But if she gets pregnant in the second half of next year, that is, in August, then when the child is born, it will be the beginning of June 8. It is very likely that her child will have the same zodiac year, the same month and the same day as her, and this is the best way.

"Hee hee~ Then I will conceive in August next year. If I can't conceive in August next year, then I will have to wait until I am 8." Reba's idea is very cute, and Hu Xing seems to feel that he has said the wrong thing .

Hu Xing looked at the lovely woman beside him with doting eyes, and then grabbed her jade hand.

After arriving at the airport together, Hu Xing and Reba took a private jet alone.

He is going to Thailand, and Reba is going back to Shanghai, so naturally they have to take private jets separately.

When he arrived in Thailand, Hu Xing went straight to the filming site of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

Chapter 1068 Countless Injuries

"Oh my God, I'm hurt again." Li Hui couldn't help but worry when she saw it.

Hu Xing's leg was injured again. This is the 17th consecutive injury for Hu Xing in the past three days.

During these three days, what was filmed was the most classic fight scene of the whole movie.

The character played by Hu Xing is fighting against the character played by Wu Jing.

During these three days, Wu Jing was kicked more than 100 feet by Hu Xing every day on average.

But Hu Xing is very powerful, he basically succeeded in pulling back every kick he kicked.

Even if some of them couldn't fully absorb their strength, they wouldn't hurt too much when kicked on Wu Jing's body.

But Wu Jing is different. He has injuries all over his body, he is not as young as Hu Xing, and he does not have the perverted resilience of Hu Xing, so when his body is injured and his legs are injured, Wu Jing sometimes It's hard to pull back.

If the strength is not fast enough, all the strength will be entertained on Hu Xing.

Hu Xing's wrist was broken by the kick, his fingers were broken by the kick, or a kick hit Hu Xing's temple, which made Hu Xing lie on the ground for a long time before he woke up.

Especially in the fight against Tony Jia, more injuries were suffered.

Because Tony Jia uses muay thai, and often uses elbows, even if he pulls back, but the elbow is hit, or the angle is not well controlled, it is easy to hurt the person who is hit.

Tony Jaa used the elbow, or the knee of both legs to attack, which is the most.

Hu Xing is one-on-one in the film, and of course one-on-two scenes are indispensable when filming.

Although in the film, the characters are one-on-one and two-on-one.

But in the filming of one-on-two shooting, even the action scenes are arranged in advance.

But as long as Wu Jing confiscated his strength due to a mistake, Hu Xing's movements were done, but in order to cope with the movements he did not restrain his strength, he would instinctively increase his strength, so that he could not connect to the next one so quickly. Move to avoid Tony Jia's movement, so you get hurt.

Although it is said that this is acting, action scenes are for the pursuit of reality. When acting, it is inevitable that sometimes there will be real swords and guns, and injuries are inevitable.

"Hurry up and use the spray." The team doctor also asked to bring the spray over quickly.

Hu Xing sat down and stretched out his hand to give emergency treatment to the team doctor.

Wu Jing also sat on the ground collapsed, and just glanced at Hu Xing apologetically.

In the past two months of cooperation, if there is an apology, I have already apologized.

They both knew each other that it was inevitable that they would get hurt when filming this kind of scene, and they were already used to it. Needless to say redundant apologies, they understood everything with just one look.

Hu Xing's hard work has indeed refreshed the views of Wu Jing, Gu Tianle, and Ren Dahua, the three old drama players, on him.

Although they had long since lost their view of Hu Xing as that kind of fresh meat, seeing how hard-working he is now, to be honest, they also recognized it very much.

Hu Xing is not just acting hard, he is good at acting, and his movements are real enough, even his acting ability in literary and opera is also very good. This is a young man who has a real professional background but has real acting skills.

"There are still two days to wrap up." Hu Xing still remembers that there are still two days left for his part to wrap up and get a box lunch.

"Persevere." Hu Xing stood up and shook his aching hands.

The acting continued, and within two days, Hu Xing was injured more than 10 times.

His manager Li Hui and his assistant Lan Rong are already paralyzed, Hu Xing really hurt too much.

All in all, in the whole crew, Hu Xing was the most injured, but he was also the one who recovered the fastest.

He didn't want Wu Jing and the others to be like that, it would take a long time to recover from the injury.

Hu Xing recovered from yesterday's injuries almost overnight. Even Wu Jing and the others had joked about this abnormal recovery ability.

In two days, Hu Xing's scenes were all filmed, and his personal scenes were finished.

"Looking forward to the next cooperation." Wu Jing's role has not been completed yet, but Hu Xing's role has been completed first.

His schedule is relatively tight, so the crew first arranged for him to take part in the filming.

And Hu Xing did not let everyone down, they all performed very thoroughly and very well, impeccable

"Finally finished filming this film. If you let everyone know that you have been injured more than 100 times while filming this film, Reba and the others must be heartbroken." Li Hui also heaved a sigh of relief.

In more than two months, Hu Xing actually filmed in this crew for only a short period of more than 20 days.

In the past 20 days, Hu Xing was injured more than 100 times, with an average of 5 injuries a day.

