"As expected of a man who controls half of Asian pop music." Xie Na sighed, making Hu Xing a little shy.

"There is a saying on the Internet recently, isn't it said like this?!"

"Before, there was Meixue Zhongdao who supported half of the Hong Kong and Taiwan music scene; later there was Hu Xing who supported half of the Korean Wave." He Jiong also saw this post recently.

Why do you say that?

In fact, many of the classic Chinese songs in the Chinese-speaking circle in China are covers of Meixue Zhongshima's songs.

The classic Chinese love songs that many people have heard or like are all covers of island songs.

For example, "Sad Pacific", "Woman Vulnerable", "Mistake Again", "First Time" and many others are all songs by Meixue Zhongshima.

Zhongdao Meixue has supported more than 50 Hong Kong and Taiwan singers, which was ridiculed by many people.

In the [-]s and [-]s, [-]% of Xiangjiang's famous love songs were covers of songs from the island country.

The island nation is the second largest music country in the world.

The composition of the island country is indeed very powerful, which is recognized.

Zhang Xueyou, Liu Dehua, Guo Fucheng, Li Ming, Zhang Guorong and many other Hongkong music kings and queens have all sung the songs of the island country, and many people know this.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhongdao Meixue supports more than 50 singers in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Others say that there is no shame in covering songs, but the shame is that you have no masterpieces of your own except for the songs you cover.

This sentence was ridiculed by many netizens.

Zhongdao Meixue has more than 70 songs, which have been covered by Chinese singers in more than 100 versions.

In China's Chinese music scene, true original singers, such as Luo Dayou, Li Zongsheng, Huang Jiaju, etc., are the pride of Chinese original singers.

As for Zhou Jielun, all of them were created by himself, which is why he is called a ghost in the music world.

Zhou Jielun, one of the world's top ten musical geniuses, was also selected, and he is also the only Asian musician on the list.

In fact, Hu Xing is not really an original singer, because many of his songs are pirated copies of the parallel world in his previous life. In this world, he just replaced the songs written by him, and then gave them to those Korean wave girls. It's just the groups.

In terms of talent in music, Hu Xing is not as good as Zhou Jielun.

But Hu Xing knew these things alone, and no one else knew about them.

So now, there are two creative ghost musicians in the Chinese music scene.

Zhou Jielun is an original genius in the Chinese entertainment industry; it is true that Hu Xing is a genius in the Chinese entertainment industry, but most of his songs are written for Korean idol groups.

Although they are all musical geniuses, Hu Xing's song creation in CEE is not as good as Zhou Jielun.

But even so, Hu Xing is called "the man who feeds the entire Hallyu girl group", which is actually a kind of recognition for him.

Meixue Zhongdao supported half of the Hong Kong and Taiwan music scene, and Hu Xing supported half of the Korean Wave music scene. In fact, their status is similar. Meixue Zhongdao does not support the music scene of her own country, and Xing Hu does not support her own country. music scene.

Recently, Hu Xing also returned to the Chinese music scene, although he did not release an album.

But he made two records for Di Lieba, both of which were very successful.

He is still like that, he doesn't like to release albums, he likes to make albums for his girlfriend, and make his girlfriend popular.

Otherwise, he would occasionally sing a song to his girlfriend on the show, and then post it on the music platform for fans to listen to. He never released a single album.

"It's not easy to comment on this sentence." Facing the comment He Jiong saw on the Internet, Hu Xing couldn't comment on anything.

After chatting about music for a while, the skewers were ready.

"You really don't want to eat it?!" He Jiong asked the two of them if they wanted to eat the roast.

"No, no, no." Hu Xing felt that he had better not eat.

"Go take a shower, or I'm afraid you'll start eating after looking at it." Hu Xing said to Zhao Liying, asking her to take a bath first.

"Hmm." Zhao Liying looked like I wanted to eat.

But Hu Xing didn't give her a chance, grabbed Zhao Liying's armpit with both hands, and lifted her up vigorously.

After Hu Xing lifted Zhao Liying up, he lifted Zhao Liying up like a child and let her ride directly on his neck.

"Go to take a bath!" Hu Xing lifted Zhao Liying, then put her down, and accurately rode her on his neck. His movements were very coherent, without any pressure, and he looked very relaxed.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying held Hu Xing's head in both hands, and laughed loudly.

It was the first time that she was lifted up like this by Hu Xing, and then sat on his neck to ride a neck horse.

What Hu Xing didn't know was that his behavior made many audience members exclaim.

Are there any boyfriends like this?I want too.

How could he lift his girlfriend up so easily?No pressure at all.

Xie Na, they were also very surprised, Hu Xing is simply a powerful boyfriend.

