Although he didn't complete it by himself, it's just that the appearance he designed passed the test.

But this is also an improvement, isn't it?It's also a very honorable thing, isn't it?

"Wow, Lan Haiqiang is really strong now." The colleagues in the design department all envied Lan Haiqiang.

"Director Hu is really the best at talking." The others did not forget to chat after work.

"I'll treat you tonight." Lan Haiqiang was very happy, so he said that he would treat everyone to dinner tonight.

"Oh, that's a good thing, you don't have to worry about what to eat tonight."

Chapter 0935 Stars Spread Positive Energy

The people in the planning department are so happy, but Song Jia, the wife of the design director, is standing by the glass wall of the office, watching the people outside working happily.

"This Lan Haiqiang, it seems that you value it very much?" Song Jia straightened her two long legs, and folded her arms elegantly and sexyly.

"A pretty good young man who can be cultivated." Hu Xing made no secret of his importance for Lan Haiqiang, and the group will definitely train this guy in the future.

It's just that he is still under investigation, and he doesn't know if he is willing to stay in Yilong Group forever.

"Let's go." After finishing his work, Hu Xing told Song Jia that he was leaving.

"Going out for dinner?!" Song Jia took Hu Xing's hand and asked if he wanted to go out for dinner.

"Tonight, go out to eat?!" Hu Xing planned to go out to eat, and it's not bad to go out to eat once in a while.

"Puchi!" Song Jia chuckled when she said she wanted to go out to eat, "You can still go out to eat now? Don't you need to make up for Li Ying?"

"..." Song Jia's reminder made Hu Xing scratch his head helplessly: "Okay, I have to be Mr. Zhao's nanny again, or I will definitely take my daughter as a hostage to threaten me again."

"Haha~" Song Jia knew that she wanted to be lazy and go out to eat. For Hu Xing now, it was really too difficult.

"Anyway, I like to eat at home." After getting used to it, Song Jia likes to eat at home when she is resting.

The food outside is not good, but the food made by my own man is delicious.

"Then let's go, let's just go to find my dad, so as not to give me some work later, then today's rest will be ruined." Hu Xing said that he couldn't go to the general manager's office;

"Hehe~" Knowing that Hu Xing wanted to be lazy, Song Jia also cooperated very well.

After coming out of the company building, Hu Xing drove over there.

Song Jia also drove here, and Hu Xing also drove here.

"You can drive back first, I'll go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables." If the two cars don't drive back, I don't know how many days they will be here.

"Okay." Song Jia didn't follow her to buy vegetables either.

"Drive carefully." Hu Xing did not forget to remind his wife to drive carefully and pay attention to safety.

Hu Xing drove over, but the phone rang, and Hu Xing connected.

"Hello." Hu Xing must answer Zhang Xiying's call.

"I'm in Shanghai, you come to the airport to pick me up." Zhang Weiying called her boyfriend because she wanted him to pick her up.

"Well, I'm going to buy vegetables and cook, and I don't have time to pick you up now."

"Should I ask your sister Jia to pick you up?!" Knowing that the little girlfriend came to Shanghai, Hu Xing arranged for someone to pick her up, and see if the little girl agrees.

"Okay, are you cooking a big meal tonight?" Knowing that her boyfriend went shopping for food, Zhang Yuying thought it was just right.

"Okay, you can eat whatever you want."

After hanging up the phone, Hu Xing called Song Jia and asked her to turn around and go to the airport to pick up Zhang Yuying.

Song Jia was going home, but now that she learned that Zhang Xiying had come to Shanghai, she turned around and went to the airport to pick him up, after all, Hu Xing didn't have time.

Hu Xing drove to the vegetable market, bought a lot of vegetables, and then went back.

It happened to catch up with the off-duty rush hour, and it happened to be blocked on the viaduct side.

However, when driving past, a person bumped into him on his own initiative.

"Hehe~ I met someone from Pengci?!" Seeing someone from Pengci, Hu Xing lowered the car window.

The car window was lowered, and Hu Xing didn't get out of the car to see what was going on with the person, but drove slightly away from the other person.

The person who touched the porcelain saw that the owner of the car didn't get out of the car, so he stood up and grabbed Hu Xing's car window: "You hit someone, didn't you see it?!"

"I saw it, but brother, do you want to go to jail?!" Hu Xing smiled and looked at the guy in the car window.

"What do you mean, you, if you bumped into someone, you can still be justified?!" The person who touched Porcelain spoke very arrogantly.

Now, Hu Xing pulled the car to the side without affecting the driving of the cars behind, which also avoided making the road more congested.

After Hu Xing came down, he looked at the other party with a smile: "Here, I bumped into someone, and there happened to be a traffic police over there. Do you want to call the traffic police over?!"

"Just call." The other party is also confident, there is a gang here, he can't be afraid.

Hu Xing yelled, and the traffic police in the distance ahead noticed it and came over.

"What's wrong?" The traffic police came here and asked what was going on.

"This comrade, he hit someone with his car and wanted to hit and run, but we stopped him." Someone next to him pointed out to the traffic police that Hu Xing had hit someone.

