Chapter 1081 Attitude Matters

"This..." Zheng Xiuyan didn't expect that her sister was secretly protecting her.

"I don't tell you, I just want you to find out for yourself. It's better than if I tell you, you will say that I am nosy, or deliberately discredit him."

"I know your character better than anyone else present."

"I know you are like this, you don't listen to others, you are self-willed, and make trouble for no reason."

"If I take the initiative to tell you this, you will definitely not believe it, and you will even get angry with me, and then foolishly tell your so-called boyfriend, which makes him defensive."

"If you're interested, I can show you a few videos, but it's just a little disgusting." Zheng Xiulu looked very relaxed.

She is relaxed, but her sister is not so relaxed.

"It's just the 30 billion won you invested in these years. If you don't have it, you won't have it. It's better to use it as tuition fees than to ruin your life.":

"You just don't know how to choose, that's why you are eaten to death by him." Zheng Xiulu looked at her sister and said.

"Then you know, why don't you expose him earlier, so that I won't keep..." Zheng Xiuyan couldn't continue talking.

The temper was unknowingly sent out to the younger sister, and at this time she also realized what the younger sister said just now.

That's right, that's exactly what my personality is.

"Not to expose him, on the one hand, is to collect more evidence that can convince you; on the other hand, it is also to use his hands to make my idiot and stupid sister mature and grow up quickly."

"For you, the 30 billion Korean won is what you earned from your debut in the past few years. It is very important, and it is all of you."

"However, 30 billion won is not worth mentioning for you to see clearly a man who will destroy you; so I didn't say it earlier, that's because in my opinion, 30 billion won and let me My sister is mature, I chose the latter because the latter is more important."

"I can't protect you all my life, and being by your side can help you."

"I will get married in the future and live in China, but I don't know where you are."

"So after the trade-off, I chose the latter to let you understand more, people's hearts are sinister, and if you don't know him well, don't trust a person easily."

"Even if this person is your boyfriend, a man who really loves you will not think about asking you to invest in any brand."

"A person who really loves you will not use your money. If he can use your money, it means that he has evil intentions." What Zheng Xiulu said to her sister made Hu Xing very satisfied.

Sure enough, this little girl is quite good.

After talking so much, Zheng Xiuyan fully understood how wrong he was.

Even thinking about it now, I'm covered in sweat. Obviously, I was frightened by the truth told by my sister.

"Stop this so-called ridiculous brand now, I think, your brother-in-law can keep you going back to girlhood, and you don't have to think about developing your own personal career in the future."

"As for the person who cheated you of 30 billion won, your brother-in-law won't make him feel better." Zheng Xiulu glanced at her boyfriend leisurely.

"It's your turn to speak now?!" Zheng Xiulu looked at Hu Xing and asked him to speak.

"What did I say? I signed the dismissal letter, okay." Hu Xing said helplessly to his little girlfriend.

"Did you really sign it?" Xu Xian remained skeptical, he didn't think Hu Xing would really sign it.

"..." Even this girl is suspicious?This made Hu Xing roll his eyes helplessly.

"Hee hee~" Yoon'er grinned, further proving that her guess was correct.

Hu Xing will definitely do everything possible to help his sister-in-law stay in Girls' Generation.

Zheng Xiuyan also looked forward to looking at Hu Xing, wondering if he was still saved?

After being beaten by her younger sister, she regained consciousness completely.

Now that the brand is gone, she really can't even lose Girls' Generation.

It can be said that everyone in Girls' Generation is looking forward to watching Hu Xing, hoping that he can tell some good news.

Hu Xing said again: "I have really signed the dismissal letter."

"Okay, what about after signing? Is there any way to save it?!" Xu Xian was also very calm at this time, not too flustered, just asking Hu Xing how to do it.

"Attitude is the most important thing." Hu Xing just said these few words, and there was nothing else to say.

This is already the answer, Yun'er and Xu Xian both understand what it means, there's no reason why she doesn't know it yet.

"I see." Of course Zheng Xiuyan understood what Hu Xing meant.

This is already the best result and the best answer.

This dinner was stuffed with dim sum, and to be honest, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

But when something like this happened, he couldn't just ignore it.

Girls' Generation is the most proud girl group taught by Hu Xing, so he has no reason to ignore it.

Let's not talk about the past life, it's good to let them continue in this life, this is his greatest effort.

After dinner, Hu Xing went to the airport to return home.

"Aren't you really going to stay here for one night before going back?" Yun'er still very much hoped that Hu Xing could stay here for one night before leaving.

"Haha~ I can't; I still have to record a program tomorrow." Hu Xing thought too, but it was obviously impossible.

Then he had no choice but to go back, Yuner sent him to the airport, the private jet was already waiting for him.

Arriving at the airport and boarding the plane, Hu Xing asked the captain to take off.

Hu Xing is going back to Shanghai directly, and he will record Extreme Challenge tomorrow.

After recording Extreme Challenge, he will continue to return to Hua Qiangu's crew to work.

June, in the blink of an eye, came to July.

With the arrival of July, the summer vacation has also begun. At the same time, the first TV series "Gu Jian Qi Tan" starring Hu Xing has also really started broadcasting.

As soon as the TV series was broadcast, it immediately attracted the attention of many fans.

