But when he woke up and felt clearly what his things were inside, the first thing he wanted to do was scream like a girl.

But considering that Master Song was still sleeping, he covered his mouth and tried not to cry out in pain like a girl suffering silently in the end, and two tears dripped from the corners of his eyes in the end.

Chapter 1031

These two tears don't mean anything else.

He just regretted that he didn't notice when he got Song Zhuer's first kiss.

To get it inexplicably like this is really not a good thing for a man.

You don't even enjoy it, you don't even have that little pride in your heart, you say, can this be a good thing for a man?

No, absolutely not.

Even if he knew that something had happened, he also understood that the dream last night was actually real, but he thought it was a dream, so he didn't wake up and enjoy it because he deceived himself, it was his fault.

If I don't regard this as a dream, but show some perseverance and let myself open my eyes, then things will not be like this.

It's all right now, Mr. Song, this crazy girl, turned him against him last night while he was asleep.

In this regard, it is already a very shameful thing for a man to be betrayed by a little girl.

On the other hand, for the first time of my girlfriend, I just got it without enjoying it, which is another slap in the face.

For various reasons, Hu Xing shed tears of remorse.

"Why didn't I just do it last night, so that I can still enjoy it."

"I wanted to keep it until the girl was 18 before eating her."

"But I still underestimated this girl's determination to become a woman. Who can blame this, but myself." Hu Xing looked at the little fairy in his arms, and gently hugged her down.

He didn't know when this girl fit with him.

In short, when he exited and saw the essence of his eruption flowing out, he knew that the girl had been exercising for at least an hour while he was asleep.

Only after exercising for more than an hour, he will burst out.

Looking at Song Zhuer, who was covered in sweat and fell asleep with a contented and sweet smile, Hu Xing felt pity.

"When you wake up, see how I deal with you, brat." Hu Xing threatened the little girl viciously.

After covering her with the quilt, Hu Xing walked out of the room.

After leaving the room, Liu Shishi and the others looked over at the living room below the first floor.

"Puchi!" Seeing Hu Xing's silent face, Naza and the others couldn't help covering their mouths and smiling.

But Hu Xing rolled his eyes, then went into the cloakroom, took a pair of pants and went in to take a shower.

He didn't even bother to make breakfast or anything, so he took a shower first.

While Hu Xing was taking a bath, Zhao Liying also got up.

But when she got up, she found that the expressions of the sisters were very strange.

After asking, I found out that something amazing happened last night.

"This girl is really crazy." After Zhao Liying learned about it, she shook her head helplessly.

"It's because Hu Xing spoiled her too much." This can only be blamed on Hu Xing, not Master Song.

"Okay, don't say it's the master's fault. She also wants to become a woman sooner, and she also wants to give birth to Hu Xing's baby, so she can't wait." Song Jia still feels sorry for Master Song.

"Then what should I do next? Just like the master, I exercised with my husband for an hour at least."

"As for her cuteness, she will definitely feel uncomfortable when she wakes up."

"We've all been there, and we all know what it's going to feel like after the incident."

"Today is grandpa's birthday again. We are great-grandsons and daughter-in-laws, and we will definitely go there to help grandpa organize his birthday later."

"Master, I won't be able to wake up for a while." Nazha still didn't forget what day it was.

"That's right, I won't wake up until noon at least, little girl." When talking about the master, Reba's eyes were full of doting.

This is the youngest one in their sister group, as the older sister, of course she dotes on her.

"Why don't I stay here until the master wakes up, and then go there together?"

"Husband probably can't wait until the master wakes up, right?!" Zhang Xiying felt that she was more suitable, after all, she was only one year old.

They are about the same age and must have a lot in common.

At this time, she felt that staying here and waiting for Master Song to wake up was actually the most suitable candidate.

"It's not impossible, it's mainly up to my husband to decide." Liu Shishi didn't object, and thought it was okay, but the main thing was to listen to Hu Xing.

Hu Xing came out of the shower and wiped his hair with a towel.

Liu Shishi told Hu Xing what they thought.

"Don't wait, she'll wake up in 30 minutes." Hu Xing was confident. As for why, they all thought of it.

Hu Xing went in to make breakfast, and after 30 minutes, Master Song in the room got up looking sick.

In fact, she herself knew what happened.

When she got up to go to the bathroom in the early morning, although she didn't know what time it was.

But she had already sobered up at that time, but she was not completely sober yet, and she was still a little drunk.

Just taking advantage of this bit of alcohol, coupled with her coquettish willfulness, gave birth to the idea of ​​rebelling against Hu Xing while he was asleep.

