"How is it? Are you cured?!" Knowing that her daughter-in-law was sick today, Jiang Fang came to see her.

"Okay, after the IV drip, I'm much better now, just take some medicine." Song Jia took the shoes for her parents-in-law and asked them to change them.

After changing into it and coming in, Jiang Fang said: "Son, when your sister and sister are coming over for dinner, make more, or there won't be enough food later."

"I know." Hu Xing and Reba were cooking, and he didn't have to go out to entertain his father and mother.

With Song Jia here, there is nothing to entertain.

And if it's too polite, it's a bit too outsider.

At around 7 o'clock, my sister and younger sister also came, and Hu Xing asked with a smile: "Don't you have to study by yourself at night today?!"

"No more, please leave." Jiang Fang didn't have to go to school to see the situation of the students tonight.

"That's great, self-willed." Hu Xing smiled slightly, and then sat down.

A few minutes later, when dinner was ready, Zhao Liying and Liu Shishi just arrived home.

"We're back." After the two girls came back, they said to the family inside.

"Master is back?" Jiang Fang knew that her daughter-in-law had traveled to Thailand before.

"That's right, Liying drove to the airport to pick me up." Liu Shishi pushed the luggage in with a smile.

"That's right, let me, a pregnant woman, pick you up." Zhao Liying and Liu Shishi bickered.

"Isn't it just you who have time?"

"Sister Jia is sick, and Hu Xing is with her; Reba goes to the meeting instead of Hu Xing; the eldest sister has to go to work, and the sister-in-law also has to go to work, so you have time in the afternoon, so if you don't come to pick me up, I can only take a taxi back." Liu Shishi After putting down the things, I went in to wash my hands and prepared to have dinner.

"But the key point is, sister-in-law Liying is driving, sister-in-law Shishi, do you dare to sit?!" Hu Yun asked this is the question.

"Then what should I do? My driving skills are not much better, of course she drives." Liu Shishi has never been confident in his driving skills

Not only her, Song Jia and Zhao Liying were also not very confident in their driving skills.

"Okay, let's eat." Hu Xing asked them to sit down and eat.

Dinner starts, and the family eats while chatting, so that it is lively, and the food tastes enough to have a family atmosphere.

"Today Reba went to help hold a meeting, isn't that a problem?!" Liu Shishi took the initiative to ask about the company's cooperation meeting today.

"No; you did a good job." Hu Yu needed to be praised, Reba's performance today exceeded his expectations.

"The cooperation has been signed, and there is no big problem. The expansion of overseas markets has officially started now." Hu Yu can be regarded as relieved.

"After expanding the overseas market, I will find less work for my son."

"It doesn't matter whether the group expands or not, my grandson is the most important." Jiang Fang said to her husband very seriously, you have to understand what is the most important thing in our family now.

"Isn't it not given? Are you the only one who loves your grandson? I still love my granddaughter."

"Really, what did this old woman say about me?" Hu Yu quarreled with his wife.

"My old woman? You don't want to go back to your room to sleep tonight, do you?!" Jiang Fang suddenly went into a rage, staring at Hu Yu, this momentum is really a bit exaggerated.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." I said it in a hurry, but now Hu Yu readily admits his mistake.

Hu Xing just looked at his father like this, and said, "I said, what use are you, Dad?"

"Inherit the gene of sibling love to me, and I won't talk about you anymore."

"Why did you inherit the gene of strict wife management to me?"

"Arguing with your wife and immediately admitting your mistake, what's wrong with you?" Hu Xing really felt angry and funny, what's the matter?

"Why don't you rely on me? If you have the ability, you can rely on my great-grandfather." Hu Yu said angrily.

"Lai Gaozu?" This question really deserves careful consideration.

After all, the inheritance of sibling love is inherited from Gao Zu.

"You don't have to rely on the ancestors, you can rely on your child's ancestors." Hu Yu skinned 5.1, and Jiang Fang's eyes were in exchange: "Your Hu Yu's great grandfather, your son Hu Xing's great ancestor Grandpa, and your granddaughter’s grandfather, aren’t they all the same? Is there any difference? It’s all nonsense.”

"Haha~" Zhao Liying, Liu Shishi, Song Jia, Reba and the others all laughed.

It seems that the daughter-in-law of the Hu family still has a lot of status in the Hu family.

"What are you laughing at, eat yours." Hu Xing also glared at Zhao Liying and asked her to eat.

"Try to be aggressive with me again?" Zhao Liying looked down at her stomach as she spoke.

"Don't, don't threaten him with hostages every time, okay?!" Hu Xing was very depressed about this. Why do you always threaten him with hostages? That would be boring, wouldn't it?

"Then I don't care, as long as it works." Zhao Liying thought it was that simple, but Hu Xing was very helpless.

Chapter 0962 Your disease is just right...

"I'm flying to Hangzhou tomorrow." After dinner, Hu Xing told them that he was going to Hangzhou.

"Why go to Hangzhou?" Liu Shishi just came back, and he hasn't felt sorry for him yet, so why is he flying to Hangzhou again?

"The recording of the second season of Extreme Challenge has started." Hu Xing explained that his past was also because of work.

"That's it, okay." Now that he knew that he used to work, Liu Shishi couldn't say anything.

"Come in." You're going to Hangzhou tomorrow, right?All right, come in with me.

