?

"Good, good, serious about filming." Now Hu Xing didn't have much to say, let's film.

Acted well, put in a lot of effort, and the other actors cooperated very well.

"Director, how did I find out that whether it's a TV series or a movie, there's no need for the shooting method of 'one shot to the end'?" Hu Xing walked up to the director and asked him professional questions.

"One shot to the end, it takes hard work. It needs to be shot steadily, and the emotions can be seen in the shot, which makes people feel touched."

"Generally, one shot to the end is used in documentary filming, and now the 'one shot to the end' shooting method is rarely used."

"However, in the [-]s and [-]s, many of Xiangjiang's films were shot to the end." Director Kong told Hu Xing,

"I know this." As an actor, how could he not know this.

"Okay, one more, we can have lunch." The director clapped his hands, getting Hu Xing and several actors ready, and then another one.

Hu Yu is already preparing, but he is preparing for lunch.

There won't be any scenes for him later, so Hu Fu is temporarily preparing for dinner, and when his scenes come in the afternoon, he will shoot again.

Hu Xing also finished filming his own scenes, so he went to get a boxed lunch to eat with Hu Fu and the others.

I am used to a few people sitting together to eat, and they can chat, talk about scripts and so on.

Chapter 0881 Brother Sanshi, let me teach you something

"Today's food is good, isn't it?!" He sat down and saw that everyone's box lunches were good.

"Don't you eat a lot? Come on, my brother will share with you." Hu Yu was about to share his box lunch with Hu Xing as he spoke.

"It's shared, you have to sleep with me tonight." Hu Xing said that Hu Fu will accompany him tonight.

"Well, Xiao Lei, shall I try your delicious food?" Hu Fu, who was going to eat Hu Xing's boxed lunch, changed to Wu Lei's.

"Second brother, I've always wanted to ask you a question." While eating, Wu Lei thought of asking Hu Xing.

"What's the question? It's not a question about the eighteen bans, so I won't answer it."

"Hey, I'm eating." Wang Ou immediately said to Hu Xing, can I stop driving while eating.

"That is to say, can you have a good meal?!" Liu Tao also said.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Lei, tell me." There is no other way, so let's not drive.

"What kind of person do you think a girl, or a woman, is?!" Wu Lei's question made these brothers and sisters look at him.

"What's the matter? It's the first love, is it?!" Listening to Wu Lei's tone, is there a girl he likes?

"730 Uh, sort of." Wu Lei nodded shyly.

"Hehe, Xiao Lei has grown up." Seeing Wu Lei like this, he knew he was a boy.

"But you can't be too messy, you know? You are only 15 years old, and you are still young. When doing things, remember to take safety measures." Hu Xing taught Wu Lei seriously.

"Oh no, what are you thinking, I just want to ask you what kind of person a girl is." Wu Lei hurriedly explained, telling Hu Xing not to deceive the topic...

"This girl, or this woman, is a combination of cuteness and contradictions."

"Why do you say that?" There were several girls with them.

Wang Ou, Liu Tao, and Zhou Qiqi are all girls.

"Why do you say that? Just tell you that?"

"If you let the girls run a thousand meters, they will get tired and dizzy; but, if you let them go shopping for a day, they will have nothing to do." The idea Hu Xing said made Wang Ou and the others smile silently. Can't refute.

"Also, in winter, if you ask her to wash the dishes, she will freeze and cry; but, they don't wear long johns in winter, but they feel very hot in stockings."

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's words made the women beside him dare not speak, only the men laughed the most happily, because what Hu Xing said was so true.

"What's more, you asked her to eat two more bites for dinner, and she said that I was going to be stuffed to death; but in the end, you didn't let her eat snacks, and if you didn't eat a piece of potato chips, you could chop you with a kitchen knife in minutes and doubt your life."

"Hey, look, your sister Qiqi can't finish her meal, so I'm starting to eat snacks now." Hu Xing said, and asked Wu Lei to watch Zhou Qiqi.

Zhou Qiqi silently put down the snacks, covered her mouth in embarrassment and kept laughing.

"Do you understand?" Hu Xing also asked Wu Lei, do you understand now?

"Understood, I've been taught, how can I catch up with girls?" Wu Lei seemed to be really about to fall in love for the first time, which made Hu Xing look at him with a smirk.

"Chasing girls? Then it depends on what kind of girl you're chasing?"

"If you are at the age of your sister Liu Tao, show her your figure, because a married woman understands that a man's figure depends on how happy she is?!" Hu Xing said with a smirk.

"Get lost, old driver." Liu Tao hit Hu Xing angrily.

"Then what if it's like Sister Wang Ou?!" Wu Lei asked again.

"Sister Wang Ou, like you, basically can't rely on body shape, but rely on smooth words and money."

"Your sister Wang Ou is tall, noble and glamorous, and generally likes to decorate herself. At this time, she needs enough money to go shopping and buy clothes for her. It is not enough to satisfy the money, but also needs your sweet words." So, Wang Ou But if you don't agree, just give him a blank stare.

