"After hearing this, I was so angry that I gave Hu Xing a good beating."

"After I finished beating up, Hu Xing's father looked at Hu Xing and said in a nonchalant way: It's bad luck, it's not good to catch any fish, but I caught a crocodile." After finishing speaking, Reba looked at Hu Xing weakly. Hu Xing.

"Ahaha~" Even Hu Xing couldn't help turning around and laughing.

"Haha~" Who can stand up and laugh now?Anyway, on the stage, except for Reba and Hu Xing, everyone else bent over laughing, or squatted on the stage laughing wildly.

Chapter 1096 For the first time in history

"Haha~ Hu Xing's father is so fun." He Jiong and the others had to admire him.

"When Reba and I graduated in June this year, didn't we hold a graduation wedding?" Hu Xing mentioned this matter, and everyone knew it.

"Yes, we have watched the video. The wedding dress that Reba wears is really beautiful." When talking about this incident, the video of Reba wearing the wedding dress was edited into the program later.

"Actually, last year, I told Reba that we wanted to get married." Reba remembered what Hu Xing wanted to say.

"It was at my parents' house at the time, so I said to Reba: Daughter-in-law, shall we get married?"

"After hearing this, Reba asked me: Why did you suddenly think of getting married?"

"I just said: I went to a good friend's wedding. The scene was so beautiful and beautiful. I will also give you a perfect wedding."

"In the end, after I finished speaking, my dad interrupted and said: Do you want to get married now? If you go to a funeral, will you send Reba to the crematorium?!" Hu Xing was helpless after finishing speaking.

"Hahaha~" The laughter that had just stopped, resounded again.

Hu Xing and his father are so funny, it's true that they are father and son, they are so weird to the extreme.

"There is one more funny thing, Hu Xing's mother's birthday is this year."

"Hu Xing sent a red envelope to wish his mother a happy birthday in the WeChat group of our Hu family members; as a result, Hu Xing's father quickly snatched the red envelope."

"At that time, I said very anxiously: Dad, it's for my mother, spit out the red envelope quickly."

"Then, Hu Xing's father took the money from the red envelope and sent out another red envelope saying 'Happy birthday wife'."

"The result is that Hu Xing's father used Hu Xing's money to send a red envelope to Hu Xing's mother to say happy birthday, and also said to Hu Xing: Son, your mother's birthday, why don't you send a red envelope to express it?"

"Haha~" Reba's revelation made the audience laugh out loud.

Is this father and son funny?The family atmosphere is really nice.

This kind of revelation is so interesting, I feel like I can laugh all day and night just by hearing about Hu Xing's family.

"Of course, Hu Xing also fights back. Most of the time, Hu Xing's counterattack is even more funny." Reba talked about these things, but it really made the audience feel enjoyable.

After chatting for a long time, the news was almost over, and the audience laughed so hard that they had no energy left.

He Jiong changed the subject: "Hu Xing seems to be the owner of a chain bar, right?!"

"No, she is the boss." Hu Xing said that Reba was the boss.

"Haha~ What's his is mine, I'm the boss." Reba also cooperated very well.

"Since it is a bar, Hu Xing should also be able to make fancy bartending?"

"I heard that H, the boss of HS, is not only a talented electronic music DJ, but also a talented bartender?" He Jiong said, and asked the staff to help carry a table up.

The table is filled with all kinds of props that bartenders need to use.

"Do you want to mix wine?" Reba looked at the bartending equipment in front of her, obviously familiar with them.

"You also know how to make fancy bartending?" Seeing Reba like this, Yang Mi asked her if she could.

"As the proprietress of the 520 bar, it doesn't seem strange to know how to mix drinks, right?!" Reba looked very confident, which made He Jiong and the others invite Reba to show everyone.

Reba gave Hu Xing the microphone, and she picked up the bartending equipment in front of her.

After picking it up, Reba really used acrobatic techniques to mix the wine.

"Wow!!!" Hu Fu couldn't help being surprised, he didn't expect Reba to have such skills.

When Reba showed off her fancy bartending techniques, she enjoyed it very much. In fact, she was just playing.

For her, bartending is really like playing.

"Reba, can you still chat while you're doing the fancy bartending?" Xie Na asked Reba.

Hu Xing beside him laughed and said: "I can talk, but there is no microphone, and the audience friends can't hear it either."

"Oh yes, I'm sorry." Xie Na knew that he was stupid once.

"How long has Reba been learning bartending?" He Jiong asked Hu Xing, he must know.

"It started in 2009, shortly after my first bar opened, and she learned."

"After studying for more than two years, her fancy bartending is very good, and she is completely qualified for the position of bartender in any high-end bar in China." Hu Xing answered for his girlfriend.

"Okay." Reba poured a few cocktails that she had mixed for everyone to taste.

