But just when they were lost, a message appeared on the mirror again.

"Including myself, if you gather three people together, someone will be out."

"Oh?!" Deng Chao and the others were surprised again when they saw this message.

"What do you mean?" Nazha couldn't understand for a while, what does this mean?

"It means that among the eight of us, if three of us get together, one of them will be out. However, we don't know who this person is for the time being." Deng Chao quickly understood what was said. I mean, tell Nazha.

"Wow, if that's the case, we won't be able to be together as three of us later?" Nazha, who understood now, said, "I can't be in the same frame as Hu Xing and Reba, right? We need to separate?! "

"Oh oh oh~ Here we go again." Just when they didn't understand, words appeared in the mirror again.

"Only one question can be accepted, and the answer is 'yes' or 'no'." There was still a chance to ask a question, and Deng Chao immediately said, "Naza, why don't you ask first?!"

"But, there is only one chance to ask questions, hehe~" Even Nazha was moved by Deng Chao's IQ.

"Then how about this, mirror mirror, if three people get together, someone will be out, is this person one of us?" Deng Chao asked about himself, of course.

As a result, what was shown on the mirror was not the two of them.

"Not including us?" Nazha thought of this, and felt more at ease: "If it's not me, then I can go to other people for identification with more confidence."

After the appraisal here, such a side mission appeared, which is actually a link set up to let other people out one after another.

Others who were on the move also heard the broadcast.

"Some people, as long as three or more people gather together, they will die." The broadcast announced the news, which made everyone who was originally in action quiet down at this moment.

"Oh!" Hearing this, everyone panicked.

"That's why you can't do activities in groups. If you want to separate, you can only move with two people at most." Chen He immediately turned to Li Chen who was beside him.

"Are you a pig? There are only two of us here now." Li Chen felt amused, as for this?

"Hurry up, let's go together, first identify whether we are." Li Chen asked Chen He to go over for identification.

"I think it will work." Now there are side missions, which also speeds up the speed of the game

Hu Xing, who was with Reba originally, also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Who triggered the bug?!" Hu Xing leaned against the wall and asked uncertainly.

"Shall we go together?!" Reba asked, should we go together. ;

"Okay." Now that the game has been accelerated, they also have to go together.

Searched here on the ground floor and found three broken mirrors, none of which were usable.

In another place, they found a complete mirror.

Just as they were looking for it, when they were about to appraise it, Chen He and Li Chen also found the mirror.

"Mirror mirror, are we partners of destiny?!" Chen He and Li Chen asked at the same time.

"You are partners of destiny..." Seeing this, the two of them were pleasantly surprised at the same time, but then the mirror reappeared the result: "No!"

"Alas~" After seeing that he was being tricked, Li Chen was very depressed.

"You are really skinny." Looking at the mirror, Chen He just wanted to say something, but saw the words reappeared in the mirror: "Some people will die when they look back."

"Oh?!" Seeing this message, Chen He immediately shut up, and then continued to read the prompt above, saying that he could ask a question, and he could only answer yes or no.

"Is Li Chen and I the one who will die in the future?" Chen He asked this question very nervously, afraid that it would be them.

If that's the case, then they won't be able to turn back later

"No!" The mirror's answer instantly relieved Chen He.

"It's not me! It's okay if I turn around, haha~" Chen He still shook his head, saying that he was not one of the ways to die, so it doesn't matter how he turns around now.

Likewise, the news spread.

"Some people, if they turn around, they will die."

"What, you can't turn back? You can only go forward?" Wang Zulan was very depressed. If this is the case, how can he act normally?

"You can't look back, isn't that so?" As he spoke, Wang Zulan stepped back obliquely, and then moved forward.

This is the same as reversing into a garage, one movement at a time, so that it is not turning back, but as long as the body can keep moving forward and turn continuously, it will allow the body to earn the direction it was facing away from just now.

"Haha~" Wang Zulan's actions made people laugh and cry.

Like a zombie, even his movements froze.

"Ah, really, who triggered this mission?" Zheng Kai was also very irritable, completely unaware of who initiated this mission.

"It's really annoying. If we can't turn back, then it will be inconvenient for us to act." Deng Chao was also very depressed, and really didn't know what to do.

Hu Xing and Reba, who were going to be identified, were also stiff this time.

"If we can't turn back, we can't turn back either. As long as we turn back, some people will die." Hu Xing and Reba stood together, not even daring to turn their heads to look at each other.

"Hehe~ Let's proceed, let's see if we are partners in destiny?!" Reba clasped fingers with Hu Xing, then looked at the mirror and recited a spell: "Mirror mirror, we are partners in destiny ?!"

