"If it were me and Brother Guo Xiaodong, Shishi would do the same for me."

"But the difference between me and him is that I love my wife very much, and I don't have such traditional and stubborn thinking."

"Life is for two people, why should a woman keep giving?"

"Even if you say that it is a tradition that men dominate inside and women dominate outside, it is also a deep-rooted thought."

"Women do housework, educate children, and do housework at home, while men work outside to make money; in fact, there is nothing wrong with this, but the mistake is that men do not consider their wives." Hu Xing's words made Guo Xiaodong very happy. serious.

"Even I will think differently; if my daughter grows up in the future, she will marry a man who only knows how to work outside to make money, and my daughter will do housework and educate children at home; and the man my daughter will marry will be a man who does not do housework. If you don't understand my daughter, if you can't give her the life she wants, and make her live a very depressed and depressed life, then as a father, don't I feel sorry for my daughter?"

"After this kind of empathy, I love my wife as much as I can."

"Let them do what they want to do, as long as it doesn't cross my bottom line, then anything is fine."

"I am at home, I also do housework, I also cook for them, and I also sweet talk to them from time to time. I want my wife to live in the atmosphere of the sweet life I give."

"I can't just ask my wife to give and give. If that's the case, why does she want me? What's the use of me?"

"She can't want me just to have a child and a family, but she doesn't know how to understand her?"

"If this is the case, why do so many men in the world choose this me instead of other better ones?"

"So I think, Brother Xiaodong is going to change his previous life."

"Speaking a few sweet words in an appropriate manner is also beneficial to the relationship between you and your husband, and it will only be beneficial and harmless." Guo Xiaodong was also silent about Hu Xing's proposal.

After talking about this, the video is still going on.

After chatting for a long time, Xie Na then realized that his luggage was missing.

"My God, I just found out now that this person really is." Zhang Jie looked anxiously.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing just smiled, but his eyes were on Song Jia the whole time.

Soon, the first night of the four wives together was over.

The next morning, they were discussing what to have for breakfast, but at this time, the program team sent a box over.

After opening it, I found that it was a letter from my husband to them.

"Hey, there is a letter from my husband?!" Ying Caier found out after reading it.

"My husband doesn't write very well, and his handwriting is ugly." Ying Caier picked up the letter from her husband.

"Whose husband's letter is this? The writing is pretty?" Xie Na picked up a letter and asked.

"Who else, my husband." Song Jia recognized it at a glance, it was Hu Xing's handwriting.

"Really, the handwriting written by Hu Xing is very beautiful." Cheng Lisha was surprised, the handwriting written by Hu Xing was as beautiful as a textbook.

"Shall we read the letter my husband wrote to us?" Xie Na suggested reading the letter my husband wrote to them.

Ying Caier was the first to read it, but after reading it, it caused a lot of laughter.

"Also, you are not allowed to wear short skirts, shorts, bikinis..." When Ying Caier said this, Chen Xiaochun was all smiles, this is him, a man.

After Ying Caier finished reading, she still complained about her husband. This is not to help her, but to harm her.

Ying Caier finished reading, the next one is Cheng Lisha.

Anyway, every husband has his own thoughts about these letters, but after reading them out, they are indeed a bit funny.

"I am most looking forward to Hu Xing's letter to Song Jia, read it quickly."

"Will it be full of literature and art? After all, Hu Xing is so good at writing songs, isn't every sentence in it full of lyrics?!" Ying Caier also teased Song Jia.

Song Jia actually read the letter just now.

"Yahoo, hello everyone..." Xie Na and the others burst out laughing at Song Jia's words.

"Haha~ What the hell is Yahao?" Xie Na and the others laughed and looked at Song Jia.

"Really, that's what he wrote." Song Jia also thought it was very funny, this guy is really not serious.

"Yahoo, hello everyone, I'm Hu Xing, the little milk dog of Song Jia, a long-legged old woman from the Northeast." Song Jia couldn't help but overflow with sweetness after reading this.

