"Da! Da!" After licking it, he smashed his tongue, the taste is okay?

Then he opened his mouth and really took a bite.

"Oh my god! Dafa." After taking a bite, Xu Xian realized that the duck feet are so delicious?

"Is that so? It's really delicious, right?!" Hu Xing was really helpless with Yoon'er's new look, "I think you two have learned something."

"Pig brains, try it." With the duck feet as a lesson, Yun'er also wants to taste this pig brains, is it really delicious?

"What do you want to taste? I'm going to have to eat soon, so hurry up and help wash the dishes."

"Why, are you still waiting for your future mother-in-law to bring you bowls and chopsticks, or waiting for your husband to add bowls and chopsticks for you?" Hu Xing said and asked them to help quickly.

"Hehe~" The two sisters who had eaten something were very satisfied now.

Hu Xing was already sitting outside, waiting, and when the bowls and chopsticks arrived, he was ready to eat.

"This soup is delicious." Xu Xian enjoyed it.

Zhao Liying and the others wanted to laugh, it was really funny.

People in the country like to watch Wai Guoren look like they don't understand anything, because it gives a sense of accomplishment.

Chapter 0999 I want to have a second child

"Are you going to film a new movie with Li Ying in a few days?!" During the meal, Jiang Fang asked her son about it.

"What's wrong?" Hu Xing asked directly, not knowing what her mother was going to say.

"Let me tell you, if my daughter-in-law is wronged, I will deal with you when you come back." Jiang Fang was so considerate of her daughter-in-law, which made Yun'er, Xu Xian and the others look at Hu Xing even more secretly.

Hu Xing ate silently, neither speaking nor expressing his opinion.

"Especially my granddaughter and grandson, if you are wronged, don't say that I will punish you, if it comes to your father and grandfather, if it is serious, your great-grandfather will punish you with a cane." This is not a threat, Hu Xing understands Everyone in my own family is waiting for this lovely sixth generation to come out.

As Zhao Liying who was the first to give birth to Hu Xing's child, her status was quite high.

The first generation of the Hu family, that is, Hu Ji, was born in the countryside.

Moreover, Hu Ji's first wife was the same at the beginning, both of whom were from rural areas.

Zhao Liying is also from a rural background, which makes the family very satisfied with Zhao Liying.

She doesn't dislike her origin, but also has a good impression of rural girls.

Not only do they have a good impression, but now they are the first to give birth to Hu Xing, making the Hu family have a sixth generation. It can be said that this place surpasses Reba.

In Hu Xing's heart, Reba is his harem.

But in the Hu family, that is, in the eyes of the old men, Zhao Liying is the first granddaughter-in-law of the Hu family.

In terms of family status, Zhao Liying surpassed Reba because she is now pregnant.

If Hot Barbie Zhao Liying is pregnant first, then the painter's first granddaughter-in-law will be her

Although it is said that status is always divided into high and low, but in fact this is not obvious.

The old people are like this, whoever gives them a grandson or great-grandson will treat them better.

It can be seen from the fact that Zhao Liying is far away from Song Jia and Liu Shishi.

"Did you hear that, don't be skinny when you go to the set, the body is the most important thing, and the fetus is the most important thing."

"It's okay for me to have three long and two short, but you and the fetus can't."

"Without me, there would be one less disaster in the world; but you and the child can't do it." Hu Xing also stated that now Zhao Liying and the child are more important than himself.

"What nonsense are you talking about, really." Zhao Liying didn't like to hear such words.

"Ouba is shooting three movies at the same time, is it really okay?!" Xu Xian also knows that she cares about Hu Xing's current work situation.

"It's okay, it's not very busy."

"The Thousand Bone of Flower will be launched in a few days, and I don't have many roles."

"My role in "Langya Bang" is about the same, and I will be able to wrap up and get a box lunch in half a month."

"As for "Slaying the Wolf 2", it's a little troublesome, but it's not a big problem."

"I've already made up my mind, this month I will ask for a month's leave from the column team of Running Man."

"Anyway, running men have so much in stock, so it's not a big problem if they don't record for a month." Hu Xing has already made a plan.

"This year's work is mainly concentrated in the first half of the year. There is only one movie scheduled for the second half of the year, and there is nothing else."

"After filming this movie in the second half of the year, I will be a baby daddy at home." Hu Xing is actually looking forward to it.

"Hey~ No matter, it happens that my work is not very busy, so I have a nephew to play with." Hu Yun had such thoughts.

"Bring my nephew to my office to play when I have time." Hu Ying is also looking forward to it.

The younger brother is about to become a father, so she is definitely an aunt.

At that time, when I go to work, there will be a little princess making a fuss, and she likes it very much.

