One second, the heavens and the earth were touched, but the next second, it was shocking.

"Go down after the performance, get out!" Hu Xing angrily told Reba to get out.

"You said let me go?" Reba grabbed Hu Xing's collar angrily.

"Just now I sang two songs for you, and I wasn't moved at all. Now you want to drive me away?"

"Hu Xing, your skin is itchy, right?!" Reba threatened Hu 747xing viciously.

"You pay me for my clothes, and I'll give you a beating, okay?!"

Hearing that she wanted to pay for the clothes, Reba let go of her hand immediately, then turned around and went down.

"Hey, will Di Lieba pay?!"

"It's none of my business." Reba walked off the stage without looking back.

"..." Hu Xing just shrugged his shoulders weakly, and then looked at the audience.

At this time, the audience had already died of laughter.

You said that the two of you can't play your cards according to the routine?what is this.

He Jiong and Wang Han came up, and the three hosted together.

"Okay, audience at the scene, it's time to vote."

"Everyone has a voting machine in their hands. Everyone chooses their favorite singer to vote, and finally press send, and then press the confirmation button. The voting time is still 10 seconds."

"This year's King of Singers will be born in your hands." The three of them were very enthusiastic about hosting the final stage.

Every viewer is seriously voting according to their own choices.

In the final voting, Reba and Han Lei became the final selected opponents

"Congratulations to Di Lieba, I am the singer of the year with 37.41% of the votes in the finals." After the song queen was finally revealed, the audience gave a standing ovation.

Reba in the waiting room also covered her mouth in surprise.

King of Songs, she really never thought that she would get the King of Songs.

She guessed that her ranking should not be too low, either the runner-up or the third runner-up.

Unexpectedly, she won the championship in the end.

But it has always been the same, she is ranked in the top three every round, and she has won a lot of places.

Hu Xing, an Asian pop producer, helped her choose songs and practice as a post-stage.

Coupled with the two performances tonight, they are all perfect.

It is a matter of course that the vote rate is high.

"Congratulations!!!!" When Reba walked out of the waiting room, all the participating singers congratulated Reba.

Reba also shook hands or hugged them one by one.

Hu Xing, who was standing on the stage, also showed a proud smile.

When they stepped onto the stage, there was another round of polite greetings and congratulations.

When Hu Xing handed the champion's bouquet to Reba, he said in ventriloquism: "Don't think that if you win the championship, you don't have to pay for my clothes."

When he was so happy and worthy of congratulations, Hu Xing was thinking about his clothes, and the audience, including all the singers and stars on the stage, burst into laughter.

"Hahaha~" The audience also laughed and looked at Hu Xing.

"Before you ask me to pay for your clothes, explain to me, where did you get the 500 yuan to buy clothes?!" Di Lieba asked Hu Xing, where did the 500 yuan come from?

"I bought the clothes with Huabei from Ma Jun, and I will change the Huabei next month." Hu Xing said that he borrowed the 500 yuan.

"Then I'll go back and wash your clothes for you, won't it be enough?" Reba's move caught Hu Xing off guard: "I don't want you to wash it, just pay me the money."

"Otherwise, you can pay back the money for me." Hu Xing grabbed Reba's clothes and acted coquettishly on her.

"It depends on your mood." Reba felt that it was almost enough.

As for the awards ceremony, to be honest, it was a bit too hasty.

In the end, just give a bouquet of flowers?After a few months of busy work, I only got a bunch of flowers in the end. Hu Xing really didn't even bother to complain.

It's better to save face now, just complain on Weibo afterwards.

But tonight's is not over yet, because there is still a part of the peak biennial meeting.

It's "I Am a Singer" Season [-] and Season [-] Finalists singers, to compete.

This biennial meeting was very lively. After the 10 singers finished their performances, He Jiong and Wang Han walked onto the stage.

"The Peak Biennial is over, our host, Hu Xing, why don't you show off?"

"That's right, many audiences are waiting for your performance, you won't disappoint the audience?!" Wang Han has already arranged this link.

Hu Xing also handed in the sound source to the music director of the column group before, so he knew that before the end, there would be a special performance by Brother Yi, that is, Hu Xing performed on a stage alone.

Hu Xing shook his shoulders, letting his suit jacket fall off his body.

"Are you ready?!" Hu Xing shook off his suit jacket so handsomely that the audience screamed, cheered, and shouted frantically.

The backup dancers also ran down from both sides of the stage and stood behind Hu Xing. After taking their positions on the stage where they were going to perform, the music director played the song that Hu Xing was going to perform.