"First of all, I am very happy that my wives can get together to travel. I don't know much about your personalities; but, I still know my wife, and I also know that God is fair."

"God gave her super good looks, a hot figure, long legs with jealousy, and a husband who is almost perfect and omnipotent; but it also took away her ability to take care of herself."

"The one I want to remind you is you. Never buy instant noodles. If you do, please boil some hot water and bring it to her after brewing. Otherwise, she can eat instant noodles dry." Eat until your funds go bankrupt."

"Haha~" Song Jia herself was embarrassed by what the letter said.

"Really?!" Ying Caier couldn't believe that Song Jia was such a person.

Song Jia nodded, admitting it: "My wife doesn't know how to cook, so don't expect her to be able to cook. Xie can't cook. If you want to eat, ask her to cook. This is still reliable."

"However, remember, you can let Xie Na cook, you can't let Xie Na drive, you can't let Xie Na manage money; the sun goddess has a bad memory, and in the life she yearns for, Xie Na has perfectly interpreted what is called A fish's three-second memory." Hu Xing did not forget to express his gratitude in the letter.

Xie Na was very depressed: "Why does Hu Xing write you a letter and still complain about me?!"

"Also, Sister Jia, shall we discuss going down? Don't wear short skirts, don't wear clothes that show your navel or shoulders. You can wear shorts. You look good in short shorts. If you don't show off your long legs to make your husband look good, that's a shame. It’s a bit wasteful, isn’t it? So, be obedient, don’t wear a skirt, just wear shorts, as well as skinny jeans and leather pants, which can make your legs look longer, be obedient, and satisfy your husband I want to show off my mentality." This was acting like a baby, Chen Xiaochun and the others all looked at Hu Xing after hearing this.

Chapter 1047 Wife Wife Wife I Love You

"The most important thing is, if you go on a trip or something, don't wear a bikini if ​​you can. After all, your program will inevitably be watched by minors. Wearing a bikini will have a bad effect, and maybe it will be cut later."

"Of course, you can wear it if you want. If there are other men when you are swimming, even if there is a male VJ from the column team, then don't wear a bikini, otherwise I am afraid that when you wear it, all the shots will be destroyed. It's all on you."

"Wife, you don't know how good your figure is; you can't deny what I said."

"So, you can wear it if you want, but you can wear it when there are no men around."

"However, you have to give other people some face, especially Xie Na. If your figure really shows off, Xie Na's nervous personality will inevitably be stimulated to exercise or something." Hu Xing always I want to make some complaints about how happy I am.

"What, why is Mao always teasing me." Sitting beside Xie Na, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"By the way, traveling requires driving. I don't know how Xie Na, Ying Caier, and Cheng Lisha's driving skills are, but I know your driving skills, and I feel more at ease. If you can, you can act as a driver. .”

"Being a driver is a good thing, but don't run a red light. After all, if you succeed at a red light, it will be tens of seconds faster. If you don't succeed, it will be decades faster... Hahaha~" After reading this, Song Jia was already laughing. on the couch.

"Hahaha~" Xie Na and the others also burst into laughter when they heard this.

Even Zhang Jie and the others in the recording studio laughed and looked at Hu Xing.

The audience is not much better, Hu Xing is too right, regarding the view of running a red light.

"There's nothing wrong with what you said?!" Ying Caier felt that what she said was correct, and there was really nothing wrong with what Hu Xing said about running a red light.

Song Jia almost smiled, and continued: "Seriously, be serious, running a red light is not a joke, it is serious; even if you are too hungry, you are in a hurry to go out or go home for dinner, don't do it."

"Otherwise, if you succeed in breaking through, you will go home for dinner; if you fail in breaking through, then a group of people will come to our house for dinner; puff! Haha~" Song Jia couldn't stand it anymore. What kind of mentality does this man have?

Anyway, no one can bear to hear the content of this letter.

"The last one, travel, that is to have fun, get along with other people, and help if you can; don't be stingy."

