"Except for Yi Yangqianxi, the other two are far behind." Comparing them with Song Zhuer, they are indeed far behind.

"Zhu'er goes to class during the day, and she practices dancing and learning musical instruments in her spare time. Her level of effort can be said to be too different; even Zhu'er's younger brother works very hard." Hu Xing also has expectations for these three children , but has not yet been approved by him.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing said so, there may be a possibility that Song Zhuer is his girlfriend.

"I'm not partial, in terms of evaluation." Hu Xing felt that he was very serious.

Of course, Song Zhuer would practice and study so seriously and hard, of course it has something to do with his girlfriend.

People are like this, what kind of environment they are in, what kind of mentality they will have.

Di Lieba's perfection stimulated Song Zhuer who is also very competitive, which made her practice and study harder.

It is precisely because she has an opponent, a goal to pursue, and someone to put pressure on her that she has a strong motivation, which is an inevitable factor.

Besides, she practiced and studied so hard, it would definitely be too much for her to change her body to someone else.

But after Hu Xing's system was bound, their physical burden was reduced.

Generally speaking, if there is any pain, Hu Xing can help her heal quickly, which also allows them to break through themselves more confidently and boldly.

This kind of condition is not possessed by the three little boys of tf.

It is precisely because of this that the three little boys have practiced for so many years, but they are not as good as Master Song who practiced for half a year, which is equivalent to cheating.

Even if it is open, it is impossible to grow without a certain amount of sweat and hard work.

"I'm just curious, overall evaluation, what is Reba's evaluation?" Zhao Liying was really curious.

"Dancing S, singing S, musical instrument SS, acting A-; comprehensive evaluation S." As for Reba's comprehensive evaluation, it can be said that Hu Xing knows best.

"What about the master's?"

"A- in dancing, A- in singing, A+ in musical instruments, B+ in acting, and A- in overall evaluation." Zhao Liying nodded silently in the evaluation given by Hu Xing.

"That's two levels behind Reba?"

"Don't look at just two levels. There is no way to catch up with these two levels without a few years of effort; because the foundation of all the dancing, singing, musical instruments, and acting skills in front of them will improve quickly. As long as you work hard enough, If you pay enough, you can improve quickly, but after that, it’s not just about the foundation, you also have to be creative and flexible.”

"Take Zhu'er's dance as an example. She is only at the stage where she can learn and practice dance well."

"If you give her a piece of music, let her listen to the piece, and express the piece with a suitable dance, then she will be flustered and don't know how to dance."

"A real dancer, when he hears any piece of music, he can figure out the rhythm and melody suitable for the piece to dance his own dance moves. This is a real dancer. Or, Reba has reached this level." Hu Xing explained this, and Zhao Liying understood a little bit.

"Then if you use the abilities of Yun'er, Xu Xian, and Krystal to rate them, how much would it be?"

"Yun'er's dancing is A+, her singing skills are A-, and her overall evaluation is A-."

"However, when Korean idols make their debut, there is no musical instrument in the assessment, and the acting skills are not too much pursued. They will only be scored for dancing and singing skills. Therefore, if these two items are above A, then they have the strength to debut.

"Xu Xian dances A-, sings A+, comprehensive evaluation A-."

"Zheng Xiulu's dancing is S, her singing skills are A-, and her overall evaluation is A+."

"Little Crystal's dance is so good? It's as good as Reba's dance?" Zhao Liying didn't expect that this younger sister is really indifferent?

"Her." Speaking of Zheng Xiulu, Hu Xing shook his head helplessly: "It's all my fault. I taught her my laziness, which made her not competitive in everything she did, and she didn't like to express herself."

"Actually, her dancing is really good, comparable to that of Reba."

"But her character is influenced by me, so whether she sings or dances, she always gives people a lazy look."

"If she's really serious about dancing, that's going to be awesome."

"She dances, and she will only release it without reservation when she dances with me."

"Do you remember last year's Girls' Generation concert? When I collaborated with Little K, she released it without reservation, so the dance that time surprised the audience." Hu Xing took it out to describe, this It reminded Zhao Liying.

At that time, she also watched the video of this concert. Zheng Xiulu's dance was indeed amazing.

"Little K is different from Reba. Reba is the kind who can express herself with the best posture anytime and anywhere; Little K depends on her mood, which is random; unless she is interested, she may take it seriously. Dance, otherwise, she would simply dance and perfunctory."

"Otherwise, she will be very serious when dancing with me." Hu Xing said and held his forehead

Chapter 1052 The Eve of Graduation

"Hu Xing, Zhao Liying." The director called them again.

"Hey, come." The two immediately replied to the director, and then hurried over to start their next scene.

That's what filming is all about.

The last few days of May passed by like this.

When June came, Hu Xing went back to spend a birthday with Reba, and then returned to the crew to continue working.

Now that Zhao Liying is pregnant, if Hu Xing can stay by her side and watch her work, then he must.

Even if it is necessary to hang Wia, Hu Xing will go to help as much as possible, so that Wia will not strangle Zhao Liying's stomach, otherwise it will be strangled by then. If you accidentally hurt the fetus during filming, this may cause Haemorrhage and miscarriage.

Regarding this point, Hu Xingke specially invited a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology to follow Zhao Liying.

