He wanted a big windmill, but he made a mistake because he was overwhelmed by momentum.

If there is a mistake, it means that he lost half, and it also affects his teammates' performance

Chapter 1091 Jiang Yingyu Comes Out!heads-up!

Sure enough, his mistake caused the teammates who came out behind him to make mistakes three times in a row.

When the sixth one is reached, it is considered that one's movements have been completed.

But just after he finished, Hu Xing walked out with a sliding step, and first did some provocative basic dance steps.

After stimulating the opponent, Hu Xing jumped lightly and stood upside down, supporting his entire body weight with one hand.

After cycling with one hand, he continued to provoke and crush the opponent with momentum.

After stepping on the bicycle with one hand, Hu Xing performed the classic bboy action Thomas.

Two laps Thomas spun up, put his hands on the floor to get himself upside down and spun again.

When the rotation stopped, he also made an upside-down move to provoke his opponent.

Standing up, Hu Xing immediately won applause and screams from the audience.

At this time, everyone in RC was not calm anymore. They really saw Hu Xing's strength.

In less than 3 minutes, none of them dared to continue.

In the end, it was the captain of RC who stood up to meet Hu Xing's provocation.

But it was able to pick up, and there were no mistakes, but it was obviously lacking in momentum, and at the same time, it was obviously lacking in innovation and appreciation of dance.

Even if the dance is done seriously, it will be Hu Xing in the next round.

In the end, Hu Xing knocked down their entire RC hip-hop dance team with one move, no one dared to play, and everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

This made Hu Xing, who was walking back and forth to the rhythm of the dance music, say: "Garbage, compared to your members of the previous generation of RC, you are all as weak as garbage."

"Don't hang out in the hip-hop circle, it's just embarrassing." Hu Xing's tone was very heavy, just to mock the other party.

"If you have no strength but want to provoke an opponent you don't understand, it's brain damage."

"It's idiotic to challenge an opponent without knowing them."

"Don't say it's your leader Lin Heshi, even if you Korean dance kings come to see me, they have to speak to me respectfully, and you useless people want to challenge me?"

"I'll tell you one thing: your father is still your father, and your uncle is still your uncle." Hu Xing's words made RC street dance troupe feel ashamed.

The Korean spoken by Hu Xing was translated by Reba, and the audience all stood up and applauded.

And RC's hip-hop team bowed and saluted the fast-ben audience, and then ran away in despair.

"Come out, I'm not convinced." The RC street dance team left, but Reba said that she was not convinced, and said: "Hu Xing, come out, one-on-one! Fight dance!"

"Hahaha~" Reba's rudeness made Hu Xing laugh even more.

"I told you not to laugh, you better explain to me, where did you get 9 million?"

"Hiding private money again, right?" Di Lieba stared at Hu Xing angrily.

"I didn't." Hu Xing shook his head and denied that he had hidden money from his own house.

"Betting with others without you?" Di Lieba rolled up her sleeves as she spoke, with a very arrogant tone: "Come out, heads-up! I want your 9 million."

"Let me tell you, if you dare to beat me, I won't let you sleep in the room for a month." Di Lieba is cheating, no matter what, I will settle for the 9 million you just mentioned.

I just want to dance with you, but you can't beat me, yes, that's how willful you are.

After all, you just obediently keep the 9 million for her.

"Haha~" Reba was so cute and savage, but the audience laughed so hard.

"I really don't have one. The bet I mentioned was that after I lost, I asked you to pay me." Hu Xing explained very seriously.

"I don't believe it, you must have hidden your private money." Di Lieba said that Hu Xing hid private money.

"Are you a pig? All your private money is in cash. Where can our family hide 9 million in cash?"

"Even if it exists in the card, don't you know how many cards I have?" Hu Xing said dumbfounded.

"That's right." After hearing her boyfriend's explanation, Reba believed it now.

"Okay, okay, it's almost time for you to show your affection." He Jiong and the others walked in, interrupted their squabbling, and asked, "Everyone knows that Hu Xing's status at home is that of a slave and a nanny." level."

"As for who is in charge of the money at home, we don't need to ask more to know that it is Reba and the others?!" He Jiong felt that there was no need to be curious about this.

"Hee hee~" When it comes to managing money, Reba is still very proud.

"Hu Xing has no money." Reba also said this to He Jiong, and added: "Hu Xing never said in front of me: My money is for you to spend."

"Because Hu Xing thinks the words 'my money' are wrong; so he has no money."

"!!!!!!" Reba was so domineering, which made He Jiong, Wei Jia, Du Haitao, and Hu Fu all look at Reba in surprise, obviously they didn't expect Reba to be so powerful.

