"First kiss?" Hu Xing asked Chen Wei without taking his hand away.

"Of course, I'm only 19 years old, and I've never been in a relationship before. What else can it be if it's not my first kiss." Chen Xi puffed up her bun face angrily, as if you doubted me and I was very unhappy.

"Then do you know? Among all my girlfriends, as long as it was the first kiss, I got it by kissing on my own initiative. Only you kissed in reverse under the condition of the first kiss." Hu Xing said while pointing his finger It took a little effort.

"Ha~" Chen Xi blushed so much that she was about to bleed, but she still said stubbornly and proudly, "This is how you can remember me."

"It's always the same as before. You took the initiative to get your girlfriend's first kiss. If you use the same routine, you won't be interested. If you take the initiative to kiss you like me, it will be fresh if you get my first kiss, right?" It is impossible for Hu Xing not to know that Chen Wei is so active...

"Hmm!" Hu Xing lowered his head and held Chen Xi's small mouth again.

While holding Chen Kui's small mouth, his fingers slowly increased his strength, which made Chen Kui even a little unsteady.

But she enjoyed it very much, and even stretched her jade arms around Hu Xing's neck, sweetly responding to Hu Xing's aggression.

After a few seconds, Hu Xing took his fingers back and put his arms around Chen Kui's small willow waist.

Knowing that she likes it, then Hu Xing will satisfy her heart.

Just at this time, a system prompt sounded in my mind: binding of the heroine, Chen Yu, loyalty: like-minded.

The first time we met, I got level five, which is indeed a bit fast.

However, the relationship heats up quickly, and Hu Xing is not afraid that the novelty will disappear after a while...

His girlfriend's love for him is all detected by the system so that he can stabilize it.

"Am I considered your girlfriend?!" Chen Yu held Hu Xing's neck, stepped on Hu Xing's instep with both feet, and looked at Hu Xing seriously with her loli face.

"It doesn't count." Hu Xing pretended to be very cold, but Chen Wei despised him: "High cold is not suitable for you."

Hu Xing glanced at the girl sideways, and said, "If it wasn't your first kiss just now, I wouldn't ask you."

"If I wasn't my first love, first kiss, or girl c, I wouldn't dare to chase you back." Chen Xi was quite self-aware, knowing that Hu Xing's identity valued these things the most.

Hu Xing found out that he was actually overwhelmed by this girl.

It was also in 94, and he was also caught by Zheng Xiulin at the beginning.

Chen Kui is also from 94, and like Zheng Xiujue, he is the cold and cold Scorpio who always goes for the first place.

Hu Xing was really helpless. Among the girls he knew in 94, these two were the most active girls who took the initiative to eat him, and they were also the girls he couldn't refuse the most when they met for the first time.

The only two girls Hu Xing knew in 94 were really friends were Zheng Xiulu and Chen Wei.

Coincidentally, among the two girl friends he knew, there was a girl who could eat him. At first, he just wanted to be good friends, but unexpectedly, if he was not careful, he couldn't help but become boyfriend and girlfriend up.

Chapter 1101 Studio Dinner

"Are you waiting for anything?" Hu Xing asked her if she had anything to do.

"No." Chen Kui held Hu Xing's hand, as if he was still afraid that she would run away.

"Exactly, there is a dinner party in my studio, you can go with me."

"I will meet Reba and want to be my girlfriend? Let's talk about it after passing Reba's test."

"My main palace is her, and you will be taken care of by her in the future." Hu Xing rubbed Chen Kui.

Come to think of it, he didn't seem to have found a new girlfriend for a while.

Nazha and Reba have known each other for more than ten years, although they only dated each other last year.

Yun'er, Xu Xian, and Zheng Xiulu also met four or five years ago, and it was only last year that they gradually thought of dating.

Song Jia, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, Zhang Yuying, and Song Zhuer are all girls whom they met last year.

Although the above-mentioned exchanges and relationships were confirmed only last year; but not this year.

The appearance of Chen Kui happened to be a girl I just met this year.

"Just my loli face, hehe~ Sister Reba will definitely not hate me." Chen Xi was very confident in herself.

Regarding Chen Kui's self-confidence, Hu Xing did not refute it, let's see her own performance.

It was indeed getting late, Hu Xing and Chen Xi came down.

But worried about being photographed, Hu Xing and Chen Kui went out through a side door so that they would not be recognized.

He went up to be a hero just now, and he will definitely be photographed.

Even if you don't need to read Weibo, you know that someone must have taken a video or something.

If he went out with Chen Kui now, it might be rumored that Chen Kui committed suicide by jumping off a building because of him. If that was the case, Hu Xing himself had nothing to do with it, but Chen Kui was different.

She is only a college student at school, if she really accepts this kind of rumor, it will be bad for her.

Taking this into consideration, Hu Xing and Chen Kui left through the side door, and there were no paparazzi here.

After leaving, Hu Xing took a taxi and Chen Kui left quickly, not staying here for long.

Taking a taxi to a farmhouse on the outskirts of Beijing, Yang Mi led the artists in the studio to prepare.

On the way here, Reba sent Hu Xing a WeChat message, asking when he would come.

Now that he came, Gao Weigong winked: "I'll go, why did you bring a little loli here?"

"Is it the one your hero saved the beauty just now?" Sure enough, when Zhang Yunlong asked this question, Hu Xing knew that it must have spread all over the Internet.