But yes, Hu Xing's figure is relatively strong, and he is more than [-] meters tall.

Although Zhao Liying's figure is much plump, it's just that her pet was raised by Hu Xing.

In fact, Zhao Liying's real weight is only about 88 catties.

Of course, she is pregnant now, and she weighs more than 90 catties.

If it was before pregnancy, her pet was not raised by Hu Xing and weighed about 84 catties.

Later, after the pet was raised, her weight was about 88 catties.

Now she is pregnant again, and of course her weight has increased a bit, to over 90 catties.

After all, there is a little person living in the stomach, so it would be strange if the weight didn't increase.

They ate the barbecue slowly, but Hu Xing and Zhao Liying stopped eating

After taking a shower, it was already past 12 o'clock. Xie Na would sleep wherever she wanted tonight, so I arranged for her to sleep in a room by herself on the second floor.

"Why can't I sleep with Liying?!" Xie Na wanted to sleep with Zhao Liying.

"She is pregnant, I am afraid that you will not sleep honestly, and you will overwhelm her later." Hu Xing's reason is not impossible, Xie Na is helpless now.

"Besides, if you and Li Ying sleep in the same room, and I sleep with Mr. Huang and the others, it will be ruined." This is absolutely impossible.

"Then you can sleep on the second floor, isn't that possible?"

"It's strange, I can sleep in the same room with my wife, why do I have to eat and have nothing to do and go to the second floor to have a room by myself?!" Hu Xing spread his hands and asked Xie Na if this was the reason.

"Haha~" Xie Na smiled awkwardly and walked up, ready to sleep.

Chapter 1029

After recording the program for three days, this is the last day of recording for "The First Season of Longing for Life".

When packing up his things and preparing to leave, He Jiong was still a little bit reluctant.

Even He Jiong burst into tears at the end.

Even though he knew there would be a second season, he still felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

Hu Xing will not be like this, and it is not that there will be no second season, no tears or anything.

When they finally left, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying got into the car.

After recording this program, I can spare some time for the time being.

In other words, now Hu Xing only has two programs, Running Man and Extreme Challenge, to do.

It is also because of this that Hu Xing can relax a lot now that there are two less variety shows.

Otherwise, he would be tired enough to shoot two TV series and one movie.

In May, in this hot weather, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying were filming in Guangxi.

Even for the birthdays of their father and sister, they returned home in a hurry, and then returned to work on the set non-stop after their birthdays.

After returning to work for two days, I had to go back to Shanghai.

Because May 5 is the 24rd birthday of Hu Xing's great-grandfather.

For grandpa's birthday, no matter how busy Hu Xing and his girlfriends are, they will come back.

"Hey, everyone's birthdays are crowded together this year." Hu Xing was depressed.

"Dad and sister's birthday on the 20th, then the master's birthday on the 23rd, and the next day on the 24th, it's my grandfather's 83rd birthday." Hu Xing was really powerless about this. .

During this week, 4 people in the family celebrated their birthdays.

The 30th is Yoon'er's birthday again, and the 3rd next month is Reba's birthday.

Hu Xing is also very helpless to celebrate his family's birthday one after another.

Today is the 23rd, and Hu Xing came back to Shanghai at noon. If he doesn’t come back, Master Song will have a fight with him. This is the first birthday after dating, of course she wants Hu Xing to spend it with her .

What's even more coincidental is that Master Song's birthday is still on Friday, and after school, he can celebrate his birthday at home.

"Hee hee~" Song Zhuer is the birthday star today, so he can't get out of Hu Xing's arms.

"Happy birthday, little girl." Nazha took out the gift he had prepared and gave it to his sister.

"Thank you." Birthday presents are not important, as long as we are together.

Song Jia and the others also gave presents to Master Song one after another.

However, making Master Song so happy is not about celebrating her birthday.

It was Hu Xing who had promised her before that as long as her birthday was over, he would eat her.

Last year's Zhang Yuying was also 16 years old, and this year's Song Zhuer is also 16 years old.

"He's mine tonight." When all the sisters came back together, Song Zhuer said very delicately that Hu Xing belonged to her tonight, and no one could snatch it away.

"You are really..." Reba and the others wanted to persuade this girl, but Master Song didn't listen at all.

"Okay, okay, tonight is yours, we don't want to grab it, okay?!" Liu Shishi had no choice but to agree to her.

"Hmph, I see how you are still running tonight?" Master Song was happy, picked up a glass of red wine and gulped it down, which made Hu Xing embarrassed, but at the same time, he was also thinking in his heart, what should he do tonight? How about prevaricating this little girl?

He really didn't want to deal with this girl at this time.

Otherwise, it's not good for her.

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