From the first second of the song, the entire scene where I am a singer, the atmosphere is getting more and more boiling every second.

Chapter 0981 Reba's Song

The song itself, most of the rap lyrics, are sung by male voices.

But after this song was reorganized by Hu Xing, Reba also had some rap lyrics.

It is precisely because of this part of Reba's rap that the audience and fans discovered another style of Reba, that is, it turns out that our ethereal goddess can even play hip-hop and rap.

The two people on the stage told all the singers what it means to control the stage, what it means to make the audience go crazy with singing, and what it means to be infectious.

Maybe it's a popular song, not a classic love song.

But it doesn't mean that if you sing pop songs, you are not a singer.

As long as you can use songs to bring joy and enjoyment to the audience, you are a singer.

At this time, Hu Xing and Reba used this method to let everyone feel the charm of the stage and feel the happiness brought by the singing.

"Happy Worship" is a very fast song. In hip-hop pop music, especially this kind of rap, there are very few people in China who can be a singer like Wilber Pan who can still be successful in hip-hop.

After Hu Xing sang this song, he and Reba worked together to make this song a classic again.

Look at the audience at the scene, the way they cheered, screamed, and shouted excitedly; He Jiong, Wang Han, and other participating singers were all stunned.

This kind of stage appeal is simply too powerful.

When the song "Happy Worship" is about to end, at this time, the style of the song changes, "Don't Touch My People".

"You say you are my brother, you can always believe in you, that is to share the blessings and share the difficulties..." This song is also an old disco style.

But even if it is such a song, Hu Xing and Reba performed it with a double dance, and the song became different

It gives people the feeling that after the song is sung by another person, the song will become more classic.

With their dance charm and stage appeal, Hu Xing and Reba made tonight's "I Am a Singer" stage really explode.

After two songs, all the audience have not completely calmed down yet.

"Wow, it's amazing, this dance, even our host can't help but dance with it." He Jiong walked onto the stage and said to the audience.

And Wang Han was next to him, interviewing Hu Xing and Reba after the performance.

"For your performance tonight, how much would you rate yourself?" Wang Hancai interviewed Reba.

"Well~ If you rate yourself, you will always give full marks; because it is wrong for any singer to go on stage without being prepared."

"Since we can be on stage, it means that we are [-]% prepared, then we are performing at our best, not perfunctory."

"So when we rate ourselves, we will give ourselves full marks; but how well we perform and how many points we score, it depends on the audience." Reba answered Wang Han very smartly.

"Then Hu Xing, do you think tonight's performance has met your standards?!"

"Well, there are too few audiences at the scene. If there are too many people, the atmosphere on the stage may become more explosive." After Hu Xing answered, Wang Han finished the interview with a few more sentences.

After the performance, the singer went to the waiting room.

Hu Xing is still the host, so he will be the host next.

Next came the singers, group after group.

To Hu Xing's surprise, the friend Zhang Jie invited was actually a walking CD, Lin Junjie.

Performance is pretty good too.

After all the gang singing is over, the results will be made public.

Sure enough, as Hu Xing expected, the last two groups were Zhou Bichang and Zhang Yu.

Those who entered the second round of the Battle of Kings of Songs were Reba in first place, Han Lei in second place, Deng Ziqi in third place, Zhang Jie in fourth place, and Cao Ge in fifth place.

Zhang Jie chose "Back to Lhasa" for the singer solo in the final Battle of the Kings of Singers, and his performance was pretty good;

Cao Ge chose "Mr. Lonely"; Deng Ziqi chose to combine several songs to sing; Han Lei also chose to combine several songs into one song to perform.

The finale is Reba

When she appeared on the stage, the expectations of the audience changed.

In their view, Reba is the singer of this season.

Because the rankings that Reba has won are all very good, and she is also the singer who has won the most.

The battle for the king of singers is actually what everyone is looking forward to. I don't know what song Reba will choose.

Reba in a dress is noble and glamorous, this is what a real goddess looks like... …

When she was sitting in front of the white piano, everyone knew that Reba was probably planning to play and sing by herself.

It's no secret that Reba can play the piano.

When the sound of the piano sounded, when I heard the music, I was a little familiar, but I couldn't say the name of the song.

"One person thinks about one person!" A fan said the title of the song.

