"How much face does your Tmall have to make the design director of Yilong jump to your place?" Hu Xing said to the trainer with a smile.

"Isn't it? You said that you are the design director of Yilong Group, and now you are a new employee of our Tmall. Isn't that job-hopping?!" The trainer asked Hu Xing with a smile.

"Job-hopping? It seems that after becoming the richest man in the mainland, our boss Ma has drifted away?"

"A trainer like you is invited to train the employees?" Who is Hu Xing, who is complaining about him in Boss Ma's territory now?

"Pfft! Pfft!" Now, all the new employees in the auditorium covered their mouths and laughed.

"I'm not job hopping."

"It was your boss Ma who invited me to dinner every day and hired me with a high salary."

"Understood? It's a high-paying hire, not job-hopping, understand? There is a difference."

"Changing jobs? Returning as a trainer? No wonder you can only be a trainer." Hu Xing made the trainer speechless.

"Haha~" Seeing the trainer being speechless, Sun Honglei and the others were also clapping and laughing non-stop

"Since this is the case, you were hired by Tmall with a high salary. Then you come up and teach all our new employees what is the workplace and what should they do to do well in the workplace?!" The trainer smiled and invited Hu Xing.

"It's funny, I was hired as the general manager with a high salary; training new employees requires me as the general manager, so what's the use of you as a trainer?" Hu Xing easily resolved the training Problems given by the teacher.

"If I, the boss, have to train the employees myself; then why should I pay you and invite you as a trainer?!" Hu Xing spread his hands, looking like I'm not stupid.

"Oh~~" Hu Xing's clever rhetoric made everyone booed.

This is the look and tone that a leader should have.

It seems that Hu Xing has really been the director of a large group, otherwise he would not have such an IQ.

"Hmm, that is, since Mr. Hu came to our new employee training class today."

"Then don't you really hope that you can get a golden sentence from Mr. Hu?!" The trainer knew that this was a program, so of course he wouldn't be angry.

Hu Xing stood up now, and then walked onto the podium.

"Excuse me, which position are you hired by our President Ma with a high salary?" The trainer asked Hu Xing beside him, and the latter said after hearing this: "Then look, I seem to be invited to be the wife of the chairman. Is it?!"

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's rashness was thorough enough.

"Haha~ Mrs. Chairman!" Luo Zhixiang, Huang Bo and the others are the same, Hu Xing is really poor.

"It's not that I don't know, that's why I want to ask you?!"

"As far as my status in Yilong Group is concerned, I must be the chairman when I come to your Tmall." Hu Xing told the trainer very naturally, that attitude, that look in the eyes, really looks like the chairman.

Chapter 0965 is so fresh and refined

"Come, come, come, as your chairman, now I will teach you our company slogan." Hu Xing said and got into the drama, and then danced with his buttocks twisting, and said in his mouth: "Enterprise! Business! I want to fix it; Step! Step! Really do it; God! God! Send a report; the company is not going to be good, it is not going to be good."

When Hu Xing shouted slogans, he still pouted his buttocks, and danced rhythmically to match the rhythm of his own words.

"Hahahaha~" When they saw Hu Xing on the stage being so funny, everyone in the lecture hall collapsed on their chairs with their bellies in their arms.

"Haha~" Sun Honglei and the others sitting in the back were all burst into laughter by Hu Xing's magical dance.

After the show was broadcast, many viewers laughed while eating and drinking water when they saw this episode.

This came too suddenly, too magical.

It turns out that the company slogan can still be played like this?interesting.

The trainer, who was still very serious at first, also bent over with a smile when he saw Hu Xing's magical, enchanting and coquettish dance, which was matched with such a rhyming slogan.

"This slogan is a bit invincible." Zhang Yixing admired it very much, this brother's eloquence is really good.

"No, isn't the chairman's slogan a bit like a dance master?!" The trainer asked Hu Xing.

"Is there? It's very good." Hu Xing didn't think that such a slogan was very good.

"Boss Ma decided to hire me with a high salary after hearing the slogan I made for his group before he hired me with a high salary." Hu Xing's cheekiness has reached a certain level, and no one can match it.

"Come on, those employees in the back, come up to the stage." Hu Xing pointed to the men behind.

Sun Honglei and the others walked over to see what they were going to do.

After arriving, Hu Xing saw Sun Honglei's hairstyle beside him.

"What's wrong, the second season has just started recording, Sun Honglei, are you drifting away?"

"Your hair style was blown by a sandstorm." Hu Xing looked at Sun Honglei beside him, and their northeast dialect was impaired.

Sun Honglei squinted her small eyes, and when she wanted to refute, Hu Xing immediately said: "There is a lightning bolt carved beside you, why are you trying to hit me?"

"Hehe~" Hu Xing complained about Sun Honglei's hairstyle, which made him dare not even speak.

Hu Xing has done this hairstyle before. He is very handsome and suitable for young people.

But this time Sun Honglei also made one, which made people a little dumbfounded.

"However you stare, your eyes are only so big." Seeing Sun Honglei staring at his small eyes, Huang Lei said to him.

"Oh no, Huang Lei, tell me, why are Hu Xing's eyes so big? They are as beautiful and big as grapes!" Sun Honglei has not yet figured out this question.

"Because Hu Xing's mother ate grapes when she gave birth to him." Huang Lei was fooled.

