"Of course, there is actually a big reason, that is because he designed too many sports cars."

"Actually, people of the same age don't love sports cars as much as they can."

"Don't you all say that? When you reach a certain level, you will take everything very lightly." What Di Lieba said is also in place, and everyone understands it.

"How about you Hu Fu, what is your car?" He Jiong also asked Hu Fu beside him.

"The car I'm driving now is a Wrangler Rubicon, which is an off-road vehicle." Hu Fu said that his own is an off-road vehicle.

"However, recently, I am waiting for the off-road vehicle 'Kuangge' that Zhihu, a high-end brand under Yilong, is about to launch."

"I like this car very much." At the end, Hu Fu winked at Hu Xing.

"Kangge? No, wait a minute, this trend, shouldn't it be a car named after Hu Fu?" Wei Jia hurriedly asked.

"Almost." Hu Xing admitted that the name of this car has something to do with Hu Fu.

"Actually, I also considered making off-road vehicles before. Later, after I learned that Hu Fu likes off-road vehicles very much, I designed the current 'Kuangge', which is also named after Hu Fu."

"Really, you two are too gay." Yang Mi was helpless, these two male gods were really passionate.

Hu Fu also looked at Hu Xing with a shy and meaningful expression.

Just such a scene can make the audience scream.

Hu Xing even came up with a more eye-catching, wink (wink) at Hu Yu frivolously like no one else; this made all the audience who saw it scream.

"Haha~" Now Hu Fu and Hu Xing couldn't continue acting, they all laughed and turned around, not daring to face it again.

"This reminds me of what Hu Yu said, if he was a woman, he must have dated and fallen in love with Hu Xing long ago." Xie Na mentioned this matter, which also made everyone laugh.

"Seriously, Reba, don't you object when you see that Hu Fu and Hu Xing have such a good relationship?!"

"What's the use of my objection, they all slept together, is there any use for my objection?" Regarding this, Reba also spread her hands helplessly, asking everyone what she should do.

"Hahaha~" Speaking of them sleeping together, they knew how much love these two had, and the audience also recognized this marriage.

Chapter 1088 You Are Not Just Blind, You Are Deaf

"Actually, two months ago, Reba was in the finals of "I Am a Singer". With the two songs she wrote for Hu Xing, she finally won the song king of the year."

"After that, Reba's second album, these two songs were also released."

"After listening to it, many people praised and said they liked it very much. We also really want to hear Reba sing these two songs again. I wonder if we can agree?" After chatting for a long time, Mr. He felt that You have to give the audience some benefits.

"Hmm~" Reba didn't know how to make a decision, so she gave Hu Xing the right to make the decision.

"Sing it if the audience likes it." Hu Xing didn't have so many ideas, since everyone likes it, let's sing it

"Then you accompany me." She sang as she wanted, but she liked Hu Xing to accompany her.

Hu Xing just smiled and did not refuse.

This is also rehearsed before, and Reba will perform these two songs live.

This is also Reba's first variety show on Mango Channel since "I Am a Singer".

As an idol singer who won the King of Songs from Mango Channel, of course he will perform the song that won the King of Songs of the Year when he comes.

After the piano was pushed up, Hu Xing sat down on the piano chair, ready to play.

The audience at the scene were also looking forward to it, because these two songs are really good.

Hu Fu, Yang Mi and the others sat beside the stage with the happy family to watch Hu Xing and Reba's performance.

"Deng dong dong~" Hu Xing has already started to play, and the nice piano music is coming

Hearing this familiar piano piece made many audience members have goosebumps.

The sound of this song is actually unexpected.

It is precisely because Reba made this song with Hu Xing in mind, and after experiencing their sweetness, she will feel that this song is really good.

The beginning of the piano piece is a bit bleak, and the mood is really a bit gloomy.

"The day you left, the sky was a bit gray, and I couldn't see your favorite blue sky, and there was one less person bickering, thank you for your comfort..." After the appearance of the beautiful Reba, her gentle and slightly distressing voice , everyone's mood was controlled by this song

Hu Xing bowed his head to play the piano and accompanied Reba.

Men and women match, this is the most beautiful picture.

"My insomnia alone, my space, my longing, the picture of two people, who's tears, who's haggard, heartbreak all over the floor, my adventure alone, my seat alone, One person thinks about one person..." At the climax of the song, when Hu Xing was playing the piano, he temporarily added a few notes to deal with the percussion in his heart.

It is precisely because of the aggravation of these notes that the memories deep in many people's hearts are drawn out.

The happy family, Hu Fu, and Yang Mi on the stage were also very quiet listening to Reba's singing, which was really nice.

When she sang this song, Reba was very weak, not as lively and lovely as before.

The current Reba is a little girl who makes people feel distressed, a little girl who seems to regret after losing the man she loves the most.

When a song ended, Hu Xing played the piano, and quickly switched to the next song "Tears".

Compared with the song just now, the piano prelude of this song is heavier.

This kind of heavy tune and melody makes the listener feel depressed.

