"That's the problem. Although he has a lot of girlfriends, it doesn't mean that everyone can gather at home often."

"Except for Zhu'er who is still in school, who is at home every day."

"Song Jia, Zhao Liying, me, and Reba are all fine. They all have their own jobs. Either this one left Shanghai for ten days and a half months, or this one left Shanghai for a month to film."

"Except for Chinese New Year holidays, or the birthdays of the elders in the family, there are very few opportunities for all of us to be in Shanghai." In fact, everyone knows these problems.

Stars are actually like this, very helpless, often leave home, not at home for a long time.

Some people even go home no more than 3 times a year.

It's normal to shoot a movie for as little as one or two months, and as long as four or five months, and it's not surprising at all.

"Actually, this is also the first time that Shishi has appeared on a variety show together after she publicly fell in love with Hu Xing, right?!" Teacher He recalled and asked

"Yes, it's the first time that I've disclosed my relationship in a real sense and admitted that I'm in a relationship."

"Isn't it the "Longing for Life" time?!" Yao Weitao asked.

"At that time there was no relationship." Liu Shishi replied to Yao Weitao.

"Huh? Didn't date at that time?!" Liu Kaile and the others were also very surprised.

"Not yet, the relationship was really confirmed. It was last year when he was filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". I happened to visit him in Mongolia after "Sharp and Benevolent Teacher" finished filming. "Liu Shishi is disclosing the details of the relationship.

"Why? Before that, didn't they get along pretty well? Why didn't the relationship be confirmed at that time?!" This is what Hu Fu and the others wanted to know.

"At that time~ I was actually thinking about it, after all, he is different."

"I'm thinking about whether I can accept his life like this, so I've been thinking about it."

"Later, I really couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't resist the temptation of the delicacies he made, so I was conquered by him very disappointingly." Liu Shishi said and acted cute to Hu Xing, making a bun face for Hu Xing Look.

"I remember that the first time Hu Xing met Shishi was the running man, right?!" He Jiong asked with a smile.

"Yes, it was that time, everyone said that I was his wife, bluffing and cheating, hateful." Speaking of this, Liu Shishi had to shave Hu Xing.

"I didn't expect that the guest would be you, okay?!" If he knew, he would definitely not be like this.

"Hehe~ But it was also that time, he left a deep impression on me."

"I think he is very interesting and humorous; when I dote on Reba, I also like it very much in my heart, because this is exactly what I want a boyfriend to be like." Liu Shishi smiled very sweetly.

"Hu Xing made a song for "Chinese Paladin 3" before. It is said that he went to the production team. At that time, Shi Shi didn't see Hu Xing, right?!" Teacher He continued to ask.

"No, I happened to be away from the set at that time."

"If Mimi said it, I really don't know if my future boyfriend wrote the songs in "Legend of Sword and Sword 3"." Liu Shishi was also narcissistic.

"If you were there at that time, maybe you would have dated Hu Xing after you left." Hu Fu smiled and teased Liu Shishi, who also said, "It's really possible, but the fate has not yet arrived at that time."

Chapter 0927 Quick Questions Quick Answers Large Scale

"The next session, will you do it, or will I do it?" He Jiong asked Hu Xing, who will conduct the quick question and answer session.

"I'll do it." Hu Xing was holding the script, so let him come.

"Are you ready? Your fans asked some naughty questions." Hu Xing had already read some questions and reminded Liu Shishi.

"You will automatically ignore those unanswerable questions for me?!" Liu Shishi was really afraid of certain questions.

"No!" Hu Xing's answer surprised Liu Shishi: "Why?!"

"Because I want to show you off." Hu Xing's reason made Liu Shishi really unable to refute.

"Get ready! Start!" He Jiong started the timer.

"Shishi, have you forgotten your Weibo password? How long has it been since you updated?" The first question made Liu Shishi very embarrassed: "No!"

"Teacher, can you show less of the delicacies that Hu Xing made for you?"

"No!" Liu Shishi answered this question willfully.

"Is Hu Xing's food delicious, or your mother's?!" This question, even Hu Xing, looked at Liu Shishi, waiting for her answer.

"The food cooked by my mother has the taste of happiness, and the food cooked by Hu Xing has the taste of a lifetime!" This is where Liu Shishi's high emotional intelligence is revealed.

"I can only choose one of the things made by my mother and Hu Xing, who will I choose?!"

"Mom won't cook with Hu Xing at the same time, because Hu Xing won't let my mother cook, he will take care of it." Liu Shishi answered quickly, ignoring the bad answers if they were good.

He Jiong, Hu Fu and the others were very surprised that Liu Shishi could answer such a difficult question so well?It really surprised them a bit.

"Do mom and dad like Hu Xing, the son-in-law?!"

"Yes! Impeccable." Liu Shishi replied happily.

"Is Hu Xing your ideal type for choosing a mate?!" After Hu Xing finished asking, he added: "Don't you dare to try it?!"

