"Okay, let's change the question. On the street, there is a person walking by in front of you. Which part of him do you look at first?" The reporter asked another question.

"You mean men and women?" Hu Xing didn't know who the reporter was talking about.

"A man." The reporter immediately told Hu Xing that it was a man.

"Why do men want to observe which part of him?" Hu Xing asked the reporter back with his eyes wide open.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's answer made the people around him laugh again.

"What are you laughing at? That's right? They're all men, why look at his parts? I have what he has, and I'm sure they're all longer than his, so why look at them?" Hu Xing felt absurd. What's the problem?

The reporter was also a little confused, and he was really crying because of his own stupidity.

"No, what magical logic is this?" Hu Xing asked the reporter amusedly.

"I'm sorry." The reporter also knew that his question was a bit strange, so he quickly apologized.

"Woman, if a woman is walking across from you, which part of her would you look at first?"

"Face." Hu Xing said normally, of course he looked at his face.

"Are you guys all like this, when a girl walks across the street, the first thing you look at is her face?"

"No, no, then I want to see other things too, but the point is, don't girls wear clothes? Can you see their faces?" Hu Xing asked innocently

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's answer made everyone laugh again.

"Right, you female reporter is very strange. The logic of this kind of question is so weird, isn't it?!"

"I also want to see breasts, but the key point is that girls are wearing clothes, so I can't see them even if I want to see them?!"

"I also want to see the butt, but he is wearing pants, so he can't see it if he wants to?" Hu Xing explained continuously, making Hu Fu and the others laugh like crazy.

"Can't you also see the legs? Don't you like long legs?" The reporter asked

"Then you didn't say just now that I saw the girl walking in front of me in summer?"

"What I saw this summer is different from what I saw in winter." Hu Xing defended himself.

"Well, if someone walked in front of you in summer, which part of a girl would you look at first?" The reporter asked again.

"Look at the face." Hu Xing still replied, look at the face.

"Isn't this still based on face?!" The reporter asked weakly.

"That's right, it's just about face. If I look at someone's chest, first, I will be considered a hooligan or a pervert; second, Song Jia will destroy me." Hu Xing shook his head and told the reporter patiently.


"Song Jia would say: Is mine not as big as hers, or not as good-looking as hers? Or not her Q, as for you to go to see others?!" Hu Xing said this, imagine Song Jia's funny and bold personality, It's really not surprising that Hu Xing might be asked this way.

"Okay, last few questions." The reporter saw that it was almost the same.

"If I give you 2013 million, let the top ten goddesses in Asia in [-]: Di Lieba, Zhao Liying, Liu Shishi, Park Xinhui, Lin Yuner, Yang Mi, Zheng Wei, Song Qian, Zheng Xiuling, Shu Chang; Would you like to live on an island for a month?"

"It's as if, with ten of them, I can live a day." Hu Xing rolled his eyes at the reporter, and replied divinely.

"Pfft." Hu Xing's answer was too manly.

"Besides, I'll give you 5 million yuan and arrange for ten of them to live with me on an uninhabited island for a week." Hu Xing also asked the reporter back, but it made the reporter feel tired.

"When you don't have a job, what do you do?"

"It's similar to everyone else. Accompany your girlfriend, watch movies, date, or go on a trip." Hu Xing thought for a while before answering the reporter's question.

"Journey, is it poor travel, or?" the reporter asked.

"I am so rich, how can I travel poorly? Impossible, it is impossible to travel poorly for the rest of my life." Hu Xing hurriedly shook his head like a wave.

Hu Xing's answer was so honest that the reporter felt powerless.

"For example, when filming, if there is a kiss scene, what would you do? Would you deliberately NG?!"

"The kiss scene with whom?" Speaking of the kiss scene, Hu Xing really wanted to ask.

"Who do you want to kiss scene with?" The reporter also asked Hu Xing, do you want to kiss Hu Xing scene?

"Hu Fu!" Almost without thinking, Hu Xing blurted out Hu Fu's name.

"What?!" Hu Fu next to him turned his head immediately after hearing it.

"Hahaha~" After Hu Xing said it, he also smiled and looked at Hu Fu beside him.

"That's all you want to do with Hu Fu?!" The reporter felt very funny, and finally had an interesting scene

"It's not a question of whether you want to or not. The key is to cooperate with him in "Langya Bang", and often sleep in his room. As time goes by, I often have dreams with him that I'm embarrassed to describe."

"So I'm curious, if it's not a dream, what would it feel like to kiss Hu Fu? Is he very experienced in kissing scenes? I've always wanted to learn acting skills from him." Hu Xing said, but Hu Fu couldn't listen anymore Come here and cover this guy's mouth.

If I want to tell him more, I still don't know what to say.

