Chapter 1034 God's Prophecy

"Director's Madam." When Song Jia came to the company, the employees here all greeted her after seeing her.

Song Jia responded with a smile, and the photographers behind followed suit.

But she went straight to the general manager's office, knocked on the door, and waited for Hu Yu inside to let her in.

"Come in." After Hu Yu in the office allowed him to come in, Song Jia pushed the door open.

"Dad, is Hu Xing here?" Song Jia walked in and asked Hu Yu directly.

"Hu Xing? I don't know." Asked whether his son came, Hu Yu didn't know, so he said, "At this point in time, he came to his office too?"

"By the way, this is you?" Hu Yu asked what it was when he noticed the photographer behind his daughter-in-law

"Oh, a reality show that Hu Xing and I participated in." Song Jia explained that it was a show, and Hu Yu finally understood.

"Hehe~ So that's the case, then go to his office and have a look." Hu Yu smiled and asked his daughter-in-law to go to Hu Xing's office to look for him.

"Okay, goodbye, Dad." Before leaving, Song Jia did not forget to say.

The audience watching the show were very surprised that Hu Yu's father is really young.

And he looks like a leader, and he has a very handsome smile.

After Song Jia came out of the general manager's office, she happened to meet Hu Ying, the general manager of Qingfeng, who was coming to find the general manager, who was Hu Xing's sister.

"Oh? Sister, why are you here?!" Seeing Song Jia, Hu Ying was still very surprised.

"Come to look for your brother, have you seen him?!"

"No, is he coming to the company today? I haven't heard of it." Hu Ying didn't even know that her younger brother would come to the company today, and she never thought that her younger brother would come.

"Then I'll go to the office to have a look." Song Jia said and separated from Hu Xing's sister.

When I came to Hu Xing's office, I first passed the office of the design department.

"Is your director here?!" Song Jia also asked the staff in the design department...

"The director didn't come." An employee told Song Jia.

"Didn't come?" Song Jia was really depressed now, did she go wrong?

The old place Hu Xing mentioned, she thought it was the company, but now that she came here, she found no one there. Isn't this telling her that she and Hu Xing have no tacit understanding.

Since he was not in the company, Song Jia quickly said, "The coffee shop."

"Wow!!" When Song Jia decided to go to the coffee shop, the audience was in an uproar.

Hu Xing is simply a divine prophecy, even the order of where Song Jia is going to find him is right?

The first is the company, and the second is the coffee shop, which is not wrong at all.

After Song Jia got in the car, she quickly went to the coffee shop.

I sent Hu Xing a WeChat message with my mobile phone, but he didn't reply or answer the phone.

This made Song Jia a little anxious, what the hell was this guy doing, he was so mysterious.

"Hehe~ I guess she's a little anxious." Hu Xing looked at the incoming call, but didn't answer it, but guessed that Song Jia might be a little anxious.

Song Jia gave up, and Hu Xing didn't answer the phone, so let's go to the coffee shop first.

After arriving at the coffee shop, Song Jia said, "This place is actually the place where Hu Xing accompanied me on a blind date."

"In April last year, after I met Hu Xing, I asked him to accompany me on a blind date."

"So I remember this restaurant; it's also where we started." Song Jia has a good impression of this restaurant. It can be said that she often eats here.

"Well, may I ask, is Hu Xing here?" After entering the restaurant, Song Jia asked the waiter at the front desk to see if Hu Xing was really here.

"No, I didn't see Brother Hu Xing coming over today." The waiter said he wasn't here.

"Ah? Not here again? Could it be that he is too lazy to come out at home?" Song Jia's guess once again caused an uproar among the audience, and it was obvious that Hu Xing had caught his tongue again.

Song Jia got in the car and went home to see if Hu Xing was really at home.

"What the hell is this guy doing?!" Song Jia was speechless. If Hu Xing was at home, it would be really too funny.

When returning home, Song Jia entered the password, and came in with the photographer of the program team.

But when I got home, it was empty.

"Hu Xing!" Song Jia, who returned home, shouted inside while changing shoes.

She shouted, but no one answered her, which made Song Jia come in even more, searched, and found that Hu Xing was not at home.

Even the audience was very surprised now, didn't Hu Xing guess that when Song Jia would be in the third place, the choice would come home?

Why is Hu Xing not here now? Where did he go?

"Not here?" Now Song Jia was discouraged, and she went to three places and still didn't find anyone.

"We really don't have a tacit understanding at all." Song Jia lay powerlessly on the sofa, thinking hard, where would Hu Xing be waiting for her?

Song Jia lay down for a while, then sat up suddenly.

"He couldn't be teasing me on purpose? Just because I took part in the show without telling him."