Chapter 0903 ugly will die

"Ah~ Really." Looking at the content in the mirror, Hu Xing also looked disgusted and depressed.

"What is this? Don't let me do anything." Reba was also very depressed, not knowing what the director team wanted to do.

"There is a person who will die if he shouts loudly." After this ability mission came out, it's no wonder they are upset now.

"What are you going to do? Don't get together, you can't look back, and now you can't even shout."

"What do we need to do?" Reba's nagging went wrong again.

"Hehe~ Call it louder and see if it will go out?" Hu Xing said to Reba beside him.

"Mirror Mirror, the person who can't shout loudly, is it two of us?!" Hu Xing asked Mirror, could this person who would die if he shouted loudly be one of them.

"No!" The final appraisal result, this is not them.

"It's not us." Reba then turned to look at Hu Xing to see what he was thinking.

"Ah~ I see." Hu Xing clapped his hands fiercely, he thought of something.

"Understood what?" Reba's mind was not as fast as Hu Xing's.

"You can't get three people together, or some people will die."

"Some people can't turn back, and they will die if they turn back."

"Some people can't shout loudly, or they will die."

"This is already the ability of three side missions, that is to say, for the eight of us, each of us will have a specific way of death."

"Among the eight people, one person will die as long as there are more than three people gathered together."

"Similarly, among the eight people, only one will die if he turns around."

"And the one we're triggering now, as long as one person shouts loudly, they will die."

"Excluding me and you now, the person who won't die if he shouts loudly will be one of the other six people; however, the two who will die when there are more than three people gathered and turn around, we still have If it is not ruled out, will it be our way of death?"

"This is a horror special, right?!" Hu Xing quickly thought of this.

"Ah~~" After hearing Hu Xing's analysis, Reba also had the same expression on her face.

Whoever shouted would die, and the news soon became known to all.

"Really, why are you doing such a horrible thing today?" Wang Zulan didn't understand what he said, why he didn't let him do anything now.

"Zheng Kai, wait for me, let's go find the mirror together." Wang Zulan saw Zheng Kai in front of him when he turned the corner.

"Are you alone?!" Zheng Kai couldn't turn around, so he asked Wang Zulan behind him.

"It's just me, no, you should turn around."

"I can't turn back, if I turn back, I might die." Zheng Kai said

"No, as long as you turn around without looking back, it won't be out." Wang Zulan was right, Zheng Kai only thought of it now?

"Let's go, let's go find the mirror together." Now that these tasks have been triggered, if they continue to wait, they don't know anything, that's not okay.

"I think it's okay." Zheng Kai thinks this is also good, so let's go there together.

There were still plenty of mirrors, and they found them quickly.

"Some people die when they become ugly." This news surprised Zheng Kai and Wang Zulan at the same time.

"Wow, this is already the fourth one?!" After seeing this, the two of course also asked, could it be one of them.

Turns out, no.

"Wow! Wow!" Wang Zulan didn't expect that this would be so exciting.

"What?" Hearing the news, Nazha muttered, "It's me, it must be me."

"Why?" Deng Chao didn't understand why Nazha was so sure it was herself?

"Whether it's on the show or in real life, I'm the kind of person who dies if I get ugly."

"Hahaha~" Nazha is so confident about his appearance, how confident is he?

"Really, don't laugh, Hu Xing likes beautiful women. If I really become ugly, he will definitely not want me."

"He doesn't want me anymore, I will definitely die." Nazha said so exaggeratedly, Deng Chao squatted on the ground and laughed non-stop, this young lady is quite funny...

"It doesn't matter, Brother Chao, I won't be with you anymore, I'm going to find someone else to identify it." Nazha said and separated from Deng Chao.

"Oh, by the way, although it is said that three people cannot gather together, and if there are more than three people gathered together, they will be out, but Brother Chao and I were excluded."

"That is to say, I can use this ability to gather people together and try to get them out!?" Nazha silently expressed his thoughts to the camera...

"Right? Anyway, when three people get together, I'm not the one who will die, so why don't I gather people and kill one? Wow, this is one of my abilities that can kill people. Why did I just kill people?" Didn’t you see it? It’s all Jiang Yingyu’s fault, who deprived me of my IQ.” Now that Nazha thinks of this point, it’s much easier to act next.

It's just that everyone is acting very strangely now.

"Na Zha, you are very strange." Chen He could turn his head, but just happened to bump into Na Zha.

"Who isn't surprised now? You can't turn your head, you can't shout, you can't be ugly, and you can't gather three people together. Under these conditions, who wouldn't be surprised?"

"Haha~" Chen He was so stunned that he was speechless. Thinking about it, it really was.

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