"That's right, this song was written by Reba for Hu Xing. It is said that after Hu Xing went to Korea to study, Reba missed him so much. When she was practicing the piano, she played the song she wrote. After the tune was adapted by Hu Xing, the two wrote the lyrics together."

In the battle of singers, in fact, every singer can choose to sing their own original songs.

Han Lei chose his original song just now, so it's not surprising that Reba chose her own song.

When Reba looked weak, the audience could see the longing in her eyes.

The slightly raised arc of the mouth made the audience feel what it would be like when a woman misses the man she loves the most.

That's right, bitterness and helplessness.

"The day you left, the sky was a bit gray, and you couldn't see your favorite blue sky, and there was one less person bickering. Thank you for your friends' comfort. Everything is not an illusion..." The singing voice is very soft, that kind of bitterness, and very lonely.

Maybe not many people know this song, but this song is indeed the time when Reba missed Hu Xing the most during that time.

It was also during that time that she really understood that what women don't know most is to cherish the people around you.

When a man treats a woman well with all his heart, the woman will think you are very unimportant, always feel that he is annoying, he wants him to go away when he is around, and wants him to come over when he is not there, but when he comes, But told him to go away.

This is the kind of woman who doesn't cherish the man who loves her, and regrets it when he's not around.

During that time, although Reba didn't say that she hated Hu Xing, she just felt that she was a little bored after being together for a long time and getting tired of being together every day.

In the end, she chose to go out to perform and study with the song and dance troupe, and Hu Xing also chose to study in South Korea.

Chapter 0982 two years of deep memory

It was also during that time, after she lost Hu Xing's careful care, thoughtfulness and love in her life, she realized how much she didn't know how to cherish him when she was bothered by his side.

This song was also written during that time when I missed Hu Xing and played the piano by myself.

"My insomnia alone, my space alone, my longing for one person, the picture of two people, who's tears, who's haggard, heartbreak all over the floor..."

"My adventure alone, my seat alone, thinking about someone alone~~ The tears in the corners of my eyes are not an illusion..."

Reba's song actually wants to express that everyone has a time when they are alone;

What do you think when you are alone, maybe it is loneliness, maybe it is peace of mind, maybe it is comfort;

But don't forget that no matter how sad we are, we will never be alone, and life is beautiful.

Give yourself a favorite song, I hope you have someone you can miss in your heart when you are alone at the moment.

Even if the world is so lonely that there is only one person, please enjoy it quietly, don't be afraid, the sun will always rise the next day;

Learn to be grateful for the important person who appeared in your life, so that you are no longer alone, no longer a person.

Also don't know how to cherish and tire of the man who is wholeheartedly for you.

Don't wait until he is gone, you will regret it after losing him

When the song came to the climax, Reba's big eyes were even foggy.

This kind of emotion, let alone Hu Xing, even the audience can feel how important Hu Xing is in Reba's heart.

I also felt that Reba couldn't lose Hu Xing.

In two years, Hu Xing only left Reba for two years, not two years of breaking up.

It's just that each of them has to study, and after two years of separation, Reba has become like this.

If we really want to separate completely, I'm afraid she won't even have the courage to live.

When singing this song, Reba thought a lot.

Thinking that if one day, he really left suddenly, what would he do?

Thinking of this, Reba felt a little flustered, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Even though the tears fell, Reba still kept her singing, because she knew that Hu Xing was listening, and she wanted to let Hu Xing understand through singing how much she couldn't lose her.

"Stupid." Hu Xing, who was listening to the song, looked dotingly at Reba on the stage.

Then he stopped standing on the side of the stage, and came to the stage opposite to the piano where Reba was sitting.

Standing in this position, Reba can see him.

Singing the last climax of the song, Hu Xing suddenly appeared in her sight, which made Reba, who was crying, smile sweetly while singing.

Sure enough, he is the only one who understands her best and knows that she misses him very much now.

So he appeared in her sight immediately, so that she, who was afraid of losing him, could feel more at ease when she saw the person in her heart.

Hu Xing's silent action also made the audience feel it.

After the song "One Person Thinks of One Person" was sung, Reba's performance was not over yet.

The Battle of the Kings of Singers is a solo performance by participating singers. You can choose one song, or you can choose two or three songs to perform together. This is up to the singer to choose.

Still playing the piano, Reba's tears fell drop by drop from her eyes.

But at this moment, Reba just kept looking at her man.

"What song is this again?!" Someone asked Reba's fans who didn't know.

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