There's no way around this, if she's not pregnant, Zhao Liying would have done this kind of teasing scene by herself.

Even before, Zhao Liying, who didn't show her feelings, went to battle in person.

Now that she is pregnant, tying Wia will strangle her stomach, which is definitely not acceptable.

I would rather be said to be unprofessional, and I would not use the safety of my child to be brave.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, Zhao Liying's roles in "A Thousand Bone of Flowers" can be said to have been completed, leaving Hu Xing and other actors' roles, and only then did filming begin.

However, most of Hu Xing's scenes were filmed with Zhao Liying.

So Zhao Liying's role is over, and Hu Xing's part will soon be over.

As for the scenes of other characters, the filming will start slowly after their scenes are finished.

The filming of "A Thousand Bone of Flowers" has finished, and Hu Xing will start filming "Looking for the Dragon" next month.

"Oh, I really, how did you take so many jobs last year?!" Hu Xing really regretted that he took so many jobs last year.

"Did you know?" Zhao Liying said that Hu Xing had received too many calls, and there was still a movie to be made.

"Originally there was a movie directed by Zhou Xingchi in December, but I declined it." Hu Xing said that he turned down the movie.

Hu Xing was originally looking for, but after he refused, Deng Chao was found for this movie.

That's right, this is China's first movie with a box office of more than 30 billion: The Mermaid.

Hu Xing felt that he had missed it, but he didn't regret it. If he missed it, he missed it. There are better things to come.

Chapter 1104 Always Being Compared

PS: The content is not missing, 1100 is just that I just skipped the sequence, the content is not missing, and I will change the chapter name back later

"What are you looking at?!" Hu Xing finished filming "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" and was resting at home today, just in time to see Reba reading the script.

"Read the script." Reba said that she was reading the script.

"Look at the script? Didn't you not accept the drama?" Hu Xing was surprised. What script did this woman accept?

"Ah, the dragon-seeking formula." Seeing this, Hu Xing understood.

When signing the contract last year, the producer was Qian Hu Xing who played the lead actor Hu Bayi, and Reba also signed Shirley Yang.

Su Qi played this role in the previous life, but it's different now.

Because Reba is so popular and her acting skills are also good, this is why Wang Zhonglei decided to let Hu Xing and Reba act as partners, which will have good results.

Now many film and television production companies are like this, and what they value is the box office.

If you choose an actor, he is popular and has a certain guarantee of acting skills, so he will definitely be the first choice.

Su Qi's acting skills are very good, he can be regarded as an old actor.

But in terms of popularity, she is indeed inferior to the current Di Lieba.

Reba's acting skills are not as good as Su Qi's, and her status is also not as good as Su Qi's. After all, Su Qi has debuted for more than ten years.

However, the couple Hu Xing and Reba are very popular, which made the production company take a fancy to this and chose Hu Xing and Reba as the leading roles.

In "Predecessor Raiders", Reba also proved her acting skills. Although she is young, as a newcomer, her acting skills are indeed recognized.

Another one is that the recent "Gu Jian Qi Tan" Reba's popularity has soared again.

The movie was about to start shooting, so Reba naturally had to read the script and study her role in advance.

This play can be described as a lot of strength.

As the Golden Horse Best Actor Huang Bo, his acting skills are beyond words.

There is also the addition of Liu Xiaoqin, the golden rooster actress is a real veteran.

There is also Xia Yu, who is also an actor.

There are so many movie kings and queens who play green leaves as supporting roles. If Hu Xing and Reba are not serious in this movie, they will be hacked when the movie is broadcast later.

"I have another urban romantic comedy in December." Reba took the script and told Hu Xing.

"Is there a kiss scene?" Hu Xing is most concerned about this, whether there is a kiss scene.

"There are characters in the play." Reba told Hu Xing clearly that there was a kissing scene.

"And then? How do you explain it to me?" Hu Xing also put down the script and asked Reba how to explain it?

Reba blinked at him, and said with a smile, "How about a real kiss?"

"Do you want to die?!" Hu Xing smiled and asked Reba if she wanted to die.

"Puchi!" Knowing that he would definitely not agree, Reba just wanted to provoke him on purpose.

"Do you want to die, or do you want to break up?" Hu Xing once again gave Reba a choice, just do whatever you want.

"I don't even want to." Reba straddled Hu Xing's body and said, "If you say no to acting, then I won't act. Listen to you, domineering man."

"That's right." Hu Xing supported her hips, and Reba was hanging on Hu Xing's body face to face. Only when she was hugged like this, could she feel comfortable.

Without being so clingy, she wouldn't even feel that she was in a relationship.

Reba held the script and placed it behind Hu Xing, resting her chin on Hu Xing's shoulder, reading the script.