Chapter 0956 is free to often come to interview Kazakhstan

"I heard that the Hongqi Group recently invited you to design a car for them. Is it true?"

"Well, this is true." Hu Xing replied, there is such a thing.

"It is said that the car you designed for Hongqi will become the diplomatic car used by the country's foreign leaders when they come to China. Is it true?!"

"I have such an idea, but I don't know if it has been confirmed." Hu Xing also answered one by one.

"Don't you know?!" The reporter was surprised.

"I don't know? General Manager Hu came to discuss this matter. I'm not in charge of it. I'm only in charge of designing the car. Other things are the work of President Hu, and I have nothing to do with it." After being unreasonable just now , now Hu Xing is much more serious.

"So far, how many cars have you designed for Yilong Group?"

"Is it on the market?!"

"No, it refers to all of them that are on the market, including those that are not yet on the market, as long as you hand over the sketches of all the brands under the Yilong Group." The reporter asked in detail.

"More than 30 units?!" Hu Xing didn't quite remember, anyway, it should be almost the same.

"Wow, there are already more than 30 sets? Then you should get a lot of share from your own group?!" The reporter was very surprised, it turned out that Hu Xing already had so many works.

"I don't know about that either? All the cars designed and the company's share have been transferred to Zhao Liying's card by the general manager. I don't know how much." Hu Xing answered honestly.

"That is to say, the annual salary and share of Yilong Group are all transferred to Zhao Liying's card, right?" The reporter asked again.

"Well, the income from the company was collected by Liying for me, and I didn't ask the exact amount."

"Then what do you think, that is, you roughly estimate, how much share you can get from last year to now for more than 30 cars?!" The reporter wanted to dig more points.

"Estimate? There should be a billion or so? I'm not sure." Hu Xing really didn't know.

"Is it such a high income?" The reporter was shocked by this figure.

"It's almost the same. Domestic cars have developed very well in recent years. Famous designers with achievements can get a lot of dividends for a car."

"I'm different. All the models of Yilong brand are designed by me."

"As the mainstay of Yilong's entire brand, the dividends it gets are definitely not low, at least higher than my father." Hu Xing said with a smile.

"Is your annual salary higher than that of your father, the general manager?"

"Of course, it's okay if it's not high? He's just a general manager, and he's just in charge of managing and negotiating things; I also need to design cars. His annual salary is definitely not as high as his annual salary plus bonus."

"The shares and so on belong to my grandfather, and it's not my father's turn to divide them yet."

"Now we, father and son, are working for the old man, a wage earner." Hu Xing replied with a smile.

"When I'm at home, who cares about the money?" This question was asked many times, but the reporters still enjoyed it.

"Many aspects, multiple people manage, too much money, one person can't manage it." Isn't Hu Xing showing off his wealth?


"Zhao Liying manages my annual salary and dividends from Yilong Group; Reba manages my artist income; Song Jia manages my bar income; Krystal manages my Korean song copyright income; Liu Shishi manages my income from selling houses." Hu Xing smiled slightly, probably revealed a point.

"Wow, so you have income in many fields?!

"Boss, how can there be only one business? Of course you need multiple businesses; otherwise, how can you afford to support so many girlfriends?" Hu Xing is honest enough to say what he has.

"With so many girlfriends, who has the longest legs?"

"Song Jia, Reba, and Nazha." Hu Xing said the leg length ranking of these three people.

"Which vest line do you like the most?" the reporter asked again.

"Reba!" Hu Xing chose Reba without hesitation.

"Whose figure do you like the most?"

"Zhao Liying!" Hu Xing agreed without hesitation.

"Zhao Liying's? Why?"

"Because she is short, there is a 25cm height difference between me and her height. It is very comfortable to hold in my arms, and she can be lifted high, and she can hang on my body. I like this kind of figure better." .”

"Song Jia and the others are too tall, only princesses can hold her for beauty and romance, but for Zhao Liying, she feels very cute when hugged, oh, and Master Song is also like this." Hu Xing roughly explained.

"Then whose figure is the most attractive, which you can't refuse?"

"Reba!" It's still Reba. Among his girlfriends, no one can compare with Reba's attractive figure. Even Song Jia and Naza are not as attractive as 0

"Who has the best feet?!"

"Reba, Nazha, Zhao Liying." Hu Xing thought for a while and said directly.

"Usually, who is the person who kisses the most?" Hu Xing thought about this question: "It should be the master."

"Master Song? Isn't it Reba?"

"Hehe~ no."

"Okay, thank you for accepting our interview today." The reporter breathed a sigh of relief seeing that he had finished the interview.

"It's okay, come here often when you have time, the logic of your interview questions is amazing, I like it very much." Hu Xing said to the reporter who was about to leave.

The female reporter bit her cherry lip, her face full of depression and anger.

And the person next to him was already laughing badly.

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