Hu Xing leaned on his car, just smiled and didn't speak.

Wait for them to finish talking first, and then interrupt when you have time.

"Sir, please take off your sunglasses." The traffic police asked Hu Xing to take off his sunglasses.

"Oh?" When Hu Xing took off his sunglasses, many of the onlookers exclaimed, "Hu Xing!!

"Is what this gentleman said true?!" The traffic policeman doesn't care whether Hu Xing is a star or not, but now that there is a traffic accident, he, the traffic policeman, must take it seriously.

"He is Pengci, and these few people are helping to use it as evidence to deceive the traffic police."

"This is my car with a driving recorder installed on it. I thought, why did he jump up and crash into my car? It's all on the driving recorder." Hu Xing pointed to his own car calmly. The car said it had a driving recorder on it.

When they heard the dash cam, the four members of the Pengci gang panicked.

"I seem to be a little stupid, Comrade traffic police, I should blackmail them first, and after giving thousands of dollars, I will call you over. If the three of them cheat, I will sue them, and I will have to sit for a few minutes." I've been in prison for a year, so they won't come out to cheat other people in the future." Hu Xing shook his head, regretting it.

After the traffic policeman got a general idea of ​​the situation, he knew that the two men were in touch.

"Nowadays many people don't have the awareness you have. If you install a driving recorder on your car, these people who touch porcelain can only be deflated." The traffic police approve of Hu Xing's behavior.

"Then I, as a celebrity, seem to have to spread some positive energy and let all car owners install driving recorders on their cars. In this way, we can reduce a lot of losses caused by touching porcelain." Hu Xing thinks , I really should spread some positive energy.

"Yes, this is what you celebrities should do; well, you can go first." After the traffic police recorded it, they let Hu Xing go first, and there was no need to go back to make notes.

Although I didn't look at the driving recorder, I saw that Pengci's expression was different, and I knew that what Hu Xing said was true, it must be these few partners in Pengci.

Hu Xing started the car and left, he didn't stay here any longer

However, the things about him being touched by porcelain were recorded by several fans with their mobile phones.

Chapter 0936 also depends on her boyfriend, but her fate is different

"Have you met Pengci?!" Nazha asked Hu Xing as soon as Hu Xing returned home.

"How do you know?" He hasn't said anything yet, so why do they all know.

"It's been spread all over Weibo, how do you deal with Pengci after being touched."

"Now the whole Weibo is giving likes to the person who uploaded this video, and everyone is talking about how you handled Pengci, which has been recognized by everyone." Nazha only found out after checking Weibo.

"Heh~ the current Internet is really fast." Hu Xing didn't expect it to be so fast, and it made fans all over the country know it all at once, and it was indeed fast enough.

"It's fine." Nazha was worried about whether Hu Xing was okay.

"It's okay, where's Reba?!" Seeing that only Naza was there, Reba was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm practicing singing in the musical instrument room. She's going to participate in "I Am a Singer" in a few days. Now she has to hurry up and practice singing. Here, isn't it coming out?!" Naza was playing on the computer and asked Hu Xing saw for himself that Reba just came out.

"How's your practice going?!" Hu Xing asked Reba.

"It's okay, but are you sure you have time to go with me? Next week, after the senior sister's birthday, I will go to Changsha to participate in "Battle of the King of Songs." Reba reminded Hu Xing.

"Yes, I must have time. Even if I ask for leave, I will accompany you there." Now that he has agreed, Hu Xing will never forget it.

"That's good, when the first round of "Sing for Help", we will definitely use that song, right?!" Reba already knew what song Hu Xing was talking about.

"That's right, just use that song." Hu Xing said

"Okay, I also know which song my singer will sing solo." Reba had already decided what song she was going to sing, anyway, just wait for it to start.

"Whether you can get the king of singers or not depends on you." Hu Xing actually put too much pressure on Reba.

He doesn't care whether he gets the ranking or not.

Because of this program, it has actually proved that Reba is capable.

"I Am a Singer Season 90", the two post-[-]s singers, Reba and Deng Ziqi, have the most fans.

Even when these two confront each other, they regard each other as opponents.

Although they were rivals during the performance, in private, because they are all female singers born in the 90s, the relationship between them is still very good.

It's just that, so far, Reba's rankings are all better than Deng Ziqi's.

From the view of many viewers, Reba can get such a good ranking not because of shady background, but because she has a strong music producer to support her.

Hu Xing, Asia's No. [-] music producer, helped in song selection and song practice. It's not surprising that Reba got such a good ranking, and no one would suspect that Reba's ability to get such a good ranking is shady of.

Even Deng Ziqi, who became popular because of this show, has a lot of bad rumors.

For example, the scandal with Zhang Jie, or the rumor of discord with the column group, etc.

Deng Ziqi has this negative news, but Reba has none at all.

If Chuan Reba had an affair with a male star, no ghost would believe it if it was told.

With such a good boyfriend as Hu Xing, it is impossible for Reba not to know to keep a distance from other male singers

Gossip, this is even more non-existent.

It can even be said that, so far, among the stars in mainland China, only Reba has not had scandals.

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