Chen He fell, Wang Zulan saw it, and of course he was caught.

Caught one, but the round wasn't over yet.

When Hu Xing came up with Reba on his back and slapped Wang Zulan on the back, Hu Xing turned and ran away.

But Deng Chao still ran with Chen He on his back.

He was going to run away, but Deng Chao didn't run away.

"Run!!!!" Chen He kept tossing on Deng Chao's back, telling him to run quickly.

"Stop running! I won the race, and I have to carry you behind my back in the next round." Deng Chao voluntarily gave up, which made the laughter on the recording site resound even more.

After two rounds of games, Hu Xing and Reba were also eliminated.

Watching them play the game while others rest.

By the third round, Li Chen and Zheng Kai were a little tired.

Although I didn't think there was anything wrong with memorizing it at the beginning, but after a long time, I will still be very tired due to the weight of the girl.

"Sister Qian, you must weigh over 100, right?!" Sitting on a chair next to her, Hu Xing asked Song Qian calmly, asking her to reveal her weight.

"No, it's just 98." Song Qian quickly shook her head and said that she didn't exceed 100.

"Haha~" When Song Qian said that she was only 98 catties, Zheng Xiulu was already laughing beside her.

"Ah! Don't talk." Song Qian was still quite afraid of Zheng Xiulin.

Because of these secrets, Zheng Xiuzhen knew the most, and Song Qian was also very helpless.

"Hu Xing, come here and help me wipe my sweat." Zheng Kai was carrying Zheng Xiulu on his back, and couldn't wipe his sweat, so he wanted Hu Xing to come and help me.

Hu Xing took it and went straight to help Zheng Kai wipe off his sweat.

While wiping Zheng Kai's sweat, Zheng Xiulan still looked at Hu Xing, biting her cherry lips with a look of reproach.

Seeing his little girlfriend like this, Hu Xing just smiled.

But just as he was about to leave, he found that Li Chen had been watching.

Noticing this, Hu Xing's hands clenched into claws, and under Li Chen's gaze, he slammed under him quickly.

"Handback~Pull!!!" When Hu Xing did this action, he did it very exaggeratedly, so that everyone could see clearly.

Originally, Li Chen was paying attention to Hu Xing's every move. When he saw Hu Xing reach out so quickly to dig under him, Li Chen almost instinctively let go and threw away Song Qian on his back, and then stretched his hands to his lower body to protect himself. At the same time, he bent down quickly and shook Song Qian off his body.

In fact, this is also a man's instinct.

When someone suddenly reaches out and quickly pulls out his lower body, he will always be frightened, and subconsciously push his butt back, so that he can avoid the other party's hand

Li Chen was like this, almost an instinctive reaction.

And Hu Xing didn't really want to pay, he just frightened Li Chen.

"Hahahaha~" Hu Xing's sudden behavior made all the people who followed him open their mouths, laughing and looking at the sudden Hu Xing.

"Haha~" Chen He, Deng Chao, Wang Zulan, and Di Lieba, who were resting next to each other, all laughed until they slapped the table, even the directors of the column group laughed.

After Li Chen was taken aback, he raised his foot angrily and slapped Hu Xing's ass.

You can't be strong, but you still have to pretend to smoke Hu Xing.

After Hu Xing was drawn, he looked at Li Chen with aggrieved and dull eyes, as if he was a foolish son of a landlord who was bullied and dared not resist.

This classic expression made the audience, who had been laughing miserably, now even burst into tears.

Hu Xing was a stupid son of a landlord who seemed to have made a mistake, he stood and let Li Chen kick him.

"Skin! I knew you could be skinny, so I kept watching you." Li Chen kicked Hu Xing's ass as soon as he said that.

"Haha~" Song Qian, who was shaken off, also sat on the ground, covering her face and laughing non-stop.

Zheng Yu, who was next to him, also put down Zheng Xiulu, and then he leaned against the wall and laughed like a psycho.

Zheng Xiulu also squatted down, buried her face in her legs and knees, and laughed non-stop.

What my boyfriend did just now really broke new heights.

Hu Xing returned to his seat, sat down, took a sip of the drink.

"I'm almost skinny, now I want to fart, you don't mind?!" After Hu Xing sat down, he asked Chen He who was also sitting beside him.

"..." Chen He looked at Hu Xing with disgust.

"Haha~" Hu Xing, who had just finished skinning, now skinned Chen He again, which made the others laugh even harder.

"How is it? Is there a problem?" Seeing Chen He looking at him with disgust, Hu Xing even changed his language into Cantonese, because Cantonese is more humorous.

"Hey, I'm talking about you..." Before Chen He finished speaking, he saw Hu Xing, who was sitting next to him, turned his body slightly, and let half of his buttocks rise up, with a puff.

Chapter 1114 Amazing, Designer Hu

"Hey, I'm talking about you..." Before Chen He finished speaking, he saw Hu Xing, who was sitting next to him, turned his body slightly, and let half of his buttocks rise up, with a puff.

"..." Chen He just looked at Hu Xing dumbfounded.

"Since you are going to let go, why do you still ask if you mind?" Chen He asked Hu Xing expressionlessly.

