This has made many netizens who have read the original work express that they cannot accept it.

There are too many good film and television dramas in China, which were good in the beginning, but ended up being unfinished.

Similarly, "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" has become so popular, and it will inevitably end up unfinished.

In his previous life, Hu Xing had no way to influence, but now it is different, he has the ability, of course he has to make the ending perfect.

A good work must have a good ending.

"Besides, even if it is a remake of a film and television drama, we must respect the original."

"The original work was disrespected, and the content and ending of the plot were modified, which made the author very chilling."

"At the same time, it doesn't respect the fans of the original work." Hu Xing said this, which made the author of "A Thousand Bone of Flowers" very happy.

She also said before that she wanted the ending to be acted out like in the novel.

Because she really wanted to see the ending of her novel, and it was turned into a TV series.

In particular, Hu Xing was simply an actor who appeared just to play Bai Zihua.

Tall and handsome, with good looks, good figure, and good temperament will fascinate you.

Hu Xing still has acting skills, so he must play Bai Zihua well, Hu Xing is more suitable than Hu Fu.

Bai Zihua is very suitable for Hu Xing, both in terms of appearance and temperament.

Besides Hu Xing, there is another one is Huo Jianhua.

They had thought about it before, if they failed to invite Hu Xing, then they would invite Huo Jianhua.

It can be seen from this that Hu Xing is actually more suitable than Huo Jianhua.

"Okay, then let's add these plots to the ending and restore the original story." Another screenwriter also agreed to Hu Xing's request.

Seeing that his application was successful, Hu Xing felt relieved.

"I don't want to see the final outcome." When Hu Xing sat back, Zhao Liying pouted and looked at Hu Xing beside her.

Hu Xing has read this novel, and of course Zhao Liying has also read it.

Even after seeing it, she didn't want to see the last thirty years of the Lord being crazy for the little bone.

When she was reading the novel, she imagined Bai Zihua as Hu Xing.

It was in this way that she realized that Hu Xing could really act out Bai Zihua's true appearance as a little bone madman for the last thirty years.

As long as Hu Xing really comes to perform, Zhao Liying will definitely not dare to watch it, because it really makes people feel distressed.

"Whether you want to watch it or not, anyway, I want to play Bai Zihua as a crazy lover."

"Just like me and you, if any of you leave, I will also go crazy."

"Desperately want you to reincarnate, don't want a day of prosperity, just want to be with you forever." Hu Xing pinched Zhao Liying's face.

"Hmph." Zhao Liying stuck out her tongue at Hu Xing playfully and cutely.

When Zhao Liying was reading the script, Hu Xing felt bored. He looked around and saw a stethoscope on the crew's doctor.

Seeing this, Hu Xing borrowed it.

"What are you going to do?!" Zhao Liying was lying on the couch reading the script, but when she saw Hu Xing coming over with a stethoscope, she couldn't help being curious and asked him what he was going to do.

Hu Xing didn't answer, so he picked up the stethoscope, then put the stethoscope microphone into Zhao Liying's clothes, and gently placed it on her lower abdomen.

"Is little friend Hu Xiang at home?" Hu Xing's first words made Zhao Liying burst into laughter.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying covered her pretty face with the script and smiled haha.

"Hu Xiang! Hu Xiang, are you home?" Hu Xing still used the dialect of Langfang, Hebei.

"No, this baby is sleeping." Hu Xing then complained in the voice of a baby, which was obviously telling Zhao Liying that this sentence is so capricious, it must be your daughter who said it.

"Why sleep? I've been sleeping for several months and haven't been born yet. Can we still be good friends?" Hu Xing looked at Zhao Liying's stomach and talked to her daughter through a stethoscope.

"No, mother's mansion can only be lived in for 10 months in this life, so Xiangxiang shouldn't go out so soon;"

"When I went out, I also watched my father and mother show affection. They couldn't fight and fight, and they couldn't win the quarrel. Huh." Hu Xing imitated the baby's voice, but it made Zhao Liying go crazy.

"Haha~" Hu Xing was so childish that he used a stethoscope to communicate with his daughter, but it made Zhao Liying laugh and cry

In fact, a man, when a woman is pregnant with a child for you, needs you to be naive to make her happy most.

Only a man who really wants a happy family will put aside all his face and dignity in front of his wife and children; he will try his best to make them happy.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is naive and embarrassing;

But that's not important, what's important is that as long as the wife is happy, as long as the wife is sweet, everything is worthwhile if the wife is happy.

Chapter 1009 Communication Between Father and Goddess

Hu Xing's way of making his wife happy, even Jiang Xin and other girls in the same crew, all laughed

From their point of view, Hu Xing's approach is very naive, but seeing Zhao Liying smiling so happily, you will understand how warm Hu Xing really is.

Pregnant women are the most unstable emotionally.

But Hu Xing was able to let go of his identity, dignity, and face, so as to make his girlfriend happy in a childish way. But from this point of view, this man is worthy of a woman's entrustment for life.

"If you don't come out again, Dad will be threatened by Mom for half a year with you as a hostage." Hu Xing ignored everyone's strange eyes and continued to communicate with his daughter with a stethoscope.

