"My fans, let Hu Xing go up and shoot. Wei Shen is also very powerful and very skilled."

"During the previous storm of anchor cheating, Wei Shen proved that he did not cheat and was indeed skilled. Therefore, Wei Shen's name is very famous in the chicken eating circle, and I have double rowed with him several times. , the strength is really strong."

"Why is no one suspecting that I cheated?" Hu Xing wondered, his skills don't seem to be bad, so why no one suspected that he cheated.

"Yes, why not? Many people say that you are invincible." Er Ke said.

"Your cheat is sister-in-law Reba. As long as the two of you form a team, you will be the biggest and most invincible cheat." Er Ke also read what the fans said, and then told Hu Xing.

"Hehe~ Well, I admit that I cheated." After all this, how could Hu Xing not admit it?

"There's someone." With an [-]x mirror, Reba saw a person in the distance, and was ready to shoot.

"Huh?!" Just as Reba was about to snipe someone in the distance, Hu Xing noticed someone not far away.

Seeing this, Hu Xing stood beside Reba, blocking the opponent's sneak attack on Reba.

"Dangdangdang~" Hu Xing stood beside Reba, holding a frying pan, blocking a wave of damage.

"Da da da~" After blocking the opponent's damage, Hu Xing immediately changed his gun and turned on the red dot magnification.

"Knocked down." After Hu Xing knocked down a person, he looked around vigilantly.

Just because of the damage, Reba also sniped the players in the distance.

After Hu Xing made sure that there was no one around, he immediately went over to lick the bag.

"Haha~ It's really hard not to eat chicken with this gun. With this gun, I'm already invincible, okay?!" Hu Xing came to lick the wound of the bag, just in time to see that the other party had a 'big pineapple'.

"I said, why did the voice sound different just now? It turns out that the other party has a handful of big pineapples."

"It's a good thing he doesn't have any bullets, otherwise, you and I would have been cold if the 100 rounds of the shuttle just now came down." Hu Xing broke into a cold sweat thinking about it.

Licking the damage of the bag, I found that there is no 5.56 bullet in the player's box.

This also means that the player's big pineapple just now has more than a dozen bullets left, which happened to be borne by Hu Xing's gang Reba.

If it was 50 rounds, Hu Xing would have been really cold just now.

If it was 100 rounds, not only he would be cold, but Reba would also be cold.

Simply, luck is good, otherwise it really can only come here.

After replacing the big pineapples, Hu Xing only used a handful of big pineapples.

The M416 was fully equipped just now, and Hu Xing just threw it away.

With 200 rounds of 5.56 bullets, he can confidently shoot everyone.

"Crack!" At this moment, a bullet hit Reba's body.

"Ah!" Seeing her character being knocked down, Reba immediately screamed, "The other party has AWM."

This is an air-dropped sniper rifle, ignoring the third-level armor and the third-level head, and headshot with one shot.

As long as you hit it, you will definitely fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Hu Xing quickly threw a smoke bomb over.

After temporarily helping Reba up, Hu Xingyou continued to throw smoke bombs.

The distance is far, even if you have a sniper rifle, it is good to know that Hu Xing and Reba replenish blood in the smoke, but the other party dare not use AWM to snipe anymore.

Because of the limited number of bullets, the opponent would not dare to waste bullets when they could not see anyone.

If it was at close range, maybe he would use a rifle to shoot into the smoke, which might kill people, but if it wasn't at close range, Hu Xing didn't worry about it.

"Brother, the person who sniped my sister-in-law is Wei Shen." Er Ke told Hu Xing after reading the system's news.

"Haha~ Who did I spy just now? Did the audience see it? Reba, I caught Reba, hehe~" Wei Shen was also broadcasting live, but what he didn't expect was that he actually caught Di Lire It's gone.

"Wei Shen, you are finished, defeat Reba, and you will bear Hu Xing's anger."

"Poor Wei Shen, it's not good to hit someone, you want to hit Reba, let's see how Hu Xing will deal with you later."

"I'm looking forward to it, how exciting will Wei Shen and Hu Xinggang be?!"

Wei Shen's live broadcast room became lively.

After Hu Xing pulled Reba up, he finished the medicine and left here quickly.

"Snipe me? Good job, snipe me." Reba was still muttering that she had been sniped.

"Sniper with me? See how I can kill you, little boy." Reba was angry, and she was sniped by the other party without seeing anyone.

The point is, her third-level head was gone, so she felt even more tight in her chest. After finding cover, Reba went to search for the direction from which she just shot.

The eight-fold mirror allows him to clearly search for distant enemies.

"Daughter-in-law, maybe he has an auspicious suit." Even AWM has it, so the possibility of having an auspicious suit is not ruled out.

Reba heard it and was also looking for it seriously.

"Crack!" Reba remained silent, and shot next to a rock on the top of the mountain.

"Ah!" Wei Shen, who was lying behind the rock, watched helplessly as his third-level head exploded.

