"It looks right, it is indeed once." Zhao Liying was very sure, she couldn't understand such a reaction.

After noticing Xu Xian's appearance, Hu Xing approached Xu Xian with a smirk on his face.

Xu Xian leaned back, trying to avoid Hu Xing's approaching face, but there was no way out behind her.

After Hu Xing approached Xu Xian's pretty face, he smiled and said to her: "Tonight, Ouba will teach you something, so that you can better understand common sense."

"No." Xu Xian felt that she didn't need to do this.

"It's useless even if you do." Hu Xing didn't refuse her, and hugged Xu Xian lazily.

"Ah!" Xu Xian wanted to struggle, but after meeting Hu Xing's fiery eyes, she pouted obediently, and then put her arms around Hu Xing's neck, quietly like a cute cat.

Hu Xing carried Xu Xian up to the upstairs master bedroom, and within two minutes, Yun'er, who was below, heard Xu Xian's panicked voice coming from the room, but soon, the panicked voice became Singer for enjoyment.

Chapter 1002 Amputation

"Hahaha~" When she got up the next morning, seeing Xu Xian silently sitting on the sofa with her long legs crossed elegantly, Yun'er couldn't stop laughing.

"Sister, are you still laughing?" It was already embarrassing enough, but now this black-bellied elder sister can still laugh. Of course Xu Xian blushed and bickered with Yun'er angrily.

"Hee hee~" Yoon'er knew everything that happened last night.

Although he didn't complete the last step, Yoon'er understood it very well.

Every inch of Xu Xian's skin has been branded by Hu Xing with his mark.

The abalone has been eaten many times, the drink has also been drunk, and the buns have been gnawed and gnawed.

Xu Xian couldn't run this time even if she wanted to, so she took the initiative to be Hu Xing's woman.

It's just that Xu Xian will definitely feel a little shy because of this incident these days.

Her personality is different from Yoon'er's. She is a rigid girl herself, and her heart is still very traditional.

It was her tradition that was completely shattered by Hu Xing last night.

After the tradition is torn apart by Hu Xing, Xu Xian will definitely have a big impact and an indelible impression in her heart

When she wakes up in the morning, Xu Xian curls her legs gracefully, but this also shows that she is still thinking about how she can't refuse when her little cutie is tasted

"Crack." When Hu Xing came back from the outside, Yun'er asked, "Why did you go out so early?"

"Send Master Song to school." Hu Xing had already sent Master Song to school.

"Oh yes, I forgot about it." Song Zhuer came back around 10 o'clock last night.

But at that time, Hu Xing was already popularizing common sense of life to Xu Xian, so he didn't see Master Song come home.

"What are you laughing at?!" At this time, Zhang Xiying also sent the master out of the room.

"Huh? Why are you here, little demon girl?" Hu Xing didn't know that Zhang Xiying had also returned.

"I didn't get home until 2 o'clock last night." Zhang Xiying said that she got home very late.

"When you got home, did Reba and Nazha come back?!" Hu Xing didn't know, so he asked.

"Reba and Nazha came back early, okay, they got home after 11 o'clock." Yoon'er knew this very well, because she saw them coming back last night.

Hu Xing didn't do anything last night, he just slept.

Neither Reba nor Nazha slept in the master bedroom, but in the guest bedroom.

Because they knew that Hu Xing was teaching Xu Xian, they didn't go up to bother, and chose to sleep in another room wisely.

Hu Xing threw himself on the sofa, and then approached Xu Xian: "How about it, did you know everything you taught last night?"

"Don't talk to me, I don't want to know you." Xu Xian said to Hu Xing angrily, telling him to stay away.

"Is this your attitude when talking to me? Believe it or not, I will eat abalone again in front of Yun'er and Xiying?" Hu Xing stared, and Xu Xian gave in.

She was shy enough to talk alone last night.

If she is still in front of her sister and sister now, she feels even more shy.

"I'm sorry." Xu Xian apologized weakly, and Hu Xing was only satisfied.

"Make you disobedient." Hu Xing said and bit Xu Xian's cherry lips lightly.

The first kiss was already taken by Hu Xing last night, so there is nothing wrong with kissing again now.

Although there will still be shyness, but it will not be like last night.

Although there is shyness, but the heart is more sweet.

Anyway, he can be regarded as someone who has kissed before, which is something to be proud of for any girl.

"Huh?" Nazha and Reba also got up one after another.

But when seeing the figures of Reba and Nazha, Yun'er's eyes widened even more.

"Wow?!" This was the first time for them to see Reba's good figure clearly.

It was the first time for Yun'er, especially for Xu Xian.