Hu Xing also took the script to read, and the two read the script in this way, occasionally matching the lines.

If there is anything they don't understand, they can still communicate and prepare wholeheartedly for the movie that will start next month.

"It is said that we will cooperate with baby this time?" After watching for a long time, Reba finally remembered this matter. They seemed to want to cooperate with baby.

"Well, play my first love." To be honest, Hu Xing refused in his heart.

But there is no way, this drama has already been signed, and it is also a rare good script.

Wang Zhonglei also signed a contract with Baby to play the second male lead in this play, so Hu Xing could only bite the bullet and come forward.

Fortunately, there are not many scenes with the baby, which can be regarded as a little comfort for Hu Xing.

"What do you think of baby?" Reba also saw a lot of news about her recently.

"It's pretty good, but it's not my style." Hu Xing's evaluation was pertinent, not blowing or criticizing.

"I haven't worked with it, I'm not a friend, and I don't know it myself."

Reba herself doesn't understand, she doesn't know why, she always feels that she and baby are always being compared.

I don't know why, the media often compares them.

Instead of comparing baby with Nazha, Zheng Wei and others, I just compare her with Di Lieba. I really don't understand why this is the case.

Is it because there are rumors that if Di Lieba is really pregnant, the baby will replace her in the end.

This news is nonsense, even the Running Man column team has said it, but there is no such consideration for the time being.

But the media is constantly making this kind of news, saying that once Reba leaves, the baby will take her place.

This kind of rumor was all fabricated by the media, but all the viewers of Running Man thought it was impossible.

After all, it has been rumored several times that when Hu Xing knew that the co-actress was baby, he gave up the script. This shows that Hu Xing doesn't like working with babies very much.

Although there is no holiday, what Hu Xing showed is that he doesn't like to cooperate with the baby.

Although facing the media's answer, Hu Xing said that his schedule is not suitable, but the audience still felt that there was a problem.

In addition, it is now rumored that if Reba is really pregnant, she can only leave Running Man temporarily.

There are only two consequences for leaving Running Man. First, Running Man temporarily stops recording for a year, waiting for Reba to come back; but this is unlikely, because Running Man's current ratings are so good, and Blueberry Channel is definitely not willing.

If you don't record and broadcast running men for a year, how much will Blueberry Channel lose?You can imagine this.

Second, find someone to replace, or replace Reba; if this is the case, many insiders say that they are looking for the baby, Huang Xiaoming even made it public, if that is the case, he will fight for the baby, because she is the real I like Running Man very much.

But can't it really be done?This is really hard to say.

Huang Xiaoming's face is not as big as Hu Xing's, not to mention that Hu Xing has so many girlfriends, no matter how hard it is, it is impossible for Huang Xiaoming to arrange for his girlfriend to come in to run men.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Reba is often compared with baby.

In terms of overall comparison, appearance, figure, temperament, strength, acting skills, and popularity, Reba completely abused the baby overwhelmingly.

"Hey, tell me, why am I always being compared with her?" Reba still couldn't bear it, and asked this, which also made Hu Xing look a little weird.

Chapter 1105 Bah!break the problem

Hu Xing certainly knows why Reba is always compared with baby.

In the previous life, after Reba replaced Baby's running man for most of the season, the fans of the running man were successfully attracted by Reba, and baby saw Reba's word-of-mouth and praise in the running man, and finally became more It's an early return, but I'm afraid of being taken away.

But even so, it still can't stop it. In the hearts of the running man audience, the fact that Hot Barbie is good.

Coupled with the negative news about cutout acting skills, staring acting skills, etc., this made the baby's popularity even worse.

It was like this in the previous life, but in this life, because he joined the running man, it also caused a butterfly effect, and even this kind of comparative relationship was brought over.

But Hu Xing and Reba have no friendship with the baby, and almost no cooperation.

So far, apart from the first season of Running Man, where baby appeared as a guest, Reba and Hu Xing have not cooperated with baby for the second time.

This second cooperation appeared in this "Looking for the Dragon".

"Who knows, maybe it's because you, a potential actress born in the 90s, have better acting skills than her?" Hu Xing just made an excuse.

"I always think it's not." Reba thinks it should be more than that.

"Okay, I don't want to do that anymore." Hu Xing put down the script, and was just about to wash some fruit to eat, when WeChat came over.

"Running men gather, this time the destination is Shanghai." Seeing this WeChat message, Hu Xing and Reba looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sure enough, it was time to record the running man again.

"I don't know who the running man will be this time." Basically, the running man will be recorded every week.

In the evening, Deng Chao, Li Chen, Wang Zulan, Chen He, and Zheng Kai also all went to Shanghai.

Zheng Kai went out to film, and came back to Shanghai to record Running Man tomorrow, so they all came back one after another.

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