In the case of full health and a third-level head, the damage of the M24 is really not enough to kill it with a headshot.

But it is true that the third-level head can be exploded.

"Excellent, no, I have to go." Only then did Wei Shen realize that he seemed to have encountered a sniper.

"Pa?!" The bunker Reba found was very good. Seeing the person in the auspicious suit get up and run away, after calculating the distance, the drop of the bullet and the opponent's running position in his mind, he shot again.

But the gun didn't hit the opponent, because the opponent was obviously very skilled.

In the process of escaping, he kept moving, making it difficult for the bullet to hit him.

"Run away the poison." Without taking down the opponent, Hu Xing let Reba run away with the poison.

"Hehe~ This match seems to be a tie." Hu Fu watched from the side very enjoyable.

Reba's sniper level is indeed formidable.

If she had used AWM just now, then the opponent must have been knocked down as well.

But it's a pity that Reba only has M24 on one side, and the damage can't be compared with AWM.

Chapter 0886 little girlfriend angry

The final round is here near the school.

Hu Xing and Reba also came to the end, and there were 5 people left alive, except for Hu Xing and Reba, there were 3 people left.

With Hu Xing of the big pineapple, he just shot and killed 7 people later.

Hu Xing has already killed 25 people, and Reba has also killed 23 people.

The two of them worked together to kill nearly half of the people. It is not wrong to say that they are Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the chicken eating circle.

After reaching the finals, Hu Xing only had 61 rounds of 5.56 bullets left in his backpack.

"How many 5.56 bullets do you have?" Hu Xing asked Reba if he still had bullets.

"There are still 107 rounds, let me give you 20 rounds." Reba is holding a sniper rifle now, and the rifle is temporarily unusable.

But if you don't use it, you have to save some bullets for self-defense.

After Hu Xing got 50 rounds of ammunition, he immediately filled the magazine with 100 rounds.

"Wei Shen hasn't killed him yet, he has an auspicious suit." Reba is still concerned about this, because she has to kill him with her own hands.

"Da da da~" Hu Xing didn't answer, but quickly shot and killed a person he found.

"There are 2 left." Reba calculated that there were 2 left, and she was about to be surprised.

Hu Xing searched for a while, but couldn't find the guy in the auspicious suit.

If there is no lying in the haystack, there is no one behind the stone, and there is no house in the 917 final circle.

"Hehe~ You're a thief." Hu Xing looked intently, and said to Reba, "I'm just hiding in the haystack."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this? It's hard to see if you're wearing auspicious clothes and hiding in the flowers. There are four flowers here." If you can't find anyone, it might be here

"Da da da ~" Hu Xing shot at a flower, the first flower was empty, and the second.

"Sure enough." Seeing the system prompting that he had knocked down one, Hu Xing became even more sure.

"Crack!" Hu Xing knocked down one, and when there was only one person left, he was also knocked down by AWM.

"I found you." Reba hid very well, watching the flowers diagonally opposite bloom.

"I'll go, I was discovered." Wei Shen was shot, and after seeing his red blood, he knew that if another shot was fired, he would really die.

At the same time, he also saw Reba's position, turned around and turned on the magnifying glass.

The same goes for Reba, with a magnifying mirror, it's still inside Huachou.


"Crack!" Two gunshots sounded almost simultaneously.

"Good luck, chicken tonight." Hu Xing, Hu Fu, Reba, and Er Ke saw their computer screens, and after seeing this, they were even more relieved.

"6, Reba and Wei Shen faced each other head-on, did they really win?!" In Erke's live broadcast room, the excitement had already erupted, but he did not expect to win in the end.

"Niu, Hu Xing killed 27 people, Reba killed 24 people and ate chickens. These two people are too terrifying. Together, they slaughtered 51 people. This chicken eats a lot."

"Haha~ Our Erke is lying chicken again."

"How many times has this happened, Er Ke, you are really hopeless, your body is not as good as Reba, your face is not as good as Reba's, your breasts are not as big as Reba's, your legs are not as long as Reba's, and your singing is not as good as Reba's, even if you are Playing games and eating chicken, and her skills were completely abused by Reba, poor baby."

"Hey, this fan is enough. If I have a body as good as my sister-in-law, a face as tall as my sister-in-law, legs as long as my sister-in-law, a chest as big as my sister-in-law, and a song as good as my sister-in-law, then I will be my brother's girlfriend now. Not my sister." Er Ke retorted angrily after seeing it.

"Haha~ Er Ke seems to be really depressed."

"Hmph, you bastards, next time I'll show you the chicken." Er Ke's goal made people laugh and cry.

Erke itself does not get everyone's love by playing games, but by singing well.

Of course, everyone also likes to watch Erke play chicken, because looking at the current live broadcast industry, Erke is the only anchor who can often eat chicken with celebrities.

Especially the anchor who eats chicken with Hu Xing and Reba, so far there is only Erke alone.

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