"Oh, I'm just asking politely." After Hu Xing finished playing, he still plausibly told Chen He in a very polite tone.

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's excuse was perfect, and Deng Chao and the others all stepped aside laughing and bending over.

The leather, the leather is excellent.

"A dignified chief designer of Yilong Group, you can do such a thing that farts and loses your image on the show?" Chen He laughed angrily, and at the same time complained about Hu Xing.

"Not only the dignified chief designer of Yilong, but also the designer of national leaders and diplomatic vehicles, how could he do such a disgraceful thing?" Chen He deliberately gave Hu Xing too high.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the chief designer? The chief designer is not a human anymore? So he can't fart?" Hu Xing was puzzled, what kind of logic is this?

"When the leaders of various countries hold meetings, no one can't help but secretly release them?"

"Haha~" Hu Xing really dared to say it, but it was exactly like this that made the audience laugh so hard that their stomachs hurt.

As he said, they are all human, so why can't they fart?

"Besides, compared to those who let go secretly, I asked politely, which is enough to show that I am a very self-restraining person, at least I will ask politely." Hu Xing was as thick-skinned as a city wall.

Convinced, now everyone is completely convinced of Hu Xing.

In the next 123 wooden man games, the winners were Zheng Kai and Zheng Xiulu, the brothers and sisters of the Zheng family.

"The couple who won the first place can see the final ending scene first." The director told Zheng Kai & Zheng Xiulu who won the first place in this link at this time.

"Oh?!" Zheng Kai was very pleasantly surprised when he learned that he could see the ending scene.

"We've put it in the car. When we move to the next destination, you two can watch it secretly." The director told them that this should be watched secretly, not publicly.

"Hey, isn't this too exaggerated?!" This made everyone very depressed.

"Why do you want to watch secretly, can't you just look at it openly?" Song Qian also wanted to see what this was.

Faced with everyone's objections, the director chose to ignore them, but continued: "The first couple can move to the next mission location together by car."

"Others have to separate men and women to leave by car." The director has already explained this clearly.

Now that it's all done here, let's go and transfer to a destination.

After changing their clothes, everyone walked out of the coffee shop.

Outside, many fans had gathered around. When the running man came out, the waiting crowd screamed for Hu Xing and Reba.

Of course, other people's names will also be called, but compared to Hu Xing and Reba, it is much less.

Hu Xing, who has 1 million fans on Weibo, and Reba now has more than 7000 million fans.

The combined number of fans of these two people is almost [-] million.

This is enough to show how popular they are.

The number of fans on Weibo, the first is Hu Xing, the second is Chen Kun, who also has 7000 million fans, and the third is Di Lieba, who also has 7000 million fans, but a few thousand less than Chen Kun.

Hu Xing's Weibo popularity is unmatched by anyone.

"Wow, what's the name of this luxury car?!" Zheng Xiulu walked out, and when he saw the luxury car in front of him, he was very happy.

"My God, is this serious, old man?" Zheng Kai still couldn't believe it, and asked the director if it was serious: "This is Yilong Krystal, worth 1688 million, is it really for us to drive there? "

"What?!" After Deng Chao and the others also came out, they were also very envious when they saw a crystal-colored Yilong Krystal parked in front of them.

This crystal-colored car looks white to you, but it's not actually white, because there is a faint light blue in the white. The color of this car is really very mysterious.

"Reba, how much is this car?" Chen He also asked Reba.

"Isn't the price given on the official website 1688 million? Ask again." Wang Zulan remembers it clearly.

"No, this one costs more than 2000 million." Reba glanced at it and told everyone the price of the car.

"Isn't it 1688 million?" Wang Zulan was very surprised. Hasn't the price of Yilong Krystal been fixed?Why is it more than [-] million now?

"The flagship version of Yilong Krystal, the bare car is indeed 1688 million."

"But this one is not the flagship version. This car is a limited edition crystal version of Yilong Krystal. The price is 2490 million. It is a luxury version of the Yilong Krystal car. Just look at the color."

"If you want to customize the crystal color of the body of an Yilong Krystal flagship, it will cost about 200 million to order, and this color of the body can only be done by the Yilong Group, and other famous sports car brands in the world They can’t do this kind of effect.” Di Lieba knows this car very well.

0 ... 0

Zheng Xiulu likes this car very much, because it is named after her.

It is a very proud thing to be able to name a car after yourself.

"Designer Hu is amazing." Li Chen is also a car lover. When he saw this car, he couldn't help but admire Hu Xing.

"Krystal, the beauty of the fragrant car." After Zheng Kai opened the car door, he looked at the luxurious interior of the car, and was afraid that it would be dirty.

Hu Xing was very calm, and there was nothing to get excited about.

He has seen too many luxury cars like this, and to be honest, he is already immune to them, so there is nothing to excite him about.

"Why don't you drive it? I'm a little panicked, because I'm afraid that it will get scratched accidentally, and I won't be able to pay for it." Zheng Kai was really panicked and didn't dare to drive it.

"I want to drive, but I can't drive in China." Zheng Xiulu said that he can't drive.

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