This transformation was so joyful that everyone in the Kuaiben scene watched these two handsome guys dance in surprise.

I have to say, this is definitely the opening dance of the guests of Happy Camp, the most classic one.

After dancing a song, Hu Fu couldn't help laughing.

And he turned his back to the audience, covering his face and laughing, because it was the first time he danced in front of so many people. To be honest, he was really shy and felt a little ashamed.

"Wow! That's great!" After the dance performance, He Jiong walked over first and praised them.

"My God, this dance is simply too classic." Xie Na also sighed...

"Yes, this dance is completely different from the dance we arranged for Hu Xing and Hu Fu during the rehearsal just now." Wei Jia also echoed.

"That's right, this is not the dance we saw during the rehearsal at all." The happy family all said, and asked curiously: "When did you rehearse this dance?"

"Actually, I learned this dance from Hu Xing." Hu Fu needs to explain this.

"As expected, I knew he taught it." Reba, who was standing beside her, looked at her husband fascinated.

"How long have you been studying?" He Jiong asked Hu Fu while holding the microphone.

"Have you been studying for a month? At that time, Hu Xing and I were collaborating on "Langya Bang."

"When we were on the set, sometimes we had to wait for the director to arrange a scene, and it took a long time."

"But we also don't want to read the script, and when we memorize the lines, we just want to find something interesting to do."

"In the end, I thought of asking Hu Xing to learn dance, so I said: Lao Hu, you teach me a dance, and I will be on the show in the future. When you let me perform, I will also perform."

"After hearing this, Hu Xing taught me this dance." Hu Fu recalled the situation at that time.

"That is to say, after you practiced this dance, this is the first time you performed it on a show, right?" He Jiong looked at Hu Fu beside him and asked him.

"Yes, just now, when you were doing the opening dance, Hu Xing said to me: Lao Hu, why don't we wait for the opening dance? Then I said yes, and he went to discuss with the director and changed it temporarily. The opening method of the rehearsal just now is to ask the director to say "League of Broken Love", we have something good to perform."

"That's what happened just now. We use this dance to perform." Hu Fu told the audience all this.

"Hu Xing just came here for the first time, and he created a classic opening for us." Xie Na and the others looked at Hu Xing with a smile, and said with a smile: "Either you don't come, or if you come, you will overwhelm the host, right? Haha~"

"Okay, okay, let's say hello to the audience first." After He Jiong finished speaking, he greeted the audience with the happy family.

"Today, as everyone has seen, we have invited two handsome men and two beautiful women."

"Also, it's the first time someone here has come to our Kuaiben."

"We begged for a year before they reluctantly agreed, and even asked Di Lieba to be present before agreeing." He Jiong deliberately added embellishments.

"..." Hu Xing just looked at Teacher He dully.

Thanks to Hu Xing's dull expression, they are very happy.

"I said, how could Mr. He not grow taller? So it's the reason why he is so good at embellishing things?"

"Haha~" The first sentence Hu Xing came to Kuaiben was to hate He Jiong, and he was very fresh and refined.

"..." Mr. He, who felt that he had won a game just now, is even more depressed now.

"Mr. He, you don't have a long memory. You have partnered with him in two shows. Don't you know his character?" Reba smiled and comforted Teacher He.

"I don't want to understand his character. I'm not Hu Fu, and he slept in a scene." He Jiong complained depressedly, and accidentally pulled Hu Fu in.

Hu Fu was stunned, why did he talk about me again.

"Okay, okay, let's introduce yourself to the audience first, and say hello to the audience." He Jiong also knows how to host, so he has to keep me in a good rhythm.

"Let's start with our old friend Mi Mi." He Jiong asked Yang Mi to come first.

"Hi everyone, I am Yang Mi, who plays Feng Qingxue. I am very happy to come to Happy Camp to meet you again." Yang Mi also knows how to promote her TV series.

"Feng Qingxue? I heard that she has a mutual acquaintance and love relationship with her artists, right?" He Jiong winked at Yang Mi with a smirk.

"Yes in the plot." Yang Mi replied with a smile.

"That's good, next is Reba." The second one is Reba.

"Well, hello everyone, I'm my junior sister Fu Que, and also my handsome man's wife in the palace." Reba introduced herself like this, so Hu Xing couldn't help but look down at her.

"Actually, this is the third time Reba has come to our Happy Camp, right?!"

Chapter 1085

"Actually, this is Reba's third visit to our Happy Camp, right?!" Speaking of this, He Jiong needs to chat.

"Yes, this is the third time." Reba has been here twice before.

"The last time I came here, I came with Nazha. Xinjiang Shuangmei shared the same stage in 92, right?"

"That's right, I was on the phone with Hu Xing at that time." Reba remembered it very clearly.

"Okay, the next one is also our old friend." He Jiong winked at Hu Fu, let him come to say hello, don't make the audience wait too long.

"Well, hello everyone." That's it, there is no more words.

"Hu Fu feels that he is very familiar with this place, and if you give him a look, the audience will understand, right?" Regarding Hu Fu's calm and tone, Xie Na couldn't help but joke.

"Yes, I already regard this place as my home. When I get home, I don't need to be so polite, right?" Hu Fu said with a smile, "But let me introduce, I am Mo Xun from "Pocahontas". He is also everyone's old friend Hu Fu."