Hu Xing performed a very explosive dance song of his own, which was a song that had released an MV before but never performed live.

This is a pop dance song.

When Hu Xing and his backup dancers showed off their dancing postures and performed a handsome, chic and difficult dance together, all the female audience in the entire I am a singer auditorium were impressed by Hu Xing's handsome dance.

This song is very poisonous, coupled with Hu Xing's super stage control and stage charm, how many little girls can resist it?

From a 60-year-old grandmother to a 5-year-old girl, they are all obsessed with Hu Xing's dance at this time.

At the end of the song, the audience was still unsatisfied.

"Okay, go home." Hu Xing hugged Reba's waist, the woman who won the championship, Hu Xing said to her: "Congratulations on winning the championship, go home, brother will cook you a big meal .”

"Don't think that if you cook me a big meal, I will be able to pay you back." Reba still remembered this.

"Haha~ Di Lieba, can you be more stingy?" Hu Xing smiled angrily and looked at the fairy.

Chapter 0985 What is the birthday of Ching Ming Festival?

"I don't want you to pay it back, I'll ask Xiying to help me pay it back, that's fine."

"Stingy woman, you won the championship this time, I have no credit or hard work, right?"

"What's the matter with changing the flowers?" Hu Xing said and pulled Reba's face, which was not enough, he also bit Reba's cherry lips, threatening her not to forget that he helped you behind the scenes.

"Hee hee~ Well, for the sake of you helping me so much, Huabei-I'll help you pay it back."

"I Am a Singer Season 6" Reba got very high rankings for each round of songs. On average, she won the first place 2 times, the second place 3 times, the third place 2 times, and the fourth place [-] times name.

The first round of qualifying, "Accompany you around the world", the fourth place.

The first knockout round, "Sad 1999", third place.

The second round of qualifying, hot "Aurora", the first place.

The second round of knockout round, "Girl Waving Wings", the first place.

The third round of qualifying, "Kiss Everywhere", the second place.

[-]rd knockout round, "Our Love"; [-]st place.

The fourth round of qualifying, the third place of "The One Who Loved For The First Time"

The fourth knockout round, the first place in "Deep Love and Rain"

The fifth round of qualifying, the fourth place of "Snow"

The fifth round of the knockout round, the second place in "Chinese Language"

In the semi-finals, "Serenity" came third.

Battle of Kings of Singers: Help sing, No. [-] in "Happy Worship".

Battle of the Kings of Singers: Singer solo, "One Thinking of One" + "Tears" won the first place.

With an absolute advantage, Reba won the final song king, and this is what the audience is looking forward to.

Reba's ranking is so good, no one thinks it's shady, this season's "I Am a Singer" completely surpassed the first season in the view of the audience, and it is also the episode with the highest gold content.

In this season, Reba won the championship, Han Lei the runner-up, Deng Ziqi the third runner-up, Cao Ge the top four of the year, and Zhang Jie the top five of the year. With such results, many viewers discussed on Weibo.

"Hu Xing, there is a good variety show, do you want to participate?!" Hu Xing rested for two or three days, and when he came back to the set, Li Hui asked Hu Xing.

"What variety show?" Hu Xing has enough variety shows now.

"Isn't it because you proposed the program "I'm Going to School"? So Youku has made a similar program called "Youth Classmates"."

"It's just inviting some star classmates to a party." Hu Xing didn't know about the program Li Hui was talking about.

"This show doesn't need to be a host, as long as the celebrity guests go."

"So, I think you should want to go." Li Hui handed this to Hu Xing, let's see what he thinks.

"I was invited for this one too." Hu Fu said that he also had an invitation letter for this show.

"You were invited too?" Hu Xing looked at Hu Fu in surprise.

"Yes, I was invited too." Hu Fu said that he was also invited.

"Are you going?!" Hu Xing didn't know this, and he and Hu Fu weren't classmates, were they?

"No, I don't have time." Hu Fu shook his head and said that he would not go.

"Then I'm not going either, I don't have time?" Hu Xing said, was he looking for an excuse?

"I don't think it's possible." Hu Xing couldn't say it, and Li Hui felt that this was unrealistic.

"Then pick it up first, and wait until the time to decide. Let me tell you first, Reba won't go, and neither will I." Hu Xing immediately stated that he and Reba are classmates. If she doesn't go, I will Will not go either.

Let's ignore the variety show for now.

In the crew, Hu Xing felt at ease filming, the time went faster, in the second half of March, Hu Xing was filming on the crew, except for going out to record programs, the rest of the time was in the crew.

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