"Liying, what's the matter with your husband? He hasn't answered my calls?!" Hu Yu knew that his son was now on the set of his daughter-in-law Zhao Liying, because he had asked in the family group just now, and Master Song said that Hu Xing was going to give Zhao Liying a call. After visiting the class, Hu Yu called his daughter-in-law.

"Hehe~" I knew that my father-in-law called to find Hu Xing: "I don't know either."

"Hurry up and ask him to answer the phone. I need to find him in a hurry. Really, he is so self-willed and refuses to answer my call." Hu Yu had no choice but to complain.

Zhao Liying gave Hu Xing the phone and asked him to answer the call.

"What are you doing? It's rare to come back to accompany your granddaughter's mother, you old man is too blind to see, and you bother us young people, let me tell you, if your precious granddaughter is not happy, and you are born to torment you, you Don't blame me." As soon as Hu Xing answered the phone, he complained to his father.

"Hey kid, how did you tell your dad?"

"Really, I don't want to disturb the warmth between you and my precious granddaughter's mother."

"But the problem is that something happened to your sister, and I need you to go there." Hu Yu also learned that his precious daughter was in trouble, and asked his son to deal with it quickly.

"What's the matter?" Knowing that her sister was in trouble, Hu Xing put away her frivolity.

"Why else? It's the problem of the subsidiary Qingfeng. Your sister is very busy now, and she can't handle some things. She is asking me for help." Hu Yu told Hu Xing about the matter.

"Then you go. You are the general manager, and I'm just the director. I don't care about the company's problems."

"It's not a problem with the design department, why did you ask me?!" This is strange.

"Why else, I'm kidnapped by your mother now." Hu Yu explained where he was now.

"What the hell? Oh, you are too busy talking about love with your daughter-in-law, so I can't talk about love with my daughter-in-law? Oh, you, a father, don't help with your daughter's problem, but let your son Go do something for you."

"Hey no, Mr. Hu, don't you think this is a bit too much?!" The tone of Hu Xing and his father made Zhao Liying next to him very happy.

"How did Director Hu talk? Oh, I was kidnapped by my wife today, so it's not because of you?"

"I was kidnapped by your mother to help you and your daughter burn incense and pray to Buddha for safety."

"What's wrong? I can do things for your daughter, but you can't do something for my daughter?" Hu Xing was speechless as Hu Yu said.

"Wait a minute, my daughter hasn't been born yet, so why is my mother going to offer incense for safety again?!" Hu Xing was very puzzled, and said, "I'm a living person, and I haven't seen you as parents. Are you so caring?!"

"Nonsense, can you be as cute as my granddaughter?"

"No!" Hu Xing shook his head helplessly, admitting that he was not as cute as his daughter.

"Then do you have my granddaughter who is likable?!" Hu Yu asked his son again.

"No!" Hu Xing didn't want to admit it, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't admit it.

"You are not as cute as my granddaughter, and you are not as likable as my granddaughter, and you don't know how to be cute and coquettish to us; why do you care so much about you? Stop talking nonsense, and do it if you are asked, so much nonsense." Hu Yu Hu Xing said that he has no temper at all.

But when Zhao Liying heard the communication between the father and son, she couldn't stop enjoying herself...

Not to mention Zhao Liying, even Jiang Fang was amused by the way the father and son communicated.

"Also, my granddaughter's grandma said that after finishing the work, I will buy vegetables and go home to cook. After the meal is ready, I will send food to my granddaughter's granddaughter's granddaughter's mother, and I will send it to two people." If Hu Yu explained it, Hu Xing wanted to lose his phone.

"Hey~ How did I find out that since I became a father, my status has been getting worse day by day."

"The day before yesterday I helped my dad with company affairs, yesterday I helped my mom tutor students with their homework, today I helped my sister, tomorrow I picked up my sister from get off work, the day after tomorrow I have to take care of my daughter-in-law, and the day after tomorrow I have to do prenatal education for my daughter."

"Am I a slave, or Yilong's young master?" Hu Xing complained very well, and Zhao Liying laughed so hard that she was so cute, this man.

"Hey~ All the sons of the old Hu family are like this, let's die, otherwise you think polygamy is fine?"

"I have a daughter-in-law and two daughters. I have been busy enough in this life. How are you? Now there are only a few daughters-in-laws like this. When you marry all of them, I think you will help your daughter-in-law every minute and every second." Do things, not a minute is to help you do things."

"Okay, accept your fate, who gave you the halo of the protagonist, you can do everything, a good man with all abilities." After finishing speaking, Hu Yu couldn't get an answer from his son, and immediately hung up the phone.

"..." Hu Xing looked at the phone in a daze, and randomly returned it to Zhao Liying, 4.6

"Tell me, how about I persuade our parents to have another child?"

"Give me a younger brother, and let my younger brother inherit the family group in the future. I will be happy and free, and I won't have to inherit the group in the future, okay!" Hu Xing's thought made Zhao Liying roll her eyes.

"If you let your parents have another one, it's not as fast as you and Reba and the others have one."

"You let your parents give birth to one. The one in my stomach is older than her own uncle. Isn't this generation messy?" Zhao Liying was right, and Hu Xing finally shook his head: "Then it seems Let me live."

"Let's not talk about it, there is something wrong with my sister, I'll go over and have a look." Knowing that her sister has something important to do, Hu Xing had to help her.

"Go ahead, remember to bring me dinner for dinner." Zhao Liying didn't bother Hu Xing anymore.

Chapter 0914 for the sake of the future

Knowing Hu Xing's identity, Zhao Liying would not hinder her if the family group needed her to do something.