"Haha~" Hu Xing added later, thinking it was a personal answer.

"Yes!" Liu Shishi was threatened, how dare he say no?Even if he wasn't threatened, Hu Xing definitely was.

"I heard that Wu Qilong was pursuing you before, but it was Hu Xing who stepped in later, right?!"

"Well~ Wu Qilong is pursuing, but he has no relationship; Hu Xing does not count as stepping in, it is fate that brought us closer." Liu Shishi did not evade such a question, and answered it face to face.

"Abandon Hu Xing's identity and privileges as Yilong's young master; abandon Wu Qilong's age and marriage; who do you think you will choose in the end?" This question is really a bit fair.

"Hu Xing!" Liu Shishi hesitated at all. Under the same conditions, he would definitely choose Hu Xing.

"Tell Hu Xing three of your favorite body parts." After Hu Xing finished asking, he also looked at Liu Shishi curiously.

"Lips, strong arms, and a chest full of security." Hu Xing is very satisfied with the three parts Liu Shishi mentioned.

"What do you like more about Hu Xing? Does it look good? Or what?" This question made Liu Shishi a little difficult to answer because he had to answer it quickly.

"I like his thoughtfulness, care, pampering and meticulous care of me." Liu Shishi finally gave a satisfactory answer.

"It is said that Hu Xing is the little Hu Xing. If Hu Xing and Hu Xing confessed their love to you at the same time, would they still choose Hu Xing?!"

"Brother is very good, but I like sister-brother love! Haha~" Liu Shishi felt that he was very happy now.

"Haha~" Liu Shishi's answer was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

"After dating, how often do we do it?!" This question really came up.

"Emmm~ Can I skip it?!" Liu Shishi actually didn't want to answer, because this is more private.

"No!" Before Hu Xing could answer, the other celebrity chefs started booing one after another.

"Speak." Hu Xing had no choice but to answer.

"The time is not set, he will do it if he thinks." Liu Shishi replied with a blushing face.

"Master, how long does Brother Hu Xing usually take?" This question still made Hu Xing unable to bear it: "What are the problems? Are you questioning me?"

"Haha~" Hu Xing, the party concerned, was in a hurry.

"Hehe~ more than 60 minutes." Liu Shishi could only hold his face in his hands to answer this kind of question.

"If you give birth to a daughter, do you think he will neglect you?!"

"Yes!" Liu Shishi was the quickest to answer this question.

"Hahaha~" My girlfriend answered so quickly, Hu Xing also laughed...

"How can I be willing to replace you, Hu Xing?"

"I will give birth to him a son! He will be replaced." Liu Shishi gave Hu Xing a blank look as he spoke.

Hu Xing looked down at the questions on the script, and he had already expected Liu Shishi's answer.

"Senior sister, your boyfriend always says that his monthly pocket money is pitifully small, is it true?!"

"Anyway, we don't have as much pocket money as we do." Answering this question, Hu Xing gave her a thumbs up, which also caused Liu Shishi to burst out laughing.

"Sister, weren't you highly myopic before? Why haven't I seen you wearing glasses recently?"

"My myopia was cured by Hu Xing." Liu Shishi said and blinked at the camera.

"Is it true that as long as Hu Xing is at home, Shishi, you can enjoy the treatment like a concubine?"

"Not all! But diet-wise."

"Hu Xing has so many girlfriends, senior and senior sisters, won't you fight and quarrel?!"

"There will be quarrels! But there will be no fights! Because I have been beaten by men for several hours." Liu Shishi is big enough this time.

Even Hu Xing couldn't help laughing angrily again: "What the hell? What are you asking?"

"Okay, the last ten seconds." Teacher He also reminded that the last ten seconds are left.

"Senior sister, is there any possibility for Hu Xing's Harem 4.5 to grow?!"

"Yes! Guaranteed double digits!" Liu Shishi replied quickly.

"Hu Xing's harem is the main palace, who do you think is the most suitable?!"

"Except for Reba, no one else is suitable, including me." Two questions in ten seconds.

In the end, Hu Xing didn't ask any more questions, and let the remaining few seconds pass.

"Really, nine out of ten questions are about me." Hu Xing was very helpless, what is this?

"I asked a lot of questions, and the teacher basically answered them all." He Jiong glanced, and indeed asked a lot of questions, and most of them were about Hu Xing.

"Since there are so many questions, let's choose some interesting questions that the audience is more interested in talking about?!" He Jiong looked at the script to see what kind of questions to choose for chatting?

Chapter 0928 clarification

"Then let's start with 'Mum and Hu Xing made things, who would you choose'?" He Jiong planned to start the conversation with this question, which should be more interesting.

"Actually, Hu Xing really did a good job with this."

"I've asked, whether it's Song Jia's house, Li Ying's house, or Master's house, or Reba's house."

"Hu Xing is the kind of person who can be as lazy as he can."

"When he came to our house, he never offered to cook. He would just drink tea and chat with the old man silently." Liu Shishi looked at Hu Xing while talking.

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