The most injured was more than 30 times a day, which can be said to be very abnormal.

But Hu Xing didn't tell anyone about it, because he was injured and there was nothing worth mentioning.

He is not some little fresh meat, after scraping off a layer of skin, he sends Weibo to ask fans to feel distressed and comforted.

After filming the movie, Hu Xing will go to China as soon as possible.

Let's go back to Shanghai and rest for two days. Although the injury healed relatively quickly, the high-intensity shooting these days also made him a little tired. He had to relax for two days...

It just so happens that I'm back in Shanghai, and I can still celebrate my little girlfriend's birthday.

Tomorrow will be the 18th, Zhang Yuying's 17th birthday, and Hu Xing will naturally not forget this day.

"Are you back yet?!" Zhao Liying had already sent Hu Xing a WeChat message.

Hu Xing also just got off the plane, and when he saw WeChat, he replied: "Just got off the plane, are you home?"

"That's right, I'm the only one at home. I'm so bored. Come back quickly." Zhao Liying was also resting.

She was pregnant, and the director said that she was not suitable for continuous filming for a long time. She had to rest for two or three days after working for a period of time, and she couldn't have a miscarriage just because of one film.

Although this shows that she is working very hard and seriously; however, it is cruel to prove that she is serious about filming and not use the danger of the fetus' life to prove it.

You can use your hard work and bravery to prove that you work hard and work hard at any time; but don’t prove it at this stage of pregnancy, because it is cruel and unfair to an unborn child. .

So in order to protect Zhao Liying, the director and producer told her that as long as she was filming for a period of time, she had to rest for two or three days so that she would not get tired.

In addition, the progress of the current scenes is very good. Zhao Liying has acting skills, and the acting is good. With less NG, the progress is much easier.

Besides, her stomach is not too obvious now, so don't worry.

It's been a month and a half, and Zhao Liying's role has been filmed for more than half, and the director made her not need to worry even more.

"Well, I'll get home in an hour, so just wait and take a nap with you when I get home." Hu Xing also wanted to get home quickly, but Shanghai was so congested that it was impossible to get there quickly even if he wanted to.

Chapter 1069 Your Dad Has a Conscience

PS: Sorry for the late update

"I'm back." Hu Xing returned home, but no one at home responded.

Putting on her slippers, she went in and took a look, only to find that Zhao Liying was already sleeping.

Hu Xing walked over to take her pulse and understand her physical condition.

Very stable, it seems that the baby is also very cooperative with her mother.

Seeing that Zhao Liying fell asleep, Hu Xing had promised her that he would take a nap with her. Of course, he would not forget this point. He turned off his mobile phone first, and Zhao Liying's phone was also turned off...

The mobile phone is turned off, and there will be no calls to disturb them when they are taking a nap

Hu Xing used his arm as a pillow for Zhao Liying, but this still woke Zhao Liying up.

"Sleep, I'm back." Hu Xing woke up Zhao Liying and told her to continue sleeping.

Zhao Liying turned around to hug him, but Hu Xing hurriedly stopped him: "Hey, hey, I can't sleep on my side, I'll hug you."

Pregnant women are advised not to sleep sideways, otherwise they will crush the child.

Seeing that he was so nervous, Zhao Liying also listened to him, and she felt comfortable only after being hugged by Hu Xing.

I fell asleep until 6 o'clock in the evening.

If Master Song hadn't come in to wake them up, they might have continued to sleep.

Master Song woke them up because he wanted them to go to their parents' house for dinner.

"Okay." Parents asked them to go over for dinner, so Hu Xing would definitely not refuse.

Besides, it's getting late, if I cook dinner by myself, Zhao Liying might be hungry.

It happened to be able to go to my parents' house for dinner, which was also very good.

"It's just right, let's wash your hands and have dinner." Jiang Fang didn't go to the flower shop today. Instead, she cooked dinner for her daughter-in-law at home. In fact, she also knew that her son was coming back today.

"Well, Xiangxiang for our family, thank grandma for caring so much for her, and for making so many delicious food." Hu Xing didn't forget to ask for a skin.

"What a good boy, our family Xiangxiang is sensible." Jiang Fang is also a playwright

"Hehe~" Zhao Liying sat down after washing her hands, and Hu Xing served her soup.

"Where is Reba? Aren't you in Shanghai?" Although she graduated, Reba is still taking the postgraduate entrance examination, and sometimes she still has to go to class.

"I went to my friend's wedding with my mother-in-law this afternoon, and I won't come back for dinner tonight." Jiang Fang asked Reba to find out about the situation before.

"At the wedding?" Hu Xing didn't know who it was, so he said, "I don't know who it is either."

"How many days are you going to rest this time?" Hu Yu asked his son how many days he planned to rest.

"Let's rest for three days, and then I will go back to the set with Li Ying."

"In the past three days, I also have a little business. Hu Fu and I have cooperated to open a film and television production company."

"In two or three days, I will register this company with him." Hu Xing told his family about his two-day itinerary.

"You want to open a film and television company?" Song Zhuer was very surprised.

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