"No, hmph, Mommy threatens Xiangxiang as a hostage, so Dad will prepare delicious food for us."

"Hee hee~ Xiangxiang is in mother's womb, there is food and shelter, why go out? Dad will play with it after going out, don't want it." Hu Xingxue's baby's voice is simply too irritating to the eyes.

Zhao Liying covered her mouth and was panting from laughter.

"Be obedient, you come out of your mother's mansion, and your father cooks delicious food for you every day, but you won't make it for your mother."

"Make mom look at you and envy you." Hu Xing spoke in his own voice, which was considered to be playing his own role.

"Really?!" Hu Xing used the baby voice to play the daughter again.

"Really, think about it, now that you're stuck in mom's womb and can't come out, mom can have a hostage to threaten dad; aren't you dad's previous lover; where is dad's previous lover and dad's lover in this life united?" Get up and bully Dad?"

"You are rivals in love, you should give birth as soon as possible, and then stimulate your mother to make her unhappy."

"Also, you came out. Dad cooks delicious food for you every day, but I won't cook for mom." Hu Xing continued to look at Zhao Liying's stomach and muttered to himself, playing a role.

"But Xiangxiang came out of her mother's stomach, so she can't eat and drink, and she has to be careful of her parents showing affection. Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang is so wronged." It has to be said that Hu Xing's imitation is really similar.

"No, think about it, you can eat and drink in mother's stomach, but father and mother show affection all day long, can you watch this fragrance?"

"If you are born, dad will cook delicious food for you, and you can stop mom and dad from showing affection, isn't it a good deal?!" After Hu Xing looked at his stomach and finished speaking, he immediately closed his eyes and his voice became The sound of a baby, and gently patted his forehead with his hand: "Oh my god, my brain hurts..."

"Pfft! Hahahaha~" Hu Xing's last move was classic, causing the entire crew of more than [-] people to laugh and look at him.

Not only does the voice sound like a baby, but even the way it pats the forehead is very open, just like a child when he is upset and tangled.

If it weren't for his figure being an adult, Hu Xing patted his forehead and muttered words.

Just listening to the sound, one would think that this person must be a little baby.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying covered her pretty face with the script, and Yang Tian laughed.

"Hu Xiang, you are going too far, don't be cute."

"Xiangxiang is cute even if she doesn't sell it, hum, Dad doesn't speak well, so Xiangxiang won't go out."

"Okay, daddy is wrong, Xiangxiang come out quickly."

"I can't hear you, Xiangxiang is not at home."

"If you can't hear me, you can return to your father's words? Can you still say that you are not at home?"

"Oh, Xiangxiang must be talking in her sleep, la la la~" Hu Xing ended up like a child, holding his face cutely, with a shy and self-willed look.

"Haha~" Anyway, Zhao Liying couldn't help it anymore, she sat up quickly, then hid in Hu Xing's arms, buried her face in his chest and let out enviable laughter.

Just smiling, Zhao Liying's voice became a little choked up.

In fact, she can feel it, Hu Xing really loves her and dotes on her very much.

Otherwise, how could a big man be so shameless in front of so many people and make her happy regardless of his image?

It was precisely because she felt Hu Xing's love and love for her that Zhao Liying laughed and cried happily.

After Hu Xing heard Zhao Liying sobbing and crying, he even patted the back of her head lightly with his big hand: "Why are you crying?"

"I was so angry when I heard that my father and Xiangxiang were so nasty." Zhao Liying raised her head, glaring at Hu Xing coquettishly with her big misty eyes.

"Huh~ Dad is poisonous, and his cuteness can make my mother cry." Hu Xing smiled and pointed at Zhao Liying, complaining about himself as if he was changing his daughter.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying, who was still misty, let the mist drip from her eyes just because of this sentence, and then bit Hu Xing's neck coquettishly.

Like a zombie, he turned his head sideways and lightly bit Hu Xing's neck.

"Uh huh, damn it, I actually cried because of the communication between you father and daughter." Zhao Liying looked angry, but she was actually happy.

Hu Xing hugged Zhao Liying into his arms, and looked at the petite and lovely woman in his arms.

In fact, Zhao Liying can have long legs, but she said that she doesn't need it, that's good.

The height of 160 is enough, so she looks petite and younger.

Especially she enjoys the cutest height difference with Hu Xing very much.

"From now on, I will use a stethoscope to talk to Xiangxiang every day." Hu Xing gently pinched Zhao Liying's earlobe.

"No." Zhao Liying refused immediately, and said: "This is not born yet, and I have to talk and chat every day. If this is really born, then it will be okay? Don't you treat me like air?" ??"

"No, Xiangxiang likes Mommy too." The baby's voice came too suddenly, which made Zhao Liying unprepared, and was amused by Hu Xing's imitation of the baby's voice again.

"Puchi!" Zhao Liying covered her cherry lips lightly, and fell into Hu Xing's arms laughing again.

As long as she is with him every day, Zhao Liying feels very happy and sweet.

Every time he was with him, Hu Xing could always easily make her happy.

And every time at this time, she always felt that there was no happier woman in the world than her.

Even thinking, if this is a dream, don't wake up.

How can she, Zhao Liying, be able to marry such an almost perfect and all-powerful man?

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