"The TV series is on the air, and the characters are very handsome. I think my acting skills are pretty good; but if it's because of the special effects, please don't criticize me. The special effects have nothing to do with me, and the plot doesn't care about me. It’s just an actor with good looks and acting skills.” When the TV series was released, of course Hu Xing had to interact with fans on Weibo.

"Hmm~ my husband is so handsome, he makes me so handsome." Reba was also very naughty, and reposted Hu Xing's Weibo on Weibo, and made a comment herself.

"That's right, my wife is also very cute, she got me drunk, give a compliment to Lady Reba." Hu Xing praised each other to his girlfriend.

This TV series is the first work that Hu Xing and Reba collaborated at the same time, but it was aired relatively late, and it was only aired in July.

When a TV series is aired, of course there will be some people commenting on it.

Chapter 1082

Didn't this just air the first episode, and a lot of comments came out.

"What's going on with the three big adult males and Zhengtai's stalker CP? Why is the heroine Yang Mi... Overall, the plot seems to be very unsatisfactory."

"It's so touching, the special effects are so fake, Yang Mi's nostrils are really big."

"Sure enough, as soon as the stills came out, I knew I wasted another good ID. There have been so many fantasy dramas for so many years. Could it be that even Xianjian 1 can't catch up? The special effects are sloppy, and even the BGM made me play in seconds , I won’t complain about the costumes, can the crew have a conscience in finding actors?”

"Why did I want to give up the drama before I finished watching the first episode? Maybe it's because I'm really ignorant, I don't know much, and the task names in the drama are too hard to pronounce. I really don't know who is who? If it's not for Watching Hu Xing and Reba, I really want to give up the drama."

"The long-awaited game party said it was really a bit sad. The special effects in the first episode were sloppy. The only thing I can praise for my acting skills is Hu Xing's performance is pretty good."

"I feel that a lot of people here have something wrong with them. If you say that domestic films are bad, then you should make them yourself. No one invites you to watch them. If you don't like watching them, don't watch them."

In short, there are a lot of complaints on the Internet, even if it is said that Hu Xing's acting is good, there are not many.

Hu Xing knew it a long time ago. In fact, when he was filming this movie, he knew that this movie would have such a result, but unfortunately, this is your sister, this movie is still very popular.

Although the plot is not good, the acting skills of the actors are not very good, and the special effects are terrible.

But unfortunately, this drama is really very popular.

In his previous life, Li Yifeng became popular in this drama.

Hu Xing himself agreed to act in this drama last year. On the one hand, he didn't know that he became popular so quickly in Boys' Club, so he planned to use this TV series to gain some popularity for himself.

In the end, I didn't expect that in less than a few months, I would rely on Running Man and other variety shows to become popular.

This year, after the TV series aired, Hu Xing really regretted it.

Because the special effects were so badly done, he was too embarrassed to say that he was the male lead of this TV, and it was embarrassing to watch.

"Hey, I will shoot fantasy dramas and fairy tale dramas in the future. I should invest in special effects myself."

"Otherwise, this kind of work is simply trying to trick me." Hu Xing said to Zhao Liying beside him after watching the two episodes of the TV series.

"I said you are so serious?" Zhao Liying felt very good looking at it.

"This is mainly because in recent years, Hollywood's special effects blockbusters have given the audience too many surprises, leading them to have a higher level of understanding of special effects, and they will naturally feel that these domestic special effects are simply scum." Hu Xing himself thinks so.

""A Thousand Bones of Flowers" is also a fairy tale drama. What, you mean that you want to invest in it?" Zhao Liying asked Hu Xing if she had this idea.

"Okay, this has to be invested. Anyway, I don't require special effects to be comparable to those in Hollywood."

"But at least it can't be as scumbag as "Gu Jian Qi Tan", right? The investment point is good, lest it be another bad movie that ruins my reputation, then I really want to cry." Hu Xing felt that he had to Just make some investments.

"You are rich and self-willed. I don't want to talk to you. I'm going to sleep with Xiangxiang. Please turn off the light, thank you." Zhao Liying lay down and asked Hu Xing to turn off the light.

"No, you two are asleep, what about me?" Hu Xing turned off the light, lay down himself, embraced Zhao Liying in his arms, and kissed Zhao Liying's face very clingingly.

"Honey, show me your fingers." Zhao Liying bent her legs as she spoke, asking Hu Xing to make her comfortable quickly.

"No, you'll be comfortable later, what should I do if I get angry?" Hu Xing disagreed, this is not a good thing.

"emmmm~" Zhao Liying looked at Hu Xing pitifully, even in the dark, Hu Xing could still clearly see the expectant and coquettish little eyes in Zhao Liying's eyes.

Without further ado, Hu Xing got under the quilt.

There were no more words, only Zhao Liying's singing.

The next morning, Hu Xing woke up very early to make breakfast for Zhao Liying. This has become something that he would do as long as he was by his side in the past few months.

As for the TV series aired last night, until today, there has been a lot of noise on Weibo, and fans are all talking about this handsome and beautiful one.

Of course, there are also straight men who say that this drama is rubbish or something.

Hu Xing, who came to the crew, told the producer about his thoughts last night.

"Let's take this as a warning. If the special effects are too sloppy, it will really affect the evaluation of a movie." Hu Xing discussed with the producer that he could invest a little bit in it.

"Well, this is true." Of course the producer also understood.

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