"Today he knows that after I agreed without telling him, he is teasing me now, and it's on purpose." Song Jia also seems to know her man quite well.

Even thought of this.

Just in time, the camera turned to Hu Xing at this moment.

"Didn't you say to wait at home? Why did you come out again in the end?!" Following the director who filmed Hu Xing, he still felt strange.

"Hehe~ Anyway, I just said see you at the old place, but I haven't decided which old place it is."

"In short, it's enough to see her in the end; so waiting at home, that was just my initial thought."

"Now, I want to tease her. Who told her to agree to this show without telling me, but not tell me anything?" Hu Xing had already come out with the program team.

"Haha~" A lot of the audience laughed. This is Hu Xing. If he doesn't return it, then he won't be him. It's very interesting to see him teasing Song Jia now.

"But she should also have thought that maybe I will tease her, so even the previous discouragement and irritability will disappear because of this."

"Of course, at this time, we must give her some surprises and some sweetness."

"Otherwise, she wouldn't have much motivation to find me." It can be said that Hu Xing has completely held Song Jia in his hands.

Song Jia, who was at home, guessed that Hu Xing might be teasing her, and deliberately asked her to continue looking for him.

But where Hu Xing is going, Song Jia really needs to seriously think about it.

While thinking about things, Song Jia walked over and opened the refrigerator, wanting to drink a glass of lemon and honey water.

But after opening the refrigerator, she was surprised by the contents of the refrigerator.

Song Jia didn't expect that Hu Xing had prepared this thing.

Chapter 1035 A Childish and Romantic Hide and Seek Game

There are a lot of canned Sprites in the freezer of the refrigerator. There is a word printed on these Sprites, and they are neatly placed.

The fonts on these sprites form a confession: "Song beauty, please give me advice for the rest of my life."

"Puchi!" Song Jia, who was still depressed at first, saw the custom-made Sprite confession in the refrigerator, which made her unable to bear the sweetness and joy in her heart, and burst into a giggly laugh.

The photographer also came over and took pictures of the contents of the refrigerator.

When the audience watching the program saw this, they all exclaimed.

Hu Xing is still at home, preparing such a surprise for Song Jia?

Moreover, can these Sprites be customized?Can you customize the font?

It can be seen from this that Hu Xing is really romantic, and he actually wanted such a small surprise.

"Bad guy." Song Jia said Hu Xing, but the joy and sweetness in her heart were all shown on her face at this moment.

"I know how to play these little tricks, hmph." At this time, Song Jia was like a little girl, because she was touched by her boyfriend, and she would say some complaining words.

Song Jia took a picture with her mobile phone, then sent it to Hu Xing, and also sent a voice message to Hu Xing.

"How did you know that I would definitely open the refrigerator?!" Song Jia really didn't know how Hu Xing guessed

"Heh~ Let me guess, did you go to the company for the first time? Then you went to the restaurant where I went on a blind date with you? Then you thought of going home?"

"Did you only realize that I might tease you when you got home?"

"Well~ If I guessed everything right, then after seeing this surprise, where would you think of going next, I must have thought of that too." Song Jia covered her face even more after hearing Hu Xing's voice.

"You are so annoying, show up quickly, don't hide, many viewers are watching our jokes." Song Jia closed the refrigerator, then put on her shoes and went out.

It's just that Hu Xing stopped replying to Song Jia now, which made her more sure that Hu Xing should go to that place.

"Do you know where Hu Xing will be?!" the director asked Song Jia after getting into the car.

"I should know." Song Jia had already thought about where she was going, so she was passing by now.

Audiences across the country are looking forward to whether Song Jia can find Hu Xing?

When Song Jia came to the cinema, Hu Xing was also in the cinema at this time.

Hu Xing in the movie theater has already put on a brown bear doll costume.

"Where's my husband?!" After Song Jia came to the movie theater, the first thing she wanted to do was to ask where her husband was.

Hu Xing, who is wearing a brown bear doll costume, pretends to be an employee handing out leaflets

After seeing Song Jia, Hu Xing wanted to walk towards Song Jia in an enchanting way of bouncing around.

He didn't say a word, just jumped up to Song Jia in such an angry way, and then gave Song Jia a leaflet in his hand with a whimper.

"Oh my god." Song Jia was taken aback by the doll Brown Bear in front of him.

Song Jia herself has a good figure and good looks, she is definitely a royal sister.

Especially when summer is here, Song Jia's clothes are more simple. A white T-shirt is paired with denim shorts and a pair of high-heeled sandals on her feet. She looks youthful and lively with a big figure.

With the appearance of a beauty like her, these flyers would take the initiative to give her flyers. Song Jia didn't think it was strange, because she didn't expect that it would be Hu Xing.

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