"Haha~" Seeing Li Chen shut up instantly, Deng Chao and the others laughed gloatingly.

How rich Li Chen's emotional history is, as a member of Running Man, Deng Chao and Chen He are very familiar with it.

Li Chen had several exes, and one of his girlfriends was a young Xinjiang model named Dilinal.

Now that Hu Xing mentions this, Li Chen is instantly unhappy

He won't be angry with Hu Xing because of this. On Running Man, everyone has teased their ex a lot, and they are used to it. As long as it is not too much, they can talk about other things and make jokes.

"Dong Dong~" At this time, someone dressed as a teacher knocked on the door.

"The boys in your class are the noisiest in the whole school." The teacher who came in was actually a writer in the column group.

"Xiaofang, when did you become a teacher?" Chen He directly explained the identity of this teacher.

"Don't talk. The teacher is not in a good mood today. After four classes in the morning, you don't have to go to class in the afternoon." Comrade Xiaofang is quite involved in the play.

"That's good, I don't have to go to school in the afternoon."

"Start your graduation competition now." Teacher Xiaofang said seriously.

"Is it finally possible to graduate? Old Li and Deng have both studied for 20 years." Chen He complained.

"Haha~" The two who were complained about laughed awkwardly.

"Next, for winning each game, you'll get a pair of sneakers."

"Wear the sports shoes and run to the playground is the winning team." Teacher Xiaofang explained today's rules.

"That means that if you don't have sneakers, you can't go to the playground to gather for graduation, right?!" Nazha still didn't understand this question, so he wanted to ask clearly.

"..." This question was ignored by Teacher Xiaofang.

"Could it be that you forgot the following rules again?!" They are all in the same column team, even the staff behind the scenes, Hu Xing and the others know them very well.

"Hehe~" Teacher Xiaofang lowered her head and smiled in embarrassment.

"Teacher, what about those who don't have sneakers?" Reba raised her hand and asked the teacher.

"Okay, today's group is divided like this." Teacher Xiaofang hurriedly ended it to avoid embarrassment.

"Hey, how can this work? I'm in the same team as Hu Xing." Deng Chao immediately said that he didn't want to be in the same team with Hu Xing, as both of them were the most verbose types.

"Yeah, why do I want to be with Deng Chao? He will tell me his son is good all day long, and his son is a little padded jacket, thinking every day to trick me into having a son." Not only Deng Chao hates it, but also Hu Xing Hate this too.

"These two chattering together, this entire program, our group has no chance to perform." Wang Zulan turned to look at their team.

"What else are you talking about? How about I change it with you?"

"I was the one caught between them, and that was the most broken." Zheng Kai also had something to say.

"By the way, the filming of Hu Xing's new play seems to be over, right?!" Chen He thought of an interesting question.

"The filming is over, what do you want to do?!" Hu Xing was very vigilant, what did Chen He want to do? This is, why is he suddenly concerned about whether his TV series filming is over?

"That's right, aren't you playing Guo Jing? I thought of a question two days ago."

"It is also the use of the 'Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms' to become a first-class martial arts master admired by everyone in the world."

"Guo Jing or Qiao Feng, who is better?!" Chen He just thought of this question recently.

Facing Chen He's question, Hu Xing was silent for a while, then raised his head and said: "Who is better than Guo Jing and Qiao Feng? I don't know who is better in martial arts; In front of his wife, he is like a grandson, but Qiao Feng is so powerful, he slapped his wife to death with a slap."

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's divine comment made everyone burst into laughter.

"Look, a person like me who has no status at home and is like a slave in front of his wife can play Guo Jing, but I can't play Qiao Feng, because when I play Guo Jing, I act in my true colors and don't need any acting skills. "

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's self-comment made the Zaraba sisters burst into laughter again.

"Hu Xing, do you like small animals?!" Nazha asked Hu Xing.

"I like it." He definitely likes small animals.

"How much do you like it?" Nazha knew that Hu Xing liked small animals.

However, she prepared a trick to tease Hu Xing.

"Let me tell you this." Asked how much he likes it, Hu Xing said: "Dun Dun can't be less."

"..." What did Hu Xing mean?Deng Chao and the others thought about it seriously.

"Hahaha~" Reba was the one who responded the fastest, and immediately understood the meaning of Hu Xing's words.

"This is what you call liking small animals?" Nazha also laughed angrily. The prepared routine was also unable to proceed now because of Hu Xing's unreasonable playing of cards.

"If you like small animals, you have to eat them all the time." This answer is true, Chen He is also convinced, and he can't accept it.

Chapter 0892 love and kill the bet

The leather ones are almost done, so everyone is ready to go out and do the first task.

"Why didn't you say anything when you came today?" Hu Xing really didn't know that Zha was coming.

"I said, you didn't reply to me? I was with Reba last night." Nazha came to Hangzhou with Reba last night, and told Hu Xing.