"Oh, that's right, it looks like my mother didn't eat grapes when she gave birth to me." Sun Honglei found a reason for herself to comfort herself.

"Eat." At this time, Hu Xing told him.

"My mother also ate grapes when she gave birth to me. Why are my eyes so small?" Sun Honglei didn't understand and asked Hu Xing to explain.

"I ate raisins." Hu Xing told Sun Honglei expressionlessly.

"Haha~" Huang Bo and Luo Zhixiang next to him immediately clapped their hands and laughed, and gave Hu Xing a thumbs up, saying that there was nothing wrong with it.

"I said, today is the start of the second season. If you don't hate me or speak ill of me, can you die?!" Sun Honglei said very unhappy.

"No, the audience friends like to watch me tease you and see you being poisoned by me." Hu Xing shook his head, and said very willfully that no, this is absolutely not possible.

"I pooh." When Hu Xing said that, Sun Honglei immediately poohed him.

"Hey no, I said this employee, why are you so unqualified." After Hu Xing was poohed, he said that Sun Honglei had no quality.

"Not convinced? Are you going to beat me?!" Sun Honglei provoked Hu Xing arrogantly.

"I'm sorry, I'm human, and I'm not interested in killing dogs." Faced with Sun Honglei's provocation, Hu Xing just shook his head calmly.

"Hey no, Hu Xing, don't go too far, my ugly words come first..." Sun Honglei was complained, and pointed at Hu Xing with a threatening smile, but Hu Xing glanced at Sun Honglei, gave a smile, and said: "You're ugly, you tell me first."

"Bah, you're sick, you ran out of a psychiatric hospital." After being bullied twice, Sun Honglei poohed Hu Xing again.

"That's right, I just ran out of the psychiatric hospital, but I didn't do it to move your bed." Unlike Sun Honglei's upset, Hu Xing remained calm.

"Haha~" Really, these two people pinched each other at the beginning of the second season, and the other four were very enjoyable to watch, this is the style of extreme challenge, isn't it?

"Bah! Bah! I don't have the quality anymore, you bite me and bite me." Sun Honglei almost growled at Hu Xing.

"I'm sorry, I don't eat shit." Hu Xing smiled slightly, but this time he made Sun Honglei doubt his life.

Including the staff of the column group, they were almost laughing out loud at this time.

And all the Tmall employees in the lecture hall, of course, were all amused by Hu Xing and Sun Honglei's pinching each other until their stomach hurts from laughing.

The funniest thing about Extreme Challenge is that Hu Xing and Sun Honglei pinched each other, fell in love, killed each other and hurt each other.

"Ah!!!!" Sun Honglei, who couldn't say anything about Hu Xing, yelled at Hu Xing's ear.

"Ah~" Hu Xing would of course feel a little uncomfortable when his ears were yelled at like this.

However, all the employees in the back left, and there were only six men left.

"Now let the director of human resources speak." The director invited the director of human resources over.

"Do you know why you were left behind?!" The human resources director asked the gang of men standing in a row with his hands behind his back.

"It's definitely not because he is handsome that he was retained." Zhang Yixing was very straightforward.

"Hehe~ Handsome? In the workplace, is being handsome useful?!" the human resources director questioned Zhang Yixing.

"It's useful to be handsome, right?!" Huang Lei thought so.

"Yeah, he's handsome, what if he falls in love with the female general manager of our company?" Hu Xing helped to add, and said, "Being attracted by the female general manager can save ten years of hard work, right? ?”

"Hehe~" Hu Xing just wants to make things happen, can he do it if he doesn't make things happen/

"You were kept because of your poor grades." The director of human resources scolded the men's gang.

"Damn, the Yilong Group has fallen, the design director of the dignified Yilong Group, the chief designer of the Yilong Group, and the second-in-command of the Yilong Group; he was taught a lesson by a human resources director of Boss Ma?"

"You've fallen." Huang Bo added beside him, intentionally embarrassing Hu Xing.

Chapter 0966 ridiculous slogan

"Damn, the Yilong Group has fallen, the design director of the dignified Yilong Group, the chief designer of the Yilong Group, and the second-in-command of the Yilong Group; he was taught a lesson by a human resources director of Boss Ma?"

"You've fallen." Huang Bo added beside him, intentionally embarrassing Hu Xing.

"..." After Huang Bo said that, Hu Xing also closed his eyes in depression.

Even the director of human resources couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Why are you laughing, you have a hippie smile, especially you, who is still wearing sunglasses." The human resources director looked at Sun Honglei, and especially named Sun Honglei.

"Although your grades are poor, the feedback from users after using it is that they are all good." The director said this, and especially Huang Bo: "Especially you."

"Howl! Huang Bo has been used." Hearing this, Hu Xing next to him immediately screamed excitedly.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's strange call was so connotative that people couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"But this user really doesn't require physical strength, right? Any one can be used well." Hu Xing did things, and this is also going back, just now he was teased by Huang Bo.

"Little Bo, who used you?!" Sun Honglei followed suit and asked Huang Bo

"How crude this user is, even someone like Xiaobo will use it." Huang Lei found himself laughing so hard that he almost couldn't stand still.

"However, it's also understandable that a noble lady from Qingdao like Huang Bo should be better-looking than Boss Ma."

"Those like Boss Ma are basically user feedback: what the hell." This is not the first time Hu Xing has teased Boss Ma.

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