"Why?!" This is inexplicable, and Hu Xing still doesn't understand what it means.

"You don't know what I want to do?" Seeing that Hu Xing was so dull this time, Liu Shishi turned around, bit his cherry lips, and told him what he wanted to do now with a coquettish look on his face.

"Hahaha~" At first, I thought Liu Shishi bought some gift and asked Hu Xing to go in and help take it out, but I didn't expect her to be so direct.

"I'm going to exercise just after dinner, bear with me and talk about it later." Hu Xing said to the woman with a smile.

"That won't work. It's been half a month since I went on a trip, and you didn't moisturize me. My skin feels very dry at 15, and I don't have any moisture at all. Come in and hydrate me."

"All-round hydration." Liu Shishi is very domineering today, not at all like her before.

Now she seems to have switched personalities with Song Jia.

Song Jia, who was usually the most domineering, is now sitting weakly on the sofa, hugging a pillow and watching TV.

The main reason is that she is sick, so she is not as domineering as before.

As for Liu Shishi, he used to be soft and weak, but now he is so domineering.

This is also because I haven't exercised with my husband for too long, and I haven't suffered from my husband's output for too long. I don't exercise and my body is not healthy.

"Are you replenishing water? Don't lose water at that time, let me tell you." Zhao Liying covered her mouth and snickered, which made Liu Shishi's pretty face blush even more.

"Believe it or not, I will sing loudly on purpose, so that you can hear my singing, so that you can't sleep tonight?" Liu Shishi's threat made Zhao Liying shut up quickly.

"Hmm~~" Liu Shishi straddled Hu Xing's lap, pouted and looked at him coquettishly.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing looked at the temperamental woman in front of him, she was so cute today, he couldn't help it.

"Really?" Although it was nonsense, Hu Xing still asked.

"Well, I have to. It's better that you belong to me alone tonight, so that I can be the happiest. Otherwise, other sisters will help me share the burden, and I will feel that the exercise is not smooth enough." Liu Shishi is so greedy, and Reba is very cooperative: "Okay, I won't go in tonight, just let you spend the night with Hu Xing."

"I see if you can enjoy the treatment he gave you for more than two hours?" Reba is very confident, even if Liu Shishi hasn't played with Hu Xing for half a month, it's fine to think about it now.

However, physique determines everything, if Liu Shishi can survive for two hours, she will lose.

"Uh, that won't work, you still have to come in to accompany my sister, otherwise I will be too tired to move tomorrow after exercising." Liu Shishi was so worried that Hu Xing was speechless to the extreme.

"So, why are you in a hurry, it's only after 8 o'clock."

"If you start after 11 o'clock, you can sleep well when you're done." Zhao Liying also told Liu Shishi the same way, depending on her choice.

"However, my sister now feels that it is a torment to wait even a second."

"Otherwise I wouldn't. I just arrived at the Beijing airport today. After arranging a car to take my parents home, I flew back to Shanghai immediately."

"Why? Don't you think that my husband can exercise with me?" Liu Shishi is so anxious, but now he really feels it.

Hu Xing didn't speak, and stood up while dragging Liu Shishi's hips with both hands.

"Haha~" Liu Shishi was very skinny today, which made Song Jia laugh weakly.

In the bathroom, Liu Shishi's happy singing soon came.

Zhao Liying couldn't bear the singing, she looked at Reba, as if she was asking, I want to go in too.

"Finally you go in again, the firepower is too strong now, you can't do it." What Di Lieba said made Zhao Liying nod in agreement.

Indeed, within half an hour after entering, Hu Xing's firepower was still very fierce. She was pregnant and couldn't resist for the time being, so let Liu Shishi consume some of Hu Xing's firepower first, and then change the heat to go in later.

After Reba came to help consume the firepower, Liu Shishi got a rest to practice again, and for the third firepower consumption, Hu Xing's firepower would naturally drop.

At this time, Song Jia was a little ready to move.

"You are crazy, it was because of this exercise that you caught a cold and had a fever last night."

"This fever is just right, and the medicine hasn't stopped yet, and you want to go in again?" After Di Lieba noticed it, she quickly stretched out her hand to hold Song Jia back.

"Look, I checked on the Internet, and a fever is just enough to do exercise and fitness, and it can also improve immunity." Song Jia showed Reba the phone.

"Haha~" Song Jia actually found an excuse, and Zhao Liying couldn't help admiring it.

"Master, let go of husband, I'll come." Song Jia said and went in.

Followed by Reba, and finally Zhao Liying. 920

As Reba said, after the three of them consumed Hu Xing's firepower, Zhao Liying came in, Hu Xing's firepower dropped a lot, and it was much safer for her.

Otherwise, if she was the first one, she would probably collapse.

Look at the first Liu Shishi, and you will know how broken this is.

In fact, Hu Xing and the others are used to going to bed without taking a shower.

Of course, they would take a bath before exercising, but they would still be dripping with sweat after exercising. At this time, they didn't take a bath anymore, and they were used to taking a bath again when they woke up in the morning.

Before they finished their work, Song Zhuer came back from school.

Hearing the movement in the room, she blushed and pouted, then went back to the room to sleep.

In fact, she is very impulsive and wants to go in and try.

But in the end, thinking that she was afraid that Hu Xing would get angry, she finally gave up.

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