"Stop!" Reba trotted over and threw herself into Hu Xing's arms.

"Ah." Suddenly having to bear Reba's entire body weight, Hu Xing was of course tired.

However, this is not counted, after Na Zha appeared in the back, he jumped onto Hu Xing's back.

"Ah!" There is a woman in the front to be hugged, and another to be carried on the back.

These two women add up to a weight of 180, can they not be tired?

However, such a scene was subtitled by the column team.

"The two goddesses became ghosts and gods for a man, could it be..." This subtitle also made the audience wonder whether Nazha and Reba's becoming ghosts and gods has something to do with Hu Xing?

Chen He on the other side found Wang Zulan.

"What? You mean, all of this has something to do with Reba?!" Wang Zulan couldn't believe his ears, is this really true?

"That's right, just now Hu Xing said Reba's name three times in a row in front of me and Reba."

"Obviously Reba is right in front of me, but he hinted three times in a row."

"Recall again, what is the relationship between Reba and Nazha?" Chen He asked this, and Wang Zulan replied: "Xinjiang's post-90s are both beautiful!"

"That's right, they are the twin goddesses, and they are also the twin female ghosts of tonight's horror special." Chen He also made a bold guess, because the atmosphere created in this session tonight is really too weird.

"Also, after confirming that Hu Xing is the one who can't turn back, you and I are both people who can't turn back and die, now you have to follow me to find the mirror, and find a way to eliminate the female ghost as soon as possible." Chen He He told Wang Zulan all his guesses.

Chapter 0907 dumbfounded out

"Let me tell you, I won't turn back if I'm beaten to death, I'll tell you." Hu Xing is too tired from being tormented now, and he firmly said that he will not turn back.

"Ah!!!" Hu Xing's ears were twisted, and Reba twisted his ears to make Hu Xing turn around.

"Ah! Don't! I won't look back even if my ears are disabled!" In order to survive~, Hu Xing also fought hard.

"I'm really..." Seeing that it's useless, Reba felt distressed when she twisted Hu Xing's ear, so she gave up this method in the end.

"I don't care, let me get out of here." Hu Xing said as he was about to leave, with his back to Reba and Nazha.

But this doesn't work, Reba's heart swelled, and then she raised her hand and slapped Hu Xing on the back of the head.

"Bang!" The force was not small, and Hu Xing was directly bent over.

"Ah!" Hu Xing was beaten and bent over, but he still couldn't bear to look back.

"I...uh huh~ I can't do this?!" After the beating, Reba knelt on the ground, as if admitting her mistake: "I was wrong, I hit you just to make you turn back!"

"Remember, Nazha you bit me, Reba you twisted my ears, Nazha you grabbed my hair, Reba hit me on the back of the head, I will remember them all, let's see how I deal with you at the end of the show." If Hu Xing doesn't look back, he won't look back, but he doesn't forget to threaten the two women.

"Hahaha~" The audience witnessed with their own eyes how Zaraba abused Hu Xing in order to get Hu Xing back.

But Hu Xing is also strong enough, it doesn't matter how he is abused, he just doesn't look back.

Just when Nazha and Reba didn't know what to do, Nazha looked at Reba expectantly.

"What should I do? It's impossible to go on like this, this guy is too difficult to deal with, do you have a solution?" Nazha asked Reba in a low voice, is there any good solution.

Reba was also frantically thinking of a way, what could be done to get Hu Xing back?

Suddenly, Reba thought of something, and looked at Nazha strangely: "Hehe~ Sis, are you not wearing a bra?"

"What the hell?!" Hu Xing, who was walking to the front, turned his head subconsciously when he heard this.

"..." When Hu Xing turned his head, he saw Reba looking at him with a smile.

"Haha~" Seeing that Hu Xing turned his head this time, Nazha covered his face and fell to the ground laughing miserably.

I have used everything just now, coquetry, showing off, hitting, pulling, twisting, everything that can be used.

Both hard and soft were used, but Hu Xing just didn't look back.

However, when he learned that his girlfriend didn't wear a bra in public, Hu Xing instinctively became jealous, and turned to see if Na Zha really didn't wear a bra.

It was only when he turned his head like this that he realized that he had been tricked.

"..." Hu Xing was just so dazed, and looked at the two laughing women sitting on the ground in front of him with a dazed expression.

"I said I won't let you turn back, but I will turn back..."

"The curse is triggered, Hu Xing is out!" After the broadcast announced, this made Chen He and Wang Zulan confused.

Hu Xing was also out?

"No, no, wait a minute..." Hu Xing looked at the two security personnel who came over, and said excitedly: "In order not to look back, I spacewalked instead of walking, and I was beaten, pulled, twisted." , These are just for winning, but now? What is it? Just because of this routine, I turned around?"

After Hu Xing was caught, he still complained excitedly.

"Hahaha~" Seeing Hu Xing being sent away, Reba and Nazha already fell to the floor laughing.

Not to mention them, even the audience who watched the show laughed speechlessly

Sure enough, Hu Xing cared most about his girlfriend.