That is, when filming, let the obstetrics and gynecology doctor help to check where the wire should be tied so that it will not harm the fetus and Zhao Liying's body.

Under such intense work, more than half a month in June has passed, Zhao Liying's role has also been filmed 6%, and there is still one fifth of the role, and her role can be completed.

The injury that came at the end of June, Yang Mi called.

"Hu Xing, our TV series "Gu Jian Qi Tan" is about to air, you can help promote it on your show." Yang Mi called this time to tell Hu Xing about it.

"Okay, I'll watch and help promote it; Reba will also help promote it, don't worry." If Hu Xing can promote his own work, he will of course also promote it.

"Also, do you have time to participate in the promotional activities of the TV series?!" Yang Mi asked Hu Xing.

"I don't know about that yet, let's see the situation." Hu Xing knew about the promotion of this TV series, and of course going to Happy Camp is indispensable.

Hu Xing doesn't like this show anymore.

And he also has one thing to do recently, that is, he and Reba are going back to Shanghai to attend the graduation ceremony.

On June 6, Hu Xing returned to Shanghai.

"Are you graduating tomorrow?" Song Jia asked Hu Xing after returning home.

"Yeah, our graduation ceremony tomorrow, and you, didn't you say you're going to travel to Europe? How did the column team arrange it?!" Hu Xing hugged Song Jia, biting her cherry lips lightly.

"Departure the day after tomorrow." Song Jia was looking forward to this trip to Europe.

"It's been more than a month before I arranged for you to travel to Europe. It seems that the program team is also very careful." Hu Xing is also quite optimistic about this program.

Recently, more and more reality shows have been launched in China, but few of them are truly successful.

"Longing for Life" ended perfectly, especially in the show, when Hu Xing gave Xie Na and the others fortune-telling and marriage fortune-telling, many viewers were very happy.

Especially when Huang Lei asked Hu Xing to calculate the marriage for Duo Duo, this paragraph made many audience laugh and cry.

After all, it means that Duoduo's most suitable marriage is him.

Hu Xing used this kind of fortune-telling to make jokes, but it made many audience laugh out of tears.

But "Longing for Success" is really inseparable from Hu Xing.

With Hu Xing around, this program has added too many highlights.

Now that it's over, many viewers are urging the release of the second season, and the TV station is also under pressure.

Anyway, in the past half a year, this is impossible, at least until Zhao Liying has given birth before considering the second season.

The Running Man program continues to lead the ratings of variety shows in the mainland, which cannot be surpassed.

Extreme Challenge is now a close second.

At present, there are three variety show TV stations in the Mainland, Blueberry Channel, Mango Channel, and Tomato Channel, which form a tripartite confrontation, occupying all the good resources of reality shows in the Mainland.

But the variety show resources of these three channels all have Hu Xing, who is the host.

"Leaving the day after tomorrow? That's pretty good." Hu Xing didn't think there was anything wrong, and the day after tomorrow was the day after tomorrow.

"I'm going to attend the graduation ceremony with Reba tomorrow; will the program team come over to record tomorrow?" Hu Xing didn't know this, so he asked Song Jia first.

"That's right, you as a husband also have to be on camera." Song Jia asked Hu Xing to be on camera.

"Okay." Since you want him to appear on the screen, then it's fine.

But tomorrow's things will be said tomorrow, and tonight's things will be done tonight.

Liu Shishi is filming in Hengdian, and Zhao Liying is also working in Guangxi.

Song Jia, Nazha, Reba, Zhang Weiying, and Song Zhuer are all here, and he will fly five more tonight.

In the end, under Hu Xing's instruction, the five of them lay in front of Hu Xing while washing his chest and abdominal muscles with cute jets of water.

After rinsing, Hu Xing looked more sinister, and the five girls were more immersed in Hu Xing's high explosive output and continued to sing.

One night of madness, one night of upside down, and the next day Song Jia and the others were all limp and didn't even have the strength to get up, but Reba and Song Zhuer, the two Geminis, were able to get up full of energy.

Master Song was going to school, so Hu Xing made her breakfast.

"You crazy girl, you're so crazy at such a young age." Hu Xing hugged Song Zhuer who was sitting in his arms, this little fairy is really strong in any way.

"I'm going to be crazy until I'm 45 years old, hehe~ I'm going to maintain this high-intensity insanity for nearly 30 years, and you, you have to satisfy me for 30 years." Song Zhuer's smile can be very fairy.

"Ang." Hu Xing lowered his head and opened his mouth to bite her pet.

Now Master Song's pet has reached a terrifying D.

As a high school student, it can be said that it is very scary to have such a weight.

After all, she is also a woman now. Although she is still a young girl, after becoming a woman, her femininity is getting stronger and stronger.

Song Zhu'er still looks like a girl's first love face, with the youthful vigor of a girl, with a lot of fairy spirit, and cute like a girl.

However, under these conditions, there is still the charm of women.

It is precisely because of this that she is more charming and makes people's heart beat faster.

To be a little fairy with the aura of a goblin is incredible, who can stand her?

Now Song Zhuer is the No. [-] school belle of the No. [-] High School Attached to China Normal University, no one will deny this.

Not only is she good looking, good figure, good temperament, but even in terms of academic performance, she is also among the top few in the school.

Such a good-looking academic master has caused many media to report and brag about her goodness.

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