Xie Na even made a look of worship, obviously surprised by such a domineering Reba.

Simply, really.

Hu Xing also smiled and didn't speak, which was a tacit agreement.

"Aren't you going to refute? Is that really the case?" Yang Mi also asked Hu Xing why he didn't refute.

"It was like this, I never had money, and I would never say 'my money' in front of Reba."|

"I will only say 'my salary'; because it is a salary, so how much salary, how much money I earn, will be given to Reba in the end." Hu Xing is very cooperative with his wife.

"Then what do you want to do with the money?" Wei Jia was very surprised. It can't be that you don't need any money, right?

"Yeah, so what do you do when you buy clothes? What about shoes?" Hu Fu was also curious, how did Hu Xing do it?

"I don't need to buy clothes, because all my clothes belong to them."

"It is said that they bought clothes for me, but in fact they wear more of my clothes than I wear myself."

"They buy all the T-shirts they like, regardless of whether I like them or not."

"As for the jackets to wear when the weather is cold, there are jackets like down jackets for Runners and Extreme Challenges; please take care of the refrigerator and also have suits and single jackets that you can take back and wear, so you don't need to worry about this. "

"Clothes for grand ceremonies are also lent to me by brand sponsorship."

"In terms of clothes, I basically don't buy them. The only thing I buy is underwear, but my underwear is also selected by them for me. They like to see me wearing this and buy me this. I am There is no choice." After Hu Xing revealed his family status, He Jiong and the others shook their heads again.

"No, is this still a man?" Hu Fu couldn't help it.

"It's right to love your own woman; it's also right to spend your own money on her."

"But like you, you don't have what a man should look like? You have no status at all." Hu Fu felt that he couldn't do this.

Chapter 1092 Yes, Robbery, Robbery

"A man's status at home is not manifested in managing money."

"The status of a man is manifested in the room. This is the real man."

"Ah~~~~~" Hu Xing drove suddenly, which made all the girls at the scene scream.

"Haha~" Only the male audience recognized Hu Xing's idea very much.

"Isn't that? What's the use of you managing money? You can show the identity, status and toughness of a man in the room. That's the most confident thing, isn't it?"

"Money is something outside the body. If you don't have it, you can earn it again. Besides, when you want to use it, just ask your wife for it."

"But, in the room, if you can't achieve the self-confidence and status that a man should have, it will affect your self-confidence, make you feel inferior, and affect your work."

"It will affect your work. If you don't do a good job, your income will be low. Is it interesting for those who manage money?" Hu Xing spread his hands and told everyone about his life.

Reba also covered her mouth shyly and sniggered.

"Right, Reba takes care of the money, but in the room, she can't control me by herself, so she has to find sisters, right? After looking for sisters, two or two still can't manage, then two, three, Four."

"Men, don't you make money for women and your family?"

"Why do you use the money if you don't spend it on your own woman?" Hu Xing thought so himself.

"Of course, I'm bragging above, everyone just listen to it." Hu Xing's final ending also made everyone dumbfounded again.

"Okay, okay, this topic is over."

"Actually, everyone knows that last month was the World Cup in Brazil. It was said that Hu Xing would join the national football team to participate in the World Cup, but why didn't he go in the end?" He Jiong jumped into this topic.

"I can't agree, the national football team is very deep, and I can't agree with the Football Federation, so naturally I didn't go." Hu Xing didn't want to talk about this issue.

In fact, everyone could tell that Hu Xing really didn't want to talk about this topic.

"As I mentioned just now, Hu Fu, Hu Xing, and Reba all like to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds very much, and many audience members also want to see how you play."

"Today, our column team also prepared four sets of computer equipment."

"It is to let the three of you form a team and play the game under the comments of the audience." He Jiong arranged the game session.

"Come, come, eat chicken." When it comes to eating chicken, Hu Fu is the most excited.

"Of course, there are missions." Of course, there are missions in this game session.

"What mission?" Hu Fu asked what mission it was.

"Whoever dies first will do push-ups." He Jiong said.

"No problem." Hu Fu immediately agreed, there must be no problem.

The director has prepared a large projector, which is used to broadcast Hu Xing, Hu Fu, and Reba playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live.

The three computers are also ready, and one person sits on one.

"There are only three rows, match one?" Already logged into the game, the three of them quickly formed a team.

"Isn't there a computer next to it? Hey Tao, come here." Hu Fu didn't have so many demands.

"I'm very good at it." Du Haitao has played before, but his skills are very good.

"It's okay, there are Mrs. and Mrs. Smith from the chicken eating circle, don't worry, they can take us to lie down." As soon as he played this game, Hu Fu's eloquence really exploded.

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