This is not the first time for Zhang Weiying, she has done sports with them and Hu Xing.

Of course, she can clearly see the good figures of her sisters.

"Ouba, I also want to have such a devilish figure! I also want to have such unreasonably straight long legs." Yun'er pointed to the two long legs, and said to Hu Xing very seriously.

"Really want it?!" Hu Xing asked Yun'er if she really wanted it.

"I really want it! The best thing is right away, right away." Yun'er just wanted it so impatiently.

"Okay, I'll call the hospital to arrange amputation."

"The hospital should have prosthetics. Let's arrange a platinum prosthetic. It's straight enough." Hu Xing picked up his phone and wanted to contact Yun'er with the hospital.

"Get out!" Yun'er said angrily, the long legs she said she wanted were not like this.

"Haha~" If these two people can stop arguing for a day, it will really be the end of the world.

Even if Yun'er is about to give birth and enters the delivery room, it is estimated that she will have to quarrel with Hu Xing when she comes out; if they don't quarrel, they will feel uncomfortable.

When Zhang Yuying was brushing her teeth, she saw her sisters coming in and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Hungry, I flew back from Changsha last night and thought I could exercise with my husband."

"I didn't expect him to help Xu Xian with homework, so there is nothing I can do." Reba made no secret of her desire to exercise with Hu Xing.

"Puchi" Speaking of this, Zhang Yuying laughed: "Are you so not shy?"

"Nonsense, as the strongest in terms of aspects, how could we be shy?"

"Aren't you the same? Talk about me." Reba said and brought Zhang Yuying in.

If Zhang Weiying didn't speak, she really acquiesced, because she also felt that she was always full of curiosity about some aspects, and she also liked to use this kind of exercise to create a happy and interesting atmosphere.

Either she doesn't do it, or she can't stop doing it unless her physical strength is exhausted.

In this regard, Reba and Zhang Weiying are actually the same, and they both know each other.

Presumably at that time, it will be the same when Lin Yuner joins in.

"Oh, woman." Nazha mocked the two Gemini beauties.

Hu Xing was watching TV in the living room, and turned on his computer to have a look when he was bored.

He happened to open a wedding dress, which was seen by Yun'er.

"Wow, what a beautiful wedding dress." After Yun'er noticed it, she was very pleasantly surprised.

"Is this designed by Ouba himself?!" Knowing that Hu Xing can design cars, but from the "works" folder in his computer, it can be seen that this wedding dress may have been designed by Hu Xing himself.

"Yeah." Hu Xing admitted that it was designed by himself, and added: "This is a wedding dress for Reba."

"Why is it Reba's wedding dress again?" Knowing this, Yun'er was still a little jealous.

"This is Reba's and I's college graduation wedding dress." Hu Xing also added that this is the graduation wedding dress that Reba will wear when he and Reba graduate next month.

Chapter 1003 The most beautiful woman

"Reba, let's try on the wedding dress in the afternoon." Hu Xing said to Reba who came out after washing.

"Yes, I can also try on your clothes." Hu Xing had already designed the wedding dress, and Reba had also designed the clothes he was going to wear.

"It's great. When we graduate, we can wear a wedding dress and graduate together." Everyone was really envious.

"Original sister is also fine." Xu Xian told everyone.

"I remember, it seems that when Hu Xing went to Korea, he also went to high school for a year in Korea, right?!"

"Yes, I'm in the same class." Yoon Er told everyone with a smile.

"Although he is in the same class, he rarely goes to school, much less than me." Although he was a classmate, he has very little memory.

"You can play by yourself in the afternoon, Reba and I have something to do." Hu Xing decided to go in the afternoon.

"Why don't you take us there? We also want to see the wedding dress you designed." Zhang Yuying clamored to go there, but Zhao Liying said, "You all line up at the back."

"My sister is going to get married next year, so I will go to see the wedding dress first."

"I went to see the wedding dress designed by my husband first. How did Reba look when she wore it?"

"If it really surprises me, then I will ask my husband to design my wedding dress next year." Zhao Liying likes this, and it happens that I can go with them in the afternoon.

"Let's go together, there's nothing to do anyway." Nazha thought it would be good to go together.

"Okay." Since they all go together, it's not bad to go together.

After lunch, Hu Xing went to the wedding dress shop in Shanghai after making an appointment.

After seeing the boss here, the other party took them to see the wedding dress made here.

After walking into the room, I saw a very beautiful wedding dress in this room.

"Wow!!!!" When seeing this wedding dress, everyone was amazed.

"My God, seeing the real thing is more beautiful than looking at the finished picture."

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