"Yeah." Hu Xing admitted and kicked Zhang Yunlong's ass at the same time.

"Reba, come, come on, you Zhenggong have to teach Hu Xing a lesson, he cheated again." Zhang Yunlong laughed and teased Hu Xing.

Reba moved the things over, and also noticed the little loli who was holding Hu Xing's arm.

"Hello, sister." Chen Wei greeted Reba a little embarrassedly.

"Jumped for him?" Reba nodded, and at the same time asked Chen Kui whether she jumped for Hu Xing.

"No." This incident made her very depressed, and she also said, "I didn't want to jump off the building, but because I failed my professional courses and was in a bad mood, I went to the roof of the building to blow some air to calm myself down."

"I didn't expect that everyone would mistakenly think that I was going to jump off the building." Chen Xi was afraid even thinking about it.

"But aren't you going to fall? Isn't this jumping off a building?" Reba felt weird.

"I fell, that's because the security guard appeared next to me and scared me, so I fell accidentally."

"Fortunately, the security guard was good enough to catch me. He persisted until Hu Xing ran up to save me as a hero. Otherwise, I might not be able to stay here." Chen Wei explained what happened.

"How did you explain the video on Weibo that made Hu Xing confused?" Reba has seen these two videos. Boyfriend is confused.

Then I saw a video of Hu Xing going up to save people.

Although in the rescue video, who is the girl's face is not photographed.

But now that Chen Kui appears here, Reba wonders if she is going to commit suicide by jumping off a building for Hu Xing

"That was when I was in that bakery. I used my mobile phone to check my grades of professional courses last month. I found that I was in a bad mood after failing a subject. I accidentally stepped on him, but he looked at me with a fierce look on his face. Just..." Chen Yu explained, causing Hu Xing, who was next to him, to point to his nose and look at Chen Yu dumbfounded.

He looked at you fiercely?when?

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's reaction just showed that he was just as wronged as in the video. Gao Weiguang and Zhang Yunlong laughed and looked at their good buddies.

Hu Xing was depressed, so he turned around and asked Yang Mi: "I said that you people from Nortel are all like this? Are the bewildered eyes the same as the fierce ones?"

"Don't talk about me, it's none of my business, okay?" Yang Mi immediately made it clear that it had nothing to do with her.

"You belong to Nortel too?!" Reba heard the key point.

"That's right, I'm in level 13, and Naza is my senior." Chen Kui also said Naza.

"What's your relationship with Nazha?" Reba asked Chen Wei strangely.

"Hey~ There is a purpose." Chen Yu said straightforwardly. He and Na Zha have a good relationship, so of course there is a purpose. This purpose is Hu Xing, who is going to go fishing next to him.

"Let me tell you." Now Reba understood everything. Although the brief communication made her not understand Chen Kui well enough, it can be seen from these few exchanges that Chen Kui must be very fascinated by Hu Xing.

Women are chatting, men, of course they have to find something to do.

"Old Hu, would you like to get us a beggar's head meat?" Zhang Yunlong asked Hu Xing to come over.

"Reba can't eat pork, don't you think it's too much to eat?!" Hu Xing was looking for something to do, and he planned to go fishing

He has been here, he has been here last time, and they have a good impression of this place

Although it is hot weather in July, there are a lot of numbers here, and it is still very cool.

"It's okay, Reba won't eat, we can eat, hurry up." Gao Wei strangled Hu Xing's neck, telling him to hurry up and help, catch some fish.

Seeing that they bought so many things, Hu Xing was surprised: "There are so many, can I eat them all?"

"It should be possible." Li Xizhen was also here, anyway, all the artists from the studio were there.

"We are in charge of skewering, and you are in charge of roasting." Huang Mengying's thoughts are also very simple. Boys have to bake them for their girls. This is a party.

But Yang Mi asked: "By the way, Chen Yu, have you signed a contract with a brokerage company yet?!"

"It's signed, Tang Ren." Chen Yu signed Tang Ren, otherwise she wouldn't be cooperating with Hu Fu in "Tornado Eleven". It is precisely because Tang Ren signed the contract that she has such an opportunity.

Chapter 1102 A Simple Gathering

"Based on this, you are Shishi and Nazha's junior sister." Reba felt more at ease about the company after learning that Chen Wei signed the contract with Tang Ren.

As far as the relationship between Hu Xing and Hu Fu is concerned, among Tang people, if there are resources, they will more or less evenly give them to Chen Yu.

The Tang people are also promoting newcomers, and they have always had a good eye.

It is indeed a good thing that Chen Qi can sign with Tang Ren.

"I originally thought that if you haven't signed yet, I would still like to sign you to my studio." Yang Mi wanted to sign Hu Xing's girlfriend again, not once or twice.

She asked Zhang Yuying and Song Zhuer before

The result is that Yu Zheng signed her before, and now he has no idea of ​​changing companies.

It's just that her boyfriend Hu Xing has already set up his own company, and Zhang Yuying will definitely want to sign in to his boyfriend's company by then.

Hu Xing's company is still a new film and television company, so it is natural that they need to sign some newcomers.

But because it is a new company, not many people are optimistic about it. Even if they are willing to sign, they only sign the contract because they want to be with Hu Xing and Hu Fu.

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