The reason is: Hmph, let you do everything you can to procrastinate, how can you procrastinate this time?You don't take the initiative, right? This fairy can take the initiative, right?Just enjoy it.

It was with this idea that there was also Chen Chen's crazy move.

"Ah~" Smelling the aroma of breakfast, Song Zhuer woke up, and just moved her body, she felt uncomfortable

"Hu Xing, come in and hug me, I can't get out of bed." Master Song shyly shouted at Hu Xing outside the room.

But it's useless to shout, the door of the room is closed, and the range hood in the kitchen is turned on again, and it doesn't disappear at all.

Song Zhuer had no other choice, so he called Hu Xing.

Hu Xing was holding his mobile phone. When he saw a call coming, he took it out to have a look. After finding out that it was Song Zhuer calling, he answered the phone dumbfounded: "What are you doing?!"

"Is this your attitude and tone towards me?" Master Song was very unhappy with this sulky tone.

"Okay, okay, what is the little fairy looking for?!" Knowing that this girl is definitely in pain and can't get out of bed, and her mood may be unstable, Hu Xing will let her go and satisfy her vanity.

"It hurts." In the end Song Zhuer said such a word, with a tone of grievance and coquettishness

"Knowing that it hurts you, you still mess around." Now Hu Xing couldn't help her, and he still had to teach her a lesson...

"Who made you drag it all the time? Since you don't take the initiative, then I will take the initiative to rebel against you." Song Zhuer said with a puffy bun face to show off her cuteness.

"Didn't I want to bring you up to the most perfect time before eating?" Hu Xing knew that there was no explanation for him, and everything happened.

"The current me is the most perfect." Song Zhuer was very confident in herself.

"Okay, okay, you are the most perfect now, I believe." Hu Xing had no choice but to let her.

"Come in quickly, it hurts." Seeing her boyfriend softened, Song Zhuer acted like a baby again.

Chapter 1032 I'm the only one

"emmmm~" Seeing Hu Xing coming in, Master Song acted like a baby to him.

"Crack." Hu Xing flicked Song Zhuer's forehead lightly.

Song Zhuer, who was still in pain at first, didn't care about the tearing pain after seeing Hu Xing, and hurriedly entangled Hu Xing like an octopus.

"Girl, your cutie still has blood stains on it. This is my white dress." Hu Xing smiled angrily and said to the clingy goblin, "Get the blood on it, I will change my clothes later."

Mr. Song listened to these words cutely: "I am more important than clothes?"

"Isn't it just a piece of clothing? This fairy can give you a container." Song Zhuer said domineeringly.

"Okay, okay." Hu Xing compromised, not arguing with her, and said, "Didn't you just say that the cutie hurts? Why doesn't it hurt now that you are entangled?"

"Hee hee~" Girls, that's how it is sometimes.

"Hurry up and take a shower, change clothes, and have breakfast. We are going to the grandfather's manor."

"Today is his old man's birthday. As a great-grandson and daughter-in-law, you have to go, right?!" Hu Xing got up holding Master Song, and went into the bathroom together.

"But it's uncomfortable." Song Zhuer certainly didn't forget it, but she was not feeling well right now.

"Who made you crazy? It's your first time. I didn't feel anything, but you turned me against you."

"You're just a little cutie and uncomfortable. As for me, my heart bleeds." Hu Xing blamed Song Zhuer.

"Then didn't I tell you to eat me quickly? Who told you to keep pushing and procrastinating?"

"Hmph, if you don't take the initiative, then I will take the initiative."

"Anyway, I'm a woman now, and I can be with my sisters in the future."

"I won't be able to listen next door just because you guys are exercising." Song Zhuer felt that everything was fine now, and there was no need to be so melancholy.

"You." Hu Xing really had nothing to do with her.

"Take a bath first, I'll get you some clothes to change." Hu Xing asked Mr. Song to take a bath by himself.

Song Zhuer stood under the shower, letting the hot water wash over her fairy-like delicate body.

At the same time, she was fascinated by looking at herself in the mirror.

In the mirror, her figure can be said to have undergone tremendous changes.

The pet grew up overnight, which made Master Song mutter: "He didn't play last night, how could he grow up so quickly overnight?"

"No wonder when I was sleeping just now, I always felt heavy in my heart. It turned out that I suddenly grew up and became heavier. I couldn't adapt to it for a while." Song Zhuer said to herself smugly.

At the same time, there are her two big white legs, which have grown a lot now.

Song Zhuer's height was 162 before, but now her height has exceeded 165.

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