"Oh, that was last night when I was filming all night. I was too tired to look at my phone." Hu Xing said and yawned

"You filmed all night again last night?" Deng Chao and the others were very surprised when they found out.

"Well, costume dramas are like this, because there are many crews who share a scenic spot for filming, and they have to line up to use them, so in order to catch up with the show, sometimes they will shoot all night." This problem is not only known by Hu Xing, but also by Deng Chao. of.

"That means, you haven't slept all night? Is it okay to record a show today?!" Reba was very worried about Hu Xing, afraid that he would be too tired.

"It's okay, I drank coffee just now, if you are sleepy, just drink some Red Mooer." Hu Xing said indifferently.

"What is red moo'er?!" Deng Chao didn't understand what it was.

"Red Bull!" Reba knew what it was after having performed the routine once.

"Haha~" Zheng Kai and the others subconsciously laughed when they learned that the so-called Red Mooer was Red Bull.

When I came to the playground, a small blackboard was prepared here, which said what class to take.

"The law of the parabola, what is this?!" After walking over to see clearly, Wang Zulan asked.

"It should be related to throwing things." Chen He thought so.

"Outdoor lab class, first class, math."

"Learning objectives: the rules of the parabola; use the rule of the farthest parabola when it is 45 degrees to the plane, throw the sneakers with your feet, throw your own shoes into the shoe cabinet, and the team that completes the two players first wins .” Rules are written on the blackboard

"Throw it with your feet?!" When I heard that it was thrown with my feet, this made it more difficult.

"Do you want to throw it into the shoe cabinet with your own name?" Hearing this, Reba and the others took a closer look.

It's all the same, it depends on who is lucky and who can control this so-called parabola.

"What if it is thrown into the opponent's group?" Nazha asked his own question.

"Except for throwing it into your shoe cabinet, everything else is invalid." The director answered Nazha's question.

"Looking at Nazha's name, I always want to throw the shoes into her shoe cabinet." Deng Chao started to get nervous.

"Come on, I'll be the first one." Hu Xing stood up and shook his arm vigorously in front of Deng Chao.

active hands?This is a game that requires the use of legs and feet. Why is Hu Xing moving his hands?

Also, what do you mean by shaking your hand so hard?

"..." Deng Chao didn't even need to think about it, he knew that Hu Xing was deliberately provoking him who broke his hand.

"Haha~" Hu Xing didn't quarrel with Deng Chao either, but one action was enough to make Deng Chao depressed.

"Yeah! Oh yes! It's good that the hand is not broken, oh oh oh~" Hu Xing said, and began to stimulate Deng Chao.

Deng Chao's face was irritated, and veins popped out of his forehead. One can imagine how annoying Hu Xing is.

"It's almost done." Deng Chao couldn't take it anymore, so he asked Hu Xing to get it almost.

"Then you come first." Seeing that Deng Chao couldn't stand it so much, Hu Xingang let him come.

"But Brother Chao, don't you need to cover your tattoos?!" When he learned that Deng Chao came first, did Reba remind him that he didn't need to cover his tattoos?

In fact, many minors watch variety shows.

Deng Chao has a tattoo, and he usually uses this tape to stick it up, otherwise he may be cut off by the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television if he appears in front of the camera.

Because celebrities have tattoos, it's not impossible, but it can't affect minors. To be a celebrity, you must set an example.

"No need, I'm wearing stockings, I can't see it." Deng Chao's tattoo is near the ankle.

If it is wearing socks, this may be seen.

"I think it's more interesting for girls to get tattoos."

"It's just two words tattooed. This will definitely make your boyfriend love you to death." Hu Xing is a person who has no taboos. Some Hu Xing will still say what the radio and television request.

"What word?"

"On the lower back, the word 'force' is tattooed." Just as Hu Xing finished speaking, Nazha and Reba raised their feet at the same time.

The two left and right, raised their feet and kicked Hu Xing's buttocks.

"Ah!" Hu Xing, who had been kicked twice, was kicked out.

"Haha~" No need to think too much, men will understand the meaning of Hu Xing's words Wen.

"Get started!" Reba yelled at them to start quickly.

"Here we come." Deng Chao got ready, and after moving his feet, he quickly threw out the shoes on his feet. The target was a cabinet in front, and it was still the shoe cabinet with his name on it.

"Crack! Bang!" Deng Chao stepped down, and the shoes flew over quickly and fell on the shoe cabinet.

"Oh?!" It was the first time, and Deng Chao succeeded?

"Wow? Is this a success?" Nazha didn't expect it to be so simple?

"Invalid, Deng Chao's shoes are in Hu Xing's shoe cabinet." Chen He of the blue team immediately reminded the director that Deng Chao's kick should not count.

"Didi~" The director crossed his hands, indicating that this does not count.

"Ah~" Deng Chao also had a look of regret, it would be nice if he clicked on the side.

"Is this really possible?!" Zheng Kai didn't expect it to be so simple, and he really did it all at once.

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