"Yes, Reba and Nazha thought I was too domineering at the time."

"But in fact, you all don't know. After I knew that I was beating up my future father-in-law, I looked very calm on the surface, but it was just pretending."

"At that time, I looked stable and confident, but I was actually panicked and anxious."

"Hahaha~" After Hu Xing expressed his inner reaction at that time, the audience immediately burst into laughter.

"Really, after all, he is also the future father-in-law, right? I didn't give you a good impression. Instead, I gave my father-in-law a stick, and everyone would be flustered." He didn't exaggerate.

"It was also after that time that I was afraid of seeing Nazha's father for a long time."

"As long as I heard that Nazha's father came to pick him up, I would always find an excuse to go to the toilet, or the teacher told me, anyway, I would not go out of the school with Nazha."

"Otherwise I'm afraid of the embarrassment of my son-in-law meeting my father-in-law." Hu Xing recalled this incident very funny.

Chapter 1020 Couplets?

"When I went to the film school for the exam, I was actually very worried."

"What are you worried about?!" Xie Na said he was worried, but Zhao Liying and the others were very curious about what they were worried about.

"I'm worried that if someone says I'm beautiful when I go to the exam, if someone tells me you're beautiful, what do you say I should do?!" Xie Na expressed his feelings at the time.

"Then you should quickly help him across the road." Hu Xing immediately gave Xie any trick.

"Help him across the road, why?!" Xie Na didn't understand what Hu Xing meant.

"Because he's blind." Hu Xing angrily told Xie Na why.

"..." Xie Na rolled his eyes this time, and was really pissed off by this guy again.

"Hahaha~" He Jiong and the others who were eating noodles, after hearing Hu Xing's narcissistic Xie Na, they didn't even hide their laughter, and stimulated Xie Na so unscrupulously.

"Can you talk properly?!" Xie Na asked Hu Xing with a smile.

"The key is whether you can have a good chat? Can you not say such narcissistic and stinky words?"

"I was a little full from eating just now, and my stomach was nauseated." Hu Xing was very considerate to Zhao Liying beside him, but when talking to Xie Na next to him, he was all kinds of hostile.

Just as he spoke, Huang Lei left silently.

Xie Na happened to notice it, and said secretly: "Teacher Huang went to reflect."

"That's why, I thought about it for a season, and I didn't think about coming until the finale of the life I longed for." Xie Na said that he thought about it for a season, and it took a year to think about coming.

"You are coming today, Hu Xing thought of it from the very beginning." He Jiong also told Xie Na this.

"Really? I don't even know." Xie Na actually didn't know that he would often appear in reality shows on Mango Channel.

"I bet, there is a reality show variety show under your Mango stage, and there is also Xie Na." Hu Xing expressed his guess to Xie Na beside him.

"..." Xie Na, who was eating noodles, became even more silent after hearing this.

He Jiong next to him burst out laughing even more.

Because as Hu Xing guessed, there really are.

There is indeed a reality show variety show under the mango stage, thank you.

"Right, if I don't thank you, I'll live broadcast kneeling on the keyboard." Hu Xing was very sure about the column team.

"Haha~" Hu Xing had already talked about this matter, so Xie Na answered with his own embarrassed laugh.

"Oh, by the way, Hu Xing, I heard that you are very talented, shall we play a couplet game?"

"I have an eternal absolute, so far no one can correctly write the second line." Xie Na said to Hu Xing confidently.

"Then what if I come out with couplets?!" Xie Na is so confident, of course Hu Xing can't stand it.

"If you are right, I will obey you without any complaints about what work you want me to do today." Xie Na said very seriously, if he hesitates, it means that he is not confident.

"Okay." It's all like this, how could he not agree.

"If you can't come out, you have to do whatever I ask you to do today, how about it?!" This was exchanged as a condition.

"Okay." Hu Xing also agreed directly, there is no one who would refuse.

"Are you ready? Start now?" Xie Na was about to start.

"Come on." It's just a couplet, Hu Xing is really not afraid.

"My Shanghai couplet is: Shanghai's tap water comes from the sea." Xie Na said his own Shanghai couplet.

"..." After hearing this Shanglian, Hu Xing was stunned.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's bewildered expression made Xie Na even more proud: "No way?"

"My Shanghai couplet is amazing. It reads 'Shanghai's tap water comes from the sea' along the way, and 'Shanghai's tap water comes from the sea' backwards." Xie Na was very proud, and she felt that this could beat Hu Xing.

"That's it?" The dazed Hu Xing asked Xie Na in surprise.

"Why, what do you mean, this is very simple?!"

"Give you a chance, let's change to another upper line, it's too simple, I don't even bother to talk to the second line, or you will say that I bully you." Hu Xing felt that he should give another chance to thank him.

After He Jiong listened to the first couplet, he was also thinking about the second couplet, how to get it right.

Because reading forward and backward has the same meaning, it increases the difficulty.

For a while, He Jiong couldn't think of a real second line.

"No, that's all. If you're right, I can agree to anything you ask me to do today, as long as it doesn't violate my conscience and the content of the program can be broadcast; Listen to me." Xie Na's smirk made Huang Lei, Zhao Liying and the others smile silently.

"As far as your IQ is concerned, come here and challenge me, isn't this looking for abuse..." Hu Xing was really powerless, and asked: "Shanghai's tap water comes from the sea, so reading it backwards means the same thing, right?!"