"Why do I feel that it's not my turn to take care of the child after giving birth?!" Zhao Liying thought about it, and then said it, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

"Have you checked, could it be twins?!" In fact, Hu Yu is looking forward to this more.

After all, he gave birth to a pair of twins. Although Hu Xing and Hu Yun were born more than a month apart, there is nothing wrong with twins.

"I haven't checked this." Zhao Liying looked at Hu Xing to see what his attitude was...

"No need to check this, and no need to check gender or gender."

"Besides, don't you know if they are twins?!" Hu Xing was very puzzled.

"How do I know?" Zhao Liying was very surprised, why she must know.

"I'm about two months pregnant. During the examination, there should be a test result saying it's a single pregnancy or twins, right?!" Hu Xing at least understood this.

"Didn't look at it." Zhao Liying said that she didn't pay attention to this.

"What? I've gone to the obstetric examination three times, and you haven't even read the results?" Hu Xing was very shocked. He thought Zhao Liying would read it.

"No, I haven't watched it once."

"The doctor told me every time that the fetus was stable and in good health, and there was nothing wrong with it."

"I listened to the key points, and didn't care about the rest."

"As long as the fetus is healthy and my body has no problems, then there is nothing to understand, right?!" This mentality made Hu Xing break out in a cold sweat.

"Puchi!" After noticing Hu Xing's expression, Yun'er and Xu Xian all laughed coquettishly.

"No, daughter-in-law, we are planning to be mothers anyway, aren't we?!"

"You can't be so indifferent to our daughter, okay?"

"Otherwise, when the child is born in the future, it will be enough to torment you, you know?"

"Maybe she will remember everything we chatted now, and compete with you when she is born, and then you will know you were wrong." Zhao Liying didn't care about Hu Xing's threat at all.

"What are you afraid of? It doesn't have to be a daughter anyway."

"Even if it's a daughter, what's the matter? Then it's fine if I have a son for my second child." Zhao Liying thought very simply, and Hu Xing couldn't speak for this big-hearted woman.

"Okay, you won." Hu Xing didn't need to worry, anyway, it's fine.

With many wives, are you afraid that you will not succeed without children?

"Where are you two?" Jiang Fang shifted the topic to Yun'er and Xu Xian.

"Ah? What's wrong with us?" Yun'er was a little flustered.

"When are you going to get married?!" I asked directly, and added: "You can't do this. You come to China for only a few days a year. How can your relationship with Hu Xing be stable?"

"In the China entertainment industry, more and more beautiful young female stars are debuting."

"With Hu Xing's personality, it's easy to like others, and thus forget the three of you who are often not around." Jiang Fang reminded her rightly, Yun'er and Xu Xian have also thought about this problem.

They are also very helpless because of their foreign love.

If you want to work in China, it doesn’t mean that you can come if you want to. It depends on the company’s permission, whether you have a market in China, and whether you can get support.

Chapter 1000 It's time to come

"Is Little Crystal busy recently?!" After dinner, Hu Xing asked Xu Xian who was beside her while resting.

"That's right, the song you and Reba wrote, now the whole company is busy helping fx to produce it."

"The choreography of the song, as well as the recording of the sound source, FX is busy now."

"If you think about it, the current fx really doesn't have time."

"Otherwise we said we would come here today, and with her temperament, we would definitely come with her." Xu Xian understood these things better.

After Hu Xing heard about it, he nodded silently.

At this moment, Yun'er reached out and grabbed Xu Xian's clothes, suggesting that she should say something.

After Xu Xian received it, she didn't really want to say it, but there was no way. If she didn't say it, no one would be able to handle it well.

"Also, some unpleasant things happened within our group." Xu Xian hesitated for a long time, but still told Hu Xing the purpose of their visit this time.

"Well, I see." Unexpectedly, Hu Xing was very calm.

"Ah?" What Xu Xian didn't expect was that Hu Xing already knew about it?

"I know." Of course Hu Xing knew what Xu Xian was going to say, and it could even be said that he already knew it.

"Didn't Ouba say it? I don't care about our girl group anymore?!" Xu Xian was a little resentful, but Hu Xing could hear it, and said, "I don't care about the girl groups like Tara, Kara, AF, etc. Regardless of Girls' Generation and fx."

"Even if you want to ignore it, it's impossible. Both combinations have my own future daughter-in-law."

"If you really don't care about it, how is this possible? If I didn't get your film, wouldn't I be at a loss?" While talking, Hu Xing looked at Xu Xian who was beside him.

"..." Xu Xian blushed and did not speak.

"Heh~" Seeing Xu Xian like this, Hu Xing couldn't help laughing: "Why, you're already an adult, and you're still shy?!"

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