As long as you know that your girlfriend is not going to show up at all, you will instinctively look back and check.

However, what I have to admire is that Reba really understands Hu Xing.

Knowing that this trick was useful to him, he finally used it, and finally got Hu Xing into the set.

"Why are you here too?" Deng Chao asked him with a smile when he saw that Hu Xing had also been sent over.

"Stop talking." I didn't even bother to say such a shameful thing.

Coincidentally, he was out, and now he can take a rest.

"Eat supper." Zheng Kai, Li Chen and the others were actually eating supper.

"Don't eat." Hu Xing doesn't eat late-night snacks very much, especially recently, in order to keep fit, he really doesn't eat late-night snacks.

"Audience friends, look at these guys, recording a show and eating supper."

"Come, come, Young Master Hu, let's eat some too." Zheng Kai was happy to eat, so he let Hu Xing eat some.

"Look at these few, knowing that I can't eat supper right now, they eat it unconscionably, make it unconscionably, these smelly and shameless people." Hu Xing spoke, and the Northeast dialect burst out.

"Hehe~" Zheng Kai even pulled a roasted chicken leg to eat.

"Eat, what are you afraid of?!" Deng Chao asked Hu Xing to sit down and eat.

"I think it will work." Hu Xing, who was still insisting, gave up resistance now, and eat.

"Haha~" I was so excited to complain just now, but now I haven't insisted on it for a second, isn't it just sitting down and eating?

While these people were having supper, Reba and Nazha found Chen He.

"Ugh! Let me go!" Chen He took off his shoes after being grabbed by two girls.

"Don't take off my shoes, what are you doing?!" It was useless for Chen He to resist, as the feet whose shoes had been taken off touched the floor.

"I told you not to touch the ground with your feet... The curse is in effect, Chen He is out!" Chen He's curse is that his feet cannot touch the ground. Obviously, the two beautiful ghosts already know this.

That is to say, the remaining king group is alone.

The curse of Wang Zulan is that as long as he becomes ugly, he will die.

Wang Zulan also knew his fate, so he was still struggling in the end.

"I'm not ugly, I'm the most handsome no matter what." Wang Zulan's face was forcibly kneaded into a grimace.

If it's not ugly like this, it really doesn't mean anything.

"Yeah~~~~~" Even the last king group basket was eliminated, and Nazha and Reba hugged each other.

Then the three walked over, looking for others.

But when they arrived, they found that everyone, including Chen He, was enjoying their supper.

"Hey, Jiang Yingyu, what did you promise me?!" Seeing Hu Xing eating supper, Nazha asked immediately.

"Hmm~" Hu Xing quickly wiped his mouth, trying to pretend that he didn't eat supper.

"Eat it, I've been seen, kneeling on the washboard can't run away, why don't you just eat more." Deng Chao persuaded Hu Xing to give up.

"Is it okay not to bring such a thing? We are trying hard to find a chance to win, but you are here to eat supper?!" Wang Zulan was the most depressed. He finally survived to the last time, why did he miss the supper this time? Is it night?Why do you think it's a loss this time?

"Yeah, why did you have no regrets at all when we won, and you still ate so happily?!" Nazha felt that the feeling of winning was different from what he thought?

Chapter 0908 Nazha's Treble and Bass

"Reba, Nazha, why don't you give Hu Xing a supper?!" While eating happily, Deng Chao also asked why you didn't give Hu Xing a supper recently.

"It's not that we don't give it, but he said to keep in shape."

"He has gained a few kilograms recently and is almost 160."

"There are too many muscles, he feels that he is very stiff in dancing, and it is not as simple as before."

"That's why he said that he should control his portions recently, and he can't eat supper, otherwise he will gain weight and keep fit after eating supper, and his body has already surpassed Li Chen." After Reba said this, everyone looked at Hu Xing.

"Wow, Hu Xing, you're real, you're almost 160 already?!" After learning this, Li Chen was surprised: "I'm only 152."

"Then I'm not 5 centimeters taller than you." Hu Xing stopped talking, and then said: "I can't do it, I have to lose weight. I really can't be so conscientious anymore."

Hu Xing must keep his weight below 150.

If the muscles are too developed, it will not be good for his acting path.

"Okay, tonight our show is almost over, so applause for our ghost sisters." Hu Xing stood at the C position, looking at the camera to make a final conclusion.

"As the victors who win, we have gifts." The director asked his assistant to take out the prizes for tonight, which also let everyone see what it is.

"Wow! Another diamond ring?!" Everyone exclaimed after seeing the prizes tonight.

"Why every time our show has diamonds, Reba always wins?"

"Diamond rings, diamond necklaces, diamond bracelets, diamond earrings, as long as the prizes are diamonds, Reba will win in the end." Wang Zulan said enviously after seeing diamonds and Reba winning again.

"That's right, Reba is even more exaggerated than RM's Song Zhixiao."

"Song Zhixiao is in RM, as long as the prizes are related to gold, most of them are won by Song Zhixiao."

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