"If the program team doesn't provide funding, and doesn't spend their own money, then use the routines I taught you to play games with the director, and use these routines to get more funding for you."

"After all, Mango Channel's variety show funds are notoriously cheating. I, who have come here as a yearning life, have long understood their peeing habits. The few routines I taught are enough for them to eat a pot." Song Jia Ke read the letter with a smile on his face.

Xie Na and the others are also very happy, because Hu Xing is really too considerate, even considering this.

"That's all for explaining. If you need anything, or if you can't solve the problem, you can call me again, and I will help you arrange a solution; I will always be fascinated by you, and I love your little milk dog." Song Jia finished reading this After writing the letter, he immediately won the applause of the other three people.

"Look, Hu Xing also told Song Jia that I love you, and even acted like a baby to Song Jia."

"Cai'er, your husband didn't say he loves you, it seems that the relationship has faded to plain water." Xie Na once again revealed Ying Cai'er's scar.

"What, why didn't you say you love me?" Ying Caier also threw the letter aside in disgust.

Chen Xiaochun also smiled when she saw this, obviously trying to hide her embarrassment.

In the video, after Song Jia read the letter, she immediately picked up her phone and sent Hu Xing a WeChat message.

After reading the letter, these women are about to go out.

As a result, Zhang Jieshen's procrastination in predicting Xie Na's going out made Hu Xing and the others laugh crazy.

After going out, as expected in Hu Xingxin's previous arrangement, Song Jia came to drive.

"It seems that Hu Xing is right. Song Jia, you are really confident in driving." Cheng Lisha sat in the back, and Song Jia was surprised.

"If you drive a lot, you'll get used to it." Song Jia was not so surprised by driving.

In the recording studio, the host also asked, "Hu Xing, does Song Jia often drive?!"

"Often! But she doesn't know how to drive a car with a manual transmission, or an automatic transmission. She drives very steadily."

"If it's an automatic transmission, she can actually drive it well, but she just can't start on a half-hill."

"I remember one time, we went out to eat together, and the car turned off at the slope in the underground garage; it turned out that Song Jia, Shishi, Liying, Nazha, my sister, my sister and my mother, a total of 7 women , driving a car with manual transmission, and seven people took turns to get up, but they all failed to drive the car out of the underground garage."

"Everyone took turns to go up and try, and they couldn't drive out after more than 30 minutes of tossing."

"Haha~" Hu Xing's revelation made everyone laugh again and again.

"In the end, Reba couldn't stand it any longer. She walked up and said: Did you buy the driver's license with money? You can't even drive up a half-hill."

"As a result, Reba went up, and the car drove out in two or three strokes." When Hu Xing mentioned this, he also made everyone laugh a lot.

"It seems that Reba is also very stable in driving, even a car with manual transmission, she can drive so steadily." The host said with a smile.

"Because of this incident, Reba once nagged me: Why didn't you design a car with manual transmission when you design so many cars, all of them are automatic transmission?"

"She prefers to drive a car with manual transmission instead of automatic transmission."

"Because of this later, I specially added a 'flagship' manual version to the 'Iron Rider' car; as soon as this car came out, Reba immediately replaced her own Iron Rider Deluxe Edition with this manual transmission Flagship version."

"This car with a manual transmission is currently being driven by me and her, and no one else is very good at it. Song Jia is fine. If she doesn't turn off the engine when she encounters an uphill, she can drive the manual transmission on a smooth road. Very stable." This revelation also made everyone admire Reba even more.

Because it is rare to drive a car with automatic transmission in a big city, after all, it is easy to get stuck in traffic.

If you are prone to traffic jams and still drive the manual transmission, it will be really tiring.

But Reba lives in Shanghai, but likes to drive a car with manual transmission, which further shows that her driving skills are really reassuring.

After the chat, they continued to see what the four women were going to eat.

Watching and watching, the time passed very quickly. During the period, Hu Xing and the others chatted a lot, and they all taught each other some experiences of married life.

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