"Yes." Xie Na still looked confident.

"One piece of pork belly costs five yuan." Hu Xing said his second line.

"..." After Hu Xing matched the second couplet, Xie, who was still smiling, was even more confused now.

"Hahaha~" When they heard that Hu Xing was really talking about the second couplet, and after thinking about the second couplet Hu Xing said, and found that the second couplet also meant the same thing, He Jiong and the others burst out laughing and looked at the dumbfounded Xie where

"Where are you not falling?" Even Huang Lei had to admire Hu Xing's second couplet.

Although it is a bit vulgar, it is indeed right.

It is the same as Xie Na's Shanglian, it is read forward and backward, it is the same.

"Your upper line 'Shanghai tap water comes from the sea' has the same meaning; at the same time, tap water is drinkable; Hu Xing's second line is 'One piece of pork belly costs five yuan', and it has the same meaning no matter how you pronounce it; at the same time, pork belly is You can eat, eat corresponds to drink, this is the most suitable couplet." Huang Lei also helped Xie Na analyze it, let her think about how to spend today.

At this time, Hu Xing crossed his legs, took off his shoes, and then took off his socks.

"I don't have any work for now, I'll let you do it. Come on, help me put on my socks and shoes first." Hu Xing said and put the socks on Xie Na's lap, don't wait, come on.

Xie Nawuyan looked at the socks on his legs, and then at Hu Xing's feet.

"Even Brother Jie didn't let me help him put his socks on." Xie Na told Hu Xing firmly.

"Yo ho, that's great. I got Xie Na's first time, which Zhang Jie hadn't gotten before." Hu Xing was happier now, and he didn't give Xie Na a chance to fight back at all.

"I..." Xie Na wanted to resist, but it was useless, the words just came out.

Chapter 1021 You Connotation I Drive

"I don't accept it!!!" Xie Na didn't expect that his confident couplet would be confronted by Hu Xing in this way, of course he was not convinced.

"Dissatisfied? Yes, help me put on the socks and shoes, and I will give you another chance." Hu Xing is so reasonable, let Xie Na put them on first and then give you another chance.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying and the others all laughed and looked at the aggrieved Xie Na.

"Okay!" Gritting his teeth, he will put it on for you.

Xie Na picked up Hu Xing's socks, put them on for him, and put on his shoes.

Hu Xing was enjoying it, and said to the camera: "Zhang Jie, your wife is not bad, she is willing to bet and admit defeat, she is a daring woman, I admire her."

"Come on, it's still a couplet. I'll make the first couplet and you'll get the second couplet." Xie Na was not convinced, and said that he would make one.

"Okay, come on." Hu Xing asked Xie to come, let's see how long you can hang around.

"The first couplet is: ten males and nine ugly, nine ugly and eight black, eight black and seven short, seven short and six fat, six fat and five thick, five thick and four short, four short and three curvy, three curvy and two hips, a bunch of dicks." Xie Na, the difficulty of this upload can be imagined.

"Wow!" After listening to this couplet, even He Jiong was surprised. From nine to one, all of them have been repeated.

"That's it?" Hu Xing was very surprised, and asked Xie Na if it was just this.

"It's still the same. I'll give you a chance. Do you want to change it?!" After listening to the Shanglian, Hu Xing asked Xie Na to change it.

"If you don't change it, I still don't believe it. You can be right?!" Xie Na was very confident about this.

"Since your first couplet is about us men, then my second couplet is about you women."

"The second couplet: Ten women and nine ditches, nine ditches and eight ups, eight ups and seven squeezes, seven squeezes and six pads, six pads and five downs, five downs and four flats, four flats and three blacks, three blacks and two poor, a group of murder weapons." Hu Xing said quickly. I just matched the second line, and then stood up: "Men in front of the TV, make arrangements!"

"Hahaha~" After Hu Xing came out, the two men, Huang Lei and He Jiong, laughed and looked at Xie Na who was dumbfounded, dull and confused again.

Even the male staff members of the program team at the recording site clapped and laughed.

Hu Xing's second couplet has reached a new height.

Xie Na's Shanglian, complaining about men being ugly, black, short, short, and fat;

Hu Xing's upper couplet is the pet of a complaining woman. It is either squeezed out or protruded, or it is padded. Even so, it is drooping, flat and black.

The upper and lower couplets correspond very well, but, compared with Xie Na's upper couplet, Hu Xing's second couplet has more connotation, and it is also the place where the joke is more poignant.

"Haha~" The audience in front of the TV, no matter men or women, were all taken aback by Hu Xing, who was the second line.

Many people also burst into tears because of Hu Xing's connotation.

Xie Na never thought that he would fall twice in a row.

"I don't accept it!" Xie Na was really going crazy, why couldn't Hu Xing be troubled?

"Until you are convinced." Hu Xing is so stubborn, come if you want.

"Shanglian: Little 1 is happy, big 1 is hurting, and strong 1 is wiped out." Xie Na lost his mind a little bit, this kind of old driver's version of Shanglian actually came out?

"The second couplet: Tear off the long skirt first, then the shorts. You can't tear it up without sister Qi!" Is your connotation right?you drive don't you?It's as if I don't know how to do it, come on, let's see who is more experienced driver.

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