Not only her, Song Jia, Liu Shishi and the others will not hinder, and they will all support Hu Xing to do it.

Even those who are young wives, besides filming, will also learn management by themselves when they have spare time, so as to prepare for managing the family group in the future.

They are still young, and it is good to learn such things as business management.

Especially for the industry of family business, they must also know more about it.

They all know that it is impossible for them to be stars all their lives.

Especially for female stars, after the age of 40, they rarely have the opportunity to play the leading role.

Even if I can continue to be a star, but because of my age, I will take a back seat and play supporting roles for young stars.

Back then, weren’t Liu Jialing, Li Ruotong, etc. all well-deserved candidates for heroines in the 90s?

Nowadays, although they are still active in the circle, more of them are supporting roles, not protagonists.

That's okay, but that's a choice they don't have.

But Song Jia and the others are different. They have a family business. Although Hu Xing 18 is not an only child, he is the only son of the Hu family, and he must inherit the group.

In the future, when they reach a certain age, these older wives will definitely fade out of the entertainment circle and start to help the family business.

Now that I am young, I can do what I like, whether acting or filming.

But in the future, when the youth is gone, there is no chance to play the leading role. Instead of playing a supporting role, it is better to make some contributions to the family business.

At that time, you won't be able to spend too much energy and thoughts on the entertainment industry like you are doing now

Now that they can learn, of course they will learn, which can be regarded as supplementing their own deficiencies.

Hu Xing was also helping, and they wanted to learn business management, but they didn't think it was difficult.


After Hu Xing left the crew, on his way to his sister's company, he happened to come across something that his sister liked to eat, so he brought something for his sister.

When he came to Qingfeng's company building, Hu Xing realized that it was his first time here.

Qingfeng Company has been established, and Yilong Group has also announced that it will set up three subsidiaries to focus on making cars.

Qingfeng's executive director is Hu Ying, and many people know this.

Hu Xing came to the company building, took a few glances, and then found an employee and asked, "Which floor is General Manager Hu Ying's office on?"

"It's on the 29th floor." Of course, the staff of the company also knew Hu Xing.

"Thank you." Hu Xing thanked the other party after getting on the elevator.

"Well, can Brother Hu Xing take a photo together?" the girl asked Hu Xing nervously.

"Yes." Hu Xing did not refuse, and agreed to take a group photo.

After the photo was taken, the elevator just arrived, Hu Xing nodded and walked out of the elevator.

He looked around and saw a sign, so he followed the sign to the general manager's office.

"Boom~" Hu Xing knocked on the glass door of the general manager's office, waiting for a response from inside.

"Come in!" Hu Ying was still busy looking at the documents, but she didn't look up who came.

"Are you hungry? Let's watch after eating something." Hu Xing said to his sister.

"Yo." Hearing her younger brother's voice, Hu Ying raised her head and smiled at her younger brother: "It's rare that you don't stay tender with your sisters-in-law and come here to help me with things."

"Your father didn't threaten me to come here." Hu Xing was nagging, but Hu Ying knew that it was just his intentional thoughts.

"What?" Seeing her younger brother holding a takeaway, Hu Ying was really hungry.

"Jiu Niang Yuan Zi Geng, what you like to eat." Hu Xing put the food in front of her sister.

"Wow, thank you. It's been a long time since I had rice dumpling soup." Knowing that it was this sweet snack, Hu Ying immediately put down her work.

"You eat first. If you encounter any problems, tell me while eating." Hu Xing asked his sister to get up and give him the position of general manager.

"Isn't it the pricing of the three main cars?"

"I don't know how much to set the price. I asked my father, and my father also said that he was not sure."

"In the end, I decided to let you handle it for me. Let you see how much the price should be." Hu Ying explained the general situation to her younger brother.

"That's all?!" I thought it was something, but it turned out to be just this.

"Yeah, that's enough to give me a headache."

"General pricing is based on 1 to 1.5 times the cost of a car."

"For example, if the cost is 5 yuan, then you need to buy 10 to 12.5 yuan." After reading the document roughly, Hu Xing chatted with his sister about it.

"emmm~" For this price, Hu Ying asked: "If this is the case, when an agent joins in, the price they will give will probably be even higher?!"

"That's right, but our manufacturer can also give a fixed price. If they sell it as an agent, they can sell it at the price we gave."

"However, electric vehicles have only officially started in China now. If more people want to choose electric vehicles, the price should not be too high, and at the same time, discounts should be given."

"Electric vehicles are not like fuel vehicles, they can go on high-speed and long-distance runs anytime, anywhere."

"Currently, the electric car 603 can only be used in the city. In this case, there are more things to consider, and the discount must also be considered."

"But these things are not my job, it's my father's job." Hu Xing still needs to distinguish, it's not his own business, he has to take care of it.

"Haha~ Are you kidding me? In the end, this group still belongs to you, and it doesn't matter what your father's business is, really." Hu Ying glared at her younger brother angrily.

"It's true to say so, but you can't always ask Dad, the general manager, to do nothing, right?"

"He's still like this before Xiangxiang was born. If Xiangxiang is born, this old man will just think about spending time with his granddaughter and play with her granddaughter every day, and the company group doesn't care about it. This is even more unacceptable."

"Hehe~" Based on her understanding of her father, Hu Ying felt that her father would definitely be very attached to her granddaughter, and would like to take her granddaughter to play around. This is really true.

"In terms of price and preferential policies, I have already set them up for you." Hu Xing quickly dealt with these things. After all, these are the best plans he got from the system, and he doesn't need them. Think about it, the system will handle it for him, Hu Xing will take a look at it, if there is no problem, then implement it.

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