"Isn't today the crew of "The Legend of the Ancient Sword"? Why is "Pocahontas" here?" Xie Na couldn't help but ask, which also made He Jiong end: "Because "Pocahontas" took over from "Pocahontas" "Gu Jian Qi Tan", so Hu Fu came here first."

Only now did the audience understand that this was the case.

"The next one is the one that all fans and audiences of Happy Camp are looking forward to."

"But unfortunately, our column team invited for a year, begged for a year, and waited for a year and didn't come."

"In the end, Nana and I begged for another year on WeChat, and finally he decided to come." He Jiong deliberately said that Hu Xing was a big name, and it was difficult to invite.

In the face of Mr. He's embellishment, Hu Xing didn't explain much.

"Hi everyone, I'm Baili Tusu, Hu Xing, who is loved by everyone, the flowers bloom when the old man sees himself, the city is small and fresh, and the village is kawaii." Even when introducing himself, Hu Xing is Introduce yourself in your most extraordinary way.

"Hahaha~" This self-introduction is a bit invincible. Hearing this, the audience all laughed.

This self-introduction is actually the answer given by Hu Xing when the reporter asked him how to introduce himself in a previous interview.

But unexpectedly, he really introduced himself like this on the show.

Xie Na, they all laughed out loud when Hu Xing introduced himself to Lei.

"Actually, we all know that the audience likes Hu Xing to come, and the most important thing is to watch Hu Xing gossip about the host on other people's show sites, right?!" He Jiong understands the audience very well and asked on purpose.

"Yes!!!!" Very good, the audience was very cooperative.

"Is this really okay? It's not good to hate you like this when you first came to your show, and you have a vicious tongue?!" Hu Xing said it was not good, but the excited expression betrayed him.

"Come on you, is this the first time I know you?" He Jiong also really worked hard to make the show more funny.

"Didn't I have a couplet with Hu Xing in "Longing for Life" last time, and he was so speechless?"

"And Hu Xing is so talented, so how about it, if Hu Xing can use a poem to insult our Happy Camp, then we will really accept you, okay?" Xie Na deliberately increased the difficulty.

"Have you Kuaiben ever stopped the recording of the show because you were blacked out by guests' complaints?" Before starting, Hu Xing asked the happy family cautiously.

"Okay, let's move on to the next topic." Wei Jia hurriedly said to move on to the next question

"Haha~" Wei Jia was so scared to move on to the next topic, it was conceivable how afraid she was of Hu Xing's complaints.

"I also really want to see this scene appear." Hu Fu fanned the flames and booed beside him.

"So it's here, are you ready?!" Hu Xing pinched his throat as he said, how are you going to complain?

"Use a poem to complain?" Hu Xing thought about it quickly, and then said: "Xie Na turned a head, scaring a cow in the field to death; Go back; Hey Amoy turns back four times, and human development has come to an end; Wu Xin turns back five times, and a building in Hunan falls; Kuaiben turns back six times, and the universe has no earth from now on.”

"..." Now, everyone in the happy family looked at Hu Xing in bewilderment.

"Hahaha~" Reba was the first to react, covering her mouth and laughing, looking at the confused happy family.

It was because of Reba's laughter that all the audience laughed and looked at the happy family...

Now there are five members of the happy family, with expressions of doubt about life on their faces.

"Crack!" Hu Xing turned around and gave Hu Fu a high-five. This is very fresh and refined, right?

"..." He Jiong still looked at the camera with a skeptical expression on his face, obviously not recovering from the shock of Hu Xing's poem with a poisonous tongue.

Complacent, Hu Xing even showed off his Latin dance.

Use the sultry Latin dance to mock the sluggish happy family.

"Then what, director, today's recording is over, I have something to do." Xie Na pointed at the director and said to him.

"Haha~" Mr. He and the others who had been sluggish at first woke up laughing.

"Are you satisfied now? Hu Xing complained about our happy family one by one." He Jiong vented his anger on the audience.

"Hehe~" This is also a good point to watch, of course the happy family will not be angry.

"Okay, okay, as for the part of complaining, we'll stop here for now."

"It's rare. Hu Xing and Hu Fu are on the same stage on the show. It's really rare."

"I can even proudly tell you that Hu Yu and Hu Xing's three shows together were all on my show, who else?" After He Jiong finished speaking, he proudly showed off to the audience.

All in all, Hu Yu and Hu Xing's first show together is the life they yearn for.

The second time was in the refrigerator please.

This is the third time, Happy Camp.

Speaking of it, it is true that there is no way to compare with He Jiong.

"I said, you guys are not doing well, are you? Is He Jiong the Happy Camp already owned by himself?" Just when He Jiong was proud, Hu Xing turned around and said to Wei Jia and Xie Na who were beside him.

"That's right, it seems that the host of Mango TV is really Mr. He."

"The four of you in the happy family are all his foils, right?" Reba also cooperated with her boyfriend to make Teacher He panic.

"No, no, that's not the case." He Jiong, who was quite proud just now, was really panicked now.

"Forget it, why didn't you want to explain when you said it was your show just now?" Wei Jia was very cooperative, so she didn't want to listen to Mr. He's explanation.

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