This kind of heaviness makes people feel very depressing, as if the love of a pair of lovers has come to an end, it is inevitable to leave, and they want to keep them, but they can't say anything.

"It's almost dawn, can you not leave? Silence is like a sad song, but when you cover it, your vision is blurred..."

"You're leaving, and you're taking all the happiness with you. The sweet parts are scattered, and I'm crying when I'm tired and cold..." Reba clutched her heart and sang this song with the most sincere feelings.

What her eyes saw was not the audience, but the scene when Hu Xing left the Shanghai airport in 2007, which made her eyes slowly covered with water mist.

Hu Xing, who was sitting in front of the piano, couldn't help showing a smile.

This intriguing smile was naturally captured by the camera.

Hu Xing's slender fingers danced nimbly on the keyboard, using his own skills to draw the mood of every listener at the scene.

"The shooting star flashed by, we made a wish, to be together, never to be separated, why did you give up~~"

"The starry sky is twinkling, like your tears passing quietly. When you let go of your hand and leave, do you feel reluctant to part with me~"

"Tears are shining, but I hold back my tears and dare not fall~~ I am still waiting in the dark, but you are far away from me~" Reba turned and watched Hu Xing sing the climax of the song .

This is the most emotional, but also the most affectionate paragraph.

When meeting Hu Xing's eyes, Reba, whose eyes were misty, forced a smile.

It was because of the mist in the eyes, but he forced a smile, which made the audience look at Reba at this time, and feel more distressed for her.

Hu Xing kept smiling all the time, but no one knew how moved he was.

After Reba nearly sang the song "Tears", more people were moved.

Hu Fu at the scene also recalled some of his past events, and really resonated because of this song.

People who have had the same experience, in fact, after listening to Reba singing these two songs, they will resonate in their hearts.

Especially the song "Let's Tears", when I heard the climax part, I had a similar experience, and she is a relatively weak girl, it is easy to burst into tears after listening to it, and it is still the kind of crying that is very refreshing.

Hu Fu is a big man, so naturally he won't burst into tears, but he resonates and recalls some past events.

"Wow!!!!" When they finished performing these two songs, He Jiong was the first to come out and applaud.

"It's so nice." Xie Na also praised Di Lieba's song really nicely.

"Nana, do you think that Reba's singing is better than Zhang Jie's?" Wei Jia even teased Xie Na.

Because Zhang Jie also participated in the second season of I Am a Singer, and Zhang Jie's ranking was not in the top three.

Reba is the king of singers, and this ability has never been questioned.

"In my heart, Brother Jie sings the best, bar none." Zhang Jie is her husband, how could Xie Na think that there are other people who sing better than her husband.

"You are not only blind, I think you are also deaf." Hu Xing immediately thanked you.

"Haha~" Xie Na, who was complained about, smiled and leaned against Hu Xing.

"Could it be that in your heart, there are other female singers who sing better than Reba?" Xie Na couldn't believe that Hu Xing would still have such thoughts.

Chapter 1089 Challenge Bet

"Yes, Reba and I's daughter will definitely sing better in the future." Hu Xing didn't thank her at all, he just didn't have the same idea as her.

"..." Xie Na looked at Hu Xing in bewilderment, why did he still have this trick?Why didn't I think of it just now?

"Hahaha~" Seeing Xie Na's bewildered expression, many people clapped their hands and laughed.

"Nana, why don't you have a long memory? Every time you suffer in front of Hu Xing; but you just don't believe in evil every time, and you end up making a show." Wei Jia laughed and joked to thank you.

Mr. He stood up to smooth things over and said, "Next, we have a session, which I personally feel very much looking forward to."

"Everyone knows that Hu Xing spent less than a year selecting all the famous dancers in the world."

"At the same time, Hu Xing is also famous for his choreography, Girls' Generation gee's dogleg dance, tell me your wish shuttlecock dance, Hoot's archery dance, mr.taxi's steering wheel dance, etc.; sj's sorrysorry dance; Kara's butt dance, etc. Many Korean pop idol groups have composed and choreographed Hu Xing."

"It can be said that Hu Xing alone has allowed the second-generation girl groups in South Korea to hold up half the sky of the Hallyu wave."

"His dancing ability is actually still questioned by many people; although Reba has been cultivated, such as our mainland music queen, people still have some doubts about our mainland music dance queen."

"This is because Hu Xing has very few opportunities to show his dance ability, and many people are not convinced."

"Even recently on the Internet, quite a few dancers have challenged Hu Xing."

"Today we invited a dance team to challenge Hu Xing's dance." When He Jiong said this, many people became excited.

In other words, will you see Hu Xing's dancing at full swing next?

Hu Xing held the microphone, smiled and looked at Reba beside him.

"I invited the hip-hop dance group of the Korean national team, RC." He Jiong said and invited this challenging hip-hop dance team to play, which also surprised Hu Xing.

RC, this is the number one street dance team in Korea, even in Asia.

In the hip-hop ranking, this hip-hop team refers to the team, not the individual.

Hip-hop team, this RC is in the top five in the world.

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