"What if it's a little girl in the same grade as you? She's considerate and careful."

"It's the easiest thing for young people to fall in love. If you do these two things well, as long as you are not too ugly, you will be right after each other, so you don't need to worry about it." Hu Xing said and rubbed Wu Lei's head. .

"Oh no, Xiao Lei, who are you looking at?" Hu Fu asked gossipingly, who exactly were you looking at.

"A girl." Wu Lei didn't say who it was, but he also said: "It's not from the circle."

"Isn't it because I see the second brother showing affection with the second sister-in-law every day?!" It was Hu Xing's fault that made him think this way.

"Look at you, it's not good to teach Xiao Lei, you have to teach him these things, you are enough." Liu Tao said that it was Hu Xing's fault.

"What's wrong with me? I didn't teach anything well. I'm a young man. It's not surprising that I have ideas when I reach puberty?!" Hu Xing felt that this had nothing to do with him.

"You know so many things, but teach Xiao Lei some other things that will be useful for his future stardom..." Liu Tao is also very optimistic about Wu Lei.

"I'll teach you, tell him to keep his face and don't become disabled."

"..." Now everyone is looking at Hu Xing, can you talk more nonsense.

"Seriously, brother, you have to teach me some skills, maybe I will be called Little Hu Xing by everyone in the future." Wu Lei asked Hu Xing to teach him something.

"No, the things I teach you are all in the long run."

"But these things, your sister Liu Tao and the others all said that this is not a good thing, don't teach it or not." Hu Xing waved his hand, let's forget about it.

"It's okay." Wu Lei was very easy to learn, so Hu Xing said, "Let me teach you how to tell if a woman is a virgin?"

"I'm sorry to bother you." Wu Lei quickly got up and walked away, not studying anymore.

"Haha~ what are you doing, didn't you ask me to teach you just now?!" Hu Xing looked at this kid with a smile.

"These are useless things, brother, why are you teaching me? What I want are skills, not these." Wu Lei said very depressed, but Hu Fu and the others were already laughing.

Hu Xing is really too bad, he made fun of Wu Lei like this.

"Okay, okay, I'll teach you something else." Hu Xing waved to Wu Lei, telling him to come over quickly.

"Teach what?!" Wu Lei was still very vigilant, and Hu Xing said: "It's a massage technique that women like, and it will definitely make girls refuse...Hey, don't go, this thing is really useful, brother is for you Okay, come back, Lei you come back, seriously."

"Crack! Crack!" Wang Ou, Liu Tao and the others slapped Hu Xing on the shoulder, really teaching the children bad.

"Xiao Lei, I'll teach you how to use the computer to watch movies, that's right, [-]W points... Then download and watch, no freezes, smooth pictures, which is of great help to growth." Hu Xing was the only one who tortured Wu Lei. Can cover ears.

"Hee hee~" Hu Fu already suppressed a smile, but he still couldn't hold it back.

Chapter 0882 Internet Addicted Teenager

PS: To be honest, Yuzu has been a bit poisoned by eating chicken recently, so the chapters updated during this period have a bit more content about eating chicken; in addition, the content of eating chicken written by Yuzu actually revealed a little bit to everyone, and I will describe it later The plot of the live-action movie, right? After all, when the movie is released, it’s not easy to use too many chapters to describe in detail; I'm a little sorry; but I will try not to write in the future; I know everyone doesn't like it; but more or less, I will still write a little bit, after all, I said that I want to write about the content of the movie

"Playing games again!" Hu Xing read the blank of the script, and saw Wu Lei playing Tiantian Run with his mobile phone.

The current mobile games are indeed such simple games that can be played.

More difficult games have not been made yet.

Even Hu Xing has asked the people in the studio to develop King of Glory and stimulate the battlefield on the mobile game, but this can't be done in a while, and a lot of work is still needed to complete.

"Hu Xing, eat chicken tonight." Hu Fu asked Hu Xing again - surprised.

"Why don't you start a live broadcast?!" Hu Xing was not so addicted to this game, but Hu Yu was really addicted to this game to a point that was almost crazy.

Fortunately, he didn't waste his work just because he played this game.

Usually after work is over, when there is nothing to do in the hotel, Hu Yu will eat two handfuls.

Hu Xing is the same, he didn't indulge too much in it, but when he went out to film and had nothing to do, he would be an Internet addicted teenager in the hotel, playing games online and so on.

"No, live broadcast requires too many things." Hu Fu doesn't even like live broadcast, he just likes to play games or something.

"Okay, let's have chicken tonight." Anyway, there is nothing to do, so let's eat chicken.

Soon, after the evening, Hu Xing met Hu Fu, Reba and Er Ke to go online and eat chicken together.

In the evening, they usually have time, unless there is a night show, they don't have time.

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