"If you can't drink, don't drink this." Reba pointed to the most beautiful wine in the middle.

"What kind of wine is this? Does it have a name?!" He Jiong looked at the glass of wine, it was as blue as a shooting star, and it was a very beautiful glass of wine.

"No name, but my signboard."

"After Hu Xing had a drink, he was drunk all night." Reba looked at her boyfriend with a smile, and told him the embarrassing things.

"I don't drink well, and I'm really drunk after drinking." Hu Xing admitted that there was such a thing.

"I'll give it a try." He Jiong was still confident in his drinking capacity.

After picking it up and taking a sip, he widened his eyes: "Well, the taste is really strange, a little bit sweet."

"But as soon as I drank it, my stomach felt like it was on fire. No wonder Hu Xing couldn't bear it." After He Jiong finished drinking, he felt his stomach was on fire.

After a while, after everyone finished drinking the wine that Reba made, Mr. He's face turned very red. Obviously, the stamina of this glass of wine rushed up all of a sudden.

"Wow! It can't be done." Teacher He couldn't stand the stamina, it was really too fierce.

"Haha~" Everyone noticed that Mr. He was blushing terribly now.

Reba also covered her mouth and snickered, of course she knew what was used to mix this glass of wine.

After most people drink this glass of wine, they will not be able to stand the stamina.

"Really?" Hu Yu wanted to try it, is it really strong?

"May I make you a cup?" Reba felt that she could still be of service, so it was up to Hu Fu whether he dared to drink it or not.

"Okay, let me try it?" Hu Fu really wanted to challenge it.

Reba didn't talk too much, just give Hu Fu a cup.

But she also thought of it, let a lucky audience try it, and mixed two glasses together.

"Give one cup to senior brother, and another cup. Let's randomly draw a lucky audience."

"However, the male audience must come with friends, otherwise you may get drunk and no one will take you home later." Reba came to the side of the stage and just said that this glass of wine would be given to the audience After drinking, many people stood up and rushed to drink.

In the end, Reba chose a boy with a better figure, who should be able to drink well.

"Ugh!" After Hu Fu finished drinking, the stamina suddenly came up.

Teacher He's side is already dizzy, and Hu Fu's side is similar.

As a result, after He Jiong sat down, Xie Na and the others said: "This is the first time in the history of Happy Camp that the recording ended because the host was drunk, haha~"

Chapter 1097 The Confused Hu Xing

Today's fast book recording took six hours to complete.

In this program, Hu Xing was also dug out a lot of fierce information.

As for after the show, it was reported by the audience that Hu Xing went to Kuaiben and used dance to abuse Korea's No. [-] hip-hop troupe.

This matter has aroused quite a bit of public opinion.

After recording the quick book, Hu Xing also got to go to Beijing, and Yang Mi arranged a party here.

Since it was a studio gathering, of course Hu Xing would go if he could.

It's just that, early in the morning, Reba had already gone to make arrangements with Yang Mi.

Hu Xing didn't go until he woke up.

At noon, he felt bored, so he went to the street to buy something to eat.

Hu Xing was sitting in a shop, eating bread, looking at his phone, replying to WeChat and so on.

But at this time, a girl walked over angrily, but Hu Xing didn't notice.

The girl might also be a little frizzy, she didn't notice Hu Xing on the side, and accidentally stepped on his white casual leather shoes.

Hu Xing, who was stepped on, subconsciously turned his eyes away from the phone and looked up at the girl who stepped on him.

Girls may be in a bad mood and have a bad expression.

The girl also realized that she stepped on someone, put her hands on her chest, and apologized condescendingly to Hu Xing: "I'm sorry!"

This tone doesn't sound like an apology, does it?And it seems that it is Hu Xing's fault to be so aggressive.

The point is, Hu Xing didn't wear sunglasses yet, so he just ate bread silently.

In this store, some people also recognized Hu Xing, but they didn't bother him.

"I said I'm sorry, what else do you want?!" The girl's apology was an apology, but seeing Hu Xing looking at her like this, she thought Hu Xing didn't intend to accept her apology. Get a little rushed.

"Didn't I just step on your shoes, why are you men like this." The girl's tone was a little choked, and Hu Xing could hear it.

But when he looked at the girl and was about to say something, the girl interrupted him first.

"Just step on it and step on it." The girl was a little self-willed, and very cutely raised her foot to step on Hu Xing's shoes a few more times.

"..." Hu Xing held the bread in one hand and the phone in the other, with a dull expression, what's wrong with me?

Hu Xing felt that he was very wronged, so he looked up at the girl, and when he wanted to say something, the girl interrupted him again: "Everyone apologized, what else do you want?!"

"I apologize and you still look at me." The girl couldn't help but cry.

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